The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 239: The Three Kingdoms took turns to bury the pit! (Third update!)

Chapter 239 The Three Kingdoms took turns to bury the trap! (Third update!)

“I hunt geese all day long, but I didn’t expect that one day I would make a mistake.” Cun Yunsheng said with emotion as he looked at the telegram sent to him by William.

“Tuanzuo, you are stealing the chicken but losing the rice. I didn’t expect that someone would directly upset the chess game.” Meng Fangliao said with a snicker.

Cun Yunsheng looked speechless.

He did not expect that the German army would be so ruthless and directly revealed all this information to the Soviet army.

  This is to kill someone with a borrowed knife!

 It must be that the German army has broken down with Persia.

So the German army did nothing but leak information about the oil fields to the Soviet army.

 With the greed of the Soviet army, they would never be able to bear the fat in their mouths, just watching like this.

I have to say that the German army still had a good grasp of the Soviet army's psychology.

But Cun Yunsheng really didn't expect that the Soviet army would still have the strength to reach out to Persia.

You must know that the Eastern Front is still in a stalemate, and the two sides have not completely determined the outcome.

 At least until winter comes, the German army can still overwhelm the Soviet army.


The Soviet army actually mobilized its troops to go south to Persia at this time. It has to be said that the Soviet army's ambitions are indeed very great.

 In other words, did the Soviet army think Persia was weak?

 I'm afraid the Soviet army will be disappointed.

Judging from the map, the closest place to the Baku oil fields is Persia.

 As for the Caucasus, Persia is in the south and Huskies are in the west.

"The German army does have strategic masters who can see through our plan at a glance, but they may have underestimated it. That is, the resistance in Persia will be very fierce, especially when the equipment of twenty divisions arrives in Persia, it will be a nightmare for the Soviet army. "Cun Yunsheng shook his head and said.

 After calming down, Cun Yunsheng made some analysis.

 Believing that the Soviet army’s quick-war strategy should be impossible to realize.

 Persia is really not a waste after all.

Everyone is confused by their appearance.

“More importantly, could the United States and Britain watch such a big piece of fat fall into the hands of the Soviet army?”

 “Two peaches kill three soldiers, it turns out that the strongest has its own strong hand.” Cun Yunsheng sighed with emotion.

 Only Meng Fanxiao curled his lips.

 “What about Türkiye? Will they join?”

 As he stayed with Cun Yunsheng for a long time, Meng Fanlie's strategic vision also improved a lot.

Looking at the map, I always feel that Türkiye next to me should not look like this.

"I don't know, but with such a big piece of fat, they will definitely not be able to bear it, but the opponent is the Soviet army. I don't know if they have the courage." Cun Yunsheng hesitated for a moment and could not give an accurate answer.

 After all, the information in hand is too little, so we can only rely on guesswork.

“I think they can’t help it. There are more than 40 billion barrels of oil. If this information is true.” At this point, Meng Fanglia stopped deliberately and glanced at Cun Yunsheng.

It seems that if this is true, are you really willing to throw away this piece of fat?

"It's absolutely true." Cun Yunsheng said calmly.

“The value is close to 50 billion U.S. dollars. This is a huge amount of money. You should be unable to bear it.” Meng Fangliao continued.

“If I were Britain and the United States, I would definitely support Turkey in sending troops, give them weapons and equipment, and let them touch the Soviet army.”

“Let the Soviet army know that there are some places that they cannot touch.”

 One word wakes up the dreamer!

Cun Yunsheng's eyes widened instantly and his pupils shrank sharply as he looked at Meng Fan.

"Yes, you are right. If I were Britain and Germany, how could I watch this piece of fat fall into the hands of the Soviet army?"

 “Not even allies.”

“Is this the real purpose of the German army?”

 For a while, Cun Yunsheng murmured.

Before this, Cun Yunsheng had never thought about this, but now Meng Fan said this.

 It is indeed very possible.

Even though the two sides are fighting happily now, after the war is over, they will definitely get together to make trouble again.

The United States and Britain are absolutely intolerable to the Soviet army's blatant expansion of power.

 But considering the relationship between the two parties, it is estimated that they will do something secretly.

"Okay, let's just keep having fun and let the arsenal speed up production. It won't be long before someone comes to buy weapons and equipment." Cun Yunsheng took a deep breath and said.

 “Yes.” Meng Fangnao nodded.


