The Wandering Planet

Chapter 610: Beautiful new world

In order to cooperate with taking notes, Qiao Lu and others had to follow up to the police station.

This is a very troublesome thing. After all, they do not have any identification in this world. If they want to confirm their identity, they do n’t know what to show.

Fortunately, in this era, everything seems to be electronic, and even the ID card is also an electronic chip.

When Qi Qiaolu passed by the detained prisoner in the corridor of the police station, he stole two ID cards and asked Moss to modify the information on the card. Finally, he made two legal IDs before making a record.

"Sure enough, you are also hibernators, were you still soldiers?" The police responsible for making notes said, checking the information on the ID card.

培 Liu Peiqiang echoed and said, "Yes, Comrade Police, I didn't expect this to happen just after I arrived."

"I'm very sorry, it shocked you."

I can see that this policeman has also been a soldier before, and he is especially kind to Liu Peiqiang, who is also a soldier.

"There are only a few of these people. Most of the hibernations are usually related to each other. But I didn't expect how the restrictions on guns were released in this era. Anyone can get a gun casually. Dungeon is everywhere. The cameras are easy to manage, and our job is difficult. "


"Yes, most people live in the dungeon. Only those of us who are unable to adapt to the new era still live on the ground."

居民 This residential community really does not seem to be incompatible with the entire era. Everything is very backward, as if it is still at the beginning of the 21st century. Only the ID card uses the most advanced technology.

After Liu Peiqiang asked, Qiao Li answered: "Do you know why they attacked us?"

"According to one of them, they said that they saw you salute in ETO mode, and that you tried to install explosives. Is this the case?"

不可能 "No, we don't even know how ETO salutes, let alone install explosives."

"That may be a simple misunderstanding. They are as sensitive to this kind of thing as they were to racial discrimination in the past. They think your inadvertent actions offend them."

"Is it worth pointing a gun at us?"

谁 "Who knows? Many of the shootings are caused by trivial matters, especially for marginalized groups of society."

Hibernation is a very expensive thing, so the hibernation people were very wealthy upper class people or their children, but now they have gathered here for hundreds of years, and everyone is ordinary people.

I am not even as good as ordinary people. Such a sense of loss is indeed easy to breed negative emotions.

"In fact, the government is still very good for hibernation. It just does nothing, and the state subsidies can also lead a comfortable life. But people have to find something to do, so some people have nothing to do."

It seems that the police are accustomed to this kind of thing, and they are not particularly attentive to Qiao Li.

After I took the transcript, Qiao Li and they left the police station. Since it was the opponent's first shot, proper defense was not difficult, and a brief explanation of the situation emerged.

"What shall we do next?" Liu Peiqiang asked.

"Go to the dungeons to see, after all, modern people live there."

During the conversation between the two, Qiao Li faintly felt the strange sight, this time he was more certain that Tomoko was watching them.

These are ubiquitous eyes, no matter where you go, you can't get rid of them. This is already terrifying.

However, the things that should be done still need to be continued. If the previous attack was indeed made by Tomoko, it means that the three-body civilization has already been afraid of them.

Biao Qiaolu and his team drove to the nearby underground city entrance. The way to enter the city was through a long elevator, all the way down to a depth of more than 1,000 meters, before they saw the real appearance of the city of this era.

Unlike the claustrophobic imagination, the dungeon here is so wide that it is unbelievable. You can't see the end at a glance. It doesn't seem to be underground.

The fresh air rushed forward, and you could see a pure blue sky when you looked up. You could also see the sun just rising in the east. There was a kind of bright crystal in the completely transparent and clear atmosphere, and the edges seemed to be covered with dew.

相比 Compared with the desertified surface environment, this is simply heaven!

培 Liu Peiqiang praised, "It's no wonder that only hibernators still live on the ground. This place is much better than the above."

It's just that all of this is played out with a huge projection screen. The air is also transported here after filtering through layers. The earth's natural environment has not actually been improved.

The so-called city is a giant forest. Each slender trunk is inserted directly into the sky, and each trunk is extended with branches of different lengths perpendicular to it. The city's buildings are like leaves hanging on these branches.

The distribution of buildings seems random, and the leaves on different large trees are dense and dense, creating a layered space.

Unlike on the ground, the vehicles here are anti-gravity flying boats, like fishes flowing endlessly among the corals on the ocean floor, and shuttle between cities.

This is what this era really looks like, a highly developed underground city.

Now, Qiao Li, they are standing on a branch, and looking back, the elevator is the trunk of this big tree, extending up to the end of the sky.

的 The trunks of all the big trees are the pillars that support the dome of the underground world ~ ~. They are also used as the pillars for hanging urban buildings.

的 The branches extending from different trunks form an intricate network of bridges in the air, except that one end of all bridges is suspended.

This is the sidewalk in the dungeon, every branch is as spacious as a highway.

Almost every big tree is connected by branches, so you can reach any corner of the city by walking, but it takes longer.

The only disadvantage is that looking down from here will make the person with height phobia die on the spot, and will feel dizzy for a while.

Even more amazing is the pedestrians on the road, precisely their clothes.

每一 Every person's clothes here have dynamic pictures and images, and they can even be operated by touch screen. It is not a problem to use clothes to go online.

Biao Qiaolu saw a girl with her own eyes. She turned a white dress into a colorful flower skirt with a few clicks on her clothes. The pattern on it was shiny and changed, just like a computer wallpaper.

At the same time, as Qiao Li thought, bionic robots can be seen everywhere, doing various physical tasks for humans, or simple service work, such as cleaners, waiters, and so on.

At first glance it looks like this is a good time, a beautiful new world, at least for those who live here.

(End of this chapter)

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