The Wandering Planet

Chapter 706: Last hit

Qiao Lu's water-drop armor often makes people think that he is the so-called ultimate weapon, and everyone else is only responsible for covering. As long as he can suppress him, nothing else is threatening.

However, for the wandering earth, water droplets are just detectors. Even if Joey puts on waterdrop armor, it will not be many times stronger than the original waterdrop.

How could this be the real trick of wandering earth?

Hidden behind all this, or playing this situation from the beginning, is the dark matter wormhole that let the Expedition cross.

This wormhole allowed the Expedition to collide with the singer civilization spacecraft across the low-light speed area, and immediately readjusted its coordinates to connect to another wormhole two light years away.

Yes, it is the dark matter wormhole in front of the wandering earth in the solar system.

After confirming the position of the singer's body, the wandering earth began to move, slowly turning the northern hemisphere, and began to load strong force shells at the south pole.

This is the last blow the wandering earth gives the singer-the earth cannon!

The shell of the powerful material equivalent to the weight of a planetary engine was completed at the entrance of the Antarctic courtyard project, and it fell into a 12756-kilometer earth tunnel. It was accelerated through electromagnetic orbits throughout the process, plus the earth ’s own gravity acceleration, and finally broke the bore in the Arctic And out, flew straight into the dark matter wormhole in front.

Larger than water droplets, the shells of powerful materials whose weight and density are many times unknown are rapidly passing through the turbulent dark matter sea, entering from the wormhole on this side, and of course coming out from the wormhole on the other side.

Qiao Lu, Liu Peiqiang, and others have been working around with the singers, seemingly in vain and futile, but in fact they are trying to buy time for the launch of the earth's cannon, allowing the shells to fly in the dark matter wormhole for a while.

The singer probably didn't think of it at the end. It wasn't the space fleet behind Joe Law, but the entire wandering earth!

The powerful material shells fired by the earth's cannons were fired from the dark matter wormhole, and according to the accurately calculated trajectory, they were shot directly towards the spaceship of the singer's civilization.

The singer's big eyes were still staring at Qiao Lu closely, thinking that as long as he killed this annoying fly, the others would not be afraid.

It wasn't until the impact alarm of the seed's main core sounded again that it understood what it was ignoring, but it was too late.

The powerful cannonballs of the Earth's cannon easily penetrate the hull of the singer's civilization spaceship, just like passing through a shadow without resistance. Due to the extremely high speed of impact, only a very regular array of circular holes remained on the hull.

All this does not constitute an obstacle in front of the earth's cannon. The only goal of this cannon is the singer itself on the spaceship.

At this time, the singer just threw the last glowing grain in his hand to Qiao Lu, and then prepared to take more from the seed warehouse.

It's a pity that it has no chance. The earth's cannon smashed its big eyes, and easily smashed the big eyes that had not been moved by countless attacks.

The huge aftershock of the shock flew all the people out of the scene, as if a hurricane hurricane rolled up, penetrating the heavy hull with countless debris, and finally pierced out from the other side of the singer civilization ship hull.

The powerful material shells flew to the low-speed black hole of the singer civilization spacecraft, and eventually disappeared in this low-light speed area. There may be a violent explosion in the low-light speed black hole, but because the light ca n’t come out of it, so It's invisible here.

After the giant eyes of the singer were blown away by the earth's cannons, the steel tentacles around them also drooped weakly. The broken tentacles could not be repaired anymore, and seemed to have completely lost their vitality.

Probably as Qiao Lu thought, this indestructible giant eye is the key point of the singer, but no matter how strong it makes this eye, it is impossible to withstand the frontal bombardment of the earth's cannon.

There may be other ways to destroy its giant eyes, but in order to ensure 100% success, the wandering earth used the earth cannon.

There is no doubt that it is worth it. After the singer's body is eliminated, there is nothing to stop the wandering earth from capturing the entire singer's civilization spaceship.

Despite the varying degrees of destruction on the ship's hull, the spacecraft as a whole can remain intact, especially under the singer's huge body, and the main core of the spaceship is buried. Now it is the loot of the wandering earth.

More personnel landed from the Expedition to help occupy the entire Singer Civilization spaceship. Among them are many engineers who have begun repairing the damaged hull to avoid the disintegration of the spacecraft during its return to the solar system.

The defense system inside the singer civilization spaceship has basically been paralyzed by wandering earth troops. The battle is over, the next consideration is how to bring it back to the waves.

Qiao Lu can finally stop and breathe a sigh of relief ~ ~ Is it over? "Liu Peiqiang came over and asked.

Qiao Lu shook his head and said: "I don't know, it depends on how much information we can get from this spacecraft's civilization, hoping to have technology related to dimensionality reduction."

Not to mention, in fact, the light particles and two-way foil that have not been used by the singer are already huge gains when they are obtained by the wandering earth.

These things are all weapons of mass destruction that randomly destroy a galaxy. Being able to observe the working principle of two-way foil at close range is even more unimaginable for studying dimensionality reduction strikes.

The Expedition slowly separated the singer civilization spaceship, turned to throw countless hooks from the ship, connected to the singer civilization spacecraft, and dragged it slowly towards the dark matter wormhole.

A large number of workers are busy closing the gap in the hull of the singer's civilization spacecraft, so as to avoid any changes in the process of passing through the dark matter wormhole.

Qiao Lu stayed in the main control room of the singer's civilization spaceship, monitoring the singer's body to avoid any variables.

The most worrisome thing now is whether this spaceship will self-destruct. In order to intercept the singer's civilization spacecraft, the wandering earth has invested a lot of resources, but it will not be defeated in the end.

In order to avoid this, the Expedition has collected items from the singer civilization spaceship as much as possible, hoping to get as much information as possible before it destroys itself.

However, in the end, self-destruction did not happen. Under the supervision of Qiao Lu, the main core of the singer civilization spacecraft was completely silent.

Maybe for the singer civilization, this is not a battle at all. What was intercepted was a humble cleaner in their civilization. This spaceship is far from being their star warship. There is no need to prepare any self-destruction program. .

There may be other reasons, but these can only be known by sending it back to the waves.

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