The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 146: Solve the person who asked the question! (Second update!)

Chapter 146: Solve the person who asked the question! (Second update!)

 Shancheng's performance really made Hebian Zhengsan and others unpredictable.

 Normally speaking, the losses of the Fifth Army were not very large, and it could be transferred into southwest Yunnan to block the Japanese attack.

 After all, during the **** battle at Kunlun Pass, the Fifth Army proved with its strength that it could withstand the Japanese attack in a head-on confrontation.

The results of it?

  The Fifth Army did not appear in southwest Yunnan, but rested in Kunming.

Even if Leiyun Airport was destroyed, he remained indifferent.

Now, after listening to Yahara Hiromichi's words, Kawabe Shozo also hesitated a little.

Even if the Sichuan Army captures Lashio, I am afraid there will still be no movement from the Southwest Yunnan Expeditionary Force.

"Yo Xi, what Yahara-kun said makes sense. It seems that the goal of the Sichuan Army should be Mandalay to rescue the crisis in Imphal?" Kawabe Shozo thought for a while and also felt that it was possible to go south to Mandalay. Sex will be great.

"If this is the case, Mutaguchi-kun will be in danger."

 “Which other troops can be mobilized now?”

As soon as these words came out, the entire military staff looked at each other.

 The entire Fifteenth Army only has four divisions in total.

 The 18th, 33rd, 55th, and 56th divisions respectively.

 The 55th Division stationed in Mandalay is responsible for security in western Myanmar.

The 56th Division is stationed in the Lashio area, and its several regiments are stationed in different places.

The 18th Division and the 33rd Division besieged Imphal.

The only ones Yangon can mobilize are some guard troops, military police and flying regiments.

It is already very difficult to barely hold Yangon. As for dispatching troops and reinforcements.

 They really can’t think of where they can mobilize more troops?

 The base camp itself is still worried about where to deploy more troops to the Pacific battlefield.

 Hand out your hand to the base camp to ask for troops?

 I think I will get scolded.

 The current base camp will only reach out to them to ask for various supplies, and the rest will be figured out by themselves.

 So we are sending troops and reinforcements?

  It’s just a talk.

If he really had troops in hand, Hsipaw would have sent troops for reinforcements before.

It’s not that we don’t have enough troops at hand. If we mobilize troops from other directions, I’m afraid that due to the cunningness of the Sichuan Army, we will directly attack the hinterland of the Japanese army.

"Your Excellency, Commander, I'm afraid we won't be able to mobilize even one brigade." Seeing that everyone around him was silent, Yahara Hiromichi could only bite the bullet and said.

"Unless some towns are abandoned and all troops are transferred to Mandalay."

"No, in that case, we will be even more passive. Don't forget the tasks assigned to us by the base camp. We need more rice and other materials." Kawabe Shozo directly rejected his proposal.

"If this is the case, then the Thai army from Siam can only be mobilized." Yahara Hiromichi suggested.

"Thai army?" Hebian Zhengsan frowned slightly. He knew very well that for these Thai troops, there would be no problem in fighting with the wind. For example, facing the Sichuan Army, they would definitely be defeated at the first touch.

"Yes, Siam has hundreds of thousands of troops. They can mobilize their troops. Why can't they enjoy the benefits without having to pay?" Yahara Hiromichi said calmly.

There is nothing wrong with this sentence. Siam's losses were minimal. When the Japanese army was preparing to invade, they directly chose to surrender and join the Japanese army.

 Hence, Siam's losses were very small, and it can be said that the organization of the troops was basically complete.

 Although two divisions were deployed before, it did not affect their order at all.

“Yoshi, what you said makes sense, then we will deploy three infantry divisions from Siam, including at least three artillery regiments and one armored regiment.” Hebian Zhengzo took a deep breath and said.



On the other side, at Nantianmen, ever since Yu Xiaoqing learned that dozens of his subordinates had been taken away by the military commander, he began to secretly send people to investigate the military commander.

 He thought that the military commander must be doing some ulterior conspiracy.

 So he ordered Zhang Lixian to investigate privately.

As expected, it didn’t take long for Zhang Lixian to find some clues.

