The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 147: Thinking about the next one again! (Third update!)

Chapter 147 I’m thinking about the next one again! (Third update!)

"Zhang Lixian was arrested?" Yu Xiaoqing looked at He Shuguang in front of him and asked with wide eyes.

"Yes, he was taken away by the military commander three hours ago." He Shuguang said angrily.

"Master, those people in the military command are really too arrogant. This is not the first time."

Yu Xiaoqing was also extremely angry about this, and immediately decided to take people to the military command office.

"Where are the people?" Yu Xiaoqing looked at the empty interrogation room and asked angrily.

Li Jiu, who seemed to have expected Yu Xiaoqing's arrival, said calmly.


“Escaped?” Yu Xiaoqing laughed angrily.

 “Do you think I’m a fool?”

“Are you, the military commander, too presumptuous? Arrested my guard and battalion commander without saying hello? What on earth do you want to do?”

Hearing this, Li Jiu scratched his head and looked at Yu Xiaoqing.

“Master, I’m afraid you’re mistaken. It’s not what our military commander wants to do, but the fact that your guard battalion commander did not supervise things well. Many of the soldiers who fled are actually soldiers from the guard battalion.”

"That is also a matter for the Military Justice Department. What right do you, the military commander, have to arrest people?" Yu Xiaoqing roared angrily. If he hadn't been concerned about the other party's identity, he would have been shot to death.

"Sorry, Master, our military commander does not have the right to arrest your guard battalion commander, but we have the right to ask him to assist in the investigation. This is an investigation order, not an arrest order." With that, General Li Jiu was already ready. The investigation order was handed over.

Looking at the investigation order in front of him, Yu Xiaoqing fell silent.

These people have everything figured out.

 “I’ll ask again, where has Zhang Lixian gone?”

“Escaped.” Li Jiu said with a smile on his face.

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Yu Xiaoqing said coldly.

"Afraid, why not? Who is not afraid of death, but I am telling the truth. He did escape and left a letter." With that, Li Jiu handed over the letter that he had prepared.

He Shuguang took the letter and took a look. It was indeed Zhang Lixian's handwriting.

After reading it, Yu Xiaoqing clenched her fists.

 He did not expect that Zhang Lixian could not stand the fear and actually ran away.

  As to where he fled to, he did not say.

But Yu Xiaoqing could also guess that it was definitely the Sichuan Army Corps.

At this time, as a deserter, the only way to get caught was to be shot.

 So the only way to survive was to escape to Myitkyina.

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaoqing fell silent, and finally took a deep look at Li Jiu.

Since Zhang Lixian has chosen this path, it means that he has already thought about it, and there is no use in worrying about it anymore.

“I hope this is the last time, otherwise if I do it again, I will dismantle your broken military system.” Yu Xiaoqing warned.

 After speaking, leave directly.

Behind him, He Shuguang was filled with grief and anger.

“Master, did Zhang Lixian really escape?”

“Well, as expected, I should have gone to the Sichuan Army Corps.” Yu Xiaoqing asked expressionlessly.

"Why? Why did he run away? Didn't we agree to attack Nantianmen together? Why did he become a deserter at this time?" He Shuguang asked in confusion.

 Unfortunately, Yu Xiaoqing cannot give an answer.

 In fact, he also had some doubts in his heart.

 Can we attack Nantianmen?

 It’s been half a month since I submitted the petition. Why is there still no reply?

“Master, will we never be able to attack Nantianmen?” He Shuguang looked at Yu Xiaoqing and said seriously.

 “How could it be?” Yu Xiaoqing shook his head.

"Then why does Shangfeng not agree with our counterattack on Nantianmen?" He Shuguang's face was full of doubts.

Hearing this, Yu Xiaoqing fell completely silent. Finally, he sighed softly and said nothing.

Looking at Yu Xiaoqing's lonely back, He Shuguang looked in the direction of Myitkyina again, thinking about something.


 Zhang Lixian's journey to Myitkyina was quite smooth, and he did not encounter any Japanese troops.

 In fact, the Japanese army was very well-behaved during this period and was simply unable to send patrols to hunt down guerrillas.

After the Sichuan Army occupied Hsipaw, Lieutenant General Masao Watanabe of the Japanese 56th Division in Lashio immediately reduced its defense line and prepared to defend Lashio.

 Therefore, the previously rampant Japanese troops were either transferred to Lashio or huddled in towns.

“Amitabha, donor, we meet again.” Master Shihang looked at Zhang Lixian in front of him and took the initiative to say hello.

“Yes, Master, we meet again.” Zhang Lixian did not expect to see Master Shihang and the others here.

“The donor is going to Myitji, then?” Master Shihang looked at Zhang Lixian and asked.

