The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 139: Do the military commanders need evidence to arrest people? (Third update!)

Chapter 139: Do the military commanders still need evidence to arrest people? (Third update!)

“Have everyone been brought back?” Cun Yunsheng looked at Kang Ya in front of him and asked with a smile.

"Well, we have brought them all back. There are more than a dozen truck drivers, plus more than 20 people we have trained ourselves. The automobile company has been initially formed." Kang Huoyan nodded quickly, his eyes unable to suppress the excitement.

When Cun Yunsheng found him and wanted to form a car company, his first reaction was, how can we form a car company if we don't even have trucks?

 As a result, in less than half a month, there were fifty trucks. Not only that, there will be more in the future.

It was only then that Kang Huoyan understood that the purpose of asking him to form a car company was to wait for this time.

 At the same time, I also remembered that Cun Yunsheng emphasized it several times in a row.

 It is better for people to wait for equipment than for equipment to wait for people.

It seems now that my family had already anticipated that such a day would come.

This time, he was asked to take more than 20 drivers from the car company to drive trucks and transport supplies to the border. In addition to practicing their driving skills on mountain roads, he was also asked to pick up people on the other side of the river.

“It seems that Zhang Ruzhi is very attentive this time.” Cun Yunsheng nodded, not expecting it to go so smoothly this time.

 He thought there would be some twists and turns.

 Now it seems that I am simply overthinking.

“Tuanzuo, most of these people are Yu Xiaoqing’s subordinates.” Kang Huojian hesitated for a moment, but still told the news he knew.

"Yu Xiaoqing's subordinates?" Cun Yunsheng was stunned, not quite understanding what he meant, and looked at the other party blankly.

“Yes, they are all Yu Xiaoqing’s subordinates.” Kang Huoyan confirmed again.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng was a little surprised. He didn't expect Yu Xiaoqing to be so generous.

 Give so many technical units at once?

"Yu Xiaoqing is quite generous. The equipment of the regiment was not given to the regiment last time in vain." Cun Yunsheng sighed with emotion.

“Tuanzuo, I’m afraid it’s not what you imagined.” Kang Huoyan shook his head and explained.

"What do you mean?" Cun Yunsheng looked at the other party.

"According to my understanding, they all seem to have been wronged. They have no choice but to run to us from there." Following Kang Huoyan's explanation, Cun Yunsheng felt a hundred thousand grass mud horses passing by.

 Zhang Ruzhi is so big?

  Hit Yu Xiaoqing’s people directly?

 Then give it to him?

I have to say, this guy is really brave.

However, Cun Yunsheng felt moved in his heart.

This Zhang Ruzhi is quite capable.

“Yu Xiaoqing didn’t respond to such a simple frame-up?” Cun Yunsheng asked curiously.

"From what those people said, it seems that Yu Xiaoqing didn't know that they were captured by the military commander." Kang Huoyan hesitated and said.

“It seems that Yu Xiaoqing’s control over Master Yu is not good. No, Master Yu must have someone to cooperate, otherwise he wouldn’t have taken away so many people so easily.”

“Let me guess, it’s no surprise that it’s Deputy Master Tang.” Cun Yunsheng said sadly.

 Firstly, I feel unworthy for Yu Xiaoqing, and secondly, I lament that military unification is a good method.

 Even Tang Ji can win over him. It seems that Zhang Ruzhi should not be underestimated.

"Ah? Such a big official, is he still short of money?" Kang Huojian was stunned and said subconsciously.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng glanced at him. That's right. For such a big official, he still has to eat, drink, and defecate.

 Besides, who would think it’s too much money?

Perhaps feeling that there was something wrong with his words, Kang Huojian quickly changed the topic.

 “Tuanzu, nothing will go wrong, right? What if Yu Xiaoqing gets angry?”

"What's the problem? How can Yu Xiaoqing get mad and cross the Nu River to trouble me?" Cun Yunsheng sneered and then told Kang Huoyan not to worry, nothing would go wrong.

 For him, this is nothing.

 Just a Yu Xiaoqing, easy to handle.

What he didn't expect was how courageous Zhang Ruzhi and Tang Ji were.

He actually attacked the backbone of Master Yu directly.

 This can be regarded as poaching Master Yu.

 I don’t know when Zhang Lixian and He Shuguang were recruited.

But if these two were poached, Yu Xiaoqing would definitely be furious.


 Let Zhang Ruzhi think of a way.

It’s not that easy to get your own money.

"I'll give you three days to let your soldiers get familiar with those trucks. We don't have much time left. The next task depends on your engineering battalion." Cun Yunsheng said solemnly to Kang Huoyan.

"Yes, please rest assured and ensure that the mission is completed." All the battalion commanders of the Sichuan Army also knew that Cun Yunsheng had already made the decision to march thousands of miles into Lashio, so during this period, they have been increasing their training intensity.

 The logistics staff are also rushing to make fried rice, inventory a large number of cans, etc.

 According to Cun Yunsheng's requirements, at least one month's rations for 3,000 people will be guaranteed.

