The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 29: Be a fool for the last time!

Chapter 29: Be a fool for the last time!

“Zhang Lixian, tell me about Zenda.” On the way, Yu Xiaoqing, who had closed her eyes to rest and was bored, suddenly became interested and felt that she wanted to know about Zenda first.

Hearing this, Zhang Lixian thought for a while, then organized his words and spoke.

“Zenda is a small border town. Later, it gained some fame due to the influx of defeated soldiers.”

“Broken soldiers from all directions are basically concentrated here, and this place is also known as a paradise for cowards.”

"Is there no one to manage these defeated soldiers?" Yu Xiaoqing asked doubtfully.

"Originally, according to the convention, it was left to the local government to take charge of the management, and they would solve the food and salary problem of the defeated soldiers, but Zenda is a small city and there is not that much food."

"But in order not to be harassed by the defeated troops, we throw in a little ration every month. Of course, most of the rations are based on banana leaves to ensure that they will not starve to death." Zhang Lixian said.

 Obviously, he knows Zenda very well.

 “How do you know so clearly?” He Shuguang asked doubtfully.

Yu Xiaoqing next to him was also waiting for him to explain.

 Zhang Lixian was not panicked at all, but said with a smile.

"I have a soldier who came from Zenda. He told me all these things."

“Tuanzuo, if you want to make this group of defeated troops work hard, you have to come up with some benefits. Otherwise, it may not be so easy to recruit troops.”

 Zhang Lixian expressed his worries. Those defeated soldiers were not so easy to fool.

Hearing this, Yu Xiaoqing said with a smile.

“Benefits? Have you seen these American-style equipment? These American-style equipment are the biggest benefit. As long as they follow me, they all have these American-style equipment. Isn’t it better than any other benefits?”

It can be seen that Yu Xiaoqing is very confident. He thinks that the defeated soldiers have never seen these good things. Now he can make them ace and elite. Isn't it enough?

 Thank God for a group of broken soldiers to have American equipment.

 Looking at the confident Yu Xiaoqing, Zhang Lixian didn't know what to say for a moment.

This general and tiger son has his unique pride and arrogance.

Just like that, the atmosphere in the car became a little weird, but Yu Xiaoqing still asked a few questions from time to time.

 On the other side, Cun Yunsheng asked Lin Yi to assemble the troops.

This time it was different from before. Instead, a special stage was set up. Cun Yunsheng stepped forward and looked at the dark group of people in front of him.

As expected, when there were a thousand people, it was so dark that it was impossible to see the end.

Cun Yunsheng took a deep breath and shouted into the loudspeaker.

 “Everyone is here, listen to my command.”

 “Stand at attention, take a break, and speak...”

  Without too many prefaces, get straight to the point.

"From today on, you will all be a member of the Sichuan Army. I don't care where you came from before, whether it is the Northeast Army, the Northwest Army, the Guangdong Army, any security group, or a garrison."

"From now on, you have only one identity, and that is a member of the Sichuan Army."

As soon as he finished speaking, bursts of applause broke out.

After Cun Yunsheng signaled everyone to be quiet, he continued.

 “Now I announce the reorganization order.”

 “Xue Tian, ​​commander of the regiment’s security company.”

Xue Tian's appointment was not surprising at all. Everyone knew that this leader's confidant might be reused.

Xue Tian stood up and saluted Cun Yunsheng and everyone else.

 “Meng Fan is sorry, commander of the regimental communications company.”

 “Kang Huoyan, commander of the regiment’s engineer company.”

 “Zhang Milong, chief of the regiment’s logistics department.”

 “Lin translated, regimental combat staff officer.”

 “Dong Dao, leader of the regiment’s reconnaissance platoon.”

 “Li Liansheng, Acting Commander of the First Battalion.”

  Many people were very surprised to hear that Li Liansheng became the battalion commander, especially Mi Long, who couldn't believe it. A soldier who killed many people in his eyes could be the chief of the battalion.

 In fact, Cun Yunsheng did not want to suddenly promote these people to high positions.

Who told him that he doesn't have any suitable talents at the moment, so he can only catch up and put it on the shelves.

 Originally, he wanted to form dozens of infantry companies and then be promoted to battalion commander later.

But considering that each of them has rich combat experience, there should be no problem with just a battalion commander, so they gritted their teeth and decided to do this.

 Li Liansheng himself couldn't believe it. He didn't expect that he was originally a second lieutenant platoon leader, and he didn't expect that he would become a battalion commander today. Even if he was just an acting battalion commander, he was still a battalion commander.

 For a time, Li Liansheng felt a warm current in his heart, and his eyes were full of excitement.

 He secretly vowed to turn the first battalion into the main battalion.

Cun Yunsheng didn't care what others thought and continued to make appointments.

“Deng Bao, acting commander of the Second Infantry Battalion.”

Cun Yunsheng still admires this Bu La who has never discarded his weapons.

One Lin Yi always maintains his true qualities as a soldier. The other is not fierce. The gun is still with the people. If China is going to perish, the Hunan people will die first. They are all lamentable.

 Hence, Cun Yunsheng also promoted him.

Deng Bao also had a look of disbelief on his face. He wanted to say something, but in the end it turned into a standard salute.

“Li Sifu, acting commander of the third infantry battalion.”

Cun Yunsheng's appointment once again surprised everyone, but with the previous two people as examples, they were all numb this time.

Li Sifu himself did not expect that he, a corporal in the Sichuan Army Corps, would one day become an officer.

Looking at Cun Yunsheng on the platform in disbelief, Li Sifu lost his previous banditry and stood at attention.

The originally fiery heart was burning even more powerfully at this moment.

Now, even if Cun Yunsheng asks him to die, he will not hesitate.

According to Meng Fangliao, they turned out to be a group of fools.

  Every time a group of people go to war with hope and patriotic passion to defeat the invaders, they end up in failure every time.

 In the end, everyone cursed each other and threatened that whoever goes again will be a fool.

And Cun Yunsheng was not the first officer to come here to recruit troops.

 But those officers did not come up with anything practical except for their lies.

 Except for some people who believe it, most choose to remain silent.

 After all, they all swore that whoever goes again will be a fool.

 This time, they were completely deceived by Cun Yunsheng. They used various reasons to successfully convince themselves that if they tried hard again, they might have hope of returning home.

 Yes, it’s the last time, it’s really the last time.

 There was no other way, Cun Yunsheng gave them hope of returning home.

 Look at the promoted officers. They were originally cannon fodder that others did not want.

 Look at the beautiful weapons and equipment of the security company. When have these stepmothers seen them before?

Look at the military pay just issued. When did they receive so many oceans?

 The accumulation of these is the hope of returning home.

 For a time, the momentum of the Sichuan Legion condensed into a blazing fire.

 A ball of fire capable of destroying anything that stood in their way home.

“You bitch, just open his mouth, and so many people will sacrifice their lives for him. I hope he is not the kind of officer who can cheat.” Meng Fanxiao in the audience looked at Cun Yunsheng, who was speaking impassionedly on the stage, and muttered.

"Even if it's a lie, I admit it. I've had enough of staying in this shabby shelter. I just want to go home." Milong sighed.

Meng Fangli looked at him in surprise, and then looked at the others. Suddenly he understood why there was only a glimmer of hope of returning home, and why there were so many people following him.

 “Go to the **** shelter, I’ve had enough of this.”

 (End of this chapter)

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