The Wandering Planet

Chapter 493: Body checkup

After collecting clues on the alien grave side, Qiao Lu and 2B followed Luo Yun to return to the Central Academy of Sciences in order to conduct a more detailed analysis of the collected alien technology creations.

Qiao Li is also a frequent visitor of the Central Academy of Sciences. After almost every aspect, he will come to see what's new.

After all, science and technology are the primary productive forces, and knowing a little more will never hurt.

Regarding how to use the obtained civilization points, Qiao Li also needs to consult the academics of the Central Academy of Sciences, and he just came back.

After returning to the Central Academy of Sciences, Luo Yun immediately asked Qiao Li:

"By the way, 2B borrowed it for me. I want to give her a comprehensive medical examination. She doesn't look too robotic."

Obviously Luo Yun couldn't hold back her curiosity and wanted to check 2B's body structure carefully, otherwise she couldn't believe she was an artificial intelligence robot.

Qiao Lu nodded and said, "Okay, but be careful not to hurt her."

"Of course, I will pay attention to size."

With Qiao Li's consent, Luo Yun took 2B back to his laboratory. 2B acted a little stiff, but still followed Luo Yun cooperatively.

Because it was a comprehensive medical examination, Qiao Li could not follow him.

It is just that he can go to other places to see what scientific research achievements are worthy of attention recently.

Speaking of physical examinations, in fact he also needs to do it.

In the battle with Adam and Eve, Qiao Li unauthorizedly merged the symbiosis armor with himself and transformed it into a new fusion armor for defense. This is not a usage that was considered in the design of the symbiosis armor.

Although no side effects have been found so far, it is better to check it for insurance purposes.

After several tens of minutes, Qiao Li completed a comprehensive physical examination, mainly to check whether there was any abnormality in the part fused with the symbiotic armor, and to ensure that this trick was not to kill the enemy with a seven-injury fist that hurts 800. Already.

Tony, who was responsible for the design of the symbiosis armor, came to find Joe Law in person, and complained to him as soon as he came up:

"You are really not afraid of death. The fusion symbiosis armor that combines the gold atom and human cells has not yet passed human experiments, so you will be the first to use it."

"does it have any side effects?"

Qiao Li put on his coat again and asked, at this point he really didn't think too much.

Tony picked up the medical report and said: "At present, it seems that there are no other side effects except that some vibrating gold atoms are left in the blood. Of course, it may just be that your physical quality is special, so you can afford it, I can There can be no guarantee that it will work for others. "

"Really, it seems I'm really lucky."

After confirming that the fusion symbiosis armor does not cause any burden on the body, Qiao Li can use it with confidence.

Fusion Symbiosis armor can be said to be an invisible armor, which can protect Qiao Li's body at all times, even if it is assassination, it is difficult to cause damage to him. For Qiao Li, nature has extremely high practical value.

This is why he doesn't need a personal bodyguard, but who would refuse 2B to be his personal bodyguard?

"Tell me at least the next time, don't mess around by yourself." Tony blame.

Qiao Lu asked back politely: "You're so embarrassed to say me, will you follow the instructions yourself?"

"Unless I wrote the instructions."

Tony shrugged helplessly and admitted that he is also such a person who does not play cards according to common sense.

"Well, we won't talk about this anymore." If you really want to tear down each other, Tony from the end of the battle timeline has a lot of black history.

So he changed his topic wit and said, "Did you not bring a group of artificial intelligence robots back recently?"

"You mean the army of Ye Ye?" Qiao Lu asked down the steps.

"Their magnetic levitation force field technology is really a masterpiece. If it can be applied to my nano-armor, it will definitely improve the performance. You know that even with the vibration gold provided by Wakanda, we do n’t have enough vibration gold symbiosis armor to arm. All soldiers, compared to developing new nano-armor, are more cost-effective. "

Tony's request was beyond Qiao's expectations, but he couldn't help but tease: "I thought you would be more interested in artificial intelligence."

"I won't touch any artificial intelligence in my life," Tony said with a stern expression on his face.

Unlike the timeline after the Wandering Earth changes, Tony in the final battle timeline has experienced the Ultron era, which is enough to become a psychological shadow for his whole life.

Qiao Li stopped teasing him, and promised on the spot: "Well, I will contact the commander of the Yaye Army and ask her to assign several technical personnel to assist you in your research. I hope this can help you."

"It couldn't be better," Tony said with satisfaction.

It seems that the special research project of the magnetized levitation force field needs to be considered, and Qiao Li will remember this option first.

After bidding farewell to Tony, Qiao Li went back to look for 2B and Luo Yun. Now that he has completed a physical examination, they should be almost the same.

When Jolly came to the laboratory, the physical examination was indeed completed. 2B changed his clothes and stood in the center of the room, but Luo Yun hid in the corner to check the medical examination results.

I saw her face flushed, and murmured in her mouth: "This is too realistic, how can this be achieved?"

Qiao Li approached and asked, "What are you looking at?"

The sudden voice startled Luo Yun, and the results of the physical examination on his hands were scattered with the photos inside. Qiao Lu was about to help pick it up, but Luo Yun panicked and stopped:

"Don't watch, pervert!"


Qiao Li discovered that there were some photos during the 2B medical examination, which should have been wearing underwear. However, since 2B does not have the concept of underwear ~ ~ there is only one set of white gym clothes, so ...

Luo Yun quickly put away the materials on the ground and said to 2B: "Sorry, Miss 2B, I will destroy all the photos at once, you go out and wait for me. There are some requests you can refuse in the future, don't blindly Obey. "

Even the title has changed. It seems that 2B is no longer an artificial intelligence robot in Luo Yun's eyes, but is treated more like a human.

It seems that 2B's degree of fidelity is too high, but Luo Yun, who was originally holding on to study robotic ideas, was embarrassed, and finally had to rename her as Miss 2B.

Qiao Li didn't expect that the Yeye forces could imitate humans to such an extent that it now seems that their civil rights cannot be completely treated as autobots.

Because there is one more thing to consider, how to deal with the marriage and childbirth of the Yeye troops.

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