Persia, since rejecting the proposal of the German envoy, Pahlavi always felt panicked.

 But he didn’t know what the reason was.

 Pahlavi took the throne with the support of the British Empire and overthrew his father before becoming king.

 But when he became the king, he found that his hands and feet were completely tied.

 Any policy he wants to implement must obtain the consent of the British army.

Not only that, his kingdom also benefited greatly from the British army.

 Fortunately, he wisely introduced the United States and the Soviet Union, and by taking advantage of both sides, Persia gradually became much stronger.

Of course, it is only a little stronger and does not control many benefits.

He has also seen the overall changes in the world, and he also knows that the scale of this war is getting bigger and bigger.

Having been careful to play both sides, in order to stay out of trouble.

 So when the German envoy found him, he directly rejected the other party's proposal.

 Are you kidding me, attacking the Soviet army from the north and the south?

 Aren’t you mentally ill?

 Isn’t it possible to have both sides?

 But as soon as he refused, the Soviet army launched an attack over there, which made him extremely worried.

"Your Majesty the King, an urgent telegram came from the north. The Soviet army has occupied several cities and massacred many people. Now the north has become a scorched earth." The Minister of Foreign Affairs hurried in and looked at Pahlavi and said with some panic.

"Why?" Pahlavi felt his blood pressure soar and almost fainted, but he still endured it and asked.

"I don't know." The Minister of Foreign Affairs was also confused. He didn't know why the Soviet army wanted to massacre the city after attacking?

Now the northern region is in chaos, and the slaughtered tribes have begun to take revenge wildly.

 This will trigger more violent retaliation from the Soviet army.

“You think it was the Germans who revealed it, but when did we discover such a large oil field?” King Pahlavi flipped through the map in the past two days and couldn’t figure out why there was oil here.

 More than 40 billion barrels of oil, isn’t this nonsense?

 Driving away wolves and devouring tigers?

Did the German army force them to join the other side?

If they really join, I am afraid that Britain and the United States will definitely acquiesce in the Soviet occupation of Persia.

Pahlavi felt dizzy thinking about this.

“Where are the Soviet troops outside the city?” Pahlavi asked.

"There has been no movement for the time being. The British and American garrisons have surrounded their barracks." The Foreign Minister said.

“Your Majesty the King, I think it’s time for us to make a decision.”

Hearing this, Pahlavi thought for a while, then shook his head and said.

 “No, let me think about it again.”



"Dear President, we absolutely cannot tolerate the Soviet army going south to Persia. With the southern seaport, it will be more difficult to contain them in the future." Fatty Qiu picked up the phone and said in a serious tone.

Luo Wheelchair's serious voice came from the other end of the phone.

"You are right. The Soviet army is trying to expand its territory in the name of war. The greedy bears will never tolerate their behavior. Once they have access to the sea, they will not be able to contain them in the future." "What do you mean? ?" Fatty Qiu asked.

"Let Turkey come forward. We can support their demands and provide some weapons." Luo Chuchen said calmly.

Hearing this, Fatty Qiu was startled, and then realized that this was dragging Türkiye into trouble.

 How can the other party not be tempted by such a huge benefit?

What’s more, the United States and Britain are still supporting it.

 But it was the interests of the British Empire that were harmed.

 But in order to win the war, Fatty Qiu took a deep breath and then spoke.


When the British and American envoys arrived together, Inonu was still in a state of confusion.

Like Persia, Türkiye also wants to restore its former glory at this time.

  It turned out that it was too difficult to have both sides.

 Especially after the rise of Germany, discovery became more difficult.

As a result, Inonu saw a glimmer of hope when he learned that the Soviet army was marching south to Persia.

 That is the expansion of power eastward.

 As for heading west?

All right!

 Can't afford to offend Germany.

 After all, Germany, which is invincible throughout Europe, is indeed not something he can provoke.

 So, he obediently considered expanding his power eastward.

Just as he was about to take action, he received news that the Soviet army was moving south.

"Let me send troops? Help Persia? Contain the Soviet offensive?" Inonu looked at the British and American envoys in front of him and asked doubtfully.

"Yes, we will give you some help and even allow you to occupy some territory."

"Including restoring some territories of the old Ottoman Empire." The answer given by the British and American envoys made Inonu's eyes light up.

