The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 32: Teach Yu Xiaoqing a lesson!

Chapter 32: Teach Yu Xiaoqing a lesson!

"What are you planning? What other ideas can I have?" Cun Yunsheng looked at Meng Fan with an innocent expression, as if to say, are you slandering me?

Looking at Cun Yunsheng's innocent expression, Meng was annoyed and everyone felt numb.

 Are you really in your twenties?

 How can you act better than those old foxes?

 Pretending to be innocent?

 With your frivolous heart, you are always scheming against others.

He invited someone to the regiment headquarters so kindly. If he said that he didn't have any plot against him, he wouldn't believe it even to death.

Just looking at the other party's innocent and naive expression, Meng Fanglia retreated in defeat.

“Tuanzu, has anyone told you that you are very suitable to be an actor? It would be a waste if you don’t act.”

Hearing what Meng Fangliao said, Cun Yunsheng laughed, patted his shoulder and said with a smile.

"Don't tell me, I really plan to be an actor. When the war is over, I will try it, and you will come to support me then."

Meng Fan was completely defeated by the other party's shamelessness and simply ignored him.

When they entered the regiment headquarters, they found Yu Xiaoqing staring at the map of Myanmar hanging in the middle.

It marked the Japanese offensive route, the British defensive offensive, and even the garrisons in various places.

This made Yu Xiaoqing very surprised. How did the other party get such top-secret information?

You must know that he is also studying the route of the Japanese army's attack on Burma. Although he has collected a lot of information, it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

 So his map was not as detailed as the other's. For a while, Yu Xiaoqing had the idea of ​​taking this map away.

"Captain Yu, are you interested in this map? I can give it to you before leaving." Cun Yunsheng said with a smile when he saw the other party staring at the map closely.

"A gentleman does not take away someone's love. Commander Cun must have put a lot of thought into drawing this map." Yu Xiaoqing shook his head and refused. Although he wanted it very much, he would not force it.

And he suspected that the other party might have other ideas.

Cun Yunsheng showed a pity expression for Yu Xiaoqing's rejection.

"Did Commander Cun leave Yu behind just to see this map?" Yu Xiaoqing didn't bother to follow the other person in circles and asked directly.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng was not in a hurry, but pointed at the map and asked.

“Commander Yu, what do you see from this map?”

 Is the other party testing him?

Yu Xiaoqing frowned slightly, glanced at the other party, continued to stare at the map, and spoke after a long time.

“The Japanese army’s offensive was very sharp, and the British army’s defense was somewhat stretched.”

"Is there anything else?" Cun Yunsheng was a little disappointed. He thought Yu Xiaoqing could give any advice?

But when I thought that the other party didn't have much information, it was not easy to see so much, and my disappointment suddenly eased a lot.

“Also? Lashio is a very important place. If Lashio is lost, then the entire eastern Myanmar will fall into the hands of the Japanese army, and then there will be big trouble.”

“The Japanese army is likely to use Lashio as a transshipment center and launch an attack to the north to cut off the Burma Highway.”

“Without this road, our foreign aid will be more tense and the situation will be more unfavorable.”

Yu Xiaoqing said a lot in one breath, enough to tell that he is definitely not a idiot, but has real talent and learning.

This made Cun Yunsheng look at him with admiration. This son of a general still had some ability.

“Yes, Lashio is indeed very important. Once it is captured by the Japanese army, it will definitely have a huge impact.” Cun Yunsheng said affirmatively.

"Since we can all see it, the British army will definitely strengthen the defense here." Yu Xiaoqing looked indifferent. He thought that he could even see it. As the world's most powerful country, the British army could not see it?

"If I said that there are no British troops stationed here, would you believe it?" Cun Yunsheng's leisurely words stunned Yu Xiaoqing on the spot.

“Impossible, absolutely impossible, we all can see that it is impossible for the British army not to see that this place is very important.”

“How could we not send troops to garrison it?”

Cun Yunsheng was not surprised by Yu Xiaoqing's words. After all, at this time, the British army held the title of the world's largest power and was admired by countless people.

And Cun Yunsheng wanted to instill in Yu Xiaoqing the idea that the British army was unreliable.

 He did not want the expeditionary force to continue on the same path as before. He was tricked by the British army all the way to his death.

 Now let Yu Xiaoqing know the true face of the British army, at least some losses can be restored.

"This place is indeed very important, but what does this have to do with the British army?" Cun Yunsheng's words made Yu Xiaoqing's mind go crazy for a while.

What the hell?

 Why doesn’t it matter?

 This is about the Burma Highway!

 This is a lifeline!

 Without this lifeline, how can we get blood transfusions from the outside world?

"Commander Yu, what do you think of the British army?" This sentence was not only asked to Yu Xiaoqing, but also to Zhang Lixian, He Shuguang, and Meng Fangliao who was listening.

"Of course it is the world's number one power." Yu Xiaoqing answered without thinking.

Several other people also nodded, obviously agreeing with each other's statement.

“The world’s largest power? The one that was bombed to its doorstep?”

"If you are talking about his navy, I admit that the Royal Navy is indeed the best in the world, but the army is not so reliable."

“For example, some elite armies are located in the mainland, while in overseas colonies, they are mainly third-rate troops working with indigenous troops, and they do not have a strong will to fight.”

“It can be said that it collapsed at the first touch.” As Cun Yunsheng opened his mouth to explain, Yu Xiaoqing and others seemed to have opened a new world.

"You mean, the troops stationed in Lashio are not very powerful? Can the Japanese army take them down with a single charge?" Yu Xiaoqing looked a little unhappy.


 In fact, there is another meaning that he did not say. The British army did not want the expeditionary force to enter Burma.

 Because it was not the British army that transported supplies to the mountain city, but the US military that was responsible for supplying supplies. Therefore, the Yunnan-Burma Highway was cut off, which had no impact on the British army at all.

Even the British army can get more material assistance because of this. After all, there is one less person to compete with and they can get more.

Now the British army is a strong external force but a weak one, and relies on the assistance of the U.S. military for all military supplies.

  However, the cutting off of the Burma Highway would have a great impact on the US military.

 Once the road is cut off, it will weaken the influence of the US military in Southeast Asia.

At the same time, the U.S. military’s plan to weaken the British military’s influence in Southeast Asia will go bankrupt.

 That's right, the US military itself also has its own little idea, which is to weaken the influence of the British army.

 The British army was quite clear about this matter, but for the sake of military assistance, they could only pretend it was invisible.

 Therefore, the British army would rather lose the entire Burma than the expeditionary force enter Burma.

Later, it was really unable to withstand the pressure from the US military, so the expeditionary force was allowed to enter Myanmar.

Even when they entered Myanmar, they used various means to trap the expeditionary force to death.

Had it not been for the extreme pressure exerted by the US military, the expeditionary force would have been completely annihilated.

For example, normally, if you retreat, you must send a telegram to your allies to inform them. What will be the result?

It happens from time to time that people drop their weapons and run away without saying a word, causing the expeditionary army's retreat to be cut off.

 The reason why he didn't say it was because he knew that no one would believe him if he did.

It can even be exploited by those who are interested.

"Why? Isn't Myanmar also a colony of the British army?" Yu Xiaoqing still didn't understand, and looked at Cun Yunsheng and asked in confusion.

"For the British army, Tianzhu is the apple of their eye, while Burma is just a piece of chicken rib that can be discarded at any time." Cun Yunsheng's calm words were like a bomb, which stunned everyone.

 (End of this chapter)

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