The Wandering Planet

Chapter 77: Ark, go 3!

A huge metal cube floats quietly in front of everyone. Its large size and unpredictable weight make people wonder how to carry this stuff.

神奇 The magic scene did not happen until the moment when Optimus Prime's fingers touched this metal cube.

I saw that the huge metal cubes were sunken one by one like the Russian matryoshka, and thousands of small cubes were set one by one, so that the volume of the cube quickly shrank.

The huge metal cube was shrunk to the size of a small box within seconds, and even humans could easily lift it.

But the mysterious pattern on the surface of the Rubik's cube is completely preserved and reproduced perfectly on the surface of this box.

This is the origin of all Transformers, the core of Cybertron's planet-the source of fire.

From the appearance, it is just a small metal square with a strange pattern.

Optimus Prime carefully held the source of the fire for a while, then solemnly handed it over to Qiao Lu.

"In the future, he will take care of you."

Qi Qiaolu took over the source of the fire and said with a smile, "It's not you, but we will guard together."

Bringing the Autobots and the Tinder source back to Earth together is the completion of the plan that he made at the beginning.

Now that both have succeeded, it is time to leave this ghost place.

Below the Temple of Science and Technology, Autobot's flagship, the Ark, was officially launched.

This is a huge star warship, enough to carry thousands of Autobots to flee the place, and the space inside is a bit too large for human beings.

Even the smallest of the near-point defensive cannons is large enough to allow a person to climb in, and the falling shell can directly kill someone.

As for wanting to control this warship, it is even more delusional. A joystick on the bridge is higher than an ordinary person.

For human beings, everything here is oversized, human beings are just a dwarf, even struggling to climb a step.

No wonder the system says that these technologies are difficult to reverse engineer, and this size gap is enough for engineers to stay away.

If you press a button to jump on it, it is definitely a chore to study what function each button corresponds to.

不好 If it is not good, it will be a manual work.

Fortunately, there are Autobots here to help, and they are the proper pilots for this Cybertron.

Optimus Prime entered the Ark's cabin, and once again, the Ark control system responded to his leader module.

As a result, the entire ship's driving system was activated, and the long asleep propulsion engine was started again.

The ground near the Temple of Science and Technology slowly opened, revealing the huge bow of the Ark slowly protruding out of the ground.

At this moment, it was like there was a mountain rising suddenly from the surface of Cybertron. Everyone nearby saw the bow of the Ark gradually reach a height higher than the tower of the technology temple.

That is a larger mechanical spire than the largest pyramid in the world, but this is just the tip of the iceberg exposed by the Ark.

Depending on this flagship, Jolly can carry all the Autobots and human landing troops on Cybertron.

A door opened on one side of the minaret, and Jolly greeted everyone nearby from the door:

"Everyone, board the ship immediately! We are going home!"

At this time, because the wandering earth above was still using nuclear bombs to resist the crazy attack of the purge agreement, the Decepticon spacecraft melted by the nuclear explosion was all turned into metal magma and sprinkled on the land of Cybertron.

This is much more than the metal magma splashed by the nuclear explosion on the ground, forming a hot pouring rain to water the nearby area.

The puppet landing forces had to find shelters separately to avoid being burned to ashes in this hot liquid metal rainstorm.

Autobots can still resist slightly, but the feeling of being poured into these bodies by metal magma is not a good thing.

This caused a lot of trouble for evacuation. The power exoskeleton and protective clothing worn by ordinary soldiers could not reach the high temperature of liquid metal.

I rushed out of the bunker, just to die.

的 Only the latest Kirin main battle tank has the ability to drive in such a metal magma torrential rain. With heavy armor to withstand high temperatures, it dragged the head of a mechanical worm onto the battleship.

汽车 Autobots need to find something as an "umbrella" in order to trot along the way.

Seeing this situation, Qiao Li quickly added instructions: "All Autobots, find all available shelters around you, and everyone, as a team, board the ship under the cover of Autobots!"

This command let the warriors in the trapped metal magma torrential rain open, and the Transformers who had been fighting alongside humans for a week also understood it, took the shields around them as shields, and shielded the human troops from retreat.

登 With the tacit cooperation of the two races, the boarding operation was successfully launched.

One human team after another successfully boarded the ship under the cover of Autobots. Liu Peiqiang and Wang Lei also came with the help of the Hornet and merged with Qiao Lu.

They were startled by the huge space in the Ark at first, but both of them calmed down quickly, and Liu Peiqiang asked Qiao Lu first:

"Why the Decepticon's offensive has suddenly become so fierce? They are about to attack the earth!"

Qi Qiaolu explained: "It's not a Decepticon, it's an agreement. It's hard for me to say clearly at the moment, but now we have to go back to Earth immediately."

Wang Lei asked: "How is the situation on earth? Has any dungeon fallen?"

"The situation is still under control, but it must not be delayed any longer."

The nuclear bomb reserves on the wandering earth are always exhausted, but the machinery factory of Cybertron does not know when it will stop ~ ~ Qiao Lu can't help but ask Optimus Prime: "We've all been taken out of Cybertron's energy core. Why hasn't the purge agreement stopped?"

Optimus replied: "The clearing agreement was initiated by Megatron with all Decepticon's tinder energy. Until this energy is exhausted, Cybertron's factory will not stop production. Remove the source of the fire and let this one The planet has become more fragile, but not enough to destroy it immediately. "

This is really a troublesome thing. Megatron is so dead that he has to drag the earth down.

"In short, go back first, we stay here only to bind the coalition government."

Whether it is to directly blow up Cybertron or start the engine at full speed to run away, it is necessary to wait for Qiao Li to return after they return. There is no harm in staying here.

The most important thing is to bring the key tinder source back to the wandering earth!

"Go, Optimus Prime."

After all the Autobots and the Homeless Troops successfully boarded the ship, Qiao Li instructed Optimus Prime.

Optimus nodded tacitly and pulled the joystick, causing the roar of the Ark's engine to erupt.

The huge ark's hull rose slowly on the ground, like a huge iceberg gradually surfaced.

In front of me, it is the wandering earth that uses all means to resist the mechanical disaster. With the advancement of the planetary engine, it has successfully distanced itself from Cybertron.

Countless small Decepticon spacecrafts converge into a huge metal torrent, which is still constantly impacting the defense line of the wandering earth.

At this critical juncture of the 3.5 billion lives of stray earth, no one would wish to be absent!

"Ark, go forward three!"

For our home, move forward at full speed!

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