The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 240: Huskies sent troops? (First update!)

Chapter 240 Huskies sent troops? (First update!)

“You agreed so quickly to equip twenty divisions?” Cun Yunsheng looked at Meng Fan and asked with a confused look on his face.

“Yes, the news just came from the chief of guards in the palace that the twenty art masters purchased will arrive at Bangkok Port in three days.” Meng Fan nodded.

To be honest, Meng Fanxiao also looked confused when he heard the news. He was also very puzzled at the time.

 Why did the purchase of equipment go so smoothly this time?

 It seems like everything is arranged.

"Not only that, General Stilwell said that the payment can be delayed and there is no need to worry. It seems that he is not worried at all and cannot afford to pay at all." Meng Fangli continued.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng squinted his eyes and thought about what Stilwell meant by this sentence.

 All these weapons and equipment were delivered so quickly, and there was no need to worry about payment.

 It shows that Stilwell should know who these weapons are intended for.

 In other words, he already knew that these weapons would be purchased by Persia.

 Has it been leaked?

 There is such a possibility!

 The intelligence departments of these great powers cannot be underestimated.

 Their strength cannot be underestimated.

 Is there something wrong with the people on his side?

 Or from the royal palace of Siam?

  Few people knew about his deal with Alberts, and it was impossible for his people to betray him.

Then it’s the big Chinese families in Bangkok.

 For these large Chinese families, Cun Yunsheng simply did not believe in their so-called loyalty.

 For wealthy people like them, as long as the price given is high enough, betrayal is only a matter of seconds.

“Tuanzuo, what do you mean?” Meng Fanxiao hesitated for a while and asked.

“It’s very simple, that is, Stilwell guessed the buyer of these weapons.” Cun Yunsheng shook his head and said.

"Ah? We kept it very secret, how could they guess it?" Meng Fangli asked in confusion.

"No matter how much we keep it secret, we can't prevent others from leaking it. Maybe someone in the palace leaked it, or maybe someone in Persia leaked it."

"Anyway, someone must have leaked it. As for who it is, it doesn't make any sense anymore." Cun Yunsheng shook his head and said.

 For a moment, Cun Yunsheng was a little discouraged. To put it bluntly, the power and advantage he had were too small.

"Ah? Then Stilwell has already set his sights on us?" Meng Fangliao said in surprise.

 They have always been cautious, not only because they were afraid of being targeted by Stilwell, but then they would be in trouble.

 But unexpectedly, he was discovered in the end.

 Now Meng Fan is really panicking and doesn’t know what to do?

"Why are you panicking? Since Stilwell brought this batch of weapons, it means that he agreed to our sale of these weapons." After calming down, Cun Yunsheng thought for a while and thought that it should be fine.

 Otherwise Stilwell would not have agreed to transport the equipment of these twenty divisions.

"Huh? Why? They can obviously sell this batch of weapons themselves? They can even make more money." Meng Fan asked with a confused look.

"If they sell it in person, it will be true." Cun Yunsheng sneered.

 He thought about why Stilwell was so active in transporting this batch of weapons.

 It was entirely through their hands that these weapons were sold to Persia.

This plot reminded him of two movies called "Lord of War" and "The Arms Dealer".

 There are some plots in it that are very similar to what he is currently encountering.

It is clear that the US military is behind the scenes, but they still need to find an agent to cover up their true identity.

“Don’t forget, the Soviet army is our ally, but if the Soviet army goes south to Persia for this poor reason, it will arouse the dissatisfaction of Britain and the United States.”

“But considering the alliance relationship between the two parties, it is difficult to fall out openly, but they will definitely make some small moves secretly.”

“And the equipment of these twenty divisions is their attitude.” Cun Yunsheng sneered. He did not expect that one day he would become an agent of the US military. I wonder if he would be made into a movie in the future?

 “Isn’t this too complicated?” Meng Fangliao stared at Cun Yunsheng dumbfounded. He didn’t expect it to be so complicated.

“You don’t really think that the great powers are all fools, do you?” Cun Yunsheng said angrily.

“Since you want us to be agents, you have to give us some benefits.”

“When Alberts comes back, tell him the price will be doubled.”

“Also, let them ask Stilwell for weapons. Don’t be afraid. They want planes, cannons, and tanks.”

If we don’t take advantage of this moment to gain more benefits, wouldn’t it be a loss of blood?

"Will Stilwell agree?" Meng Fangliao asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, they will agree, especially after the Soviet offensive frightened Britain and the United States, they will definitely agree." Cun Yunsheng said confidently.


