The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 140: Predicted my prediction!

 Chapter 140 predicted my prediction!

 “I don’t see you, the army of Han Dynasty is over, the weak crown is tied to the prisoner, please grow the tassel.

 You don’t see me, but the squad is far away, and the Jueyu Qingqi urges the war cloud!

 Men are expected to engage in dangerous activities, so why should they let a Confucian scholar ruin their life?

 Abandon my pen from the past and keep my pen from the war.

 More than 100,000 comrades were summoned at one call, and they sang war songs to join the army.

 Clean the dust and vow to sweep away the Japanese slaves without caring about your own safety! "

At the Myitkyina training ground, the loud singing was deafening. On the stage, Lin Yi screamed at the top of his lungs and led the soldiers to sing one military song after another.

Feeling the chilling atmosphere brought by the military song, even Cun Yunsheng couldn't help but feel moved.

 Meng Fangliao and others looked at Lin Yi with surprised eyes.

I didn’t expect that Commander Ayi, who had always been submissive, actually had such a masculine side.

 After the military song ended, the singing still echoed in the training ground, and it took a long time for it to dissipate.

 The soldiers on the field all knew that a surprise attack on Lashio was coming next.

 At this time, it is also the swearing-in meeting.

But it was different from the usual swearing-in meeting. After a few military songs ended.

As the group leader, Cun Yunsheng simply said two words.

"Set off!"

 There is no so-called passionate mobilization, and there is no so-called long nonsense.

This makes many soldiers feel novel.

 Usually, there will be all kinds of nonsense in swearing-in meetings.

 To put it bluntly, it is to let them know how to fight the enemy bravely.

Cun Yunsheng has always scorned this kind of swearing-in meeting.

So I rejected the proposal of Lin Yi and others.

 In his eyes, the Sichuan regiments are all veterans who have fought for several years, and they know honor and other things.

 Instead of talking so much nonsense, it is better to mention welfare benefits.

Excellent weapons, solid military pay, brand-new military uniforms, abundant food, and strict military discipline.

These are more effective than any cheap slogan.

If you don’t believe it, look at the training ground. The soldiers of the Sichuan Army are standing upright like pine trees.

From the military song to the end, there was no sound except the wind in the entire training ground.

 This is the style of an elite division.

Looking at the elite division in front of him, Cun Yunsheng felt a surge of pride and ambition in his heart.

 Three months ago, he was forced to withdraw all the way to Myitkyina with more than 2,000 soldiers.

 Three months later, he will lead an elite division and start a battle that will shock the world.

This time, in addition to the three infantry battalions, the troops attacking Lashio also included Zhao He's chariot battalion, Kang Huoyan's engineer battalion, and part of the artillery battalion.

 In addition, some guard battalions and other troops were also mobilized.

 The field hospital remains in Myitkyina for the time being, and the emergency trained health workers can only meet the needs of the troops currently deployed.

The rest of the troops stayed in Myitkyina, and Lin Yi was responsible for pretending to attack the Takeuchi regiment to prevent the Japanese army from noticing that there were fewer troops in the city.

 These more than 3,000 troops can be said to be armed to the teeth.

 Chariots, trucks, jeeps, heavy artillery.

  It can be said that the Sichuan Army Corps at this moment can be regarded as a quasi-mechanized force.

“Tuanzuo, are we going straight to Lashio?” On the riverside, Dong Dao’s reconnaissance battalion took the lead in crossing the river. They will be responsible for exploring the road and investigating the surrounding areas.

This time the reconnaissance battalion has undergone earth-shaking changes. In addition to all automatic firearms, it is also equipped with transmitters, which means that they no longer need to rely on manpower to convey orders.

 If you have any questions, just send them directly.

  It can be said that in three months, the Sichuan Army has grown very fast.

If the Japanese army continues to maintain its previous attitude, I am afraid it will suffer heavy losses.

 “No, capture Xipu first.” Cun Yunsheng shook his head and said.

According to the sketch sent back by Long Wenwen, there are many primeval forests between Myitkyina and Lashio. Thousands of troops are scattered in, but few people can come out.

 Hence, the safest marching route is to take a detour from Hsipaw.

Cun Yunsheng thought about Long Wenwen’s suggestion for a while and then decided to adopt it.

In addition to the route, there is also the fact that Hsipaw is located between Lashio and Mandalay.

 The railways on both sides must pass through here.

As long as we capture this place, it means that the 55th Division stationed in Mandalay will not be able to increase its troops in Lashio immediately.

 Otherwise, if they go straight to Lashio and fail to capture Lashio in a short time, the Japanese reinforcements will arrive in Lashio as quickly as possible.

 When the surprise attack fails, it becomes a protracted war.

 The supplies they brought were only enough for one month.

 So, the key point of this battle is to be quick.

