Chapter 30 Two Sichuan regiments?

On the other side, the excited Yu Xiaoqing was sitting on the jeep, imagining that when they arrived at Zenda, the defeated soldiers would definitely have a look of dullness and envy on their faces when they saw the beautiful weapons and equipment behind them.

I don't even need any advanced language to trick them into going to the battlefield.

 He believed that with his own ability, he would be able to defeat the Japanese army.

However, when he came to Zenda, he found that the atmosphere became very strange.

  It was not like what Zhang Lixian said, there were broken troops everywhere.

"Zhang Lixian, what's going on? Didn't it mean that there were broken troops everywhere?" Yu Xiaoqing asked with a somewhat unpleasant look on his face.

Hearing this, Zhang Lixian was confused and didn't understand.

 What about the defeated troops?

 A rout of troops filling the streets?

The results of it?


“Besides, there aren’t even the most basic sentries? What is the station director doing?” Yu Xiaoqing continued to snort coldly.

 “They’ve all been recruited, right?” He Shuguang’s untimely words suddenly made the atmosphere cold.

 “Probably not.” Zhang Lixian said with some uncertainty.

"Go and see what's going on." Yu Xiaoqing said in a deep voice and motioned for the jeep to continue driving.

 As a result, the deeper you go in, the colder your heart becomes.

 The scene described by Zhang Lixian with broken troops on both sides of the road does not exist at all.

Even the roads were so clean that he wondered if this was an empty city.

 It was completely different from the rout zone he imagined.

However, as the jeep drove deeper, the sound of training in the distance made Yu Xiaoqing's frown ease a lot.

‘Yes, this shelter manager also knows how to organize training, and he seems to be quite talented. ’

 ‘If you have some ability, you can take it under your command when the time comes. ’

 Only Zhang Lixian's face was not very good-looking because he had a bad premonition.

 The soldiers here should have been attacked first.

  When they were still two hundred meters away from the reception station, they were stopped by the sentry.

“Let the head of the shelter come out to see me.” Yu Xiaoqing stood up and shouted arrogantly.

The two sentries on guard were startled when they saw that the person in front of them was a lieutenant colonel.

  Why did two officers come to this poor place one after another?

  Since when did the defeated troops become so popular here?

“Sorry, sir, Station Commander Wang went out to collect the broken troops and is not here.” A sentry saluted with a gun, then shook his head and said.

"Let the person in charge here come out to see me and tell him that I am Yu Xiaoqing, and I have been ordered to form the Sichuan Army. I am recruiting troops this time. If you two perform well, you can join my guard company." Yu Xiaoqing glanced at it and said lightly. .

 Seeing that the two sentries were not lazy, Yu Xiaoqing became interested in talents.

 Zhang Lixian and He Shuguang looked extremely ugly because they saw that the other party's weapon was also an M1 Garand rifle.

“Tuanzuo, we may be a little late.” Zhang Lixian said softly.

 “The weapons of these two sentries are beautiful equipment.”

Hearing this, Yu Xiaoqing's pupils shrank sharply. When he took a closer look, he found that it was really a beautiful weapon, and his head was buzzing for a while.

 Has someone really jumped in first?

"Sichuan Legion? Sir, which regiment are you from?" The sentry was obviously a little confused. He looked at Yu Xiaoqing in surprise, wondering where this Sichuan Legion came from.

"Let your responsible officer come out to see me." Yu Xiaoqing took a deep breath, not wanting to talk nonsense with a sentry, and asked him to directly inform the highest officer here.

 He wanted to see who intercepted his troops.

 That's right, these soldiers had already been regarded as his own soldiers by him on the way here.

 The job he finally got was a job that would allow him to get rid of the influence of his family. He would definitely not give up easily. If he cannot fight because he has no soldiers and goes back in despair, he cannot afford to lose this person.

 He ​​brought all American equipment and personally recruited these cannon fodders, which was a great honor.

If this doesn't recruit a single soldier, it will really become a joke.