 On the other hand, the performance of the Soviet army was indeed outstanding.

Especially facing the mountainous terrain like Persia, the Soviet army did not dispatch armored troops, but mainly used cavalry divisions.

 Thousands of horses from three cavalry divisions roared simultaneously, shocking many Persian chiefs.

 “Hurrah, hurrah!”

 “Hurrah, hurrah!”

 All the Soviet cavalry shouted while attacking the chiefs' station.

 Compared to the assembly speed of ordinary infantry divisions, the assembly speed of cavalry is still very fast.

Especially when the speed of the cavalry division increased, the charge became even more beautiful. The charge of tens of thousands of horses made the earth tremble.

 When facing the German army, the Soviet cavalry division may not have that strong combat effectiveness.

  After all, the German MG34 general-purpose machine gun is not a vegetarian.

 But now they are facing Persia, and it is also a mountainous area.

 In this kind of terrain, cavalry has an absolute advantage.

 The roads are narrow and cars cannot pass through them on a large scale, but cavalry can easily pass through them.

 Utilize high mobility to appear in front of the enemy at lightning speed.

 More importantly, cavalry is less dependent on logistics.

As long as you are ruthless, you can basically rely on the place to replenish it.

 This is why Pahlavi learned that several cities in the north had been massacred.

 It is impossible to get these chiefs to hand over their grain obediently.

  After all, Persia itself is not a grain-producing area, and everyone's food is their hope for survival.

Just hand it over like this?

Wouldn’t that force them to die?

 On one side he died in battle and on the other side he died of starvation.

 As long as you are not a fool, you will definitely resist.

 Not to mention the chiefs of Persia, all of them were full of martial virtue.

Although the weapons and equipment lagged far behind the Soviet army, they knew the terrain well and relied on the terrain to resist.

 Let the Soviet army suffer a lot.

But soon the Soviet army once again mobilized heavy troops, and as a result, seven out of ten of these chiefs were wiped out.

“Ula, kill them all.” Major General Shevchuk, commander of the Soviet cavalry division, looked at the fleeing chiefs in the distance, with a hint of killing intent in his eyes.


 If you want to become a qualified cavalry, shooting from horseback is the basic ability. If you can only maneuver on horseback but not shoot from horseback, you are just called an infantryman on horseback.

 After receiving the order, the Soviet cavalry drove their horses with one hand, aimed their guns with the other, and pulled the triggers with their fingers.

 Basically I don’t have much aim, I just rely on my gun sense from daily training to shoot.

There was a burst of gunfire, and many fleeing tribal soldiers fell to the ground. Several hundred tribal soldiers were simply not enough for them to shoot.

 In less than ten minutes, not a single one of the hundreds of people was left alive.

 After all, they are all cavalry and do not have the energy to carry so many prisoners.

Their mission was to advance quickly and capture Tehran, the capital of Persia, in one fell swoop.

“Sir, there is a small town ahead.” A major came to Major General Shevchuk and said in a low voice.

Hearing this, Major General Shevchuk’s eyes lit up, and then he said slightly excitedly.

 “Speed ​​up your speed, capture the town in front, and celebrate for a day.”

  When many soldiers heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up.

As a veteran, I can naturally understand what this sentence means, that is, the division commander will not care about what they are doing during this day.

 For a time, the morale of the Soviet army was greatly boosted, and the marching speed also accelerated.

 The unlucky ones are the local tribes.


 At the Royal Palace in Tehran, Pahlavi looked at the telegrams one after another, his face extremely gloomy.

These are all telegrams sent from the north. Chiefs from all over the country sent telegrams one after another, hoping that the royal family would come forward to stop the Soviet troops from moving south.

 Has he the ability to stop the Soviet army from moving south?

 There is a fart!

The Soviet army has a garrison in Tehran, but what is the result?

They are not a good garrison, so there is nothing wrong with them.

The British and American garrisons just kept a watchful eye and prevented others from causing trouble.

 Don’t care about anything else.

 So for this kind of request for help report, he could only pretend that he didn't see it.

His current hope is that Britain and the United States can come forward to stop the Soviet army from moving south.

 As a result, Britain and the United States only revealed that weapons and equipment can be purchased in the Far East.

 There is nothing left to say.

 This made him very speechless.

What can you do with weapons?

Haven't you organized your own troops to fight the Soviet army?

"Your Majesty the King, the German envoy is here again." At this time, the captain of the guard walked in again and said respectfully.

