The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 31: The shameless Yu Xiaoqing!

Chapter 31 The shameless Yu Xiaoqing!

"If I remember correctly, Zenda's defeated troops numbered about three to four thousand. Are you not afraid of supporting your regiment?" Knowing that the opponent was also from a family of generals, Yu Xiaoqing's attitude softened a lot and was not as tough as before. .

If the two sides really wanted to compete for family background, they would really be evenly matched, especially General Cun Xingqi, who was even more of a legend.

Even Yu Xiaoqing secretly vowed to learn the spirit of the other party's soldiers who should die to serve the country.

 So he put away his pride as a general's son and chose to communicate calmly.

"I have always had a good appetite. Just three or four thousand people are nothing." Cun Yunsheng looked at the other party calmly as if he didn't take these thousands of people seriously at all.

This sentence made Yu Xiaoqing's soothing brows wrinkle slightly again.

“The commander of the Cun regiment is so majestic. There are three to four thousand men in one regiment. People who don’t know it would think that the Sichuan Army has made a big fortune.”

"Commander Yu, are you looking down on our Sichuan Army? Although our Sichuan Army is poor, we don't really care about these few thousand people."

"It's you, Commander Yu, if you don't want to be the leader of the reinforcement regiment, why do you come to this remote place to recruit troops?"

“Here are a bunch of broken soldiers, cowards, and grass-eating things. They can’t eat your foreign bread, Commander Yu.”

Meng Nuanlai behind him couldn't help but give a thumbs up. This member of the group is really sharp-tongued and unforgiving.

Furthermore, what is there in this wretched place and these grazing things that you two should fight over?

For a moment, Meng Fan was in a state of self-doubt. He wondered if they had any extraordinary talents.

 It was worthy of such a big fight between these two river-crossing dragons.

“And Commander Yu, you must bring some greeting gifts when recruiting troops, right?”

 “Look what you have here?”

“A dozen guards? Oh, they are all equipped with beautiful weapons, which is quite majestic, but I also have only beautiful weapons.”

Xue Tian had already assembled the guard company, loaded bullets one by one, and stood behind Cun Yunsheng and others.

  It is much more majestic than the dozen or so people of Yu Xiaoqing.

 Looking at the more than a hundred people in front of them, they were all equipped with beautiful equipment.

  The original pride of Yu Xiaoqing and others was instantly shattered.

   ‘It’s really beautiful equipment, and there are so many of them. ’ Although Yu Xiaoqing looked calm on the outside, she was still very shocked inside.

 Zhang Lixian and others behind him looked at the fine art security guard company in front of them, their mouths wide open, not knowing what to say.

Their beautiful weapons and equipment are still on the other side of the river. The US military will not give them weapons until they cross the river.

 So, Yu Xiaoqing didn’t bring anything with him this time. It’s not an exaggeration to say that he was a wolf with nothing.

“You’re not going to be a white wolf with nothing, are you? Are you going to use your mouth to trick these defeated soldiers into using them as cannon fodder?”

"Although they are just grass-eating things and fools, you can't really treat them as fools?"

Yu Xiaoqing's face became gloomier every time Cun Yunsheng said something.

If it weren't for the concern for face, he would have killed this guy with one shot.

 No one has ever dared to talk to him like this.

"Humph, as long as you become my soldier, you will be equipped with all beautiful weapons and equipment, and your military pay will be based on the Central Army." Yu Xiaoqing took a deep breath and said.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng felt a burst of disdain. The cannon fodder in the original work was issued with French currency that was too hard to even wipe one's ass.

 The machine guns he was given were all out of bullets, and he was older than Meng Fangliao.

If it weren't for the help of Mystery Dragon to find a way, the whole group would probably starve to death.

But at that time, Yu Xiaoqing was already half-empty, and he could make few decisions. Although he sympathized with the cannon fodder, it was useless.

Later, it was Long Wenwen who kept his mouth shut and issued a military order to get a combat anti-cannon.

It was enough to tell that Yu Xiaoqing did not regard the cannon fodder regiment as soldiers at all, and his face was filled with disgust.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I'm annoyed. Have you been deceived by officers like this before? No wonder you are fools." "You don't see anything, so you go to war with others and become cannon fodder?" Cun Yunsheng said with a look on his face. With disdain, he pulled Meng Fanyi, who was still in a daze, and scolded him.

“Look, since I came here, what you eat every day is pork stewed vermicelli, braised pork, pork and cabbage dumplings.”

“I have given you three yuan as settlement allowance, and three months of additional military pay in accordance with the standards of the Central Army.”

"Military uniforms, armaments, kettles, etc. are all provided for you."

“Look, during this period of time, I spent a total of thirty thousand yuan.”

Cun Yunsheng's words were so harsh in the ears of Yu Xiaoqing and others.

 So their faces became extremely ugly.

 Compared with their empty-handed approach, the other side is full of sincerity in recruiting troops.

Even Zhang Lixian and He Shuguang were surprised.

You must know that the military pay they receive now is legal tender. However, as the war continues, prices soar and the actual purchasing power continues to decline.

On the black market, a piece of ocean can be exchanged for more than ten pieces of legal currency, and it is still falling every day.

In other words, their military pay seems to be a lot, but in fact it is not as good as before the war.

 Now they hear that the other party's reissues are all from Ocean, which really makes them very envious.

And Meng Fanglia looked at Yu Xiaoqing and others' faces turned livid, and felt a little angry in his heart.

 Sir, I bet they are really cannon fodder in the eyes of the other party.

 It’s really like a blank wolf.

 For a time, Meng Fangliao looked at Cun Yunsheng with even more respect.

 There is no harm without contrast.

If Yu Xiaoqing pulls a cart full of supplies, it will definitely attract many people to become soldiers.

 But now that Cun Yunsheng has taken the lead, his aesthetic equipment is much less attractive.

Perhaps there will be beautiful weapons and equipment across the river, but right now they see no real benefits.

 A blank check cannot attract others.

Yu Xiaoqing's face was livid, she snorted coldly, and was about to leave, but was stopped by Cun Yunsheng.

"What? Captain Cun wants to force Yu to stay?" Anyone else would not be in a good mood if he was ridiculed like this for no reason.

Hence, Yu Xiaoqing's tone of voice was not polite.

 Cun Yunsheng was not surprised by this, and said with a smile.

"Captain Yu is really small-minded. Is the son of General Yu so rich?"

"Humph, Captain Cun, if you are wise and don't tell secrets, just say what you have to say directly, so that Yu can still listen to your honest words." Yu Xiaoqing took a deep breath and looked at Cun Yunsheng unkindly.

"Hahaha, in that case, why don't you go to my regiment headquarters and sit down? Just give me some advice." Cun Yunsheng laughed and did not care about Yu Xiaoqing's attitude at all. Instead, he invited him.

Hearing this, Yu Xiaoqing was even more surprised. He didn't know what the person in front of him was planning, but he was not a person who was afraid of trouble.

In order to find out what the other party wanted to do, Yu Xiaoqing walked inside without saying a word.

When entering the shelter and looking at the formation training taking place in the distance, Yu Xiaoqing squinted her eyes and kept looking at something in her mind.

“How is it? Are these cannon fodder worthy of Commander Yu’s eyes?” Cun Yunsheng asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Yu Xiaoqing changed her face again, snorted coldly, and continued walking inside.

Meng Fan, on the other hand, looked puzzled and asked quietly.

“Tuanzuo, what bad idea do you have?”

 (End of this chapter)

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