The Wandering Planet

Chapter 683: The end of the three-body civilization

In order to find out, Qiao Li led the landing troops straight to the palace of the three-body civilization.

No matter how you install the ostrich, it's impossible to leave no one at all.

However, there were no guards on the way, and there were only dehydrated trisomics everywhere. It seemed that the corpses were everywhere, even in the palace.

It feels like I've completely given up on myself, and I don't even plan to struggle.

Although even if the three-body civilization chooses to resist, in the case of riding the face by the stray earth, a round of bombing can disintegrate all the defensive forces.

But now that the opponent is giving up the defense so much, it actually makes Qiao Li feel abnormal. The difficulties that can be expected are not the biggest difficulties, and he is always afraid of those unexpected things.

Qiao Lü et al. Went all the way into the depths of the palace. Although it is not a strict fortification here, it has extremely thick walls to cope with harsh environments. If it is slightly improved, it will be a good bunker.

It was so unfortunate that the three-body person just abandoned it, which is incredible.

In the end they came to a huge door, and the steel door was too high to reach the top, just like the door of a nuclear bomb shelter on earth.

At this time, the three-body man captured by Qiao Li was even more frightened, struggling to escape from the place, but he was held down by Wang Lei, of course, not sure what made him so scared.

"Is there a forbidden area ahead?" Wang Lei guessed.

Qiao Lu replied: "It is possible that the trisomy society is in an extreme dictatorship. There are only two levels of law: guilty and innocent, guilty execution, acquittal. It is not strange to be executed if you take the wrong step."

Seeing that they can use dehydrated people as firewood, you know how much life is worthless in a trisomy society, and the dead are just a bunch of numbers.

But it made the tribody feel so scared. Behind the steel gate was probably the palace's biggest secret.

"Cut it."

No matter how heavy the gate is, it must be impossible to stop them.

Under laser cutting, the door was quickly broken open, and then opened rumblingly.

They were greeted by a wide gap, not as much as expected, or a secret control room.

There is only an empty white hall. On the front is a semi-curved white wall with a translucent surface. It is made of ice. The floor and ceiling are clean white, as if facing an empty eyeball without eyes. , Revealing a desolate blankness.

In the center of this white hall, a three-seater sits cross-legged, facing the curved white wall.

Although the trisomy looks exactly the same, at least as a human being, there is no difference, but the temperament of this trisoma is very different from other threes.

There is no trace of emotional fluctuations in him. Although the three-body person has no expression, the body movements will show a little inner emotion. For example, the three-body person captured before will have physical tremors and struggles. which performed.

The three-body man in front of him looked like an old monk, and even the sound of the door opening behind him and the sound of footsteps getting closer did not make him react in the slightest.

He sat there in a steady inverted T-shape, like a lone iron anchor on the beach.

"Is this a dead man?" Wang Lei couldn't help wondering.

"Do not."

The voice came from all directions, apparently a device in this hall. Qiao Lu and others immediately became vigilant and took up their arms and aimed at the three-body person in front of them.

The other party slowly stood up, using a device in the white hall to say to Qiao Lu and others:

"I am the head of a three-body civilization. You are not welcome here, humans."

Facing their heads, Qiao Lie, the three-body man they caught had already kneeled down and lay on the ground, shaking steadily, enough to see the head's prestige in the eyes of the three-man.

Maybe he is so afraid that he is worried that he will be regarded as a leading party. The trisomy society can sentence people to death for a very small matter. His traitor even involves thousands of people to be executed.

Qiao Lü was not afraid, and went straight forward and asked:

"Since we are not welcome, why give up resistance?"

The three-headed head said flatly: "Give up? We have already carried out our greatest resistance!"

If it wasn't for all the three-body protests along the way, it's as if Qiao Li had passed all the way.

But three-body people do not lie, even as the head of three-body civilization, they should be the same.

"What the **** did you do?" Qiao Luzhi asked.

"Just like you said."

The three-body head's mirror-like face reflected Qiao Li's face, making Qiao Li stare at him as if staring at himself.

Suddenly, he seemed to realize something and rushed to the white wall to stare at the information displayed on it.

Although he could not see the language of the three-body civilization, he could not read the star maps of the solar system and Centaur correctly.

At this moment, Qiao Li understood what the final resistance of the three-body civilization was.

"You broadcast the position of the solar system and the three-body galaxy to the entire universe!"

That's right, the dark forest threatens not only the use of humans, but also the three-body civilization can be used to end up with the solar system.

Now that human beings have in turn pushed the three-body civilization into a desperate situation, of course it is the three-body civilization's turn to trigger the dark forest threat.

The three-body civilization has always regarded human life as a mustard, and it is easier for them to make the decision of all sacrifices.

This is the maximum resistance of the three-body civilization ~ ~ Rather than meaningless ground defense, they choose to resist in this way!

"I first announced the coordinates of the three-body civilization, and then the relative position of the solar system with us. In this way, the three-body civilization will be hit by the dark forest before it is your turn.

The three-body head said extremely calmly, as if talking about a trivial matter.

"Do n’t get me wrong, this is not kindness to you, but rather a torture. I may not see the destruction of the earth ’s civilization, but at least I need to let you know what you are facing and let you know that you are doing everything at all. No, let you live until the day you lose all hope! "

Just as he said these words, the curved white wall suddenly turned red, as if burned by the magma of hell.

The head of the three-body head stretched out, and his body was instantly ignited. Fire torture is the most common punishment of the three-body civilization. In this way, he made his own decision in front of Qiao Lu and others, using his life to show that he was not joking.

"Look, this is the end of the three-body civilization, but soon it will be the end of your human civilization!"

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