 “Xibu?” Meng Fan looked at the map in confusion.

“According to intelligence, there are four to five thousand Japanese troops here? Can we win with a small number of people?”

"What? No more confidence?" Cun Yunsheng chuckled.

“Don’t think these four to five thousand Japanese troops are too scary. This is actually a transit station.”

Meng Fan frowned slightly, not understanding what this sentence meant.

Shouldn’t the transfer stations be Lashio and Mandalay?

How did it become Xipu?

“Looking at the map, do you think that the geographical location of Hsipaw is very good. You can go south to support Mandalay, and you can go north to support Lashio.”

“So, what you are saying is that the four or five thousand Japanese soldiers stationed here are to supplement the Japanese troops in the two places at any time?” Meng Fanlie seemed to understand somewhat and asked speculatively.

"That's right. In other words, this is a hospital in the rear. Some wounded soldiers from the Japanese army are sent here for treatment. Once the injuries are healed, these soldiers will be rushed to the front line."

“The Japanese army in Imphal also mobilized soldiers from here?” Meng Fan asked again.


"In this case, as long as we occupy this place, the Japanese army attacking Imphal will not be supplemented by soldiers, and they will become weaker and weaker as they fight." As he spoke, Meng Fanglao's eyes lit up.

“Tuanzuo, you are really thinking too far. This move of yours hit the little devil’s life directly. It is probably enough for the little devil to drink a pot.”

“Just right, you can also use this to ask for more equipment from the Allies.”

All right!

 Actually, Cun Yunsheng didn't think so much at all, and Meng Fanlai made up for it.

But I have to say, this guy’s idea makes sense.

His real purpose was simply to capture Hsipaw and station a battalion of soldiers here to block the Japanese reinforcements, while the rest of the troops raided Lashio at full speed.

 As long as Lashio is captured as quickly as possible, it doesn't matter even if Hsipaw is lost.

However, Meng Fangliao's words reminded him.

If you take Hsipaw, you can indeed ask Stilwell for equipment.

 But in that case, the military strength may be a bit insufficient.

 It was impossible to draw troops from Myitkyina.

 Now we can only hope that Long Wenwen’s troops behind enemy lines will develop well.

 Last time, there were already thousands of people, and I don’t know how many there will be this time.

“Send a telegram to Long Wenwen and ask him to take his troops to Hsipaw.” Thinking of this, Cun Yunsheng said.


One day later, the Sichuan Army Corps had arrived outside Yingduo City. It can be said that the Sichuan Army Corps perfectly demonstrated what it means to have an army with great speed.

 “Fire!” Cun Yunsheng glanced at his watch and found that it would be dawn in two hours. He couldn’t wait any longer and directly asked the artillery battalion to fire. Boom!



The artillery that had just laid down their positions immediately began to fire at the fortifications in the city.

The natives who were sleeping at the fortifications were instantly stunned by the explosion.

“Are the guerrillas coming?” This was the first reaction of the indigenous battalion commander after waking up. After all, only the guerrillas would harass Yingduo City from time to time.

 So, he thought it was the guerrillas.

“Probably not, this density of artillery fire doesn’t look like a guerrilla at all.” The indigenous company commander next to him had woken up a few minutes earlier, so he immediately shook his head.

 Because the density of artillery fire is too great.

“Could it be that the Sichuan Army Corps is calling?”

“Impossible, they are still in Myitkyina.”

“Asshole, hurry up and send a telegram to the Japanese army. We are under attack here and ask for support.” The indigenous battalion commander didn’t bother to guess and just kicked his subordinates.

“Yes.” The native company commander immediately turned around and ran to make a phone call.

 Outside the fortifications, Snake Butt personally led a company to charge towards the fortifications.

 In front of them were four M3 light tanks.

Although I have practiced foot-tank coordination several times, I was scolded every time and could not achieve true foot-tank coordination at all.

 In the end, it can only evolve into a tank attack.

 At this time, it was their first actual battle.

Even though they have practiced several times, there is still a difference between actual combat and drills. Even if Snake Butt emphasizes countless times that it is just a drill, they still feel a little panicked.

"Infantry, please stay close and don't show your head. Did you hear me? Where are the artillery platoon members? Establish an artillery position and provide fire support at any time." Snake Butt continued to direct.

Behind him, Cun Yunsheng, who was observing with a telescope, couldn't help but nodded in affirmation when he saw this scene.

Although this step-tank synergy looks weird, the overall performance is pretty good. At least no one panicked or ran around.

If nothing else goes wrong, we can seize the position when the tanks rush to the front, and taking Yingduo is not far away.

In such a small town, he was too lazy to use a conspiracy trick to crush it directly with his strength.

“Buddha bless you, is this a giant steel beast?” The indigenous battalion commander looked at the M3 tank in front of him with wide eyes, and his blood pressure soared.

