The Wandering Planet

Chapter 642: Infinite Power

Except for the Singularity Grenade, the Dark Elves' attack methods are lacking.

Especially after being approached, they are even more afraid to use a grenade. Once they cannot escape before they detonate, they themselves will be involved.

Using this, all members of the Avengers rushed up to engage in close combat with the dark elves. Even archers such as Hawkeye also turned into melee archers, plucking bows and arrows and hitting the enemy's face.

The Dark Elves are not a well-trained race that is good at hand-to-hand combat, let alone face such a tough role as the Avengers.

Even if the U.S. team had only one arm left, they could easily put them down. Tony directly put on anti-Hauck armor and rushed into the crowd to smash them.

As for the real Hulk Hulk, he ran straight towards the cursed warrior after being transformed.

Although the cursed warrior also looks like a macho, after all, the difference in body shape is here, and everyone thinks that Hulk can easily hammer him.

However, in the face of the threatening Hulk, the cursed warrior was not afraid, a dark red energy flowing in his body, and gradually formed a black mist surrounding his whole body.

Wu Haok's big sandbag fist took his face directly, but the cursed soldier just raised his hand, and two horrible brutal forces collided in the air to form a violent shock wave, creating a large crack on the ground.

The cursed soldier was pushed back a few meters by Hulk's strange power, leaving two deep pits on the ground, but that's it, after that Hulk couldn't force him back.

Seeing the rising black mist of cursed soldiers and the dark red energy flowing in the blood, Captain America reacted instantly:

"It's the role of infinite gems!"

Even before Hulk punched again, the cursed soldier kicked him in turn.

A full ton of Hulk was kicked and flew dozens of meters away before stopping in a tall building.

The high-rise building collapsed instantly, hundreds of tons of reinforced concrete were pressed down, and Hulk was buried.

This shot made the Avengers realize that the cursed warrior is different. The power of ether particles exists in him, so his strength is far superior to other dark elves.

Since you can't beat the energy, try changing the speed.

Kuaiyin rushed forward with a thunderbolt, and the electric light and flint gave the cursed soldier a few punches, and even pulled out the dragon blade that Qiao Li gave him, and tried to cut off the cursed soldier's head with one stroke.

Unexpectedly, in the face of the fast silver offensive, the cursed soldiers did not wince at all, and bear all the attacks without expression.

Kuayin ’s fist did n’t seem to hurt or hurt him. Even the last dragon blade came out of the sheath and cut into about one-third of his neck. Then Wu Gang fell the tree, cut it and closed it, and never threatened it. Curse the lives of the soldiers.

He just couldn't catch the quick silver at the speed of cursing the soldier. He turned his attention to the others who were fighting with his men, and coldly ordered:

"The main gun fired!"

Behind him, the Dark Elf mothership, which inserted into the ground like a sharp sword, finally came into play.

A dazzling light emanated from the dark matter reaction chamber at the top, and then a red beam fell down and swept towards the Avengers, including the dark elves still entangled with them.

Even though the Dark Elves' use of dark matter is extremely primitive, this dark matter energy cannon still exhibits extremely terrifying power. For example, the Starkiller base in Star Wars uses dark matter to recharge.

The Scarlet Witch tried to spread her shield to stop the blow, but under the pouring of dark matter energy, her shield broke like foam in the blink of an eye and could not resist the bombardment of the Dark Elf mothership at all.

At this moment, a figure stood in front of her, slowly raised her right hand, and received this devastating energy.

It was Qiao Li who stood in front of Wanda, at this time on his right hand, the infinite gloves deformed by the source of fire, inlaid with four yellow, orange, blue and purple infinity gems.

The dark matter energy poured down like a waterfall, and instantly drowned everyone, including Joe Law.

However, the cursed warrior expected that it would be enough to destroy the entire city, and even the explosion of the entire earth did not occur, not even the floor was smashed, as if what he saw was just a gorgeous special effect without any practical effect.

At this moment, even the cursed warrior who has always been paralyzed can't help showing surprise. This dark matter engine mother ship is the pride of the dark elves. Even if it is fearless in the face of Odin, how can the floor not be broken?

At this moment, a figure emerged from the light pouring out from the dark matter energy, and a purple gem emitted a dazzling iridescent light on his gloves, which was exactly what turned the fire of the dark elf mothership into a flashy firework.

Yes, Qiao Li used the power gem. After returning to the Marvel universe, the infinite gem completely restored its original function, even if it was a dark matter weapon, there was no way to hurt him.

Qiao Li also decided not to install it, they have already got four infinite gems, let these dark elves see the power of other infinite gems!

所有人 Everyone present was stunned. Even the Avengers who had seen the power of gems were shocked by the strength shown by Qiao Li.

For a long time, they have been committed to preventing the disaster caused by infinite gems, and these powerful artifacts have basically left no good impression on them.

This time, holding four infinite gems, as powerful as Exterminator, is on his side.

For example, even the scarlet witch can't resist a blow, Qiao Li used the power gem to solve it with his hands raised.

This is the power of infinite gems. When used for the right purpose, it is the most reliable weapon!

Qi Qiaolu absorbed all the energy of this round of shelling into the power gem. UU read the book www. then released his energy with a fist and returned it to the Dark Elf mothership.

I saw a purple beam burst from the power gem, sweeping the Dark Elf mothership under the control of Qiao Li.

Suddenly, the huge mothership seemed to be chopped down, and the returned energy was cut in half and collapsed.

As soon as he came and went, the Dark Elf mothership was settled by Qiao Li at the fingertips without any effort.

He originally wanted to bombard his main body into a dark elf of dregs.

They are not 没有 without self-consciousness, and they are as greedy for life as they are afraid of death, let alone find that their mothership fires regardless of their lives?

Only the cursed warrior still faithfully rushed to Qiao Lu, trying to take away the infinite gem from his gloves of fire seeds.

But how could Qiao Li make him succeed?

Realistic gems transformed his body so that the cursed warrior was out of reach, but another attack was unavoidable.

Biao Qiaolu flashed an orange light on his right hand, and this time it was the turn of the soul gem to play a role.

The cursed warrior fell to the ground like a broken puppet and returned to God, but he has become a spirit body floating in the air.

No matter how strong a person is, his soul is still fragile. Qiao Li pulls out the cursed soldier ’s soul from his transformed body, so there is nothing to be afraid of!

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