The Wandering Planet

Chapter 494: Inner Heart of Two B

After Luo Yun came out of the laboratory, Qiao Li began to talk to her about this topic. After all, she had just completed a physical examination for 2B, and would have a better understanding of this aspect.

"From the perspective of possibility alone, they are not absent. They have imitated human reproductive organs, just as fine as their skin." Luo Yun replied:

"But they can't make them real organic organisms. At best, they can only use artificial uterus for surrogacy like IVF, and can't achieve the complete pregnancy process alone.

Smart girls can't get pregnant, which makes sense.

Jolly immediately realized: "That is, you can only conceive by donating eggs."

On the wandering earth, IVF is no longer a new technology, and the reserve system in this regard has also been perfected.

For example, when Moss carried out the Tinder Plan, there were tens of thousands of frozen human fertilized eggs on the pilot space station, but they were all obtained from in vitro artificial fertilization, which could not be achieved without perfect related technologies.

Luo Yun nodded and said: "Well, so it is possible from mating to fertility, but it requires the intervention of artificial reproductive assistive technology and blood issues ..."

"That's great," said Joe Lully.

As originally planned, after coming out of the Central Academy of Sciences, Qiao Li went to the mall with 2B and Luo Yun to prepare a new dress for 2B.

It's just that when they're busy, it's already past 12 pm and the big shopping malls are closed. It's not a time for shopping.

This is also no way out. Qiao Li has been busy from morning till now, and he really has not been able to make free time.

In desperation, Luo Yun had to contact a mall owner she knew to see if there was a way to reopen her business.

Fortunately, things went more smoothly than expected, the other party had not left the mall, and promised to let them go in.

So the entire shopping mall was reserved by Qiao Li, and the big commercial square had only Qiao Lu, Luo Yun and 2B customers, but there were only a few staff members. The security personnel who followed them from the Central Academy of Sciences had to temporarily Act as a security guard at the doorway to prevent unwanted people from entering.

It's not that Qiao Li has to pick such a time to trouble others, but if he comes over during normal business hours, it will undoubtedly cause more turmoil, and it will only take more manpower to maintain order.

Qiao Li also thanked the mall owner for this: "Thank you for letting us in so late, and your employees have trouble working overtime late at night."

The mall owner is a middle-aged woman with a slightly fat body, she said without mind:

"Where, where, it's our pleasure to be here, Director Qiao Li. May I take a picture with you?"

"Of course, but be careful not to use it for commercial purposes."

"Well, I'll show it to my friends. They must be jealous when they see it."

With such a large commercial plaza, this boss must also be a billionaire-level figure. Because her social circle does not need to be used for commercial purposes at all, being able to help her become famous in the circle is more significant than any commercial advertisement.

When Qiao Li took a photo with the mall owner, Luo Yun had taken 2B to pick clothes.

The first thing to choose is underwear. 2B has always only had a set of gymnastics clothes as a base, which seems absolutely impossible to Luo Yun.

"Although I wanted to say it during the physical examination, Miss 2B's figure was really good, and I felt jealous."

"Yes, is it ..."

In front of the mirror in the dressing room, 2B with ordinary lingerie looked a little overwhelmed.

The most important thing is that Luo Yun took off her blindfold, so that she could see her face more clearly. As if disguised, the shy and awkward side of 2B suddenly appeared.

The black eye mask that covers both eyes is actually the tactical goggles of the Yoyo Army. Wearing the eye mask can give 2B a psychological hint that she is performing a combat task, so she can keep her calm and calm, giving a serious high-cold. image of.

Once the blindfold is taken off, this psychological cue will be lifted, and naturally it will be easier for her to expose her nature.

2B was the first time I saw myself, not for the sake of fighting, but simply dressing up, she was even more ashamed than she imagined, and could not help covering her face with her hand instead of the blindfold.

The cute and pitiful look made Luo Yun, who had changed her clothes, flushed. After choosing the right underwear, she quickly put on a coat for 2B to choose other clothes.

When Qiao Li took a photo with the owner of the mall and came back, Luo Yun had already put on 2B a casual dress, making her look closer to an ordinary girl. Of course, her peerless appearance could not be hidden.

Although the exposure has been relatively reduced, 2B's blushing face, shameful eyes, and the appearance of wanting to refuse to return to shame are more lethal.

Since there was nothing to cover her face when she took off the blindfold, 2B had to turn her head to avoid Qiao Lu's eyes, and she was most shy when she saw her face.

At this time 2B was wearing a thin azure thin shoulder strap dress, both hands covering the tube top and holding the skirt uneasily, because at this time it was no longer a gym suit, so she had to watch out.

Luo Yun on the side explained: "I originally wanted to dress her tighter, but she insisted that as a personal guard, she must be ready to fight at any time. Even casual clothes must take into account the heat dissipation function, so she could only wear it like this. . "

"is it?"

Qiao Li looked a little fascinated. This 2B was really the first time he saw him, and it really made him feel bright.

2B, who was closely watched by Qiao Li, was even more shy. The crimson on the white snow-like skin spread from the cheek to the root of her ears. She reached out to block Qiao Lu's sight and said:

"... please don't stare ..."


Anyway, this trip is really worth it.

"Will Miss 2B be even more shy in wearing this suit?" Luo Yun asked curiously, apparently because the clothes of the Yoyo troops were more boldly designed.

2B replied embarrassedly: "I was the first time to put on clothing other than the Yoriha uniform, and I kept suppressing my feelings into a pure weapon all the time, so I do n’t know what I am not a weapon. I ca n’t help feeling really upset when really independent individuals are being viewed ... ”

Then she gathered up the courage to look at Qiao Li with her eyes and asked: "What ... what do I look like in your eyes now? Wouldn't it be strange ...?"

Without a doubt, it was a self-conscious awakening, and she began to realize that she was an independent individual, not just a tool that was created.

Qiao Lü praised from the bottom of his heart: "I'm very happy ~ ~ You finally look more like a human, this suit matches you well."

"Thank you······"

After unlocking 2B's knot, Qiao Lu and Luo Yun continued to pick her a few clothes, and Fenfang left the mall only in the early morning.

In this way, things were finally resolved temporarily.

After returning home, Qiao Li arranged a room for 2B. His house was quite large, and it seemed too empty to live alone.

After putting on the eye mask again, 2B returned to her former solemnity and coldness. Sure enough, this eye mask was like a mask, covering her sensitive and delicate mind.

Wandering Earth is still advancing in hyperspace, and a new world is coming soon!

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