At this moment, Yu Xiaoqing’s face was as black as coal.

"Yes, sir." The sentry felt that the other party's background was a bit big, and knew that he could not solve it himself, so he turned to inform the company commander.

  All security work at the reception center was handed over to the security company, and Xue Tian soon learned of Yu Xiaoqing's arrival.

"A lieutenant colonel is here? He has a big background? Are they all fine art? And a jeep?"

 After listening to the sentry's report, Xue Tian felt a little pain in his teeth. He knew that this was something he could not solve by himself, so he immediately came to the temporary regiment headquarters to find Cun Yunsheng.

“Hey, Yu Xiaoqing is here.” Cun Yunsheng looked very calm after listening to Xue Tian’s report, and even made a joke.

"Master, are you not nervous at all? It seems that you have expected that the other party is coming?" Xue Tian was very confused about Cun Yunsheng's reaction. It seemed that he had known that the other party was coming.

Meng Fangliao, who was next to him, looked at Cun Yunsheng and asked a question.

“Tuanzuo, you won’t have any conflict with this Yu Xiaoqing, will you?”

“There was no conflict before, but now there must be a conflict.” Cun Yunsheng was not panicked at all, but even joked with Meng Fangliao.

Looking at Cun Yunsheng's expression, Meng Fan couldn't help but roll his eyes. He knew that this contradiction must be quite big.

“Come, come with me to meet this proud son of a general.” After Cun Yunsheng finished speaking, he headed outside immediately.

 Only Meng Fan, who was behind him, looked helpless. He was curious, what's so good about this poor place?

 Attracted two sons of generals?

 Are they all from the Sichuan Army?

 There won’t be a confrontation between true and false, right?

 For a time, Meng Fanlao had countless pictures in his mind.

Soon a few people came to the guard post. Looking at Yu Xiaoqing standing upright in front of them, the smile on Cun Yunsheng's face became even bigger.

 No need to think about it!

Beneath this calm exterior, he must be very angry inside.

  I must have been very unhappy if I cut off his beard.

 But the deal is already done, so you have to endure it even if you feel unhappy.

"Are you the person in charge here?" Seeing Cun Yunsheng holding the rank of lieutenant colonel, Yu Xiaoqing's heart skipped a beat.

 Such a young lieutenant colonel?

  Isn’t it possible that the other party’s background is not simple?

Not only him, but Zhang Lixian and He Shuguang behind him were also a little confused. Could it be that the other party had a good background, right?

 If this is the case, it may not be easy to handle.

"That's right, I am Cun Yunsheng. I have been ordered to form an independent regiment of the 126th Division of the 45th Army. I wonder why you are here?" Cun Yunsheng said lightly.

Hearing this, Yu Xiaoqing frowned deeper, took a deep look at Cun Yunsheng, and then spoke.

“Yu Xiaoqing, upon Shangfeng’s order, form the Sichuan Army Corps.”

 The conversation between them made several people behind them feel confused.

Especially when Meng is annoyed and his head is buzzing.

Are there really two Sichuan regiments?

"Cun Yunsheng? Who is General Cun Xingqi?" Suddenly, Yu Xiaoqing thought of something and asked directly.

Cun Yunsheng was not surprised at all when his identity was revealed.

 After all, the surname Cun is really rare.

 And for such a young lieutenant colonel, anyone can guess this.

Not to mention that half a year ago, in the Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain, more than 8,000 people in the 12th Division from the division commander on down died heroically.

At that time, it caused a sensation in the entire mountain city. With Yu Xiaoqing's ability, it is not surprising to guess this.

 “My uncle.” Cun Yunsheng’s tone was flat, but he looked at Yu Xiaoqing and asked.

“Sir Yu, most of Chanda’s soldiers are under my command. I suggest you move to another place.”

   Thank you all for your support, thank you! Get up early and update every day! By the way, I would like to ask for some support and make a list, thank you!



 (End of this chapter)

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