The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 251: Governor, the Japanese army attacked our arsenal!

Chapter 251 Governor, the Japanese army attacked our arsenal!

 ‘When the training of these five hundred thousand natives is completed, Stilwell will never dare to speak loudly to us again. ’ Cun Yunsheng’s words completely convinced Meng Fanglia.

  ‘Whether it is based on strength or status, he is not qualified. ’

These two simple sentences made Meng Fanglia feel extremely boosted in morale.

“Send a telegram to Yuta Ishita and tell him to take Governor Degu’s head as a gift and present it to Stilwell.”

“Think about it, we have been following Stilwell for so long and we haven’t even given him a decent gift, so this time we will give him a surprise.” Cun Yunsheng pinched his chin and said with a half-smile.

Hearing this, Meng Fan was stunned for a moment, and then a timid expression appeared on his face.

“Tuanzuo, are you playing too much? Governor Degu, that’s going to cause big trouble.”

Who would have thought that Cun Yunsheng said with disdain.

"What big thing happened? What does it have to do with us? All this was done by the little devils and has nothing to do with us."

"And haven't you heard of the petition? This is their petition. From now on, they can only rely on us. Otherwise, Stilwell can win them away by using some tricks."

“At that time, won’t our efforts be in vain?”

“Don’t worry, nothing will go wrong, it’s just a governor, the Allies won’t care.”

Even if you really care, what can you do?

 Can we still send troops to avenge a dead man?

 Seeing that Cun Yunsheng had already said this, Meng was annoyed and couldn't say anything more.

“Understood, I’ll send a telegram to Yuta Inoshita right now.”

"Well, send another telegram to Duan Zhenguo and tell him not to stop. Negotiations are inevitable." Cun Yunsheng said meaningfully.

“Commander, will the French army really agree to our conditions?” Meng Fan asked with a confused look on his face.

"How is it possible? One hundred million in silver is impossible for a colonial governor to come up with. If it were France itself, it would be almost the same."

"Then you still..." Meng Fanlao didn't finish his sentence, but he immediately understood.

“You are cooperating with the Japanese Fourth Division...”

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng couldn't help but glance at Meng Fan. Unexpectedly, this guy's mind was spinning really fast.

"That's right, what the Japanese Fourth Division did last time seemed to be flawless, but in fact it was full of flaws. That is to say, there are wars all over the world now, so no one is investigating carefully. And if something like this happens again, it will definitely cause trouble. Suspect."

“So if you choose to negotiate, you are paralyzing the French army, and at the same time offering a condition that the French army cannot agree to, or even irritating them.” Meng Fangliao echoed.

“You are right, those who are playing dirty tricks, we are the ancestors of these foreigners. Even if they know it is a trap, they still have to jump in.” Cun Yunsheng sneered.

“Next, let Duan Zhenguo increase his offensive intensity. Whether he can take down Hanoi and the French Indochina Navy in one go depends on this time.”

"Yes, I understand." Meng Fan took a deep breath and responded.


"Damn it, where are the reinforcements? Why aren't there any reinforcements yet? It's impossible to stop the Sichuan Army's attack with just these natives."

“Asshole, I’ve had enough, how many more days do we need to hold on?”

"If those **** gentlemen don't come to save us, we can declare the end of the mission with peace of mind and hang the white flag to surrender. I don't want to die here." At the French army position, a French army sergeant was full of complaints.

 “That idiot Degu, doesn’t he know that we have been hungry all day?”

 In response to the sergeant's complaint, many soldiers nodded with deep understanding.

 Especially those French soldiers.

 They could have enjoyed everything with peace of mind, and even escaped this war smoothly.

who knows!

 The war still fell on them.

"Sergeant, no one is coming. It's been two days. There has been no gunfire from the other side for two days!" The veteran next to him narrowed his eyes and said disdainfully.

"Oh, isn't that normal?" The French sergeant thought, isn't it normal that there is no sound of artillery?

 Does it have to be the sound of gunfire?

Wouldn’t it be nice to have this moment of silence?

“Sergeant, this is very abnormal. You must know that the firepower on the other side is very powerful, even comparable to the German army, but what?”

"There has been no sound of gunfire for two consecutive days. They must be brewing a bigger plan." The veteran shook his head, looked at the silent position in the distance, and said with some worry.

 The natives next to him couldn't understand this at all.

 For them, the most important thing they want to do now is to fill their stomachs.

