Chapter 252 Is this a stroke?

“Colonel Sato, I think the French army must pay a price.” Yuta Inoshita looked at Colonel Sato and said respectfully.

 “What price?” Colonel Sato was a little confused and didn’t quite understand what price to pay.

“Use his head to honor the division commander and let the French troops know that the dignity of the Imperial Japanese Army cannot be provoked.” Yuta Inoshita said with a smile on his face.

“More importantly, we need to make His Excellency Commander Juichi Terauchi of the Southern Army understand that we are forced by the French army.”

Hearing this, Colonel Sato touched his chin and felt that what Yuta Inoshita said made sense. He thought for a while, then nodded and said.

“Yoshi, your suggestion is very good, but before that, we need him to order the surrender of the French fleet in Haiphong Port.”

 Before this, Colonel Nojiri had already led his people to Haiphong Port.

That’s 300 million yen.

 The defenses of the Governor's Mansion were quickly breached by well-trained Japanese troops.

The Fourth Division just doesn't want to fight, but it doesn't mean they are incapable of fighting.

 If we really want to be serious, these French troops are really no match for them.

"Asshole, why? Who told you to attack the Governor's Mansion? You are destroying the alliance, and you are going to court-martial for doing this." Governor Degu looked at Sato and others who walked in, and accused angrily.

Who knew, I could see the disdain on Osato Sato's face.

"Dear Governor, our division commander was assassinated just after he entered the city. According to the assassin's confession, they were instructed by the Governor's Office. The dignity of the Imperial Army of Japan must not be trampled on. Your Excellency, Governor, you must give an explanation. ”

  Although Osato Sato's words were very respectful, in fact, he didn't take these French troops seriously at all.

 For the Japanese army officers, the first choice for studying abroad was the German Army.

 So their training methods have more or less the shadow of the German army.

 The German army easily defeated the French army, which made them subconsciously believe that the French army was nothing more than this.

 In fact, the Japanese army at this time was indeed qualified to speak like this.

 Especially for Class A divisions, the quality of individual soldiers is absolutely very high.

“Asshole, we didn’t send any assassins. We are allies and there is absolutely no way we would do such a thing.” Governor Degu took a deep breath. He was about to faint from the Japanese officer in front of him.

 “This must be a frame-up.”

Governor Degu wanted to say something else, but he saw Colonel Sato wave his hand.

 “Catch them all.”

“Bastard, bastard, bastard, I want to accuse you. I want to accuse your barbaric actions to General Juichi Terauchi.” What else did Governor Degu want to say.

 The result was a slap in the face.


Yuta Inoshita shook his hand and grinned.

“Baga, the dignity of the Imperial Japanese Army must not be trampled on.”

 Speaking, he slapped me again.

 Don’t say it!

It's really nice to slap a senior officer like this.

 No wonder those officers like to slap them in the face.

 The addicted Yuta Inoshita was slapped several times in succession.

 Colonel Sato who was watching on the side was stunned.

This guy hates the French army so much?

 I didn’t see it!

"Ishita-kun..." At the end of the draw, Osato Sato couldn't stand it any longer and quickly called out to the opponent.

 If you continue to smoke, you will probably be beaten to death.

At this moment, Governor Degu lost his previous arrogance and looked at Yuta Inoshita with fearful eyes.

Looking at Governor Degu in front of him, Inoshita Yuta seemed to remember that he had the same fearful expression before, and then kicked him angrily.

“Baga, immediately send a telegram to your naval commander, asking them all to abandon the ship and surrender.” After Inoshita finished kicking him, he picked up Governor Toku and roared angrily.

No one could see that the short Yuta Inoshita could explode with such great strength.

 Governor Degu, who was about to faint from being slapped, suddenly became more awake and looked at Yuta Inoshita with blank eyes.

 He didn’t understand why they wanted their navy to surrender?

Could it be that?

The Japanese army wants to annex the entire Annan?

Is the so-called assassination just a conspiracy?

 He can be a governor, so he is certainly not a fool.

 “Asshole…” Governor Degu wanted to scold him, but subconsciously shrank his head.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Yuta Inoshita felt more and more familiar. Isn't this his previous self?

 The thought of being frightened by Cun Yunsheng made him even more angry.


"Immediately order the navy to surrender and go ashore to hand over the warships." Yuta Inoshita did not slap him in the face this time, but instead used his fists to hit him on the head.

 Not long after, Governor Degu was beaten until his nose was black and his eyes were swollen.

