The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 41: Cross the Nu River and kill the Japanese!

Chapter 41 Cross the Nu River and kill the Japanese!

Ten days later, in an open field outside the shelter, an independent regiment of more than 2,000 people from the Sichuan Army was assembled.

 “One, one, one two one, left, left, left, right, left…”

 “One, one, one two one, left, left, left, right, left…”

“The flag is fluttering and the horses are rustling.

 The gun is on the shoulder, the knife is on the waist, and the blood is like a frenzy.

  Good man, good man, good man, the country will be repaid today.

Get up quickly, don’t be an old and sick man;

 Unite quickly, don’t be dissatisfied and ridiculed.

  The country is destroyed and the family is ruined, and disaster is on the horizon.

 To survive, you must throw your head away! "

 The loud singing voice resounded throughout Zenda. After one song ended, the next one started again.

 “The wind and clouds rise, and the mountains and rivers move.

The Huangpu army was founded with great momentum, and the revolutionary heroes were loyal.

Jin Ge Iron Horse, a hundred battles on the battlefield, An inner and outer pioneer.

 Carry out sweeps and rejuvenate China.

 Invincible and accomplished great achievements.

 The banners are shining, the golden drums are ringing, the dragons are flying and the tigers are leaping at the army with great majesty. "

At this time, the Sichuan Army Corps had long been transformed, and their uniform movements made the people of Zenda somewhat unbelievable.

Are these the same defeated soldiers who just harass the people when they have nothing to do?

Are these the cannon fodder who are in debt?

Are these still the slovenly defeated soldiers?

 The gentry who were in charge of seeing him off were also very shocked. In just over twenty days, such a big change had occurred.

 This is really incredible.

For a while, some gentry felt regretful. It might be a good thing to have such a mighty and majestic army in Zenda. If little Japan comes over, it can withstand it for a while.

Cun Yunsheng almost smiled at the gentry's shock.

During this period, in order to purchase supplies, Cun Yunsheng offended all these gentry. The main reason was that he thought how much good could a defeated army do?

 Supporting them is a waste, and food is very expensive.

 After all, everyone knows these days that food is a good thing, and they are definitely not willing to give it out.

 There was no other way, Cun Yunsheng could only ask Mi Long to come to the door with a gun.

 After a lot of coercion and inducement, they managed to collect more than 2,000 people and more than 20 days of supplies.

In other words, if he cannot get enough supplies after twenty days, he will run out of ammunition and food.

Zenda is too young, so it is not easy to gather so many supplies.

By bringing them here at this time, it was natural to show them that the materials they funded were all for the war of resistance.

 The purpose is to enhance their confidence in fighting the war and make them feel that their supplies are not in vain.

Now it seems that the effect is indeed good, and the gentry were shocked.

"How is it? My troops are quite powerful, aren't they?" Cun Yunsheng asked with a smile.

"Yes, I haven't seen such a mighty and majestic army in many years. Commander Cun is worthy of being from a family of generals." At this moment, the gentry representative lost his previous arrogance and was instead very respectful.

“It is possible to train a group of shabby soldiers into a strong army in just over twenty days. Such an ability in training is truly rare in this world.”

Cun Yunsheng chuckled at the compliments from the gentry.

 In addition to enhancing their confidence in fighting the war, there is also the need to flex their muscles and intimidate them.

 After all, he has already regarded Zenda as his logistics base, and the supplementary battalion left here still needs the support of these gentry.

"Everyone, Cun is about to lead his men across the river to kill the Japanese. Chanda City will be handed over to you. I have left a battalion of soldiers. They will continue to recruit soldiers and be responsible for training. There is no need to worry about Chanda's safety." Cun Yun Business Said pointedly.

These gentry are not fools. When they were called, they must be hoping that they would cooperate.

 “The old men will definitely cooperate.” The gentry representative quickly assured.

