The Wandering Planet

Chapter 681: Reaching a 3-body galaxy

After entering the wormhole, the wandering earth submerged and shuttled in a dark matter ocean, and the cosmic space seemed to become a flowing liquid, surging constantly.

Countless stars have turned into the sparkling waves of the ocean, and the distance of several light years has been reduced to a size.

Here it seems to be a miniature universe, or in other words, this is the phenomenon produced by the folding of space.

The wandering earth is like a flat boat, traveling in this dark matter ocean, and in a short distance in light years, there is a feeling of shrinking into an inch in ancient myths.

When Qiao Li proposed this idea, Ding Yi couldn't help laughing and laughed:

"Shrinking into inches? Hahaha, it really has that flavor."

He took out a piece of paper, drew two dots on it, and began to explain:

"If this is the solar system, this is the Centaur of the three-body civilization. Generally, if we want to pass, we can only have the shortest straight line between two points. This distance is 4.2 light years."

Ding Yi connected the two points with a straight line and marked 4.2 light years on it. Then this is how to reach the Centaur in a conventional way. It will not be too short anyway.

"Now we fold up the space and make a hole between two points."

He skillfully folded the paper in half so that the two points almost coincided, so that the two lines were no longer the shortest line on the paper and became infinitely close in three dimensions.

In three-dimensional space, then this is shrinking into inches. The original 4.2 light-year distance was reduced to an incredible level, which is the principle of this dark matter wormhole.

At this time, Ding Yi poke a hole in the top with a pen, and then spread the paper again. As a result, a hole was pierced near both points at the same time.

He pointed to the two caves and said, "This is the dark matter wormhole we made. It is a circle in two dimensions. In the three-dimensional world, it is ..."

"Sphere, I see."

Of course, this is just the most basic principle, just like 1 + 1 = 2 in mathematics.

You never know how complicated things seem to be so simple, and of course Qiao Li doesn't expect to understand.

In this way, the journey of Wandering Earth was greatly shortened, and after less than half a month of driving in the wormhole, the end of the trip was reached.

The stray earth rushed out of the dark matter ocean, emerged from the other side of the wormhole, and came to this originally distant Centaurus galaxy.

From the moment we entered the three-body galaxy, we could feel a scorching atmosphere, and the temperature suddenly increased by a few degrees, as if returning to the ancient period with the legendary ten suns.

This is completely different from the Centaurus known to mankind, and it is different from the Centaurus a galaxy in the Avatar world, which is a completely unknown galaxy.

Centaurus in reality is composed of a pair of double stars and neighboring stars, and its movement law is simple and stable, so it will be selected as the destination of the stray earth plan.

However, what is present in front of everyone is a chaotic three-body galaxy. The three stars do not follow the routine as if they were evil.

On the earth, the sun sometimes rises from the east and sometimes from the west. Occasionally there are two suns in the sky, and sometimes there is only one. Sometimes it is near and far away. It jumps from side to side between cold and summer.

All these mysterious three-body movements constitute a hellish three-body galaxy. After several long cold nights, a hot day may suddenly appear, or the opposite.

But these are nothing. When three suns appear under the same sky at the same time, there will be high temperatures sweeping everything, burning the earth into red iron plates, magma flowing, ground fire, and proper human purgatory.

The three-body civilization was born in such an environment, and has experienced more than two hundred cycles of destruction and rebirth.

This is why they must occupy the solar system. Compared with a three-body galaxy in which three stars alternately move, the solar system has only one stable star, and the alternation between cold and summer is quite regular.

In a three-body galaxy, Wandering Earth quickly found the solitary planet. There are eight planets in the solar system, but there is only one three-body galaxy. It seems weak and helpless among the three stars, and is always in the fear of being engulfed by stars.

The three-body planet is accompanied by a satellite, but unlike the earth and the moon, this satellite is torn apart from the planet by accident.

Due to the irregular movement of the three stars, the three-body planet occasionally approaches the Roche limit. Jupiter's mass is 318 times that of the earth, and the tidal force produced is enough to tear the earth apart, not to mention that the star has a mass hundreds of thousands of times. !!

This satellite is a torn piece of a three-body planet as it passes by near the star. The irregularly shaped two parts, under their own gravitational forces, have become spherical again after a long period of time.

This is the biggest warning to the three-body civilization. Their civilization is on the verge of destruction all the time. I don't know which day in the future, the entire planet will be torn and shattered by the gravitational force of the stars.

The Wandering Earth approached this starving planet slowly. Unexpectedly, not much orbital defense was found, and no space fleet was stationed.

However, this is only a matter of course. For this planet that will be abandoned sooner or later, the three-body civilization cannot waste resources on defense. No amount of orbital defense platforms can reduce the threat of three stars.

As for the absence of any space fleet, this is again the fault of Jolly.

In the orbit of the three-body planet, there is a huge ring that emits a metallic sheen in the sun.

This is the giant particle accelerator used by Tomoko Project. In the case of the complete shutdown of the surrounding space dock, only this giant particle accelerator is still running.

That's right, the three-body civilization devoted a lot of resources to the Tomoko project.

As mentioned in the past, the Tomoko project is a resource-intensive project. The three-body civilization spent the resources of a space fleet to obtain the first Tomoko.

Even if a giant particle accelerator is built, the proton circuit etching is a huge project. The size of the protons in two dimensions will wrap the entire planet. The total area of ​​the circuit is dozens of times the land area of ​​the entire three-body planet. Thousands of engineering ships took tens of thousands of hours to complete, and the resources consumed are definitely astronomical figures ~ ~ But now, because Qiao Li proposed a plan for humans to build 10,000 high-energy accelerators and break through Tomoko ’s blockade, Suddenly the three-body civilization became tense.

They had to build more wise men to maintain a technological blockade of human civilization.

Just building Tomoko is going to ruin everything, how can there be extra resources to supplement the subsequent space fleet?

However, Tomoko has no fighting power at a macro level, which caused the three-body civilization to fall into an extremely embarrassing situation after the fleet collapsed.

Even if there are enough wise men to continue to monitor human actions and maintain technological blockades, they do not have extra resources to build a space fleet to occupy the solar system.

This is typical of being fooled, and Pan Technology finally found no resources to explode the soldiers, and then the opponent has pushed back to the door!

At this time, no matter how many wise men produced by the three-body civilization, it is meaningless, and all the results obtained can only be cheaper in the end.

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