Perhaps Governor Degu finally bowed his head because he couldn't bear the beating.

When Inoshita Yuta stood up contentedly, many Japanese soldiers looked at him with admiration.

 They didn’t expect that Yuta Inoshita would be so brave.

 Beat the French governor.

 How much courage this takes.

Even Colonel Sato couldn’t help but admire him.

 Only Yuta Inoshita feels bitter.

 Because these things he did were all his own experiences.

 In other words, he is nothing more than a reenactment of the scene.

Cun Yunsheng beat him much harder than he did now.

 So much so that when I see Cun Yunsheng now, I bow my head in great respect.

  Even though I am extremely angry now, I dare not have any thoughts of betrayal.

"Are you really going to chop off his head?" Colonel Sato watched the telegram being sent out, and then asked Yuta Inoshita in a low voice, but he was much more respectful than before.

"Cut, if we don't chop off his head, there is only death waiting for us." Yuta Inoshita stared at Governor Degu fiercely.

Although Osaka Sato didn’t know what Yuta Inoshita had gone through, it must have been a bad scene, so he felt such hatred.

 But he only has the 300 million yen in his heart now. With this money, plus the previous dividend, it means that he will not have to worry about it in the next life.


 You can also find several women and ask them to give you more babies.

 At that time, the Sato family began to prosper from him.

Thinking of this, Colonel Sato can only hope that Colonel Nojiri will not live up to his expectations.

“Send a telegram to the Sichuan Army and ask them to speed up.” Colonel Sato thought for a while and said again.

 “It’s been sent.” Yuta Inoshita patted his chest, saying that he could definitely handle the matter with confidence.


“The French army lost Hanoi?” The Southern Army Headquarters, Touichi Terauchi received the telegram and looked surprised.

According to his understanding, the French army can at least hold on for a while.

After all, the French army has tens of thousands of troops. Counting the Japanese Fourth Division, it is absolutely no problem to defend Hanoi.

 As a result, it’s just gone?

 This is simply outrageous.

“Your Majesty Commander, I’m afraid you would never have imagined that Hanoi was handed over to the Sichuan Army by the Fourth Division. Not only that, Governor Degu’s head was cut off.” The officer in charge of the report said with a trembling face.

 This is the French Governor.

  It will be cut if it is said to be cut.

The key question!

 The person who did this was the Japanese army themselves.

 Who among the normal Japanese soldiers would have the courage?

 Obviously, this matter should have been instigated by Juichi Terauchi.

 Obviously, Juichi Terauchi did not react. He was stunned for a moment, and then roared angrily. "Did the Fourth Division do it? Bagayalu, how dare they?"

 “This group of **** Osaka traders should have their licenses completely cancelled.”

As he was talking, Juichi Terauchi noticed something was wrong, because the officers in the headquarters all looked at him with strange eyes.

This made him feel something was wrong.

 What’s the problem with this?

“Baga, what’s going on?” Temple Shouichi was also so angry that he didn’t have time to think so much, so he asked.

“Your Excellency, Commander, wasn’t this your instigation?” a senior staff officer asked cautiously.

"Baga..." Shouichi Terauchi just wanted to scold him, but he immediately reacted.

 The one who can command the Fourth Division, apart from the base camp, is he, isn't he?

 Obviously, it is impossible to do this at the base camp.

 So, it’s just him.

 But it was obvious that he could not do such a stupid thing.

Just looking at the expressions of everyone in the headquarters, you can tell that they obviously don't believe it and this matter has nothing to do with him.

 After all, when Governor Degu asked for help before, he refused to send troops.

 Even let the Thai army send troops to attack Bangkok.

 Obviously, we hope that there will be some problems with the French army.

 Now the French governor was beheaded by the Japanese army.

   Terauchi Shouichi didn't know about this, and they wouldn't believe it even if they were beaten to death.

 For a time, Shouichi in the temple was going crazy.

 No matter how he explains it, no one will believe it.

 At this moment, another telegram was sent.

 The signature is the Fourth Division of the Japanese Army.

 The content is very simple, that is, Lieutenant General Kitano Kenzo, the commander of the Fourth Division, was assassinated.

 Before his death, he revealed the plan of Juichi Terauchi to command the Fourth Division to capture Hanoi.

In order to fulfill Juichi Terauchi's plan and the division commander's dying instructions, the officers and soldiers of the Fourth Division finally decided to capture the Governor's Mansion, look at Governor Degu's head, and avenge the division commander.