As for how much truth this sentence contains, Cun Yunsheng can guess it with his toes. But it doesn’t matter. When the Japanese army reaches Nantianmen, the gentry in Zenda will remember that there is a supplementary battalion in the city, and they will cooperate incomparably.

"Okay, I'll leave Zenda to you all." Cun Yunsheng didn't bother to talk nonsense with them. He turned to look at the dark troops in front of him, then took a deep breath and shouted loudly.

"Set off."

Accompanied by loud singing, the Sichuan Army passed through Zenda, which was bustling with people, all the way to the outside of the city and towards the dense jungle.

 Dong Dao's reconnaissance company was responsible for leading the charge, and dozens of scouts were sent out to conduct reconnaissance of the team, collect intelligence, etc.

 This carefully selected reconnaissance company is all veterans of mountain reconnaissance. They can identify the direction based on the position of the sun and will not let the team get lost.

 In the middle are the first and second battalions, with the regiment headquarters accompanying them in the middle. The third battalion is responsible for the rear and the protection of logistics safety.

 From time to time, soldiers from the communication company rode horses back and forth among the team, constantly issuing various orders.

 For a time, the entire Sichuan Army was in order, there was no whispering, and everything seemed calm and leisurely.

When a large force is marching, the most important thing is military discipline. The assault training during this period has allowed the Sichuan Army to develop a certain degree of military discipline. In addition, from time to time, people will ride on horseback to patrol and convey military orders. Therefore, on the surface, the training of the Sichuan Army has Su, a strong army.

"I'm sorry, telegraph operators still need more training. Without a radio, it's very inconvenient to convey orders, especially when marching in mountains. Problems can easily occur." Cun Yunsheng said with a slight frown as he looked at the communication soldiers shuttled back and forth.

Hearing this, Meng Fangliao said bitterly.

"Regiment seat, the telegraph operator is not a top soldier. He only needs to issue a gun and some bullets. All of them require a certain knowledge base. Most of our regiment are top soldiers who cannot read a single word. There are not many who can understand a map. personal."

"I'm not listening to your complaints, but asking you to solve the problem for me." Cun Yunsheng said angrily.

In the past ten days, his big tree has exploded with another batch of equipment.

 500,000 rounds of 7.92*57mm bullets, 500 boxes of wooden handle grenades, and 1,000 60mm mortar shells.

 Five hundred Springfield rifles, one hundred Thompson submachine guns, and two hundred thousand rounds of ammunition.

Ten boxes of penicillin, one 10W radio and one 5W radio.

Two Browning heavy machine guns and 20,000 rounds of ammunition.

 One 120mm heavy mortar and fifty shells.

Having so many weapons and equipment in hand is Cun Yunsheng's greatest confidence.

Even if he is now facing the elite troops of the Japanese army, he dares to attack head-on.

“When we cross the river, the Allies will provide us with radio stations. What if we don’t have the personnel to operate them?” Cun Yunsheng raised his voice again.

 He has already thought about finding a reason to release these weapons and equipment after he captures a town.

 Now it’s just a shot of vaccination.

“Huh? Would the Allies be so kind?” Meng Fanliao asked in surprise.

“The Allies are very wealthy. Every town must have an arsenal. Isn’t it normal to have a radio station?” Cun Yunsheng said matter-of-factly.

Hearing this, Meng Fanglia thought it made sense, thought about it and said.

“Give me a few more days and there will definitely be more telegraph operators.”

 Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng felt much better.

As he spoke, the Sichuan Army Corps had arrived at the edge of the Nu River. The bridge on the Nu River had not yet been destroyed.

Standing on the bridge, you can feel the turbulence of the Nu River.

 “Let’s go across the Nu River and kill the Japanese.” Cun Yunsheng shouted loudly.

 “Cross the Nu River and kill the Japanese.”

 “Cross the Nu River and kill the Japanese.”

 The loud sound resounded throughout the Nujiang River, and along with the surging water of the Nujiang River, it seemed even more majestic.

 (End of this chapter)

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