The Wandering Planet

Chapter 684: Implementation plan

The three-body head turned to ashes in front of Qiao Lu and others, leaving only a pool of black marks, which undoubtedly threw this mess to them.

Now I finally understand why most of the trisomy people dehydrated and hibernated in advance, as Mr. Lu Xun once said:

If an iron house is absolutely indestructible without windows, there are many sleeping people who will soon be suffocated. However, it is from drowsiness to death, and I feel sad to die.

The three-body civilization is in this state. They know that they are already in danger of escaping, and they are dehydrated and dormant.

Rather than awake and torture, it is better to die in unconscious sleep, this is their logic.

In fact, this is also the habit formed by the three-body civilization undergoing more than two hundred destruction and rebirth.

The dehydration dormancy was developed in response to the chaos era, but in the chaos era, there are still very few trisomy people, or even one in ten, only enough to retain the tinder of civilization, and it is impossible for most trisomas Escaped.

So the meaning of dehydration dormancy for most trisomy people is to be able to face death without being aware of it.

It is not necessary for them to struggle too much, it is a habit for them to dehydrate and hibernate and then let the fate take its course.

Anyway, as long as very few people survive, the purpose of trisomy civilization is achieved.

Only in such a cruel way can civilization continue, and everything else is not important.

This time they are facing a dark forest strike that is more scary than the chaos era. It is not just a planet that is destroyed, but the entire galaxy!

In this case, for the three-body person, it is right to lie down and wait for death, what else is there to resist.

It is no longer necessary for humans to occupy this planet. It has become a place of death that the entire universe can't avoid.

However, there are exceptions to everything, and not all trisomy people will be dehydrated and dormant, just as human beings will have a timely enjoyment behavior, and a few trisomy people will dare to truly release themselves when the doomsday comes.

It was such a trisoma who was captured by Qiao Li, who was weak and timid, and did not dare to violate authority, but burned dehydrated compatriots as firewood. He was a poor man who had been oppressed for a long time, even his personality was distorted. Lost.

Qiao Li picked up a device on the ground, which was left by the three-body heads who had been burned and burned. It was not burned in the fire, which shows that its quality is unusually good.

Qiao Li put the device on the captured trisomy, and then asked him:

"Now you understand me."

The three-body person in front of him looked very surprised, and then heard a sound from the device:

"Get it! Get it!"

Sure enough, this is a translation and vocal device, just like the synchronous interpretation headset of Wandering Earth.

The three-body person does not use sound to spread information, so before the three-body head had to talk to Qiao Li with their vocal device. Now he has this thing on his body and his functions are inseparable.

Qiao Li first asked, "Who are you?"

"Listener 379."

"What about the name?"

"Name? That is Listener # 379."

The three-body civilization has reached the point where individuals do not even deserve ownership, and the title of a person is his job.

If there is no job, it will be forced to dehydrate, and the dehydrated dried fiber body will be burned to death, and the trisomy society will not support idle people.

As for children who are still young, trisomy breeds offspring differently than humans.

When the trisomy and the opposite **** are combined, the organic matter that constitutes their body will merge into one, two-thirds of which will become the energy source of the biochemical reaction, so that the remaining one-third of the cells will be completely renewed and a new one will be created. Body.

The body would then split, splitting into three to five new young lives.

This is their child. They will inherit part of their parents' memories, become a continuation of their lives, and start a new life.

But it also means that they will also inherit the role of their parents. The descendants of the listeners will still be the listeners, just by changing a number.

If there are no extra numbers, these young lives will be dehydrated and burned. To reiterate, the trisomy society is unsustainable.

This is the life of most three-body people. All the listeners have in this life is the endless loneliness in the small space of the listening room.

So the end of the day will make this 379 listener feel so fresh, he has finally been liberated and can take a good look at the world.

After learning about these conditions, Qiao Li couldn't help asking:

"You are not afraid of the end, why are you so afraid of us?"

Listener 379 replied, "I'm afraid you will torture me."

"How to torture you?"

"Forcibly soaked, as long as we absorb a lot of water, we will wake up from dormancy. In any case, we can't dehydrate and sleep again, and you can torture me."

The honesty of the three-body person is so ridiculous that it is extremely pitiful to say how to torture yourself truthfully.

"Relax, I won't do that," said Joe Lully.

It doesn't make any sense to torture this poor listener. For three-body people, forcing a confession is not necessary, and you will recruit yourself if you don't force him.

Nowadays, most of the trisomy people have entered into dehydration and dormancy, which means that no matter what the stray earth does, it will hardly be disturbed.

This is a good thing. Qiao Li originally thought that he needed to go through fierce ground battles and suppress the three-body people who were stubbornly resisting in order to successfully plan.

Now there is no resistance on the three-body planet. There are only a group of unconscious dehydrated and dormant three-body people, and a few people like 379 listeners who just want to get out of the air before the end of the day. It should not be too convenient. UU reading books www.

It was not long before the three-body heads had broadcast the universe. Gravitational wave broadcasting was used. From the perspective of the propagation speed of the gravitational waves, it should not attract the dark forest to strike in a very short time.

Wandering Earth has plenty of time to realize the plan, it's time to take this planet out of this deep and hot place!

Qiao Li first walked out of the palace, contacting the stray earth above the orbit of the planet and said:

"Confirm that there is no ground resistance, and start implementing the plan."

Several landing troops on the wandering earth began to clear the ground, mainly to move the dehydrated and dormant trisomas to one side, and clear up an open space for subsequent planning.

As Qiao Lu said, this step was not hindered in any way. The trisomy originally regarded human life as a mustard, and dehydration was more like an object, no matter how it was moved.

After successfully clearing a large area, Luo Feng on the wandering earth officially ordered:

"Wandering trisomy plan, start!"

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