 Everything else is empty.

"Let's worry about when we can eat first. These natives are already so hungry that their eyes are shining with hunger. If we can't eat them anymore, they might just eat us." The sergeant shook his head. For him, If you really can't beat him, just surrender.

“Well, you are right, but yesterday I could still hear the shelling, and I even heard that a company next door had its defense line breached.” The veteran continued.

 The news about the peace talks from the Governor's Palace was not disseminated, so the French soldiers on the front line did not know why the Sichuan Army's attack on the front line had stalled.

 Veterans can only detect something amiss from clues based on their own experience.

"What does it have to do with us? I just want to have a full meal now, shit, these gentlemen don't care whether we live or die." The sergeant cursed again.

"Sergeant, let's think about reinforcements. Without reinforcements, we will definitely not be able to hold the line of defense." The veteran said again.

"Asshole, even if there are no reinforcements, will it affect our return home? In the worst case, we will surrender. Don't forget that there is Free France among the Allies. We can definitely become the Allies." The sergeant said with an indifferent expression.

I have to say that the French army, which is betting on both sides, is very confident.

They were obviously a defeated country, but what was the result?

 Because they bet on both sides, the impact on them after the war was not great.

 The only impact may be that the combat effectiveness of the regular army is getting lower and lower, while the foreign legions are rising rapidly.

I have to say that the words of the French army sergeant still aroused considerable recognition.

 You must know that in these days of fighting, no one is mocking the Sichuan Army anymore.

Everyone knows that this unit is very powerful in combat.

Even the natives they personally trained could only be pinned down in a small place and unable to move when faced with the Sichuan Army.

 At first, they were not convinced.

I thought that the Sichuan Army was just relying on its sharp weapons, but after several rounds of competition, the French army was completely convinced.

“The second lieutenant is here, don’t complain anymore.” Far away, the veteran saw their commander walking towards them and reminded them quickly.

"The news just conveyed by the company headquarters is that the Governor's Palace is negotiating with the Sichuan Army Corps on the opposite side. If it goes well, there may be no need to fight again." The French second lieutenant spread his hands and expressed helplessness.

"Negotiation? So, I thought there was some conspiracy." The French veteran suddenly realized.

"But Lieutenant, it's not a good thing for us to be trapped in a place like this. My suggestion is to retreat immediately."

This is an experience honed on the battlefield. He always felt that the other side seemed to be harboring some conspiracy.

Thinking of this, I subconsciously raised my head and looked at the sky.

 The climate of the tropical rainforest is that it rains from time to time. At this moment, there are already clouds in the sky.

 Obviously, there will be heavy rain soon.

“Second Lieutenant, when will support arrive? We have been hungry all day and have no food. I am afraid these natives will mutiny.” the sergeant asked.

“The supplies are being delivered, it will take a while, so let’s use compressed biscuits to cushion your stomach first.” The second lieutenant didn’t know when the supplies would arrive, so he could only ask his subordinates to endure it for a while.     In fact, for the indigenous people, it is good to have compressed biscuits.

 But for the French soldiers who were accustomed to enjoying themselves, this was simply pig food, and they couldn't eat it at all.

“Logistics is a bunch of stinky sons of bitches.” The French sergeant couldn’t help but cursed angrily.

At this time, the veteran on the side pointed to the sky in the distance, as if he was frightened by something and was speechless.

Following the direction of the finger, a large cloud of clouds dyed the sky red.

“Has the sun come out?” the French sergeant muttered subconsciously.

 The result was an instant reaction. It was not yet dusk.

 And there were thick dark clouds in the sky just now.


When the French sergeant came back to his senses, his expression changed, as if he remembered something terrible, and he immediately fled from the trench and shouted: "There is a shelling!".

 At the same time, roll into the dugout that has been dug long ago.

 When other French soldiers heard this, they subconsciously followed suit and rolled into the air raid shelter.

Only the natives were confused and didn't know what it meant.

"What's wrong..." a native asked subconsciously.

 As a result, before he finished speaking, he saw countless cannonballs flying in the distance.

By the time they tried to escape, it was already too late.

 “It’s a cannonball…”

I vaguely heard someone shouting about cannonballs, but soon I didn’t know anything else.

The French sergeant didn’t know how long the shelling lasted. He only knew that he was buried in the mud and felt that the whole earth was shaking.




  Violent explosions resounded throughout the French positions.

 When the explosion stopped completely, everything around was burning.

