Chapter 53 Yu Xiaoqing’s doubts!

“Tuanzuo, why do you feel weird on this road?” Yu Xiaoqing’s Sichuan Army Corps was marching towards Tangji, and Zhang Lixian couldn’t help but said on the way.

Hearing Zhang Lixian's words, He Shuguang on the side also followed suit.

“Yes, Tuanzuo, I also feel something is wrong.”

"What's wrong?" Seeing his two confidants saying this, Yu Xiaoqing also frowned slightly.

 If it is a person, he may feel that the other person thinks too much.

 But if two people say it, it must be true.

“I always feel like someone is watching us from a distance, but this is the rear, so there can’t be Japanese troops.” Zhang Lixian quickly expressed his doubts.

“Yes, I feel that way too.” He Shuguang echoed.

 They are both veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles and have a very keen sense of smell on the battlefield.

 After changing clothes from Lashio and marching southward, they always felt like someone was staring at them.

 However, careful investigation revealed that there were no enemies.

 Originally I thought it was my illusion, but as I got closer to Tang Ji, this feeling became stronger and stronger.

 Especially many veterans said they felt this way, so Zhang Lixian spoke up.

"Are you being targeted? But the Japanese army is still fighting on the front line with Gu, so it's impossible for them to penetrate so far." Yu Xiaoqing was also a little confused.

“Tuanzuo, do you think it’s the indigenous people?” Zhang Lixian thought for a while and expressed his opinion.

"Aboriginals? Those aborigines? It shouldn't be possible, right? We are here to help them drive away the Japanese army. Why are they staring at us? Are they afraid of us?" Yu Xiaoqing looked at each other in surprise.

Although he is very proud, he governs the army very strictly and prohibits plundering the people. Anyone who violates military laws will be severely punished.

 He did not want to affect the image of the expeditionary force just because of a small incident.

 After all, the British army has always been disgusted with them entering Myanmar to fight. When they changed their uniforms, the British army sneered at them and said that they were straw sandal soldiers who came to beg and did not know how to fight.

 So now the entire expeditionary force is holding back its breath and wants to fight back the British army's ridicule with a hearty victory.

 Fortunately, Mandalay's victory silenced the British army for the time being.

"I don't know, something feels wrong. If it weren't for those aborigines, why can't the scouts find anyone every time they are sent out? When our scouts return, the feeling of being targeted comes back." Zhang Lixian shook his head and said.

Hearing this, Yu Xiaoqing didn’t know the reason, so he simply didn’t ask any more questions.

“Maybe those aborigines just want to take a look, let them go, don’t worry about it, next we have to enter Tangji, let the troops tidy up their clothes, cheer up, and don’t let the British army look down on us.”

Hearing this, everyone responded in unison.

As everyone knows, all the actions of their group were recorded by the aborigines and sent via telegraph to the headquarters of the Aung San puppet army in the south.

There are many cases of collecting intelligence for the southern puppet army. It can be said that since the expeditionary force entered Myanmar, their every move has been monitored by the indigenous people.

 Coupled with the British army's cunning tactics of betraying friendly forces, the expeditionary force was doomed to suffer a disastrous defeat.

When Yu Xiaoqing led the Sichuan Army to Tangji, they did not receive the respect they deserved. The British army only sent a lieutenant to greet them. After giving them a few days of supplies, they were sent to defend the southern position.

The British troops in the position retreated directly into the city, leaving the southern peripheral position to Yu Xiaoqing's Sichuan Army.

“Commander, this British army has no will to fight.” Zhang Lixian asked in confusion as he looked at the British army running faster than a rabbit.

“Let’s all retreat into the city. If we run away, we will be tricked to death.” He Shuguang looked at the city in the distance and said with some worry.

After all, the Japanese army is good at outflanking, and the British army has long been frightened, and it is not uncommon for them to abandon the city and flee. Yu Tuan will be in real danger when his escape route is cut off.

Especially when they remembered Cun Yunsheng’s instructions before setting off, they felt even more frightened.

Without this warning, we would have thought that the British army would hold on to the city and fight the Japanese army to the death.

 But the successive performances of the British army made them murmur in their hearts.

"Probably not. After all, this is a colony of the British army. Are you willing to abandon such a large colony?" Yu Xiaoqing hesitated and shook his head.

“That’s not certain, Yangon is such a big area, so it’s better to just throw it away.”

"Yes, the performance of the key British army is really too low. It is really uneasy for such an ally to leave our back to them."

 The two confidants said this, and Yu Xiaoqing was also a little shaken.

"Let's do this. The guard company will act as a reserve team and let them keep an eye on the city. If anything goes wrong, report it immediately."

Yu Xiaoqing thought about it and decided that this was all he could do for the time being.


On the other side, Cun Yunsheng's Sichuan Army Corps has completed its rest and replenished its weapons and ammunition. Both its combat effectiveness and morale have been greatly improved.

Especially the firepower between the squads has been greatly enhanced, which made many soldiers very excited. They talked a lot along the way and wanted to fight the little devil immediately.

“Tuanzuo, where are we going? Further ahead is Tonggu.” Lin Yi looked at the map and asked curiously.

“Sir Ayi, have you forgotten what Tuanzuo said? You are going to pick out the little devil’s butt.” Meng Fangliao said casually.

"Fangla, how is the telegraph operator training going? Have you studied it thoroughly?" Cun Yunsheng did not answer the two people's questions, but stared at Meng Fanxia and asked.

Hearing this, Meng Fanlao's face froze for a moment, he looked at Cun Yunsheng and scratched his head.

 “This, it still needs a little time, give me a little more time.”

“Is it so difficult to be a telegraph operator?” Lin Yi asked doubtfully.

 He has never fought in a war, so he doesn’t know much about this.

“Sir, do you think it’s those big soldiers who, given a gun and some bullets, will become veterans after two battles?”

"Telegraph operators need to master a lot of knowledge, especially transmission techniques, etc., as well as Morse code, etc. Give me some more time." Meng Fanxiao suddenly jumped up like a rooster whose toe was stepped on, and shouted loudly 's retorted.

"Okay, give you a little more time." Cun Yunsheng also knew that the telegraph operator was not a big shot, and this thing did require a certain amount of knowledge.

 With these words, Meng Fanlao breathed a sigh of relief.

"A war is about to break out in Tonggu, which is very suitable for us to draw chestnuts from the fire." Cun Yunsheng began to answer the doubts of the two people.

"Isn't that dangerous? Are we just going to rush over like this? Are we becoming cannon fodder?" Meng Fanglia knew that those **** who came to the peak liked to use miscellaneous troops as cannon fodder, so he looked a little disdainful.

The question is what Ma Dazhi said. During the Battle of Taierzhuang, the Central Army delayed sending troops and waited for the motley crew and Japanese troops to be consumed.

“Who said we just rush over like this?” Cun Yunsheng sneered and said immediately.

“According to the information received, the Japanese army will go around the small road to Tonggu Airport. Once Tonggu is surrounded on three sides, the Tonggu defenders will not be far away from abandoning the city.”

 “You mean...” Meng Fanglia somewhat understood what Cun Yunsheng was thinking.

 (End of this chapter)

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