The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 52: Surround three buildings!

Chapter 52 Surrounding three towers!

“Let the engineer battalion garrison the airport and destroy the railway at the same time to prevent the Japanese army from using the railway to transport supplies.” Dai Anlan, commander of the 200th Division who had just arrived in Tonggu, immediately issued the order after changing defenses with the British army.

"Only one battalion is stationed at the airport?" the chief of staff asked hesitantly, and it was also an engineer battalion.

Although the engineer battalion has machine guns, its will to fight is not strong.

 If the Japanese army attacks, it will be impossible to defend it.

"Master, why don't we let the third battalion of the 598th Regiment be stationed? Their battalion's combat effectiveness is not bad, and the losses on the road are not large, so they are very suitable for garrisoning." The chief of staff thought for a while and made another suggestion.

"The British army just told me that some facilities at the airport have been damaged. If they can be repaired, they will send fighter planes to provide support. In addition, the railway also needs professionals to destroy it. The third battalion is marching in a hurry and needs to rest and recuperate. The next battle will also require Let them send the engineering battalion." Dai Anlan shook his head and explained why he wanted to send the engineering battalion.

“I still know the capabilities of Li Shuzheng in the engineering battalion. Let’s ask the guard battalion to transfer a few more machine guns to them to strengthen their firepower.”

“As long as the railway is destroyed and the military facilities at the airport are used, it won’t be a big problem for one battalion to defend the airport.”

“The Japanese army’s frontal target is still in Tonggu City, we just need to hold on here.”

Hearing this, the chief of staff could not persuade him anymore, but he vaguely felt that it was a bit hot to have an engineer battalion stationed at the airport and destroy the railway.

He could only remind Li Shuzheng that he must prevent Japanese sneak attacks.

"Yes, I understand. Be careful of Japanese sneak attacks." Li Shuzheng held the phone and assured loudly.

“Batalion Commander, what’s your mission?” A captain asked with a smile when he saw Li Shu was hanging up the phone.

“Let our battalion garrison the airport, repair the airport, and destroy the railway.”

“Repair the airport? Are the British guys going to send fighter planes to us? I didn’t expect that the British guy’s army is not that good, but he can also send an air force. I really didn’t expect that.”

When I heard that the airport was being repaired, my first reaction was to send fighter planes.

 With the support of fighter planes, we will be more confident in defending Tonggu.

 After all, they were bombed by Japanese fighter planes, which was not a pleasant experience.

“Well, so the next task for our engineering battalion is very heavy. It can be regarded as a promotion. If you work hard, there may be rewards when the time comes.” Li Shuzheng has already imagined that he will be promoted and make a fortune.

Not long after, Li Shuzheng arrived at the airport with his engineering battalion. Seeing the bombed mess on the runway in front of him, he couldn't help but have a headache.

"The first company will repair the runway, the second company will follow me to destroy the railway, and the third company will be on guard." There was no problem with Li Shuzheng's arrangement.

Even if they encounter a sneak attack by the Japanese army, they can still gain some time to counterattack.

"Battal Commander, one company is repairing the runway. I don't know when it will be repaired. Moreover, there are no Japanese troops in our position. It is impossible for the Japanese army to bypass Tonggu. It is better for the first and second companies to repair the runway and the third company to destroy the railway. , This can improve efficiency," the captain suggested.

Hearing this, Li Shuzheng thought the same thing. If the airport is repaired early, the British fighter planes will arrive earlier, and maybe they will get praise from the top.

 Plus this is located north of Tonggu, so it is impossible for the Japanese army to appear here.

 “Okay, I’ll do as you say.”

On the other side, at the headquarters of the Japanese 55th Division, Lieutenant General Takeuchi Hiroshi looked at the map in front of him and frowned slightly.

“Report.” At this time, Chief of Staff Gennosuke Kato came in and said with a not-so-good look on his face.

“What’s wrong? Kato-kun?” Lieutenant General Takeuchi Hiroshi asked upon seeing this.

"The search team of the 112th Regiment followed the British army and encountered an ambush from the expeditionary force. They lost more than thirty people and one second lieutenant was killed." Colonel Kato Gennosuke took a deep breath and said slowly.

 This is not good news. You must know that since Yangon, we have not encountered any decent enemies.

 So the Japanese army all developed the habit of being arrogant.

  Unexpectedly, he was ambushed, which made Colonel Gennosuke Kato's face look unhappy. Obviously, when General Takeuchi Kanzhong heard the news, his expression changed slightly, and then returned to normal.

 “Humph, cunning Chinese people.”

 “Don’t worry, I have already figured out how to attack Tonggu City.”

Hearing this, Colonel Kato Gennosuke looked curious.

They know that the 200 divisions stationed in Tonggu can be directly assigned to the elite troops of the mountain city.

 It was formerly a tank battalion, and later became the first mechanized division with strong combat effectiveness.

 The fact that they are stationed in Tonggu shows the determination of the Allied forces and they will defend Tonggu to the death.

"There is an old saying among the Chinese people: "Wei San Que Yi." Lieutenant General Takeuchi Kan said with a smile on his face, and then continued.

“As long as we surround ourselves on three sides, the Chinese people’s will to resist will not be so strong.”

“At the same time, as long as we cut off their supply lines, we can easily capture Tonggu City.”

“Unless they want this most elite force to be consumed in Tonggu City.”

"This is their most elite unit. If the entire army is annihilated, it will cause a huge blow to the morale of the Allied forces."

Lieutenant General Hiroshi Takeuchi’s analysis made Colonel Kato nod.

"I am going to ask the 113th Regiment to dispatch a task force, numbering seven to eight hundred people, equipped with combat vehicles and a large number of mortars, to bypass Tongugu City and attack the airport." Lieutenant General Takeuchi Hiroshi said while taking the Draw a line.

“As long as we capture the airport, our fighter planes can land on the Tonggu battlefield. By then, we will be able to capture Tonggu city.”

I have to say that this plan is absolutely feasible.

  First of all, the Japanese army responsible for the entire Burma operation had very strong air support. It had four flying groups, including two light bomber groups and three heavy bomber groups.

 This also resulted in the British fighter planes not daring to take off at all, and air superiority was firmly occupied by the Japanese army.

Facing the indiscriminate bombardment of fighter planes, tanks have no ability to fight back and can only be passively bombed.

 The only limitation on fighter aircraft is their range. Once the airport is captured.

  Meaning that Japanese fighter planes could dock at Tonggu, extending the bombing time.

 As long as the transport aircraft transports enough artillery shells and fuel in a short period of time, the battle can continue.

“Your Excellency, Division Commander, your plan is absolutely perfect.” Colonel Kato flattered him respectfully.

Hearing this, Lieutenant General Takeuchi Hiroshi was obviously in a good mood. He looked at the other party and said with a smile.

“Let the 113th Regiment immediately deploy an elite task force to bypass Tonggu and capture the airport.”


After receiving the order, the captain of the 113th Regiment immediately mobilized an elite brigade, and at the same time transferred a large number of mortars to the task force, and also equipped it with a large number of tanks.

 “After capturing the airport, be sure to defend the airport and destroy all attacking enemies.”

“As long as the fighter planes arrive, you will have completed your mission.”

"Hai, please rest assured that we will definitely live up to your expectations." The Japanese major who led the team said respectfully.

 “Yo Xi.” The captain patted the other party’s shoulder and praised him.

 (End of this chapter)

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