The original jungle has long since become a field of fire.

 All you can see are charred corpses.

The soldiers who were talking loudly just now seemed to have all disappeared.

Only the roar of tanks in the distance proved that what just happened was not false.

“Is this the real Sichuan Army?” the French soldier murmured as he looked at the tanks heading towards the position in the distance.

"Attack." Following the order, the Sichuan Army soldiers who had been waiting impatiently began to roar.

 The attack speed was very fast, and it successively broke through several lines of defense of the French army.

 Up to this time, northern Khmer had been completely occupied by the Sichuan Army, and the Khmer Kingdom also raised its own flag at the right time, declaring that the future of Khmer should be decided by the Khmer people themselves.

 The remaining southern regions, hearing this slogan, also began to resist French rule.

 For a time, the French army was completely in chaos.

 After receiving the news, Governor Duc Gu of the Hanoi Governor's Palace, his eyes were a little dull.

The troops on the front line didn't even hold on for a day, and half of the Khmer was lost.

Now the Sichuan Army is speeding towards Hanoi.

Originally, Governor Deku was still thinking that after the negotiations were over, he could wait for the Japanese army to deal with the Sichuan Army. They could even mobilize their troops to recapture the captured territory. However, after only two days of calm, the French army's frontline positions were bombarded.

 The losses cannot be estimated for the time being, but the casualties were heavy and the position could no longer be defended.

Not only that, the tank regiment of the Sichuan Army is heading towards Hanoi at full speed.

 If there are no more reinforcements, the troops on the front line may consider surrendering.

“Asshole, where is the Japanese Fourth Division?” Governor Degu took a deep breath and asked.

 The hope now can only be pinned on the Japanese Fourth Division.

“They have arrived in Hanoi, but they asked to take over Hanoi’s defense line.” The officer in charge of Hanoi’s defense reported.

Hearing this, Governor Degu frowned slightly.

 Take over Hanoi’s defense without permission?

 Are you kidding me?

The Japanese Fourth Division was only invited by him to assist in the defense.

 Now you want to turn your back on guests?

This is absolutely impossible.

 How could he agree?

“Your Majesty the Governor, what’s wrong, the Japanese Fourth Division actually attacked our arsenal.” At this time, a staff officer ran in to report in horror.

 “What?” Governor Degu was immediately confused. Attacking their arsenal?

Is this crazy?

 Not only him, but everyone in the entire Governor's Mansion was dumbfounded. The Japanese army actually attacked their arsenal?

You must know that the reason why the French army wants to withdraw to Hanoi is because there is an arsenal in the city, which can fully support them and the Sichuan Army to continue to consume in Hanoi.


 Now it is actually occupied by the Japanese army.

 This is just a joke.

 “Where is their division commander?” Governor Degu roared angrily.

“Contact me their division commander and ask what they are going to do.”


Soon, the staff officer came back and said with an ugly expression.

"Their division commander was assassinated after entering the city and was killed. They suspected that we sent people to do it, so they attacked our arsenal, hoping that we could hand over the city defense of Hanoi and then let them take over. "

 “??????” Governor Degu was just like listening to the book of heaven. This is what it is.

 He was assassinated when he entered the city?

 Is this God playing a joke on him?

 But looking at the expression on the staff officer’s face, it was obvious that it was true.

“Damn it, what the **** is going on? Is it the guerrillas who did it?” Governor Degu roared angrily.

 Unfortunately, no one could answer him. At this moment, fierce gunfire rang out outside the Governor's Mansion.

 Obviously, the Japanese army has already reached the Governor's Mansion.

“Bastard, contact their current commander and ask them to stop attacking. I will communicate with their Southern Army commander.” Governor Degu roared.

It is a pity that the Japanese Fourth Division ignored his orders at all.

"Ishita-kun, I didn't expect that you could come up with such a genius plan. Even Yamashita Fengfumi of the Malayan Tigers would never have imagined that we would capture the French arsenal so smoothly." Outside the Governor's Palace, a self-proclaimed Osaka Sato said with a smile to Yuta Inoshita beside him.

 Originally, it was difficult for them to convince the entire Fourth Division to follow and occupy Hanoi.

 This would, after all, mean open rebellion.

But taking advantage of Kitano Kenzo's assassination, it would be logical to ignite the anger of everyone in the Fourth Division.

   One of us will finally be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. It’s been so difficult these days.



 (End of this chapter)

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