Hearing this, Pahlavi squinted his eyes. He always felt that the sudden move of the Soviet army southward had something to do with the German army.

 Otherwise, as soon as you reject the opponent with your front foot, the Soviet army will move south with your back foot.

This is really strange.

 Thinking of this, Pahlavi thought for a while and then said.

 “Let him in.”

 Not long after, the German envoy walked into Pahlavi's palace again.

"Your Majesty the King, it seems that you have been too worried to eat recently?" The German envoy had a relaxed expression on his face, and he was even in the mood to tease him.

 If it were anyone else, Pahlavi would either drive him away or kill him directly.

But now he can only endure it, and even has to smile.

"Your Excellency, Special Envoy, can your country solve my kingdom's dilemma?" Pahlavi said with an extremely respectful expression.

Seeing this, the German envoy nodded first, then shook his head.

“If His Majesty the King could agree to our conditions before, he would not only be able to repel the Soviet army, but also send troops to recover some of the lost territory.”

“What a pity, everything will be ruined now. Before I came, the Soviet army was less than a hundred kilometers away from Tehran. According to the speed of the Soviet army’s attack, it is expected to appear in Tehran tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.”

"I'm afraid that what is left for His Majesty the King at that time is either to retreat southward or to surrender."

“But at that time, Persia was completely destroyed.”

I have to say that the words of the German envoy made Pahlavi look extremely ugly.

 Although he had some luck, now he was torn apart so nakedly.

Hum, naturally he doesn’t look too good.

"As for Britain and the United States, which you have high hopes for, I am afraid that they themselves cannot be protected. Just now, I received a telegram from Marshal Rommel of the North African Army. They have occupied Cairo, and all the south bank of the canal belongs to our German troops."

“As long as you sign this agreement on the offensive and defensive alliance, our North African Army will immediately cross the canal and come to the rescue of Persia.”

"And can help you train modern troops." The words of the German envoy were like a heavy hammer that silenced Pahlavi for a while.

 He also knew that Britain and the United States were unreliable, especially the British Empire, which had betrayed its allies several times for its own interests.

 The colonies were even more frantically exploited.

 So, psychologically speaking, he has no good impression of the British army.

Just as the Japanese army attacked Burma before, there is a reason why the Burmese natives chose to help the Japanese army.

such a pity!

 The Japanese army exploited them more ruthlessly than the British army!

 So, these natives missed the British army again.

 As for the US military?

 Just think of it as a joke, they are at least tens of thousands of miles away from Persia.

 Come to support them?

 What a joke.

 At the moment, the only ones who can really rescue them are the German army.

Looking at the silent Pahlavi, the German envoy believed that the other party would be convinced by him.

Although the Persian army's combat effectiveness is not very good, if it undergoes systematic training, it can still be used as cannon fodder.

“Can you really help us repel the Soviet army?” Pahlavi asked in a hoarse voice.

“Yes, please rest assured that the German Army is definitely the strongest force in the world. We have wiped out millions of Soviet troops on the Eastern Front.”

“A mere two hundred thousand Soviet troops are nothing at all.” The German envoy said confidently.

 Hearing this, Pahlavi did not refute.

 Because everything the other person said is true.

Although the Soviet army showed off its power in front of Persia, in front of the German army, they were really beaten on the head.

"Okay, I agree to your request, but I hope you can arrive in Persia within half a month." In the end, Pahlavi decided to agree to all the other party's requests and join the German army.

 The reason why it is half a month is because the art equipment he wants to buy will arrive around that time.

 When the time comes when you have some strength, you will have more things to talk about.

Hearing this, the German envoy showed a happy expression on his face and took out the alliance letter that he had prepared. As long as he signed it, everything would be done.

 It was not in vain, he spent this time going back and forth.

As a result, just when Pahlavi was about to sign, the captain of the guard hurried in with an excited expression on his face.

“Your Majesty the King, Your Majesty the King, good news, Turkey has sent troops. Their air force has just attacked the Baku oil fields and destroyed countless oil refining equipment.”

The words of the captain of the guard instantly silenced the conference room.

Pahlavi opened his mouth wide, not knowing what to say for a moment.

 The German envoy looked at the other party with a livid face.

I just want to deliver express, you have to let me join? Come and have a try!

The cause of the child's vomiting was found out. It was norovirus. There were more than 40 people in a class, and half of the children had high fever and vomited last night! Just outrageous.

My daughter vomited eight times in one night. By four o'clock in the morning, she didn't sleep all night. I just came back from the hospital, so I will update a chapter quickly!




 (End of this chapter)

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