The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 24: Give me the courage to recruit troops!

Chapter 24 Give me the courage to recruit troops!

 The morning's training passed quickly, and the people in the cannon fodder regiment were already too tired to stand up straight.

 But everyone still tried to stand up straight, and no one complained, especially when they left the team.

 Because, in the large courtyard of the shelter, a strong smell of meat filled the entire yard.

 This made everyone swallow their saliva subconsciously.

Even though some of them have eaten meat for three times, they still can't help but salivate when they smell the smell of meat.

“It’s not spicy, it looks like braised pork.” Kang Huoyan, who has a very sharp nose, whispered.

 “Well, it’s braised pork. It’s so fragrant.” Bula swallowed and nodded repeatedly.

“I didn’t expect to be able to eat braised pork today. Our group is really good.”

 “Brother Yaima, what does the braised pork taste like?” Doubian tried his best to inhale the aroma and asked curiously.

“Brother Bu La, have you ever eaten it? Can you tell me about it?”

  Seeing that Kaname didn't answer him, Doubi asked the man beside him again.

Unfortunately, no matter how much he shouted, no one paid attention to him. Everyone was doing one thing, and that was trying to inhale the fragrance.

“Bean cake, they have never eaten braised pork, so they definitely can’t tell.” Lin Yi explained with a smile.

 “Let me tell you, the braised pork is sweet and especially soft and glutinous.”

 Following Lin Yi's explanation, everyone in the cannon fodder group drooled even more. Some people even ignored their image and directly wiped the saliva from the corners of their mouths.

 This time, no one from the cannon fodder group came out to refute or ridicule Lin Yi.

 After all, they have never eaten braised pork.

 Especially sugar, which is even rarer.

 “Look at your achievements, it’s just braised pork. I used to eat it all the time before I joined the army, that’s all.” Meng Fan looked disdainful and began to brag about how he used to eat braised pork.

 Compared to others, Lin Yi and Meng Fanlie's family backgrounds are indeed much better than them, and they are no strangers to braised pork.

Others can only listen to them brag about what the braised pork tastes like.

At this time, Cun Yunsheng came over. Looking at everyone's expressions, he naturally cursed angrily.

"They all look like they have no future. Don't say they are my soldiers when they go out from now on. It will embarrass me. Isn't it just a meal of braised pork?"

"From now on, I will let you eat it every day. If anyone dares to get tired of it, I won't beat you with my belt."

 Hearing this, all the members of the cannon fodder group's eyes lit up.

 It’s great to be able to eat braised pork every day.

Tired of eating?

That is absolutely impossible.

 For them, even if they eat meat three times a day, they will never get tired of it.

“Take the time to eat. After eating, everyone threw away their old clothes for me. In addition, they all took a bath, disinfected, and shaved their hair.”

“Some people have lice in their hair. Don’t you feel itchy when you sleep at night?”

“Look at how you look, are you any better than a beggar?”

“Especially you, you are not spicy, look at your hair, you are more beggar than a beggar.”

This is why Cun Yunsheng praised Lin Yi for his example as a soldier. Even in difficult circumstances, he still kept himself neat and tidy every day, perfectly demonstrating the military qualities a soldier should have.

 On this point, he admired it immensely.

“Yes, Tuanzuo.” No one dared to say anything more and responded quickly.

Soon, the fragrant braised pork came out of the pot, and the crystal clear white rice was brought to the table. Everyone lined up to eat, but their eyes were focused on the braised pork in front of them.

"Give me one more spoon, give me more." Bula urged, holding a bowl full of rice.

 The veterinarian in charge of feeding said helplessly.

"There are so many people, we can wait until they finish eating." "Veterinarian, considering our long relationship, give me an extra spoonful." Bu Lai felt that two spoons were not enough, so he said reluctantly.

"Give him another spoonful and let him eat it with his belly open. I don't lack his food here." Cun Yunsheng glanced at it, motioned to the veterinarian to give him an extra spoonful, and said proudly.

   “Let me eat as much as you want. There is no limit.”

 “It smells so good.” Kang Huojian couldn’t help but pick up a piece of fat meat and throw it into his mouth.

 I didn’t care about the burning and just bit it.

 The delicate meat left him with endless aftertaste, especially the hint of sweetness that hit his taste buds.

For a moment, Kang Huojian felt that his life was worth it.

Even if he dies in the next second, he won’t care, and may even feel it’s worth it.

 In the original work, he never tasted braised pork until the moment he died.

 Obviously we have to cross the river at that time, but what will be the result?

In order to allow more people to cross the river, he turned back without hesitation, fought with the Japanese army, and ultimately died heroically.

Perhaps the moment before he died, he was thinking about the meal of pork stew with vermicelli at the shelter.

Even though they had diarrhea during that meal, they still missed it very much.

 Because it was the most delicious meal he had ever eaten in his life.

“It’s really delicious.” Kang Huojian said to several of his fellow villagers while eating.

 “How is it? I didn’t lie to you, did I? Do you have meat to eat every day?”

Several fellow villagers ignored him and just wolfed down his food.

 For them, they have never eaten braised pork a few times in their entire lives.

 So now that the braised pork is in front of me, I have no time to pay attention to him and just focus on eating the meat.

Cun Yunsheng also came to Lin Yi with a bowl full of braised pork.

"Major Ayi, I'm still bothered. After dinner, I will supervise them to take a bath, shave their heads, and change into military uniforms. I burned all the previous military uniforms." Cun Yunsheng said.

 “Yes.” Several people responded quickly.

“Tuanzuo, did you get the military uniform so quickly?” Meng Fangliao asked curiously.

"I'll let Mi Long do it. I believe there will be no problem with his ability." Cun Yunsheng said with a smile.

Hearing this, Meng Fan didn't ask any more questions. After all, they all saw the ability of the mysterious dragon.

 Let him be responsible for purchasing, and there will definitely be no problems.

 So they just need to train with peace of mind and that's it.

"One more thing, keep recruiting troops for me. I don't want too many, but I'm afraid there are too few." Cun Yunsheng took a bite of the meat, praised it, and continued.

 “Recruit?” Meng Fanliao said with some embarrassment, and then looked at the defeated soldiers who were registering in the distance.

"Yes, keep recruiting, what? What's the difficulty?" Cun Yunsheng glanced at him and asked doubtfully.

"Are you worried that the ocean is not enough? Don't worry, even if it doubles several times, there is no need to worry."

"No, I mean, there are only three or four thousand Zenda people, and you have recruited them all? Three or four thousand people in one group? Isn't it too eye-catching?" Meng Fanlao shook his head, but expressed his inner worries.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng smiled and patted his shoulder.

 “You just have to be bold and recruit troops, and leave the rest to me.”

 “As for being eye-catching or anything like that, you don’t need to worry about it.”

With these words, Meng Fan stopped asking any more questions and just thought about how to recruit troops.

At this time, Mi Long also appeared at the gate of the shelter. Looking at the other party's panting appearance, Cun Yunsheng knew that the military uniform matter should be stable.

 (End of this chapter)

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