The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 23: Combat effectiveness is reflected in military discipline!

Chapter 23 Combat effectiveness is reflected in military discipline!

 According to the standard US Army-level establishment, Cun Yunsheng would definitely not be able to do it, if nothing else.

 Each regiment is equipped with 6 105mm howitzers and 12 57mm anti-tank guns.

Let alone the regiment level, even the Class A division may not be able to get this together.

  There is no need for a second-level division, which is an enhanced version of the brigade-level organization.

 Even worse than some main groups.

 That is, some direct troops, barely able to gather together.

Even if they are gathered together, there are not many artillery shells. After a battle, they will be used up.

 Hence, Cun Yunsheng must cut some things.

 In addition, he cannot afford battalion-level establishment.

 Forget about the anti-tank gun, he doesn't have one at all.

 Even the Central Army may not have one.

Perhaps they were still there at the beginning of the war, and now they can maintain the production of rifles and bullets.

 So, just take a look at the weapons required by the US military's battalion-level organization, such as rocket launchers and 82mm mortars.

 The only thing that can be scraped together may be the 60mm mortar.

 The key constraint is artillery.

 Artillery is easy to use, but without professional artillery, it will be a target for the enemy.

Moreover, the Japanese troops opposite are all elite troops with very strong combat effectiveness.

 Especially in the use of grenades, it is definitely one of the best.

 So, if his artillery is a group of 250 people who know nothing, they are just delivering food to others.

After deleting and deleting for a long time, Cun Yunsheng finally came up with a compilation.

 That is a battalion-level establishment of 600 people, which requires a total of 380 rifles, ten light and heavy machine guns, and five 60mm mortars.

 Originally, he wanted to equip each squad with a light machine gun to strengthen the squad's firepower.

 But after calculation, this thing consumes too much ammunition.

And he doesn’t have that many weapons.

 The remaining personnel are responsible for the transportation and handling of ammunition, as well as logistics and food.

In other words, there are only more than 400 people in a battalion that can fight, and the rest are logistics personnel.

He really couldn't get that kind of organization with full personnel and everyone having a gun.

Even if it is obtained, traveling in mountainous areas will be a huge logistical challenge.

 He can't even afford it.

 This kind of preparation is only under the extreme ideal state.

 In fact, we can barely get together the rifles and weapons. Forget about the light and heavy machine guns and mortars, it is estimated that half of them are difficult.

Not to mention the personnel, even if they are gathered together, they still need to be given ammunition training.

After all, many veterans have not fought in a war for several months. They must first become familiar with firearms. If they don't become familiar with them until they are on the battlefield, it will be too late.

 For a time, Cun Yunsheng's face became even more sad.

 Suddenly I felt that it would be more comfortable to directly become the main group leader. It would be too difficult to start from scratch.

 No wonder Shangfeng kept shaking his head and sighing after hearing his request.

"Everything is difficult at the beginning. I don't know if my uncles have received the letters I sent home. It would be nice to give them three melons and two dates." Cun Yunsheng sighed.

There is no difficulty in the formation of battalion and company squads, as the main focus is on light weapons.

 At the regiment level, he naturally wanted to strengthen a certain amount of firepower.

In addition to the regimental security company, there is also a communications company. He is ready to hand it over to Meng Fan. This guy is actually a top student, but he has not played his role. He believes that in his hands, he can definitely play a huge role. effect.

However, it is still in a state of being formed, with no equipment and no personnel.

The engineer company is going to be handed over to Kang Huoyan. This guy has done transportation, so there won't be any big problems with the engineer company. In addition, Cun Yunsheng is also preparing to set up a fire support company equipped with 81mm caliber mortars and several heavy machine guns to support various battlefields at any time.

 However, due to the lack of qualified artillery, these are all in a state of waiting for construction.

“Tuanzuo, what are you drawing?” At some point, Meng Fangliao stood behind Cun Yunsheng and asked doubtfully.

Cun Yunsheng, who was startled, turned around, looked at Meng Fan, and said speechlessly.

“You walk so lightly, like a ghost, what do you want to do?”

“Tuanzuo, you’ve framed me falsely. You’re too devoted.” Meng Fan said unjustly.

"Okay, okay, what's the matter?" Cun Yunsheng knew he was wrong and immediately changed the subject.

 In response to this, Meng Fanglia could only roll his eyes and said seriously.

"The team has completed training. Brothers, I asked you to ask, when can we fire?"

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng glanced at him and then said lightly.

 “When the queue is ready, when will it be sent out?”

Meng Fan instantly changed into a bitter look. He felt that practicing formation was too boring.

"You think practicing formation is too boring?" Cun Yunsheng naturally saw what the other party was thinking and pointed it out directly.

 “Yes.” Meng Fangli admitted generously. It was not a shameful thing anyway.

“Have you ever heard of a German weapon master?” Cun Yunsheng did not explain the importance of queues at the beginning, but gave an example.

 The name of the German Mechanicist has naturally been heard by everyone.

The final swan song is even more pessimistic.

“At the beginning of the establishment of the German Arms Division, military discipline and formation were the first priority, because the German army believed that the combat effectiveness of an army was composed of military discipline, so the German army’s military discipline was very strict.”

“In addition to military law, military discipline is also reflected in the queue.”

“The German armorers who were trained by the German army consultants perfectly inherited this style. Therefore, in the war of resistance, the German armorers had the upper hand and once overwhelmed the Japanese army.”

Cun Yunsheng's words surprised Meng Fan. He didn't expect that the German weapon master would have such a glorious record.

 “It’s surprising, isn’t it?” Cun Yunsheng was not surprised by Meng Fanlie’s performance.

 “Indeed, a bit.” Meng Fan nodded, and then sighed again.

 “I thought it was always this bad.”

"I didn't expect that we also had a proud record. I have always wondered how the three axes of the little devil were able to suppress us."

“After the artillery blasts, the infantry charges, and after the infantry charges the artillery blasts, it will always be like this.”

Cun Yunsheng naturally knew the answer to Meng Fanglia’s doubts.

"With the same weapons and the same military quality, we can crush the Japanese army. The German weapon master has proved to us that the Japanese army is not an unbreakable myth."

"Now, I can provide you with excellent weapons, but we are still far behind in terms of military literacy. This month, I will strictly require military discipline, and queues are the most important part."

This time, Meng Fan did not say much, but silently saluted a military salute, then returned to the team and began to drill the troops.

 Looking at Meng Fanxiao walking away, Cun Yunsheng showed a happy smile on his face.

Once this top student figures it out, everything will become much simpler.

As expected, it didn’t take long for loud singing to begin on the training ground.

“The flag is fluttering and the horses are rustling.

 The gun is on the shoulder, the knife is on the waist, and the blood is like a frenzy.

 Good man, good man, good man serves the country today.

Get up quickly, don’t be an old and sick man;

 Unite quickly, don’t be dissatisfied and ridiculed.

  The country is destroyed and the family is ruined, and disaster is on the horizon.

 To survive, you must throw your head away! "

“It’s now time for a good man to serve his country.” Cun Yunsheng couldn’t help but sang along, and at the same time looked further away.

 (End of this chapter)

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