  Anyway, we took Hanoi according to Juichi Terauchi’s plan.

As for beheading, it's not too much, just think of it as revenge for the division commander.

The essential!

 Shouichi Terauchi has never done anything like this.

 For a time, everyone in the entire headquarters looked at him with suspicious expressions.

 Some people couldn’t help but give a thumbs up.

 Hand in praise of Commander Juichi Terauchi, he is indeed the best soldier in the empire.

 I believe that I will soon become the marshal of the empire.

Some people even praised him as worthy of being the leader of the Six Sabers.

 All kinds of sounds caused Juichi Terauchi's blood pressure to spike again.

 The blood vessels in the body burst instantly.

 The whole person fainted all of a sudden.

 When he woke up again, he found that he had suffered a stroke and his speech was slurred.

 Let countless Japanese soldiers express pity.

The Japanese Fourth Division stated that they were no longer willing to be the executioner's sword and decided to join the Anti-War Allied Forces.

 For a time, it was like a thunderstorm sweeping across the entire Japanese army.

 Compared with these, the handover of warships by the French Indochina Navy seemed very low-key and did not attract much attention at all.

By the time others discovered something was wrong, these warships had all become the Siamese Navy.


 “Asshole, Governor Degu’s head was chopped off?” Stilwell was stunned for a long time when he got the news.

 He originally thought that the French army could hold out for a while.

The results of it?

 This is gone?

And his head was chopped off.

More importantly, this was done by the Japanese army.

What makes things difficult for him is that this Japanese army announced that it will join the anti-war Allied Forces.

 This made him even more speechless.

 Because, even if he wanted to seek justice for Governor Degu, he had no reason.

At this time, only by raising the banner of the anti-war Allied Forces can more people be appeased.

 After all, this is the best way to divide the Japanese army.

If we settle accounts with the Japanese Fourth Division at this time, it will definitely cause concern to others.

 The development of things was obviously beyond his imagination.

 He also did not expect that the Japanese Fourth Division would be so bold.


 In other words, the Japanese army has long been eyeing the French colonies.

 I just didn’t expect Governor Degu to assassinate the Japanese division commander.

 This is what led to the death of Governor Degu.

At this moment, Stilwell also chose to believe the news released by the Fourth Division.

"General Stilwell, what should we do now?" The adjutant also found it very difficult. These 30,000 Japanese troops are a Class A division. If they are willing to join, it will definitely be a heavy blow to the Japanese army.

"Leave it to the Sichuan Army and let them have the headache." Stilwell thought for a while, but still couldn't figure it out, and finally decided to leave this problem to the Sichuan Army first.

Cun Yunsheng, who received the telegram, curled his lips.

“If old boy Stilwell can’t solve the problem, just leave it to me.”

“Tanzuo, this guy Yuta Ishita is too fierce. He really cut off Governor Degu’s head.”

“It is said that Governor Degu suffered inhuman torture before he died.” Meng Fanlai also found it incredible.

"Yuta Ishita is venting all his experiences on Degu. I didn't realize that this guy has a very deep resentment towards me." Cun Yunsheng naturally knew the meaning behind his words, but he still had a look on his face. Said calmly.

“I didn’t see the resentment, but I did see the respect. I nodded and bowed every time.” Meng Fangli said jokingly.

“Tuanzuo, what should we do next?”

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng seemed very calm, and after a moment of thought, he said.

“According to the previously formulated plan, let them train the natives, find something to do for the Japanese troops, and send others to take over the warships.”

"As for the next step, on the one hand, we will organize training to land on the island, and on the other hand, let Li Wu La and others return to defend Bangkok. Next, our target is naturally Borneo, especially Malaysia."

"There are many guerrillas there. If we can contact them, it will be of great help to our next operations."

Besides, there are many other things waiting for him.

  Accept the industrial base left by the French army.

 Also search for some useful talents and so on.

 There is also the restoration of the Li Dynasty and so on.

“What’s more important is that the arsenal’s production capacity needs to be expanded.”

“Let Fetig work hard for a while to sort out all the equipment and see which ones can be used.” Cun Yunsheng sighed.

“But there is still a part of Annan that has not been occupied?” Meng Fanxia hesitated and asked.

“Let Yangon and Bangkok send some troops to encircle and suppress the guerrillas in Annan, and let those Japanese troops serve as military advisers and give guidance.” Cun Yunsheng said meaningfully.

 (End of this chapter)

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