“Yes, master, can you send me there?” Zhang Lixian nodded.

On the way, he felt a little regretful. It was ironic that he, a guard battalion commander, was so depressed that he wanted to run away.

But he also knew that if he saw through the business of those in charge of the army, he would be dead if he didn't run away.

 As for waiting for Yu Xiaoqing to save him?

 It is estimated that he will be killed before he comes.

It just so happened that he also wanted to see what magic power the Sichuan Army had that could win so many battles in succession.

Perhaps Li Jiu's words that he didn't want to waste his time really made him tempted.

 Staying in Nantianmen has no meaning except waiting endlessly and wasting your time in vain.

 The boring garrison will only weaken their will to fight.

"Okay, we have sent several batches of people like you. I have to say that the Sichuan Army is really powerful. I heard that they have occupied Hsipaw and wiped out thousands of Japanese troops." Master Shihang praised.

"Master, you seem to know the Sichuan Army very well?" This surprised Zhang Lixian. He didn't expect a Buddhist disciple to know the Sichuan Army so well?

But when he glanced at the other person who was carrying beautiful equipment, he suddenly laughed to himself.

 Don't think about it, it must be related to the Sichuan Army.

At the same time, I have to admire the Sichuan Army. The equipment is scattered everywhere as if it is free.

 Even a shabby guerrilla army has beautiful weapons and equipment. This is simply outrageous.

“I don’t know, but our equipment was given to us by the Sichuan Army.” Master Shihang shook his head and said, he was still grateful to the Sichuan Army.

 With these American equipment, they can be regarded as establishing several bases, expanding their team a lot, and even destroying many Japanese troops.

If it weren't for the Sichuan Army, their predicament would definitely be very difficult, and they might even be wiped out.

Therefore, naturally they will not refuse the Sichuan Army’s request that they can help act as guides and transport some soldiers.

 After all, they gave me so much.

Have you ever seen guerrillas with mortars?

  Still an 81mm mortar. There are even several 60mm mortars.

 Looking at these equipment, they are naturally willing to help others transport soldiers.

 As for whether these soldiers are willing or not, it has nothing to do with them.

 After all, for them, these soldiers came to the Sichuan Army Corps to fight against the Japs.

 As for those who were unwilling, they simply ignored them.

Want to be a deserter?


Without them to lead the way, it would be impossible to get out of this mountain forest.

During the next journey, Zhang Lixian also learned from Master Shihang that the Sichuan Army was currently overwhelming and its offensive was very fierce.

There are even rumors that the Sichuan Army will fight back to Bhamo soon, and then it will be able to attack the Japanese army together with the Nantianmen troops.

Of course these are just rumors, but they still gave these guerrillas a lot of confidence.

Many people even said that if the Sichuan Army came back, they would definitely lead the way for them as soon as possible.

 It seems that the prestige of the Sichuan Army is still very high.

 When he arrived in Myitkyina, Zhang Lixian was still very surprised to see Myitkyina gradually regaining its popularity.

Especially when I saw Lin Yi, the temporary commander of Myitkyina, I was even more surprised.

"Zhang Lixian has met Major Lin." Zhang Lixian thought for a while, and realized that he had to live under someone else's care after all. Even though he was the guard battalion commander before, he was no better than a chicken now, so he still took the initiative to salute.

“You’re welcome, Major Zhang, are you from the Officer Training Corps?” Lin Yi looked at Zhang Lixian in front of him and stepped forward with a smile.

"Yes, I am from the seventeenth issue." Although Zhang Lixian was a little confused, he still introduced.

 “I’m from the fifteenth issue.” Lin Yi could not suppress the smile on his face.

"Ah? Hello, senior." This time, Zhang Lixian put away his previous relaxed mood and gave a very standard military salute.

“Senior, how did you know that I was in the officer training corps?” Zhang Lixian asked curiously.

"Ever since I knew you were coming, I sent a telegram to the regimental commander, and he told me all about you. I didn't expect that you were also in the officer training regiment." Lin Yi said with excitement.

"Huh? Tuan Zuo still remembers me?" Zhang Lixian didn't expect that Cun Yunsheng would still remember him.

The last time they met was in Zenda. That time he saw with his own eyes that the other party despised Yu Xiaoqing for nothing, and even tried hard to persuade him that the British army could not be trusted, the natives could not be trusted, and they should be cautious.

As a result, the proud Yu Xiaoqing expressed disdain at the time, but who knew that everything would come true later.

I originally thought that the other party had forgotten me, but I didn’t expect that the other party actually remembered me all the time and knew that I was from the Officer Training Corps.

