Chapter 40 Final preparations!

  Porter, a person who carries goods and luggage for others.

 Due to the special topography of Yunnan Province, it is difficult to transport materials from the outside world, and it is also difficult to sell local specialties to the outside world.

 So a large number of porters were produced.

These people have been running in the mountains since they were young, and everyone has thick calluses on their feet.

 They are able to transport supplies on mountains because of their steady feet.

 After listening to Mi Long’s introduction, Cun Yunsheng patted his head. He was really stupid.

“We are going to cross the river to fight with the Japs. Are the porters willing?” Cun Yunsheng had one last worry, which was whether they were willing to cross the river with the troops.

Hearing this, Milong said confidently.

"I am willing, I am definitely willing. Now the whole Zenda knows that our Sichuan Legion has money. As long as the word spreads that we are recruiting porters, many people will sign up."


Cun Yunsheng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that his Sichuan Legion was already famous.

Thinking of this, Cun Yunsheng pondered for a while and said.

“Try to focus on Yunnan horses first. If you really can’t buy them, then recruit some porters and make it clear to them first that we are going to fight the Japanese and there may be risks.”

“Don’t worry, they all know it. Besides, life is worthless these days.” Mi Long said indifferently.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng sighed and said nothing more.

 There is not much time left for him, so in the next ten days, he needs to let the troops complete basic training.

 Such as shooting, tactics between squads and platoons, and communications between battalions and companies, etc.

 Shooting training is very simple, just open your stomach and let them shoot.

 That’s right, just let them hit you as they please.

This feat left many soldiers speechless in shock.

You know, during normal training, bullets are like treasures and you can’t bear to shoot them. It’s good to be able to shoot five bullets a month.

 On the battlefield, everyone can get fewer bullets.

 Compared to the miscellaneous army, the Central Army in the early stage had enough ammunition and was trained according to the standards of the German army.

The Central Military Army later became very picky, and bullets became more expensive.

So, when Cun Yunsheng said something bold and said that he would not be allowed to eat until the fight was over today, everyone was shocked.

 At first when they saw so much ammunition, they thought it was the amount of training for the next month. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be one day, and they were still unable to finish the ammunition and were not allowed to eat.

 The cheers on the training ground were even louder.

“Tuanzuo, aren’t you too extravagant?” Lin Yi couldn’t stand it and couldn’t help but persuade.

His previous troops were all about marksmanship, and more often than not, they were all about destroying an enemy with one bullet.

"How do you think marksmanship can be practiced? Can you practice it just by aiming?" Cun Yunsheng asked with a smile as he looked at the constant gunshots on the training ground.

 “Of course the bullets were fed out.” Meng Fannie took over and said.

“Some officers are very contradictory and ask the soldiers to improve their shooting accuracy. However, if they do not provide sufficient ammunition, is it possible that every soldier is born a sharpshooter?”

 “Can you shoot an enemy with one shot without training?”

Meng Fanglia’s snorting tone left Lin Yi speechless.

“What Fanla said is right, sharpshooters are all fed, so don’t worry about the ammunition.”

"Why is the little devil's marksmanship so accurate? Is he born a sharpshooter? He is not fed by huge ammunition." Cun Yunsheng patted Lin Yi on the shoulder and consoled him.

"I know, the main reason is that I feel sorry for so many ammunition." Lin Yi said with a distressed look.

"I don't feel bad at all, why do you feel bad? Just some ammunition, we can go back and ask the British guys to reimburse us." Cun Yunsheng said with a laugh.

Had it not been for the 200,000 rounds of 7.92x57mm pointed bullets released from cutting down trees in the past two days, he would not have dared to be so extravagant. "Damn it, I've been a soldier for three years, and this is the first time I've had such a good time shooting. It's so enjoyable."

 “Yeah, it’s so **** good, my arms are sore.”

“The regiment is still very grand, and even bullets are readily available. It turns out that my regiment only issues five bullets to each person during battles. Normally, there are no bullets at all. It’s better to burn fire sticks.”

“That’s right, if I had had so many bullets, I would have killed ten little devils long ago.”

“Just brag, have you ever seen a Japanese?”

 At the training ground, the soldiers were discussing that the ammunition was unlimited, which made them very satisfied, and their morale was also rising.

“The guard next door is really cool. Look at that beautiful rifle. It can shoot out all eight bullets in one breath without even pulling the bolt.”

“Is this beautiful rifle better than the little devil’s Sanba Gai?” Doubiang had never seen beautiful weapons before and couldn’t help but ask.

"It's not just better, it's simply great. It's several times stronger than the British gun." Bu La obviously touched it and said with an envious look.

“Damn it, the Yankees are really bad. With such good weapons, how can they not defeat the little devils? They are really useless.” Kaname said angrily.

 “That’s right.” Many people echoed.

Cun Yunsheng nodded with pleasure. The Americans' army was not as powerful as expected. They relied on strong industrial capabilities.

In Europe, he was beaten on the head by the German army.

“Commander, when we cross the river, will we all have beautiful weapons and equipment?” Meng Fangliao said with envy as he looked at the training of the guard company in the distance.

“Don’t worry, once we cross the river, all the fine art equipment in the warehouse will be ours.” Cun Yunsheng said with a smile.

 “Let everyone hurry up and train these days.”

Hearing this, several people's hearts sank. They all knew that it was not far to cross the river.

 In fact, it has only been two days, and a hundred porters have been recruited, all of whom have been veterans for many years.

Each person can carry fifty kilograms of goods and walk a hundred miles of mountainous terrain without losing breath.

 This is not an exaggeration, it is a reality.

But before that, Cun Yunsheng had one more thing to deal with, and that was Chen Xiaozui.

“Brother, can I cross the river with you?” Chen Xiaozui looked at Cun Yunsheng and asked expectantly.

 “Why?” Cun Yunsheng did not answer, but asked.

“Brother, waiting is very lonely. I don’t want to try again.” After Chen Xiaozui finished speaking, he lowered his head.

Originally, Cun Yunsheng was planning to leave her in Zenda. After all, there was a supplementary camp here, where the disabled veterans would teach the new recruits and provide themselves with backup force.

 So it is very safe to put Chen Xiaozui here.

 With the supplementary battalion and Station Commander Wang here, no one dares to provoke her.

 But it was obvious that Chen Xiaozui didn’t want to be here.

Especially those words made Cun Yunsheng silent for a while, and finally spoke.

"In this case, you go to the health team. They need female nurses there, who are specially used to treat the wounded. They will set off with the regiment headquarters."

Hearing this, Chen Xiaozui’s gloomy eyes instantly lit up with a light.


 “Of course it’s true, when have I ever lied to you?”

Looking at Chen Xiaozui's happy look, Cun Yunsheng said with a smile.

"That's great, brother, I'll report to the health team right away." After saying that, he was afraid that Cun Yunsheng would regret it, so he jumped up and ran towards the health team.

 (End of this chapter)

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