"What did you say? People smuggling?" Yu Xiaoqing looked at the other party in shock.

“Master, according to our investigation, these veterans eventually went to the Sichuan Army.” Zhang Lixian said seriously.

"What did you say?" Yu Xiaoqing was even more unbelievable. He didn't expect that the person behind it was actually the Sichuan Army Corps?

This was indeed beyond his expectation.

 Unexpectedly, the mastermind of all this turned out to be the Sichuan Army.

“Wait a minute, are you saying that the Sichuan Army Corps cooperated with the military commanders?”

 “When did they hook up...”

Before Yu Xiaoqing finished speaking, he slapped himself on the head and forgot that in order to block Zhang Ruzhi's mouth, he promised to introduce the two parties to each other.

I didn’t expect that the relationship between the two parties would be so close.

Even the military commander became an accomplice, helping the Sichuan Army to transport veterans?

 The key is to start with your own troops?

Yu Xiaoqing was a little angry now, looked at Zhang Lixian and said.

 “Is there any evidence?”

“No, but Deputy Master Tang should know something.” Zhang Lixian shook his head, and then said something cautiously.

"Uncle Tang? Is he also involved? Impossible. He and the military commanders have never dealt with each other." Yu Xiaoqing frowned slightly, always feeling that this person who watched him grow up would not do such a thing. .

 Seeing this, Zhang Lixian said nothing more. He knew that this kind of thing must have solid evidence, otherwise Yu Xiaoqing would not be convinced by mere speculation.

"Okay, you go down first, I'll go talk to Uncle Tang." Yu Xiaoqing thought it was better to ask him in person, after all, Tang Ji would not lie to him.

 Arriving at Tang Ji's residence, Yu Xiaoqing went straight to the point and told everything Zhang Lixian knew.

 As a result, Tang Ji's performance was very mediocre.

"Xiao Qing, I know you can't stand the military commanders, but their mission is to supervise the various troops and prevent people from changing their minds." Tang Ji said meaningfully.

"Without evidence, the military commanders would not dare to do such a thing."

“As for the Sichuan Army Corps you said is the mastermind behind this, this kind of thing requires solid evidence.”

“Don’t forget, behind the Sichuan Army is the Allied Command. There is no conclusive evidence and no one believes what you say.”

 “I may even think that you are framed.”

Hearing this, Yu Xiaoqing frowned even deeper. He didn't expect it to be so troublesome.

However, what he said does make sense. Without certain evidence, I am afraid that the Sichuan Army will not admit it.

"Well, I know, I will let Zhang Lixian collect evidence." Yu Xiaoqing glanced at Tang Ji, as if he wanted to see something in the other person's eyes, but Tang Ji didn't show any fluctuation at all.

This made Yu Xiaoqing a little disappointed.

 In fact, his little moral character was nothing compared to Tang Ji.

He has been working in the Yu family for decades. If he didn't have this kind of skills, he wouldn't have been able to work in the Yu family for decades.

After Yu Xiaoqing left, Tang Ji directly picked up the phone and called Zhang Ruzhi.

“Master Tang, this Zhang Lixian is a problem.” Zhang Ruzhi said after listening.

"Well, but the weather is really hot today." Tang Ji took a sip of tea and was still chatting, as if he didn't want to talk more on this topic.

"Master Tang, the first dividend has been paid, and someone will send it to you later. It's not much, only 23,000 yuan." As soon as Zhang Ruzhi finished speaking, Tang Ji coughed lightly. .

“Director Zhang, don’t panic, stay calm, how can a mere Zhang Lixian turn the world upside down?”

"But he is Yu Xiaoqing's confidant. If he is allowed to continue the investigation, I am afraid he will be found out sooner or later." Zhang Ruzhi took a deep breath and said.

"Look, I'm anxious again, don't be anxious, isn't there a shortage of people on the other side? Can't your military commander just list a crime and throw him over?" Tang Ji said calmly.

Hearing this, Zhang Ruzhi couldn't help but give Tang Ji a thumbs up and praised him.

"Gao, in terms of Gao Ming, it's still Tang Shizuo, but this Zhang Lixian is Yu Shizuo's confidant, not one of those big-headed soldiers, and it's not that easy to handle."