"Of course I remember. The regiment leader said that he has been thinking about Master Yu's people for a long time. By the way, where is the other He Shuguang? Are you familiar with him? Let's recruit him too. Our Sichuan Army Corps currently lacks experienced people. Officer." Lin Yi looked familiar, which made Zhang Lixian feel dumbfounded.

“He Shuguang, I know, but I don’t know if he can come.” Zhang Lixian said helplessly.

"It's okay, you can come. It won't take long before he can come too." Lin Yi said nonchalantly.

 This sentence made Zhang Lixian feel a little numb.

 He had a premonition that He Shuguang would be the next unlucky person, and he only hoped that he would not follow in his footsteps.

  Do not investigate the military commander or anything like that.

"It just so happens that you are here, I can feel a lot more relaxed. Originally, the group wanted you to serve as a main battalion commander, but I refused. Now I am very busy, so you can help me share the burden first. Task, wait until the regiment comes back, and then let you serve as the new infantry battalion commander." Lin Yi handed him a lot of documents without waiting for him to react.

 The main thing is to be familiar with the composition of the Sichuan Army, as well as to assist in recruiting troops, inspecting forward positions, etc.

It can be said that Zhang Lixian at this moment is a temporary combat staff officer.

Looking at so many documents, Zhang Lixian felt his scalp numb for a while, but this feeling of busyness also made him feel a little fulfilled.

Especially the sound of training coming from far away from time to time, as well as the sound of exploding artillery shells, made him feel that this was a battlefield.

On the other side, in Hsipaw City, Cun Yunsheng couldn't help but sigh when he saw that the originally prosperous city had turned into ruins.

“Tuanzuo, someone wants to see you.” Li Liansheng walked over and said softly.

Hearing that someone wanted to see him, Cun Yunsheng was startled. Who wanted to see him?

Are you from the Sichuan Army?

 It shouldn’t be!


 “Some local Chinese.” Li Liansheng said quickly.

 “There are still Chinese in the local area?” Cun Yunsheng was surprised for a while. He originally thought that the Chinese in the city had fled long ago, who knew there were still Chinese.

 It is not easy for these people to survive in a city occupied by the Japanese army.

I'm afraid you may have other ideas during this meeting?

But there is really nothing going on right now, so I just want to meet them and see what they think.

 “Okay, let them wait in the conference room.”


Not long after, Cun Yunsheng saw these Chinese representatives in a simple conference room.

 The five gray-haired old men saw Cun Yunsheng and immediately stood up and bowed.

"You're welcome, just tell me if you have anything to do. I'm busy with official duties." Cun Yunsheng said calmly.

"Sir, we are here to thank you. If it weren't for you, we would have suffered." An old man at the head bowed and said respectfully.

Cun Yun was stunned for a moment after hearing this sentence. What does it mean?

What does it have to do with him?

 Only after listening to what these Chinese representatives said did he know what they meant.

It turned out that after the Japanese army occupied Hsipaw, they began to violently conquer the city. Especially under the leadership of the indigenous people, they began to attack the large Chinese families in the city.

 These wealthy Chinese families, who have accumulated wealth for several generations, all have considerable net worth.

 There is no other way. In order to save his life, he can only hand over a large amount of wealth to save his life.

But this was not enough. As a result, the Sichuan Army captured Hsipaw before the Japanese army took action, which made them relieved.

 Otherwise, I’m afraid my family will be ruined.

"This little thing is nothing." After all, we are all compatriots, so Cun Yunsheng didn't pay much attention and signaled that they didn't need to be so polite.

“Sir, this is a suggestion from each of our families. You must accept it.” At this time, an old man named Li stood up and handed over an agarwood box.

Looking at the box in front of him, Cun Yunsheng was a little curious, so he took it and opened it.

 Neatly, twenty large yellow croakers.

 This gift is not light.

 At least Cun Yunsheng felt it was very hot.

 For such an important gift, the other party must have very high requirements.

“No reward for no merit, just tell me what you want.” Cun Yunsheng put down the box. He didn’t like the money, but he was quite curious about what these people wanted.

 “I am a person who likes to be cheerful, so you might as well just say so.”

Hearing this, several people looked at each other, and the old man surnamed Li stood up and said: "Sir, are you passing by Hsipaw or have you decided to completely take over this place?"

I will correct it first and then I will correct it. I am so sleepy that I can’t open my eyes. I guess there are a lot of typos. I will correct them slowly tomorrow! Or you can mark it and I’ll see the changes tomorrow! Try to update four times tomorrow! If there is still one update missing today, I will treat it as something I owe. I will recover in a few days, so I won’t give it to you! Finally, I ask for a wave of full order support, thank you!



 (End of this chapter)

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