The Wandering Planet

Chapter 680: Interstellar

At this time, no one can predict how the stray earth intends to save the three-body civilization in deep waters, let alone know its true purpose.

However, one concern is very obvious, that is, the stray earth to travel to the three-body galaxy must cross a distance of 4.2 light years, even at the speed of light, it takes more than four years.

During this period, it is difficult to say that no variables will occur. After all, there is a difference of three years from the first water droplet mass destroying the joint fleet to the Asian fleet successfully eliminating nine water droplets.

In addition, the three-body civilization is in the stage of technological explosion, which makes all this more complicated.

Just when people are so worried, Wandering Earth has long been ready.

Near Pluto in the solar system, the Central Academy of Sciences carried out a top-secret project a year ago. It mainly uses realistic gems to convert conventional matter into dark matter and gather it into a special form.

Even in the era when human beings fully developed the solar system, Pluto's status is still similar to that of Antarctica in the earth's era, and it is inaccessible.

After all, it has also been expelled from the ranks of the nine planets, making this planet even more upset. I am afraid that people will remember it because of this incident.

But this time, Pluto is going to change his face from now on.

Because here will become the gateway for humans to enter and leave the solar system in the future, the transportation hub to the thousands of worlds, and even the most prosperous place in the solar system, except for the earth.

All this comes from the magic of dark matter technology, allowing the wandering earth to break through certain limits of this world.

When the Wandering Earth arrived near Pluto, all these secrets were gradually revealed.

A vague celestial body appeared near Pluto. It has a huge smooth sphere shape, with a little bit of starlight on the surface, just like people have created the world's roundest sphere, but it has been enlarged by hundreds of billions of times.

At first people also thought that the star light on the surface came from the reflection of the universe, just like the absolutely smooth surface like a water drop.

However, if they look closely, they will find that they are wrong. These starlights do not come from specular reflections, but from inside the sphere!

Even these starlights will change over time like the starry sky on Earth.

If you want to describe it, this sphere is a miniature universe that contains thousands of worlds, making it difficult to say exactly what it is.

More importantly, it appeared near Pluto and was much larger than Pluto. It almost reached the point of Jupiter, but did not produce the gravitational attraction like Jupiter, as if it was just a shadow without mass.

At this point, Qiao Li had taken the Ark back to Wandering Earth, and also saw this amazing scene.

"What did you do?" He asked Ding Yi.

Feeling that he has been in the microcosm for two years, Qiao Li can no longer keep up with the technology of today's stray earth.

Ding Yi replied: "It's very simple. We built a wormhole using dark matter. With it, we can reach Centaur quickly."

"Wormhole? Are you sure it's not a black hole?"

Qiao Lu looked at the dark surface of this sphere, if it was not dotted with a little starlight, I am afraid that it would be a black hole that swallowed everything.

Ding Yi shook her head with a smile: "No, no, no, black holes are not holes. You should know that black holes are extremely massive objects. If such things appear in the solar system, none of the nine planets can run away."

"But do you call this a hole?"

Qiao Lu looked again at the dark matter wormhole. From any angle, it was a sphere, which was very different from any wormhole he had seen before.

"Well, strictly speaking, it is a spherical hole and is essentially a projection of a high-dimensional space onto a low-dimensional space, with almost no mass."

This can explain why it is so large without generating huge gravitation.

However, all this made Jolly incredible, it was like breaking the laws of the world.

"Not to say that leaping is no longer possible in this universe, why does this wormhole work again?"

Ding Yi laughed: "Because what we do is different! I said that we ca n’t make a leap because there is no hyperspace in this universe. In essence, we use high-dimensional space, which is the distortion of hyperspace. It ’s broken, but now hyperspace does not exist, and of course there is no way to make a space leap. "

"But what we are doing now is to use dark matter to reconstruct a high-dimensional space, and then use this high-dimensional space to help us reach other corners of the universe."

"For example, hyperspace is like a highway in the universe. It used to move fast. When we first arrived, we found that the highways in this world were destroyed. Of course, there was no way to make a space jump. Now. "

"But now, we have learned to rebuild a highway. Yes, it is not only used, it is able to build! Of course, it is not very long, only 4.2 light years, which is very small for this universe, but It is a great progress for us humans! "

4.2 light years are actually considered not very long, and Qiao Li has a new understanding of these astronomical units.

However, according to Ding Yi, this may indeed be the first step for humans to enter a high-dimensional civilization. After all, it can only be used to build, which is undoubtedly a qualitative leap.

With this dark matter wormhole, Wandering Earth does not need to make a long interstellar journey, and it may not even take a month to reach the three-body galaxy. Such progress is simply incredible.

"We are coming!"

During the conversation between the two people ~ ~ Wandering Earth has approached the dark matter wormhole. The surface of the huge wormhole like Jupiter is covering the sky and the sky.

At this moment, the stray earth seems to be falling into another universe, just like Jupiter, which is a gas giant, begins to immerse itself on the surface of the wormhole.

Fortunately, the dark matter wormhole itself has almost no mass, so there is no problem of gravitation tearing across the Roche limit.

The next second, the wandering earth entered a continuously distorted space, as if the entire universe had been bent into a channel, which was originally distant to an inestimable star, now it seems that it is within reach.

Ding Yi said excitedly: "Ready to say goodbye to the solar system, and we are here for Centaur!"

Centaurus, the original end point of Wandering Earth, was once expected to take 2500 years to reach, but now it is almost instantaneous.

Of course, this is not the Centaurus that Wandering Earth originally wanted to reach, but the three-body galaxy composed of three stars where the three-body civilization is located!

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