 Ta ta ta ta ta!

 The indigenous soldiers on the position could not suppress the fear in their hearts and shot at the M3 tanks.

 It’s a pity that the bullet hit the tank, leaving no damage except bullet marks.

 Occasionally splashed bullets may injure the infantry behind the tank.

 “Fire!” The M3 tank rushing at the front stopped decisively and fired a shot at the flaming position.


There was a loud noise, and the flaming position on the opposite side was directly blown up.

Immediately afterwards, the machine gun on the M3 tank began to fire wildly at the indigenous positions in the distance.

 The frightened natives immediately abandoned their positions and ran behind them.

 As a result, they were fired upon by machine guns again.

Like rows of wooden piles, they fell quickly.

"dash forward!"

Seeing that the natives were frightened, Ma Dazhi waved his hand, and the infantrymen who had been hiding behind the tanks rushed out, pulled the triggers at the same time, and shot wildly at the scattered natives.

The natives who fell to the ground were still wailing, and were shot again by the Sichuan Army soldiers who caught up.

 This is the first rule that all soldiers of the Sichuan Army should remember. They must replenish their guns on the battlefield.

 When you see the enemy's corpse, whether it is dead or not, shoot again immediately without any hesitation.

The soldiers of the Sichuan Army just kept stepping on the corpses of the natives and continued to pursue them.

 Some natives even knelt down to express their surrender, and were greeted with a shot.

 According to what Cun Yunsheng said, they were making a surprise attack and had no time to gather the prisoners.

 Naturally, death awaits these captives.

“Let the whole battalion be dispatched. The outer fortifications have been taken down. Enter the city immediately.” Li Liansheng, who was not far away, put down his telescope and began to say to the communications soldier beside him.

 “Yes, battalion commander.”

With an order, a battalion of more than 900 people rushed directly into Yingduo City.

The Japanese squadron leader who had just assembled in the city saw this scene and did not bother to fight back. He led his men and ran towards Imphal.

Wherever there are troops of the 18th Division, he must report the information here to Lieutenant General Mutaguchi Renya as soon as possible.

The Sichuan Army Corps in Myitkyina is dispatched, and the target may be the 18th Division.

 After capturing Yingduo in one hour, Cun Yunsheng did not have any pride, but said calmly.

“Rest for an hour, then head south to Hsipaw. Be sure to reach Hsipaw within three days.”

 “Yes, Tuanzuo.”

Not long after, Shozo Kawabe of the Japanese Fifteenth Army Headquarters received news from the communications staff.

 “What did you say? Yingduo lost contact?”

 Normally, the Yingduo garrison would send a telegram every day to indicate that everything was normal.

As a result, there was no telegram at night, and they could not contact Yingduo's radio station.

 This means something happened to Yingduo.

This made Hebei Masami feel a little bit bad.

"Is there anything unusual about Yingduo recently?" Hebian Zhengsan thought for a while, but couldn't figure it out, and then asked.

"Yes, recently, a small group of guerrillas harassed Yingduo, but they were all repelled." the communications staff officer said quickly.

Hearing that it was just a small group of guerrillas, Hebian Zhengzo didn't pay much attention.

This kind of telegram comes every day.

 Especially after the Japanese army revealed their true colors, resistance became even greater.

 So he is used to it.

"It shouldn't be. It's impossible for the guerrillas to occupy Yingduo. There is still a squadron of Japanese troops stationed in the city. It is absolutely impossible to lose it." Hebian Zhengzo thought for a while and didn't understand.

"Where is the direction of Myitkyina? What's going on with the Sichuan Army recently?" After looking at the map for a while, Hebian Zhengzo asked again.

 He felt that if something went wrong in Yingduo, the most likely cause would be the Sichuan Army Corps.

 There is no way, now the Sichuan Army is the most powerful in the whole of Myanmar.

"No, everything is normal. Colonel Takeuchi Renzan sent a telegram just half an hour ago, and the Sichuan Army Corps carried out routine artillery bombardment." The communications staff member shook his head and said.

Hearing this, Hebian Zhengsan frowned even deeper.

If not the Sichuan Army, who else could it be?

 Are they really guerrillas?


Hebeian Zhengzo’s mind almost exploded and he didn’t even think about it. He finally said to the combat staff.

“Let the 7th Flying Regiment send a reconnaissance plane to Yingduo to investigate and find out what is going on.”

 “Hai.” The combat staff responded, but added another sentence.

“Is there something wrong with the radio?”

  After all, this situation does exist. If the radio fails, it is normal to lose contact.

Hearing this, Hebian Zhengzo hesitated for a moment and thought it made sense.

 “Forget it, let’s wait a little longer.”

  Fourth update! Firstly! My fingers hurt so much! It will be later tomorrow morning, around ten o'clock!



 (End of this chapter)

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