The Wandering Planet

Chapter 643: The arrival of Dom

The cursed warrior's soul floated in midair, and at this time, no matter how capable he was, he could not fight back.

Realistic gems transformed his body, but there was no way to strengthen his soul.

Now, as soon as Qiao Li raises his hand, he can let his soul fly, it is not difficult.

乔 Just as Qiao Li was about to do so, the surrounding space suddenly changed dramatically.

The high-rise buildings in the distance are folded and deformed like a kaleidoscope, and the strange sight makes people wonder if they have strayed into the dream stealing space.

A crack appeared in the air like a broken mirror, forming a wall to press over everyone.

The broken mirror first swallowed up the body and soul of the cursed warrior, and then pressed further towards Qiao Li.

"Mirror space?"

Qiao Li knew that this was a kind of magic of Kama Taj, and Dr. Strange would also use it. The battle between mages often happened in the mirror space, which is why they never alarmed the ordinary people.

He took a step back and clenched his fist wearing Tinder Source gloves. The infinite gems on it glowed more brightly, and he was ready to punch this mirror space with a punch.

However, at this moment, the Hulk buried under the rubble violently broke free from the 10,000 tons of concrete, and then rushed like a crazy dog, the cursed warrior already in the mirror.

This is also Hulk ’s weakness. His strength is linked to anger. The more angry he is, the more powerful he is. At the beginning of the battle, he is often unable to exert enough power to knock down his opponent because his anger is not enough.

But when you wait for a moment to lose, the anger burns up again with a stronger force, it is easy to lose reason.

Xunzheng can be described as having no energy when he has a brain, and no brain when he has the energy.

Before Huo could wait for the others to react, Hulk rushed into the mirror space without any further progress.

This forced Qiao Li to change his strategy to the ability to activate the space gem, and then entered the mirror space.

Others in the Avengers also wanted to follow up, but before they approached, the mirror shattered and disappeared into countless fragments in the air.

Obviously, the target of the other party is only Qiao Li, and everyone else is isolated.

The only accident was that Hulk was the first person to break in, and then Qiao Li followed up.

As its name suggests, mirror space is just like the world in the mirror. Here you can see other people in the real world, but there is no way to interfere with them, just like a simple mirror image.

Qi Qiaolu watched the situation cautiously, but Hulk didn't care so much, waving his iron fist, he rushed to the cursed warrior who angered him.

This time, a new group of enemies stood before the cursed warrior.

It was a group of men dressed as mages. Everyone was left with a burnt eye shadow on the corner of their eyes. There was also a mysterious symbol on their foreheads, which gave them a hint of cult.

Facing the threatening Hulk, the headed mage just raised his hand gently, and the entire mirror space was turned upside down, upside down, left and right, and the building began to fall apart and reassemble as a building block.

The chaotic gravity made Huoke feel at a loss, and turned into a labyrinth-like mirror world, which also kept him from catching the enemy.

The ground beneath the lame feet was twisted like waves, and the entire city was folded up, as if in a ridiculous dream.

Mirror space is the home of the mages, where they can use magic to modify various things, and even rewrite the laws of physics.

For Hulk who is full of resistance but has zero magic resistance, this is definitely not a suitable place to play.

So Qiao Li immediately activated the space gem, sending Hulk, who had lost his way, out of the mirror space, and he relied on the power of the infinite gem to confront this group of mages.

"It seems that Domam is hooked up with the dark elves, and let you come to the rescue."

群 This group of mages are the believers of Domam. One of them is the one who killed Gu Yi's murderer-Casillas.

Casillas sent the cursed warrior's soul back into the flesh, then turned to Jorul and said:

"I didn't expect that there are such dangerous people on the planet besides Gu Yi. For the coming of our Lord, we cannot let you leave here."

Qiao Li smiled slightly: "Can you do it?"

With four infinite gems in his hand, Jolly won't be trapped by the magic.

However, Casillas also sneered: "Of course not us, only you will face the Lord in person!"

After all the words, he took a singularity grenade from the cursed warrior and threw it on the ground.

暗 Under the action of dark matter, a miniature black hole was instantly formed at the location where the grenade dropped, but the location of this black hole was 108 thousand miles away from Qiao Li, and it would not threaten him at all.

But then this tiny black hole turned into a huge purple space, and then spread to the entire mirror space, as if the entire world was flooded with dark matter.

This is the difference between mirror space and the real world. Under the control of Casillas, a small piece of dark matter can infect the entire mirror space and let this world fall to another dimension.

Then a huge eye appeared in mid-air, huge as if a giant in the universe bent over and looked at the earth ~ ~ Under this eye, Qiaolu was like an apple A bacterium is so small that it can drive you crazy just by watching.

The last time I gave Qiao Li this feeling, it was undoubtedly Gerelos in the Pacific Rim.

The guy who appeared this time seems to be even bigger than Gerrhos. He is not a planet and has more than one eye.

This is a terrible giant. The entire starry sky shows his outline, the earth is only the size of his head, and the parts below the neck are not visible on the earth at all.

Qi Qiaolu couldn't see his face clearly, it was just a wave of rising waves forming the outline of his face.

Or that this huge body is simply a projection, and can not feel the true quality.

But this terrible oppression is not deceiving.

There is no doubt that this is the Lord that Casillas believes in, the master of the dark dimension-Domham!

It was precisely in order for Domam to come face to face with Jolly, Casillas needed to introduce him into the mirror space.

Only here can Domam exert a part of his strength and compete with the infinite gem with the power of the dark dimension.

Even a singular Doctor with time gems defeats Domum and can only rely on creating a time loop to trap himself and Domam in it.

No wonder they will have the confidence to pull in Qiao Li, Dorma is indeed the only opponent that Qiao Li does not have the absolute certainty to defeat at present!

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