The Wandering Planet

Chapter 691: 2-way foil

Wandering Earth's early warning system found a UFO that was passing by the outer side of the Oort Nebula near the speed of light.

The volume of this object is huge, and the radiation excited by colliding with thin space atoms and dust when flying at the speed of light is very strong.

The early warning system also observed that the object once made a small-angle turn in flight, avoiding a small piece of interstellar dust in front, and then turned back to the original course again.

Judging from this performance, it is almost certain that this is a spacecraft of intelligent creatures.

After learning the news, Qiao Li immediately rushed to the Earth's cab, and other members of the coalition government directors and related scientific researchers were quickly in place.

No one expected that the Dark Forest strike would come so fast.

"How's the situation?" Qiao Li asked.

"The observed spacecraft has gone, but it emitted some kind of object to the three-body galaxy. From the current situation, it is not light particles, because there is no collision radiation of light particles, and it is completely invisible in all electromagnetic wave bands. , The early warning system found it through gravitational waves. "Li Yiyi in the earth ’s cab replied.

Ding Yi then added: "This object continuously emits weak gravitational waves. The frequency and intensity of this gravitational wave are constant. It does not carry any information. It may be due to some physical properties inherent to the emitter. Early warning When the system initially detected this gravitational wave and located its launch source, it thought it was from an alien spacecraft, but soon detected that the launch source of the gravitational wave was separated from the spacecraft and flew towards the three-body galaxy at a speed close to the speed of light. "

All this gave Qiao Li a very unpredictable hunch. In theory, the three-body galaxy should be hit by light particles, just like the previous 187J3X1 star.

But how did this happen now, and what caused another dark forest strike?

In order to observe the dark forest strike at close range, Wandering Earth left many unmanned detectors in the three-body galaxy, including even a Tomoko.

That's right, since absorbing the entire three-body civilization, the Tomoko project has become part of the Wandering Earth technology project.

In the giant particle accelerator of the Tomoko project, there are two Tomokos that the three-body civilization has exhausted all the construction, and it is taken for granted by the stray earth.

More than one wise man can form a system that perceives the macro world through certain quantum effects. Suppose there are two protons inside an atomic nucleus, and they will follow certain rules of motion with each other.

For example, the spins of two protons may have opposite directions.

When the two protons are taken apart from the nucleus, no matter how far apart they are from each other, this rule still applies.

Changing the spin direction of one of the protons, the spin direction of the other must also change accordingly.

When these two protons are built into wise sons, they will be based on this effect to form a mutually inductive whole.

The size of this array can reach any size, it can receive electromagnetic waves in all frequency bands, and it can also realize instant communication.

No. 1 Tomoko stays in the three-body galaxy and is responsible for observing the coming dark forest strike. No. 2 Tomoko is on the wandering earth and forms a quantum induction array with No. 1 Tomoko.

Other unmanned detectors also send data to Tomoko No. 1 and then pass information through Tomoko's quantum induction array to achieve instant communication and real-time observation between the two galaxies.

What Wandering Earth receives now is all the information sent by Tomoko No. 1 to maintain surveillance of the entire three-body galaxy through multiple unmanned detectors.

One of the unmanned detectors quickly locked the unknown object into the three-body galaxy, and its speed dropped sharply from the original speed of light to one thousandth of the speed of light. Obviously this is the destination.

The unmanned detector approached cautiously, and the high-resolution holographic image it sent back allowed people on the wandering earth to see what the alien spacecraft launched--

A small piece of paper.

If not everyone was so strict, I thought it was a leaflet of an alien civilization and came here over a few light years.

Since any electromagnetic wave, including visible light, can penetrate the paper, this small piece of paper is actually transparent.

On close-up images, you can see the stars behind it.

However, due to the interference of white light emitted by itself, the space background is very dark, so it appears opaque white from a distance.

"What the **** is this?"

The French representative Bevin was puzzled. This thing was not like a weapon at all. In appearance, it was so slender and harmless, like a white feather floating in the night sky.

"No matter what it is, don't let your guard down," Luo Feng warned.

So far, Wandering Earth has experienced countless weird things. Among them, one thing is profoundly understood. The more something humans cannot understand, the more dangerous it is.

The unmanned detector extended the robotic arm to try to grab the small piece of paper, but when the robotic arm touched the piece of paper, the arm rod passed through the piece of paper, and both were intact.

The robotic arm did not feel any resistance, and the position of the paper did not move at all, as if touching it was a phantom with no entity, and had no effect on any object in the real world.

In space, the intensity of gravitational waves from paper continues to diminish, and it gradually fades out.

Ding Yi judged based on the data displayed by the detector: "It seems that its outer layer is wrapped with a layer of encapsulated force field, and this force field is continuously evaporating."

"What would happen if the force field of this layer of packaging completely evaporated?" Luo Feng asked.

"We will know what it is," Ding Yi answered excitedly.

The cabin of the earth ~ ~ Qiao Lu always said nothing. He already knew the true face of this small piece of paper is the weapon of dimension reduction strike-two-way foil!

The three-body galaxy should not have been hit by dimensionality reduction, and it has no value in doing so, but somehow it all happened.

The advent of two-way foils has already declared the fate of the three-body galaxy. All Wandering Earth can do is to observe carefully, hoping to find clues to resist the impact of dimensionality reduction.

It took several hours for the outer encapsulation force field to fully evaporate. During this period, no one in the earth ’s cab left the table. Everyone waited in a breath, waiting for this moment.

Finally, as the sugar-coated envelope of poison evaporates completely, real destruction begins.

The two-way foil reveals its true posture, but it is actually nothing and nothing inside. It is just a piece of space, which is the same as cosmic space with nothing around it.

The only difference is that it is two-dimensional, it is not a piece, but a piece, a piece without thickness.

The surrounding space begins to flow, and the two-dimensionality of the three-body galaxy begins!

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