"Regimental seat, the fighter plane handed over by the British army has arrived at the airport. Do you want to take a look?" At this time, Lin Yi walked in and said excitedly.

Hearing the arrival of the fighter plane, Cun Yunsheng's eyes lit up. So fast?

 It seems that the situation in Imphal is not optimistic.

 Otherwise, given the nature of the British army, it would have to be delayed for at least several days.

Thinking of this, Cun Yunsheng asked him to call all the people in the flying team.

 At the field airport, thirty-six Spitfire fighter jets were lined up, which was very spectacular.

When Zhang Yang and others arrived at the airport, they looked at the fighter planes in front of them and were extremely excited.

 “Tuan seat.” Zhang Yang came to Cun Yunsheng and quickly stood at attention and saluted.

"How is it? Have you seen the fighter plane? What do you think?" Cun Yunsheng nodded and continued.

“Very advanced, much more advanced than the fighters I saw at Leiyun Airport.” Zhang Yang said.

Although Leiyun Airport has two Spitfire fighter jets, they were transferred to the mountain city after entering the airport.

 It is also known as "protecting the safety of the mountain city".

 Hence, Zhang Yang did not see the Spitfire at that time.

 They usually train biplane fighters, which are obsolete models more than ten years ago.

 It was completely incomparable to the metal monoplane fighter in front of me.

“If you can fly such a fighter jet, you will definitely be able to shoot down more Japanese fighter jets.” Zhang Yang said confidently.

Other pilots also looked excited. When many of them came, they thought they would never be able to fly a fighter plane in their lifetime.

 After all, no matter how powerful the Sichuan Army is, it is impossible to have fighter planes.

Who knows, how long has it been since we got so many fighter jets?

And they are all Spitfire fighter jets, which is really incredible.

You know, before this, some people even suggested that as long as it was not an old fighter jet with teeth missing and unable to take off, they would accept it.

 The result was beyond their expectations.

At this moment, they can’t wait to fly this advanced fighter jet and soar in the sky.

“Commander, can you let us fly this fighter? I guarantee that we can shoot down at least three Japanese fighter planes, no, five.” A lieutenant stood up and said to Cun Yunsheng.

“What’s your name?” Cun Yunsheng glanced at the other party in surprise.

“Zhou Zhikai, once served as the captain of the 23rd Squadron of the 4th Brigade.” Zhou Zhikai looked at Cun Yunsheng, stood at attention and saluted.

Hearing this name, Cun Yunsheng frowned slightly.

I seem to have heard of this person somewhere, but I can’t remember it.

However, the person who is familiar to him must be someone who has left a name in history. In other words, this person should be an ace pilot in the future.

 Thinking of this, the smile on Cun Yunsheng's face became even bigger. "Congratulations on joining the Sichuan Army. From now on, you can choose any Spitfire as your fighter plane." Cun Yunsheng said with a smile on his face, and then looked at the others.

“Of course, you can also choose a fighter plane.”

“Yes, regimental seat.” More than twenty pilots responded in unison.

In addition to some of these pilots he trained himself, there are also several who came to join him on their own initiative.

Speaking of this, I have to thank Station Master Wang of the shelter. This guy took Xing Jiuhong’s words to heart at that time.

 Later, I inquired in many ways and found some idle pilots, and even took the initiative to persuade them that there were fighter jets in the Sichuan Army Corps.

Do not believe?

 Where did the two Spitfire fighter jets from Shancheng come from? do you know?

Given by the Sichuan Army.

Hearing this, these pilots were excited and decided to go to Myitkyina.

When he learned that they had joined, Cun Yunsheng was excited for a while.

He even said that it won’t be long before there will be fighter jets.

 Now that they have seen the fighter planes, the pilots completely believe that Cun Yunsheng is a man of his word.

“You will be given ten days to familiarize yourself with the fighter plane. After ten days, there will be a mission waiting for you.” After they calmed down, Cun Yunsheng said again.

 “Yes, regimental seat.” All the pilots shouted in unison.


On the other side, Yu Xiaoqing, who had completed the inspection of the Nantianmen position, looked at the list in his hand and frowned slightly.

"Where are these people? Where have they gone?" After speaking, he looked at the officer in front of him.

“He was taken away by the military commander.” The officer glanced at Yu Xiaoqing, who was not angry and proud, and said with some fear.

 “What?” Yu Xiaoqing thought she heard wrongly, so she asked again.

“Master, a few of them were taken away by the military commander.” The officer said bravely.

At the same time, I was very curious. Didn’t I report this matter?

 Why does Master look so completely unaware?

“The military commander took my soldiers away?” Yu Xiaoqing looked at the other party in disbelief.

 When did the military commander become so bold?

He actually took his soldiers away directly?

Haven’t you said hello to him?

"Master, don't you know about this? I have reported it to Deputy Master Tang." The officer asked in surprise.

Hearing Tang Ji, Yu Xiaoqing was stunned for a moment. Uncle Tang knew about this?

