The Wandering Planet

Chapter 609: First attack

Qi Qiaolu's airdrop capsule fell into a desert, and the sand covered everything on the ground. Even the sky was yellow, and only a round of sun with blurred edges could be seen.

Although the air floating with sand and dust is not very visible, the outlines of some buildings can still be seen in the distance. It is a city submerged by yellow sand, proving that this is indeed the earth.

"No wonder you want to live in Space City. What has the surface environment been destroyed?"

This is not for him to choose a remote place to land, but most of the earth's surface has been covered by sand, and the degree of desertification is comparable to that of Star Wars in the Star Wars.

培 Liu Peiqiang, 2B and Hornet, who are acting with him, are Qiao Lu's old partners.

They are not so surprised by the sight in front of them. After all, they have seen so many planes across so many planes.

Liu Peiqiang said: "The nearest oasis is five kilometers away. It is possible to find residents. Let's check it out."

Bumblebee changed into a Chevrolet sports car for a long time. After all, this is a very classic model. It is estimated that in this era, at most, it looks like a classic car.

More importantly, the Hornet can become other vehicles encountered on the road, which can be described as a suitable vehicle.

Both Liu Peiqiang and 2B got into the car. Only Qiao Li suddenly set his sights on the distance, but there was nothing except the endless yellow sand.

"What's wrong?" 2B asked with concern.

"Nothing, illusion."

For a moment, Qiao Li felt some kind of sight, but disappeared in the intermission.

He didn't know exactly what was going on. Even with his ability to sense, he couldn't detect anything around him.

If this is not an illusion, there is only one explanation--

Tomoko has found them!

The hornet was carrying three people galloping in the endless desert, trailing a long dust tail behind, and trekking in the yellow sand.

沙 Rolling sand and dust outside the car window, until close to the oasis, you can occasionally see vehicles passing by in the distance.

车 These cars are obviously not driven by gasoline. They are different in shape, old and new, but they have one thing in common: the roof is equipped with a sheet like a awning.

In short, the Hornet also went to the countryside to follow the custom, and also imitated and deformed a awning on the roof of the car, so that it looked like other cars, at least not to cause doubt.

After a short while, the car finally reached an old road with street lights on both sides.

In front of the road is an oasis surrounded by sparse woods. This is the first stop for Qiao Li, hoping to find several residents.

The car drove into an oasis. This is a residential area surrounded by sand-proof forest. The sign next to it says "New Village of Five Living", it seems that it is indeed a place to live.

It's no different from the beginning of the 21st century. Rows of familiar six-story residential buildings. In the open space in front of the building, there are old people sitting on stone benches and mothers pushing strollers. On the sparse lawn that grows, there are several children playing football ...

If not the entire residential area was surrounded by sand control forests, it would really make people think that they were back in that era.

Qiaolu planned to gather information here first, but before they stopped the car, he rushed out a group of people, surrounded them, and shouted to Qiaolu and others:

"Get off! Raise your hands!"

This group of people is holding a laser pistol in their hands. It seems that citizens of this era have the freedom to legally own weapons. Of course, they also have the freedom to live and die randomly.

They all seemed a little nervous, and even the hand holding the gun was shaking.

Based on this, Joe Law can determine that they are either trained policemen or soldiers, or thugs who are legally armed.

"Well, it seems I'm wrong. Now it is the Americans who are in charge of managing the earth." Liu Peiqiang continued the previous joke.

"In short, do what they say first."

Qi Qiaolu cooperated with the underground car to raise his hands. He didn't want to cause any trouble for the time being.

At this time, two police officers arrived at the scene and quickly took out their guns to try to control the situation.

"Hello! What are you doing!"

A mob headed by Tong grinned, "Police officer, you came just right, we caught a group of ETO remnants!"

ETO, the full name is "Earth Trisomy Organization", in short, it is a human spy who leads the way for trisomy. The most famous slogan is: "Eradicate human tyranny, the world belongs to the trisomy!"

However, Qiao Li and others arrived in the first place, how could it be an ETO party? How did this group admit it?

Two police officers also persuaded: "Don't make a joke! ETO was wiped out a century ago, put down your gun!"

"No, I saw it, they saw it too! You say yes!"

暴 The thug still refused to give up, his companions also expressed support, and the scene suddenly became tense.

Qi Qiaolu asked curiously, "What the **** did you see?"

However, such a sentence seemed to anger them, and the thug shouted, "Shut up, traitor!" Then he pulled the trigger.

Squinting at the other side, Qiao Li just had to shoot.

The eye-sick hand quickly kicked off the laser pistol in the opponent's hand, and let the emitted laser beam fly towards the sky, all the way to the end of the sky.

This action directly ignited the gunpowder barrel, and other thugs also tried to open fire, but Liu Peiqiang and 2B were not standing stupidly.

培 Liu Peiqiang is a clear over-the-shoulder fall, which completes disarming while overturning the opponent to the ground.

2B is a shot that quickly dodged the man in front of him, turned around and punched people ten meters away.

The remaining two hadn't responded yet, they were kicked again by a 3B kick in the air and broke their arms, and they fell to the ground and moaned in pain.

If it wasn't for Qiao Li warned 2B not to kill the killer easily, they might not even have the chance to moan.

The matter is over in this flash of light, after all, with Qiao Li their skills, it is not necessary to deal with a few gunmen.

The two policemen on the sidelines were stunned, even forgetting that they had come to resolve the case.

After a long time, one of them only reacted and quickly came up and handcuffed the people on the ground one by one ~ ~ The other person said to Admiral Qiaolu admirably: "Sir, your response is really fast. Is this ... a robot? "

His eyes were on 2B. Obviously, 2B's skill was still a bit excessive. A weak woman could not fly a dozen meters away.

In addition to 2B's appearance and figure, it is a bit unreal, making him even more convinced that only robots can reach such a level.

Knowing that they already had artificial robots in their day, Qiao Lü answered frankly, "Yes."

The police officer said singularly: "That is really amazing. I have seen many beautiful robots, but I have never seen such a beautiful one! Not to mention being more flexible than people. I have seen everything as stiff as a puppet. Yes, it doesn't interest anyone. "

Although he didn't know what he meant by interest, Qiao Li quickly opened the topic:

"What's going on with this group of people, why are they suddenly attacking us?"

"They are all hibernators who have experienced the trough period. At that time, the society was very nervous. If one word was wrong, you said that you were an ETO or an adulterer, and everyone made themselves at risk. Maybe they have a little trauma and they should Stimulate the disorder, accidentally touch their nerves again. "The policeman replied casually. .

But Qiao Li felt that things were not so simple, even if it was post-traumatic stress disorder, why did they just so coincidentally target them?

More importantly, what this group of people said was "they saw it." So what did they see and what made them have this collective illusion?

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