Tang Ji looked disdainful of Zhang Ruzhi's concerns.

"What kind of confidant is not a soldier of the party and the state? The military commander has the responsibility to arrest."    "Just throw him into the custody room of your military commander for interrogation on the charge of poor supervision, and then accuse him of deserting, isn't that right? solved."

I have to say that Tang Ji's move will definitely leave Yu Xiaoqing speechless.

 Poor supervision! This crime may be serious or minor.

For example, the military commander had reason to suspect that Zhang Lixian had sold the fine art equipment on the black market privately.

As for Yu Xiaoqing’s testimony?


To prove his innocence, Yu Xiaoqing had to find evidence to prove that the beautiful weapons and equipment on the black market were not sold by Zhang Lixian.

At this time, I am afraid that Zhang Lixian has long been beaten to death.

With another charge of desertion, Yu Xiaoqing could only be left with incompetence and rage.

I have to say that Tang Ji's skills are really powerful, at least Zhang Ruzhi is convinced.

"Master Tang is still powerful, leave this matter to us." Zhang Ruzhi also knew that if he wanted to get money safely, Zhang Lixian must solve it, and even completely give up Yu Xiaoqing's idea of ​​continuing the investigation.

 Actually, Tang Ji's change of mentality was really powerful. Before this, Zhang Ruzhi thought he was a clay Bodhisattva who was so inconspicuous.

Now it seems that I am also a tiger that eats meat.

Tang Ji used to do his best to assist Yu Xiaoqing. Without him, how could Yu Xiaoqing want to secure this chair?

That was impossible, but in his eyes, Yu Xiaoqing was still a child and immature. He always thought that this position was obtained by his ability.

The Sichuan Army Corps that entered Myanmar before is an example. He wanted to prove himself, but what was the result?

 Collapse at the first touch!

Less than half of the people returned.

If the Yu family hadn't spent a huge amount of money, he would have been busy and running around.

  Not only did he have no faults, but he also had merit, and was promoted?

Didn’t you see that Du Yuming of the Fifth Army was hidden in the snow?

He was transferred from his post as commander of the Fifth Army and sat on the bench.

 Don’t people have the ability?

It’s not that I don’t have much background, but my ability is worthy of praise.

 Hence, he has always been surprised by Yu Xiaoqing's self-righteous ability.

As everyone knows, there are many people who are more capable than him, so why didn’t they get this position?

Yu Xiaoqing didn't understand these at all, he thought it was his own ability.

Without the Yu family, he would probably have been just a small regiment commander, even like the commander of the 200 Division, who died in Tonggu.

 At the Military Command Office, Zhang Ruzhi issued an investigation order and directly asked his subordinates to bring Zhang Lixian back for questioning.

Zhang Lixian, who was investigating the black market, was instantly confused when he looked at the investigation order in front of him.

 Investigate yourself?


  Could it be that his investigation into the black market was leaked?

 Yu Xiaoqing harmed me?


Deputy Master Tang harmed me?

Is he the one behind the scenes?

 Otherwise, how could Yu Xiaoqing have just finished looking for Tang Ji and then turn around and be investigated.

"Battle Commander Zhang, I advise you not to think about escaping. When the military commander arrests people, they always lay a dragnet." Li Jiu looked at the pale Zhang Lixian and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Zhang Lixian looked at Li Jiu in front of him with an ugly expression.

 “Are you in the same group?”

"What did you say? I don't understand. Let's take a walk." Li Jiu didn't bother to talk nonsense with him and asked his men to take him away.

As soon as he entered the interrogation room of the military commander, Zhang Lixian saw Zhang Ruzhi and wanted to kill him.

"Zhang Lixian, do you know your guilt?" Zhang Ruzhi looked at him with cold eyes.

“You don’t have to say anything. During this period, a lot of American weapons have appeared on the black market, and some of the soldiers who escaped were even from your guard camp. According to military law, you are guilty of poor supervision.”

"Why did your military commander arrest me? Even if I am guilty, that is a matter for the Military Justice Department. What does it have to do with you?" Although Zhang Lixian was a little panicked, he still argued with reason.