 Why don’t you report it to yourself?

"For what reason did the military commander take them away?" Yu Xiaoqing took a deep breath and asked.

"It's said to be investigating smuggling. For more details, the military commander asked me not to inquire." The officer said helplessly.


His Yu Xiaoqing’s soldiers need to be smuggled?

                                      I want them to eat less?

Yu Xiaoqing looked at him speechlessly. You just let the military commander take your soldiers away like this?

“How are you like this?” Yu Xiaoqing asked again.

"It should be quite a few. I heard people from other regiments also said this. The military commander has arrested a lot of people recently." The officer thought for a while and told the news he had learned.

Hearing this, Yu Xiaoqing’s brows furrowed even deeper.

 Dozens of people were arrested?

 As a master, I don’t know anything about it.

 What exactly do the military commanders want to do?

Also why didn’t Uncle Tang report to me?

 Is there anything else involved in this?

 For a time, Yu Xiaoqing had a lot of thoughts and didn't know what to say.

“Master, are they okay?” the officer asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, it's nothing. You guys keep your position and I'll take care of it from the military commander's side." Yu Xiaoqing waved her hand to indicate that he didn't have to worry, and then angrily returned to the division headquarters and went straight to the military commander's office.

"Director Zhang, I heard that you captured my soldiers? Who gave you the right to capture my soldiers?" Seeing Zhang Ruzhi, Yu Xiaoqing roared angrily.

 It seems that Yu Xiaoqing has been expected to come for a long time. Zhang Ruzhi seemed very calm without any panic.

"Master Yu, what do you mean by this? What do you mean by your soldiers? Aren't they all the country's troops? As a military commander, I naturally have the right to arrest illegal soldiers."

Hearing Zhang Ruzhi’s words, Yu Xiaoqing snorted coldly.

 “Illegal? Which military discipline did my soldiers violate?”

"Even if military discipline is violated, it will be dealt with by the Military Justice Department. It is not your turn to arrest people, so let them go immediately."

 “Let him go?” Zhang Ruzhi chuckled, then looked at Yu Xiaoqing and snorted coldly.

"I'm afraid, we can't let go. According to the intelligence we collected, these people seem to be connected to those in the north."

"Master Yu, do you know what this means? If Shangfeng finds out, I'm afraid you, the division commander, will have to move your position."

"Even if your Yu family is powerful, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear this crime."

Hearing this, Yu Xiaoqing trembled with anger.

“Where’s the evidence? There’s no evidence, do you think I’ll believe it?”

"The military command never needs evidence to arrest people. As long as they are the subject of suspicion, we have the right to arrest people." Zhang Ruzhi looked at Yu Xiaoqing like this, not giving him any face at all.

This made Yu Xiaoqing extremely angry. When did the military commander become so arrogant?

“I want to see them, take me there immediately.” Yu Xiaoqing took a deep breath and looked at the other person.

"I'm afraid I can't see it. These people will be interrogated closely. Once the evidence is conclusive, they will be executed secretly." Zhang Ruzhi said expressionlessly.

"Bastard, who gave you the right to execute them secretly?" Yu Xiaoqing was really mad this time and wanted to immediately draw the gun and kill the guy in front of him.

At this moment, Tang Ji rushed over and quickly pulled Yu Xiaoqing.

“Xiao Qing, what are you doing, so impulsive?”

"The duty of the military commander is to eliminate dissidents. You are interfering with the military commander's work."

“If you are brought to the mountain city headquarters, Shangfeng will suspect that someone in the second division has bad intentions. I’m afraid your plan to counterattack Nantianmen will be shattered.”

Yu Xiaoqing took a deep breath, frowned, and looked at Tang Ji.

“Uncle Tang, have you known this for a long time?”

"I just learned about it, but I can't interfere with the military affairs. You should know what happened last year. Now Shangfeng is very sensitive to these things. He would rather kill a thousand people by mistake than let one go."

 “Be patient, Xiao Qing.” Tang Ji advised.

"Uncle Tang, you can't bear it like this? Those are my soldiers, and some of them have been with me for several years. They are definitely not like that." Yu Xiaoqing wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Tang Ji.

"Xiaoqing, do you know whether your soldiers are humans or ghosts?" Tang Ji said meaningfully, leaving Yu Xiaoqing speechless.

 “For the sake of the Yu family, be patient.”

Hearing this, Yu Xiaoqing opened her mouth and wanted to say something else, but chose to shut up.

 Just glanced at Zhang Ruzhi hatefully.

This **** guy!

 One day he wants the other person to look good.

“Master, are you just leaving like this?” Zhang Lixian looked at Yu Xiaoqing, who looked ashen-faced, with some chilling feeling.

 Some people are even brothers, so just ignore them?

 “Go back.” Yu Xiaoqing said coldly.

Zhang Lixian looked at Yu Xiaoqing with a disappointed expression.

There is one more update, let’s strive for eleven o’clock! I went out for a meal in the evening and was delayed when I came back! Sorry!



 (End of this chapter)

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