The Wandering Planet

Chapter 707: Fleet Triumph

The Expedition dragged the singer civilization spacecraft through the wormhole and returned to the solar system, declaring this great victory for mankind.

The Asian fleet of human civilization has set up a formation near Pluto to welcome them back. The original fleet was ready to set off to reinforce the Expedition, but before they set off, the battle was over.

So now all the star-class battleships have been changed to parade formations, lined up on both sides, giving way to the middle area to express their high respect.

Because they knew that the soldiers of the Wandering Earth Fleet were born and died, not just to wander the earth, but to save the lives of billions of human civilization in the solar system.

For this reason, the Asian fleet can only express its gratitude in this way. The crew of each star-class battleship stands up to salute the triumph of the wandering earth fleet.

After the Expedition brought back the most important singer civilization spaceship, the expedition Beiming and the Expedition also followed back from the wormhole.

For this victory, the Wandering Earth Fleet also made a huge sacrifice. The Wind Chaser can no longer return, and even the relics cannot be retrieved.

Everything is so hard-won that it is worth paying tribute to them, not just a military parade.

The bridges of every star-class battleship are filled with saluting crowds and greet the wandering earth fleet in the most magnificent formation.

Seeing this shocking scene, Qiao Lu finally felt that their efforts and sacrifices were not in vain. The community of human destiny is not just a slogan, everyone here is the practitioner of this concept.

The Expedition returned to the wandering earth with the singer civilization spacecraft, and finally landed on the star port of the crescent moon base.

All the permanent council representatives of the coalition government came out to greet and witnessed this incredible scene with their own eyes.

Humans intercepted the powerful singer civilization spaceship, and pulled this death god, which wiped out all living beings, from the universe.

Such a feat is incredible, no one dares to say that all this can be done.

Especially the permanent members of the United States, Britain, and France who initially opposed this act, when the entire singer civilization spaceship was in front of them, they still could n’t believe it, and doubted whether Qiao Lu casually found an alien. The spaceship came back to count.

However, the light particles and the two-way foil on the spaceship completely broke this question. This is the singer civilization spaceship that destroyed the entire three-body galaxy. Just by obtaining an unopened two-way foil, the harvest has been far away. Exceeded expectations.

Scientists are like a treasure, and immediately began to study the singer civilization spacecraft. Everything above makes them feel novel. No one has seen anything like this.

Luo Feng stood at the front of the team to greet the people on the boat and first said to Qiao Lu:

"It's hard, Joe Law. I didn't expect you to do it."

"Thanks to your support, I can't win the singer without that earth cannon." Qiao Lu laughed.

The strength of the singer's body is indeed beyond the imagination of Qiao Lu. Obviously it is just a cleaner, but it is difficult to get Qiao Lu to take it.

Qiao Lu looked back at the singer civilization spaceship and said: "But we are really lucky, if this is really a battleship, I am afraid that we are more fierce."

After all, the singer is still a humble cleaner in his civilization, and this spaceship is obviously not designed for combat.

Whether it does not have any naval guns, or the ship ’s defense system is so primitive, it proves that it is far from the main battleship of the singer civilization, and even the battleship is not even a warship, only an engineering ship.

All the cleaning work is done by the singers throwing light particles and two-way foil. It is difficult to imagine that a real battleship will not have a naval gun to launch ammunition specifically.

It is because of this that I did n’t encounter too many obstacles in the battle for the ship. If it is a warship of singer civilization, I am afraid that it is not such a simple defense system.

All these reasons have led to the current situation. Even if it is so difficult, it is difficult to imagine what it will be like to meet the main force of the singer's civilization.

Luo Feng saw Qiao Lu's worries. After all, this act was an offense to the entire singer's civilization, and he had to worry about the possible trouble in the future.

But he still said to Qiao Lu: "At this time, you do n’t have to worry so much. Let ’s wait for us to analyze the information of the civilization of the singers on the spacecraft until they talk about their civilization. Maybe they are also busy with other things and have no time to take care of it. This way. "

This can be determined to be true. The singer civilization must now consider the war between the mother world and the marginal world, especially the two-dimensionalization of its own civilization. It is normal to have no time to consider this. Even if revenge is taken, it should be Very casual.

Knowing this as a traverser, Qiao Lu dare to propose this action. If it is not such a singer civilization that is facing a crisis of survival ~ ~ I am afraid I really dare not disturb their spaceship.

Luo Feng said to Qiao Lu: "In short, you go back and have a good rest. If we get any key information, we will inform you immediately."

Qiao Lu's work has been completed, plus he was indeed very tired, and he agreed with Luo Feng's opinion.

The rest of the work will be left to other people, of course, mainly the scientists of the Wandering Earth, who need them to obtain as much information as possible about the civilization of the singer and find a way to deal with the dimensionality reduction.

The singer did not have the time to launch the two-way foil, which has been sent to the Central Academy of Wandering Earth, and now humans can finally carefully observe how this small piece of paper did not cause dimensionality reduction.

Ding Yi was buried in his work, and studying these things was a supreme happiness for him. If humans really mastered the ability to reduce dimensionality, then it would be equivalent to giving the former opponent, the three-body civilization, far away Leaving behind.

When a piece of two-way foil that is still intact and encapsulated falls into human hands, this is no longer impossible.

Qiao Lu returned to the wandering earth through the space elevator, dragging his tired body back to his villa.

But before the break, he had another thing to confirm. That was the system hidden in him. Sure enough, nothing happened.

Before switching to it, it must have been rewarded with a large number of civilization points, but now the system does not prompt, what exactly does this mean, has all this exceeded the system's original expectations? So that it is impossible to calculate the civilization point?

All of this can only be known if the wandering earth continues to move forward. What we are doing now is just unnecessary guesswork.

Qiao Lu cleared these thoughts out of his mind temporarily, and went back to take a good rest first, maybe tomorrow he will get more useful information and better guess the truth of all this.

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