The Wandering Planet

Chapter 690: Singer civilization

The singer does not have a name. He is actually a cleaner. He is called a singer because he likes to sing rumors at work.

He rode in a spaceship, called a seed, leaving the mother world to perform cleanup in a low-entropy world.

This work is also very simple, look through the coordinate data, determine which coordinates are sincere, and clean up the sincere coordinates.

Hiding yourself and cleaning up is the law of survival in this universe.

It's not that difficult. It's like seeing a lighted cigarette **** on the ground to knock it out, or picking up a piece of waste paper and throwing it into a trash can. That's all.

There are a large number of light particles in the seed warehouse. How many galaxies have been destroyed so far, the singer himself can no longer remember it. The main core on the seed is recorded anyway.

Now this matter seems even more trivial, because the war between the mother world of the singer's civilization and the marginal world has begun, more energy will be devoted to this war, and the work of the singer will gradually become unattended.

But it doesn't matter. Singer civilization is not the only civilization that will clean up the low entropy world. There are billions of cleaners in the billions of low entropy worlds. If you do n’t do it, there will always be others to do it.

Besides, cleaning up is just a very simple matter. There are potential forces everywhere in the universe. Just induce them.

For example, a light particle can detonate a star with almost no resources consumed.

If the singer is patient, the sincere coordinates will eventually be cleared by other unknown civilizations.

But this is bad for the mother world and the seed. After all, he receives the coordinates, which establishes some kind of connection with that world.

It's too naive to think that this connection is one-way. Remember the great law of reversibility:

If you can see a low-entropy world, that low-entropy world will see you sooner or later, it is only a matter of time.

Therefore, it is dangerous to wait for others to do everything.

The singer saw a sincere coordinate near the seed route.

This is a coordinate broadcasted by gravitational waves. Strangely, it marks the location of the broadcaster.

This is an extremely stupid act, like a pile of fire in the dark forest of the universe, and shouting beside me: I am here! I'm here!

But even if it is suicide, the singer must complete this naive, low-entropy civilization. As mentioned earlier, it is dangerous to wait for others to do everything.

The singer took a light particle from the seed warehouse, and then cast his gaze at the star pointed to by the coordinates. The main core directed the singer's sight, like waving a spear in the starry sky.

He held the light particles with the force field antennae, ready to pop out, but when he saw that position, the force field antennae relaxed.

There are no planets in this galaxy, only three stars with chaotic movements, forming a hellish world, which is totally unsuitable for low-entropy civilization.

Strange, was it cleaned up?

Although destroying the planet is also cleaning up, it is more laborious.

A star is an extremely delicate and sensitive energy balance system. If calculated properly, a tiny disturbance can produce a chain reaction on the surface of the star and at a considerable depth.

This chain reaction spreads out, causing its local equilibrium to be broken, which in turn can produce a larger explosion, enough to destroy the entire galaxy.

Therefore, the targets of light particles are generally stars, and direct attacks on the planets are not effective.

Destroying the planet requires larger light particles, which is a complete waste of resources.

Cleaners often do not allow such a waste of resources, there is no need to deliberately target a certain planet.

The singer took a closer look, trying to find the wreckage of the destroyed planet. No matter how much the attack was, the wreckage would remain, even if it was just a thin stardust.

However, no, there are no traces of destroyed planets in this galaxy, as if they had never existed.

This is weird. Civilization cannot be born directly on stars. How can this coordinate point to a galaxy without planets?

Could it be that the estimation is wrong? This is a coordinate with no sincerity?

But soon he denied the idea, because he saw the curvature-driven trajectory near that world.

If you look at this piece of curvature-driven trajectory alone, it is indeed difficult to judge its source, but in connection with the broadcasted coordinates, you can see at a glance that it belongs to that world.

Curvature-driven trajectory surface This is a dangerous low-entropy civilization, so the singer immediately thought that this was a sincere coordinate.

The singer has to suspect that this civilization has hidden its own planet. Some civilizations do have such technology, and it is impossible to observe it from a distance.

The singer started the process of big eyes. He rarely did this, which was an act of exceeding authority.

"What are you doing? Big eyes are busy now," said the elder of the mother world.

"There is a low-entropy civilization, I want to take a closer look," the singer replied.

"Your job, a glance from a distance is enough."

"Just to confirm the goal of the cleanup."

"Big eyes have more important targets to observe. If you don't have time to meet your requirements, do your thing."

The singer did not continue to ask, and the cleaner was the lowest position in the seed, and was always despised as an easy and trivial task.

Then it can only be cleaned up directly, and such a dangerous, low-entropy civilization cannot be left alone.

The singer again took the light particle from the seed warehouse, and was ready to bounce to one of the three stars in the galaxy.

He suddenly thought again, now that this civilization is smart enough to learn to hide itself, then whether it is also expected to be hit by light particles.

If using light particles in this way may not be cleaned, or even useless, this requires a two-way foil. However, the singer does not have permission to take the two-way foil from the warehouse and needs to apply to the elders.

"I need a two-way foil for cleaning up," the singer said to the elder.

"Here." The elder gave the singer a hand.

The two-way foil was immediately transmitted, suspended in front of the singer, in a sealed state, and the surface was crystal clear.

But the singer was a little uneasy, "Why did you give it to me so easily this time?"

"It's not something valuable."

"But if this thing is used too much, it is always ..."

"Used everywhere in the universe."

"Yes, it's used everywhere, but we were somewhat restrained before, now ..."

"Did you hear anything?"

The elder rummaged in the singer's body of thought, making the singer feel a shudder.

This is not a crime at all ~ ~ is an open secret in the mother world.

Regarding the war between the mother world and the marginal world, there were constant reports of war in the past, but then it disappeared, indicating that the war was not smooth and even fell into crisis.

But the mother world and the marginal world cannot coexist, and the marginal world must be destroyed, otherwise they will be destroyed.

If the war cannot be won, it can only be ...

"Is the mother world ready for dichotomy?" The singer finally asked.

The elder did not answer, it was considered the default.

The singer feels great sorrow. If the mother world is completely dichotomy, then he will really become a seed that drifts out, and there may never be a way to return to the mother world.

But he quickly deleted this idea from his thought body, which was not what he should think, it was just looking for trouble.

The singer hummed the ballad again gently, picked up the two-way foil with the tentacles of the field, and casually threw it towards the three-body galaxy.

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