You must know that after the Soviet army was defeated by the German army at this time, Türkiye felt that the Soviet army was just like that.

 After all, the Soviet army’s steel torrent has not yet been revealed.

If it were next year, Inonu would never dare to challenge the authority of the Soviet army.

"I need to think about this. After all, your fleet suffered heavy losses in Alexandria, and your so-called support is difficult to get." Inonu is not a fool, and it is impossible to fool him just by saying something.

“Well, you are right, but our main fleet will arrive soon, and it is only a matter of time before the navies of the four countries are destroyed.” The British and American envoys seemed very calm.

 After the Battle of Midway, the U.S. Navy entered an explosive pace. Battleships were built every day, and so-called **** carriers were launched every day.

 In other words, after comparing the strengths of the two sides, Britain and the United States believed that destroying the navies of the four countries was not a problem at all.

 That's why I boast so much.

Hearing this, Inonu took a breath of cold air. Being able to mobilize a main fleet so quickly showed that the Allied forces were really strong.

 “Can I think about it?” Inonu thought for a while before giving the answer.

"No problem, we don't have much time." The British and American envoys nodded, and then left.

The German envoy just left here and the German envoy came again.

"You also want us to send troops?" Inonu also looked at the German envoy in front of him in disbelief.

"Yes, we will give you certain safeguards, including letting Bulgaria give up part of the disputed territory." The German envoy said.

I have to say that in order to hold back the Soviet army this time, Germany also offered generous conditions.

Türkiye and Bulgaria have been feuding for hundreds of years.

 After the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire, the two sides had a long dispute over territorial issues.

Had it not been for Germany's support for Bulgaria, I am afraid that the two sides would have been beaten to a **** head.

What Inonu didn't expect was that Germany would agree to cede these disputed territories.

 This was indeed beyond his expectation.

 The reason why they did not immediately agree to the British and American conditions was not because they took Germany's attitude into consideration.

 Although the industrial strength of the Allied forces is very strong.

But the German army really relied on its own strength to conquer all of Europe.

 It is impossible not to be afraid.

 “Really?” Inonu asked still in disbelief.

"Of course it's true. Don't worry, we are still very sincere." The words of the German envoy completely moved Inonu's heart.

 Now that we have the promise of the Three Kingdoms, we can definitely try this thing.

"We will send troops as promised." Inonu took a deep breath and said.

 Seeing that the matter was done, the German envoy smiled even more.

“Your Excellency, Special Envoy, is this done?” William asked still in disbelief.

“Of course, don’t you think it’s incredible?” the German envoy asked with a smile.

“Yes, it’s incredible, it was completed so easily.” William felt like he was dreaming.

“What Colonel Inch said is very reasonable.”

“That is, as long as sufficient benefits are given, they will be swayed.”

"Loyalty also depends on whether there are enough chips for betrayal." German envoy Ribbentrop chuckled.

“Now it’s up to Persia to decide, whether to surrender or send troops?”

“But this has nothing to do with us. The oil fields in Persia are too far away from us, but the oil fields in Baku must be won.”

 After listening to what the other party said, William was silent for a long time.

He also didn’t expect that things would eventually turn out like this.

 “Then we need to provide certain support to Persia?” William thought for a while before asking.

"No, Britain and the United States will help them." The German envoy shook his head and said.


“Alberts, we must rely on our own strength to resist the Soviet army.” After the failure of negotiations, Pahlavi decided to fight to the end.

 Otherwise, this feeling of being at the mercy of others is really unpleasant.

 More importantly, the Soviet army was not as powerful as imagined.

"But our weapons are very weak, how should we face the Soviet army?" Alberts looked at the king in front of him hesitantly and asked with a puzzled look on his face.

“Didn’t the Sichuan Legion in the distance say they could sell us twenty art masters?” Pahlavi asked.

“Go and bring back this batch of weapons. With them, we can drive away the Soviet army.”

Hearing this, Alberts was stunned.

 He did not believe that the Sichuan Army could produce so many weapons and equipment.

  And the other party said twenty divisions.

 This is not twenty companies.

“Go, they can take it out.” Pahlavi seemed tired and waved his hand to signal Alberts to go out.

With doubts, Alberts left the palace.

Pahlavi looked at the map and was sure that he could take out the weapons and equipment of these twenty divisions.

 Purely because of the information secretly revealed by Britain and the United States.

 (End of this chapter)

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