The Wandering Planet

Chapter 76: Temple of Technology

Since the primary goal of the purge agreement was to stray the earth, Qiao Lu and his party came to the Cybertron Temple of Science without any obstruction.

Fortunately, this temple did not become part of the purge agreement, but still stood there silently, waiting for its opener to arrive.

The shrine's gate is already crumbling, and it shouldn't take much time to pry it open with violence.

附近 Near the gate of the Temple of Science and Technology, Qiao Lu and others also encountered an unexpected waiter.

That is the predecessor of the Autobots, the Imperial Enemy. Somehow they fell down with a group of Decepticons, and the energy of the fire in the body also continued to flow away.

Wu Qingtianzhu rushed up in surprise, raised the natural enemy and asked, "Hey, why are you here?"

Wu Yu's natural enemy said extremely sadly: "Sorry, Optimus Prime. For the survival of our planet, I had to reach a compromise with Megatron. But ... I didn't expect him to do this ..."

Then the answer is obvious, because in cooperation with Megatron, his tinder energy was also subject to Megatron's calculations and became part of the energy source for the purge agreement.

Just because he is still a Autobot, the tinder energy is not as fast as other Decepticons.

Wu Qingtianzhu lamented sadly: "Megatron is just a villain who does nothing to achieve his ambitions, and will not really consider the continuation of our race at all. You are really wrong to see the enemy."

"You're right, Optimus Prime." Yu Tiandi laughed miserably, "I made a wrong decision and paid for it."

Seeing the fall of the old mentor to this point, Optimus Prime couldn't be happier.

"But you still have a chance."

Extinguishing his last strength, Yu Yu's natural enemies said: "His Royal Highness Technology is asleep with our flagship Ark, take the Tinder source and ride here to leave."

After leaving this key message, the former leader of the Autobot formally announced his death.

The Decepticon has all become the raw material of the clearing agreement, and the Bo faction led by Optimus Prime is the last hope of Cybertron civilization.

For the natural enemy, this is the last consolation.

"Optimus Prime, we have to go," Qiao Li said to Optimus Prime.

Now is not the time to be compassionate, and they have more trouble to deal with.

Optimus Prime slowly lowered the body of his mentor, stood up resolutely and said, "I see."

何 How heavy is the price of this knowing.

Everyone came to the gate of the Temple of Science and Technology, and was preparing to show their magical powers to completely open this crumbling door.

I did not expect that before they could do so, the temple door was automatically opened by the arrival of Optimus Prime.

"Bobo leader module was detected and the blocking mode is lifted."

I'm also right, since Autobot's flagship Ark is in it, then this technological body is naturally a creation left by Bobo in the past, and it is normal to react to Optimus Prime's leader module.

That saves them the effort of prying the door.

Biao Qiaolu and his party directly entered the interior of the Temple of Science and Technology. The inside of this huge tower looked much larger than the outside, especially its bottom extended all the way down to the center of the earth.

No wonder it can extract the core fire source of Cybertron's planet. Without such a large high-tech building, it would not be possible to do such a thing.

What's even more surprising is that, as the Imperial Enemy said, Autobot's space battleship Ark is buried underground in the temple and can be restarted at any time through the operating system of the technology temple.

This provided a great help for the evacuation of Qiao Lu and others.

Optimus Prime stepped onto the console of the temple and activated the most important functional devices in the temple.

"The source of the tinder is being extracted ..."

A dazzling blue light suddenly gushed out from the deep underground of the temple and directly broke through the top of the temple to outer space.

At this time, even on the wandering earth, you can see this sky-high beam of light. Luo Feng sent a signal to Qiao Lu and asked:

乔 "Joel, I see a blue light on Cybertron. Is that your beacon?"

Biao Qiaolu replied, "It was we who extracted the ignition source and returned immediately after completion."

At this time, the war on the wandering earth has also intensified. The sporadic Decepticon spacecraft passed through the line of defense formed by the nuclear bomb and missile defense system, and transformed into a infantry robot and landed on the wandering earth.

The ground defense forces fought fiercely with these Decepticons, which were reduced to a purge agreement. Under the premise of occupying the geographical location, this small invading force was easily eliminated.

But this is just the beginning. With the progress of the clearance agreement, more and more Decepticon troops will continue to land on the wandering earth.

Luo Luofeng said to Qiao Lu: "You must hurry up and return to the earth before more enemies come!"

我 "I see. You can start the planetary engine and leave. We found a Cybertron spaceship. We will follow after we get the ignition source."

Qiao Li uploaded the images of the Ark in the Temple of Science and Technology to let Luo Feng know that they can get away ~ ~ Luo Feng nodded and said, "I see, the planetary engine started and started to stay away from Cybertron ! "

Twenty thousand planetary engines ejected a more dazzling beam of light, pushing the wandering earth gradually away from the surface of the Cybertron planet.

At the same time, countless nuclear bombs poured down like heavenly girls scattered, detonating in the enemy's dense area in turn, forming a nuclear explosion barrier between the earth and Cybertron, blocking the way of all Decepticon spacecraft.

There was another heavy rain of metal magma on Cybertron, and hundreds of millions of Decepticons killed in the nuclear explosion.

This time they will not be afraid. After being transformed by the clearance agreement, these Decepticons are just pure consumables.

Countless underground factories are continuously producing more Decepticon spacecraft, they are madly eating Cybertron's last resources, turning them into armed forces and transporting them to the wandering earth.

After this war escalated into a war of attrition, there was really no need to continue entanglement with the enemy.

擎 Under the control of Optimus Prime, Cybertron's core fire source of the planet was finally extracted.

That is a huge metal Rubik's cube. At first glance, there may be hundreds of orders of Rubik's cube series, composed of countless small metal cubes, and there are a lot of strange patterns on the surface to form a mysterious pattern.

The blue energy is constantly surging on the surface of the Rubik's cube, and that is the source of life of the Transformers-the energy of the fire.

"Is this the source of the fire?" Qiao Lu asked.

Optimus Prime answered positively, "Yes, this is the core of our cyber planet."

"Very good, take away, ready to evacuate!"

If you do n’t leave, the wandering earth will be drowned by this mechanical disaster!

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