The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 33: There must be a conspiracy!

  Chapter 33 There must be a conspiracy!

 Can you give it up at any time?

This sentence is really incredible.

 Such a large colony?

  Just give it up when you say give it up?

The British Empire is too arrogant, right?

 For a time, everyone looked at Cun Yunsheng, waiting for his next words.

 “What? You don’t believe it?” Looking at everyone’s expressions, Cun Yunsheng chuckled.

“Captain Cun, it’s not that I don’t believe it, but what you said is too unbelievable.”

"Perhaps what you said makes sense, but currently we need to protect the Burma Highway to reach the peak, and what we have to do now is to prepare for the expedition." Yu Xiaoqing was not a fool, and he probably guessed what Cun Yunsheng meant.

 But just as he had determined before, he only wanted to be a pure soldier and did not want to get involved with anything else.

Meng Fanxiao also came back to his senses, and the look in his eyes towards Cun Yunsheng also changed.

 He didn’t expect that Tuan Zuo, who had always been indifferent, would actually see this step.

They can all guess that the British army is unreliable, and this ability is absolutely rare.

 Only Zhang Lixian and He Shuguang were confused and had no idea what this meant.

They really want to ask, what on earth are you going to say?

 Could you say it more simply so that we can understand it?

“Captain Yu is right, but I am more worried about the future of the expeditionary force.”

“One hundred thousand young people and one hundred thousand soldiers, they are the future of the country.”

“It would be a pity if for some reason, he died in a foreign country in vain.”

 Smart people never need to be so straightforward when talking.

Cun Yunsheng also understood what Yu Xiaoqing was thinking. He just wanted to be a pure soldier, kill enemies and make meritorious deeds, and serve the country.

 I don’t want to care about the others at all.

But the idea was good, but the reality was cruel. The expeditionary force that entered Myanmar for the first time was almost annihilated by the trap.

The commanders of the 200th Division all died in foreign lands.

Such a huge loss was caused by the unreliable British army.

"A soldier should die to serve the motherland." Yu Xiaoqing's voice was still as loud as ever, without a frown on his face.

“Yu will definitely abide by his oath, wrap his body in horse leather, and die in a foreign land.”

 “Even if it is an insignificant sacrifice, it must be carried out?” Cun Yunsheng asked in return.

Yu Xiaoqing was stunned by this sentence. He wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say.

"I believe we will make the right choice at the summit." After a long time, Yu Xiaoqing gave an answer that was not an answer.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng also knew that this guy's stubbornness and pride could not be persuaded by just a few words.

Thinking of this, Cun Yunsheng stopped trying to persuade him.

 Actually, what he said so much was mainly to remind Yu Xiaoqing not to be stupid and completely believe in the British army after crossing the river.

 Their words must be discounted, or even not believed at all.

He didn't want to either. Just like in the original work, Yu Xiaoqing's entire regiment was broken up, and in the end he was rumored to death.

But looking at this guy, it doesn’t look like he’s completely listening.

  Simply, I won’t say more about Cun Yunsheng, but talk about another thing.

“Commander Yu, once we cross the river, I think we can join forces.”

“Join forces?” Yu Xiaoqing repeated, then looked at the cannon fodder group outside and thought for a while.

"you mean?"

"When fighting in a foreign country, intelligence is the most important. I think our two regiments will keep in touch with each other and exchange any information." Cun Yunsheng smiled and said his purpose.

Hearing this, Yu Xiaoqing thought for a while, weighing the pros and cons in her mind.

If he hadn’t seen the map, Yu Xiaoqing would definitely not agree.

 But after seeing the map, he changed his mind. Maybe cooperation is indeed a good choice. After all, the other party's information is much more accurate than our own, so if we cooperate, we will not suffer any loss.

"Okay." After weighing it for a long time, Yu Xiaoqing nodded to express his agreement with the other party's proposal.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng was not surprised. For him, Yu Xiaoqing would never suffer in terms of intelligence, and could even take advantage of it.

“In this case, I will give you another piece of information: the Japanese 18th Division will attack Burma.”

In order to show his sincerity, Cun Yunsheng disclosed this not-so-confidential information to Yu Xiaoqing.

Yu Xiaoqing was stunned when he heard about the 18th Division, and then a murderous intent burst out on his face.

Zhang Lixian and He Shuguang didn't understand, how could they become a different person after being so good?

 On the other hand, Meng Fanlao reacted, his eyes were red and his teeth were itching with hatred.

“Okay, okay, great, great, the 18th Division, I have long wanted to kill these beasts.” Yu Xiaoqing said through gritted teeth.

 Cun Yunsheng was not surprised by Yu Xiaoqing's reaction.

 He would be surprised if there was no reaction.

 Because all soldiers will remember this **** feud.

"Don't worry, there is a chance." Cun Yunsheng's tone was calm, without any fluctuation.

 In his eyes, the 18th Division was already dead.

 So, there is no need for him to be angry over a group of dead people.

 For him, all he has to do is send more little devils to hell.

“This news from Captain Cun has further strengthened Yu’s determination to cross the river to kill the Japanese.” Yu Xiaoqing now expressed his sincere gratitude.

Originally, I just had the idea of ​​making a contribution, but now I heard that the 18th Japanese Division would attack Burma, and I couldn't restrain the murderous intention in my heart.

 He wanted to recruit troops, form his own Sichuan Army, and then cross the river to kill the Japanese.

 Kill all the Japanese 18th Division.

However, most of the defeated troops here have been recruited by Cun Yunsheng, so if he wants to recruit troops, he must change places.

 So he had no intention of continuing to chat with the other party.

At this moment, Yu Xiaoqing only had one thought in her mind: recruit troops, kill the Japanese, and take revenge.

Seeing that Yu Xiaoqing wanted to leave, Cun Yunsheng did not stay with him.

 After sending the other party away, Meng Fanglia looked at Cun Yunsheng with a smile.

“Tuanzuo, do you have other ideas? It’s a good idea to give me such an important piece of information, and also to exchange information.”

 “Isn’t this like your style?”

 “You are the master who always only takes advantage and never suffers losses.”

Hearing that Meng Fan was hurting him, Cun Yunsheng said angrily.

 “What? I don’t look like a good person?”

"That's not true, but it's really not like your style of doing things." Meng Fanlao shook his head. He was very accurate in reading people. He was very sure that Cun Yunsheng must have some hidden agenda.

Cun Yunsheng was not angry after being exposed. Instead, he looked at the other party with a smile and praised him.

  "Mr. Meng is well-deserved for his reputation. With the way you look at people, being a communications company commander is not enough. I have to find a deputy commander for you."

"Dede, please stop praising me. Tell me how you are going to trick Yu Xiaoqing." Meng Fanlai stopped quickly. He was still worried about how to set up a communication company. The deputy commander would die if he did that.

 “What is a pit? I did it for his own good.”

  What he got in return was Meng Fanglia's disdain.

 “Come on, you can’t afford to do it early without any benefit, please tell me what you think.”

 (End of this chapter)

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