"Hmph, does the Military Justice Department dare to take care of the people our military commander wants to arrest?" Zhang Ruzhi said coldly.

“Just think about it here, and come back to me when you figure it out.”

 After speaking, Zhang Ruzhi turned and left without giving him a chance to speak.

"You sons of bitches, you are in the same group. You are simply the scum of Master Yu." Zhang Lixian cursed angrily.

Even if he is a fool now, he still knows that Tang Ji is in cahoots with the military commander.

 I investigated the disappearance of the soldiers myself, and I got into trouble with them.

 It's just that he didn't expect why Tang Ji would be involved.

The water is too deep, and I don’t know if Yu Xiaoqing can save herself.

"Are you waiting for Yu Xiaoqing to send someone to rescue you? Don't think about it, he can't save you." At this time, Li Jiu came over and looked at Zhang Lixian and said with a smile.

“You bastards, you bastards, you bastards,” Zhang Lixian yelled.

Hearing this, Li Jiu still said calmly.

“Originally, having a few fewer soldiers is nothing, and no one would care about it seriously. But as for you, if you insist on taking it seriously, there is no way to solve the problem. I can only solve it for you who raised the problem.”

 “Isn’t there no problem in this?”

 “What do you think? Doesn’t it make sense?”

 Zhang Lixian suddenly realized that this was the case, and asked doubtfully at the same time.

“Why? What technical arms do you want to send to the Sichuan Army?”

This is what puzzles Zhang Lixian the most.

“Why do you think Shangfeng has not allowed you to cross the river and attack Nantianmen?”

 “Could it be that I can’t beat him?”

"A mere regiment of Japanese troops can be captured even if they are piled up with people, but they just keep holding them down and prevent them from attacking?" Li Jiu asked without answering.

"I don't know." Zhang Lixian replied honestly. He had always been puzzled, why didn't he counterattack?

Even Yu Xiaoqing couldn't give an answer. Every time he asked, he had to think carefully or stay on standby.

"It's very simple, because Shangfeng wants to use this as an excuse to seek more US aid and clean up the Yunnan Army. These are too complicated. Let me tell you, you don't understand either."

“It happens that there is no fighting at Nantianmen, why not send these veterans to the Sichuan Army, where the fighting is fierce.” Before Li Jiu finished speaking, Zhang Lixian ridiculed him.

 “How can you also make some dirty money?”

“So, what are you going to do with me? Kill me?”

"No, no, no, you are an experienced officer. It would be a pity to kill you. We will send you across the river and declare to the outside world that you have become a deserter." Li Jiu shook his head and said.

"Aren't you afraid that Yu Xiaoqing will get angry?"

"Even if Yu Xiaoqing is suspicious, so what? Master Yu can't cover the sky with one hand." Li Jiu said lightly.

“Listen to my advice, this is not a place for you. According to my experience, if the appetites of those in the mountain city are not satisfied, they will not order a counterattack on Nantianmen.”

“It’s better to cross the river and go to the Sichuan Army to show off your skills. There’s room for you to show off there.”

“I heard that the Sichuan Army had just captured Hsipaw, and it can be said that it has become famous overseas.”

Hearing this, Zhang Lixian looked at the other party blankly, not understanding why he said such things to him.

 “Isn’t it strange that I have to tell you this?”

"I just don't want people with lofty ideals like you to waste their time here. Master Yu's future belongs to Yu Xiaoqing. You people are just cannon fodder in the eyes of the other party." Li Jiu said seriously.

This sentence touched Zhang Lixian's heart, especially after what happened last time, he felt a little chilled.

 “Do you have to go?” Zhang Lixian asked again.

 “You don’t have to go, but we will treat you with dignity.”

"Okay, I'll go." Zhang Lixian sighed, but he didn't expect that he would eventually go around and join the Sichuan Army.

 For a time he was full of complicated emotions towards the Sichuan Army.

I’m not in good condition today. I guess I won’t be able to do the fourth update. I’ll have to do the third update. I’ve been feeling sore and uncomfortable lately. There’s still one more update, so let’s do it at 11 o’clock!



 (End of this chapter)

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