Chapter 42: Tell me how to fight!

"Has Cun Yunsheng's independent regiment crossed the Nu River?" At a training ground in Wanding, Yu Xiaoqing frowned slightly as he looked at the sweaty men training in front of him.

"Yes, this is a telegram from the Sichuan Army's Independence Regiment." Zhang Lixian said respectfully while holding the telegram.

“Tuanzuo, what do they mean? Are they really communicating with each other?”

Zhang Lixian really didn’t understand what the other party meant by this move.

However, Yu Xiaoqing didn't think so much, and instead sneered.

“Expedition on two legs? When the day lilies are cold, let us know. We will gather at the airport tomorrow and we will take a plane to cross the river.”

Hearing this, Zhang Lixian responded quickly.

 “Yes, Tuanzuo.”

 “Are we going to get new equipment?”

“That’s right, when the plane arrives at the destination, we can choose the American equipment over there.” Yu Xiaoqing said proudly.

“That’s great, the brothers are all waiting for it.” Zhang Lixian said with a smile.

 “Would you like to send them a telegram?”

Yu Xiaoqing thought for a while about Zhang Lixian's words.

“Don’t give it to them yet, wait until they receive the equipment before giving it to them.”


 In addition to Yu Xiaoqing, the first batch of expeditionary troops also included other troops, totaling more than 100,000 people.

 Except for some troops who crossed the river by plane, the rest of the troops still relied on two legs.

 So, the pride on Yu Xiaoqing’s face is understandable.

 After all, it is a symbol of honor.

 On the other side, the Sichuan Army Corps led by Cun Yunsheng has all crossed the river.

 Thanks to the bridge over the Nu River, crossing the river was very smooth without any surprises.

After crossing the river, Cun Yunsheng asked Dong Dao to scatter all the scouts out, and at the same time slow down the marching speed of the troops.

This makes many people confused. Shouldn't they rescue the British army?

 Shouldn’t the speed be increased?

 Why do you still reduce the marching speed?

Cun Yunsheng didn’t explain much to everyone’s confusion.

 Compared with the Chinese battlefield, the Japanese army in Burma can be said to have pushed forward all the way without any defeat.

Whether it is the British army or the American army, they are vulnerable to the Japanese army.

 It is so exaggerated that a Japanese detachment of more than a dozen people can chase hundreds of Allied troops.

There is a classic representative among them. A battalion of British soldiers were frightened and fled when they heard that the Japanese army was coming.

 There were only a dozen people in this Japanese army.

 Faced with such a strange battle situation, the Japanese army was completely swollen.

 A division is broken up and thrown out. The purpose is to capture more towns and capture more Allied troops.

The British army had already been frightened by the name of the Malayan Tigers. They were often so frightened that they abandoned their armor and ran away before even seeing the Japanese army.

 It was against this background that the expeditionary force was deceived to the point of vomiting blood.

Often they were still fighting **** battles on the front lines, only to be surrounded by the Japanese army.

After some questioning, I found out that the British troops covering the flanks had already disappeared without a trace.

 So, of the 100,000 expeditionary troops who were trapped, only tens of thousands were left to go back, and most of the rest were buried in Savage Mountain.

Cun Yunsheng, who was familiar with the British army's **** operations, would naturally not make this mistake.

 What he has to do now is to capture a town and let those weapons appear openly. "Team leader, isn't this British guy the number one superpower in the world? Why are there Japanese planes above our heads?" Although Meng Fanlie was rich in knowledge, his vision was still narrow. In his limited knowledge, he believed that the British army was the number one in the world. It was impossible to let Japanese fighter planes ride on their heads and shit.

The results of it?

After crossing the river, Japanese aircraft could be seen from time to time, causing them to stop and go along the way, which greatly affected their morale.

“The British army captured more than 100,000 people by the Japanese army in Malaysia. Their courage had already been broken and they dared not go to war.” Cun Yunsheng said disdainfully.

"A hundred thousand British troops were captured by tens of thousands of Japanese troops? Is this too weak?" Major Lin Yi was also a little puzzled.

Cun Yunsheng didn't bother to explain the confusion of several people.

 Because it didn’t take long for them all to know that the British army was even more useless than they thought.

“Regiment seat, the reconnaissance company found traces of the Japanese army.” At this time, a communications soldier rode a Yunnan horse and ran over to report.

“Why are there Japanese troops here?” Lin Yi asked blankly.

"We have just crossed the river and there are Japanese troops?" Meng Fan was also confused. Has the situation become so corrupt?

“Can you two use your brains to understand the arrogance of the British army? If the situation had not deteriorated to a certain extent, would they have let us enter Burma to fight?”

"Remember, this is an enemy-occupied area from now on, and the chance of encountering a Jaap will be greater. Please change your mentality." Cun Yunsheng shook his head, thinking that he still had to brainwash them. This is already an enemy-occupied area. Stop being silly.

"Regiment? How about going around first?" As a combat staff officer, Lin Yi felt that the large force should not be exposed, so he made a conservative suggestion.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng glanced at the major. He had never fought in a war and his mental quality was not good.

"How to get around? This is an enemy-occupied area, and there are Japanese troops everywhere. If we escape this group of Japanese troops, what about the other one?"

 “Is it going to go around all the time?”

 “Do it head-on?” Meng Fanxiao asked.

“Of course we will do it head-on, and we must kill them openly and openly, fight the first battle into Burma, and let the little devils know that our expeditionary force is coming.” Cun Yunsheng raised his voice.

 The first battle in Myanmar must be fought well to improve morale.

“Have the commanders of each battalion and company come to the regiment headquarters as soon as possible.” Cun Yunsheng issued the order again.

"Yes." The messengers received the order and immediately spread out to convey the order.

 Not long after, the snake **** was not spicy but numb, and Li Liansheng and others came over one after another.

"According to the information sent back by Dong Dao, there is a village here, and about a small group of Japanese troops are stationed." After everyone greeted each other, they heard Cun Yunsheng's voice.

“Li Liansheng, I’ll leave this battle to your battalion, tell me how to fight it?”

Cun Yunsheng did not directly arrange the battle plan, but first listened to Li Liansheng's ideas.

 After all, there will be a lot of battles to fight in the future, and you can’t do everything by yourself, otherwise ten of you will be exhausted.

 Some small groups of enemies are directly handed over to frontline commanders.

Hearing this, Li Liansheng took a deep breath. He knew that this was his first battle in the Sichuan Army and he must perform well. He glanced at the map, thought for a while, and then spoke.

“Let the first company search and advance from the front to attract the enemy’s firepower, the second company should outflank it from both wings, and the third company should be kept in reserve.”

 “In addition, I need the support of the artillery battery.”

It seems that Li Liansheng is not useless, at least he still knows how to stay in the reserve team.

"Li Wula, there is only a small group of Japanese troops, and you use the artillery battery? Our artillery shells are free of charge?" Bula couldn't help but be surprised.

 He thought this style of play was too extravagant and there was no need to use artillery batteries.

 One battalion rushes directly and the battle can be resolved in half an hour at most.

 As for the dead spots?

How can it be possible to fight without killing people?

“Tuanzuo, why don’t you hand it over to our second battalion? I promise not to let a single Japanese go.”

 (End of this chapter)

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