Chapter 63 You are really brave!

"Are you Cun Yunsheng?" Dai Anlan turned around and looked at Cun Yunsheng, shocked by his youth.

“He is worthy of being born as a hero. He is famous in a foreign country at such a young age, and his future is boundless.”

Cun Yunsheng curled his lips secretly at Dai Anlan's praise.

Those big guys in the mountain city don't necessarily have a high tolerance for people.

  After all, there are lessons learned from the past, so Cun Yunsheng knows his position.

“Master Dai is ridiculous, the department is just fulfilling the duties of a soldier.” Cun Yunsheng shook his head and said calmly.

"It's a soldier's duty. If everyone was like Yunsheng and could fulfill their duties as a soldier, China would not be what it is today." Dai Anlan took a high look at the other party this time, and even agreed with what he said.

 In an instant, Cun Yunsheng was alerted. If he remembered correctly, the man in front of him was also a very proud man.

Even more proud than Yu Xiaoqing. He is a major general in his thirties and is also the commander of the first mechanized division. It can be said that he has a really bright future.

 Not surprisingly, he will definitely be a big shot like a theater commander in the future.

 And for such a big boss to praise him so much, he must be doing something good.

So Cun Yunsheng became alert instantly. At this time, Dai Anlan pulled Cun Yunsheng and continued.

"Yunsheng, you fought well this time and brought glory to our expeditionary force. Now the British talk about you with thumbs up."

“Everyone, this is Cun Yunsheng, the commander of the Sichuan Army who defeated a Japanese brigade with one regiment and recaptured the airport.”


 The conference room instantly burst into warm applause.

If Lin Yi comes here, he will definitely sink into the applause. Cun Yunsheng and Meng Fanglia are both foxes, so they naturally smell something different.

"Sit, sit, sit..." When the applause ended, Dai Anlan asked Cun Yunsheng to sit in the first row on the left and said at the same time.

“The war is not over yet, the celebration banquet can only be held later.”

This series of compliments and compliments would probably have confused someone else.

 Fortunately, Cun Yunsheng is always vigilant.

 After everyone sat down, a colonel stood up and spoke.

“Master, we have been trapped in Tong Gucheng for five days. We have been severely depleted of weapons and ammunition. Many soldiers only have a few days of ammunition left. The Japanese offensive is still very fierce. If this continues, Tong Gucheng will definitely not be able to defend it.”

"Shaofeng, sit down." Dai Anlan's expression did not change and she motioned for the other party to sit down.

 Is he Liu Shaofeng, the leader of the 600th Regiment?

Cun Yunsheng glanced at the other party and then at Dai Anlan. He probably guessed what Dai Anlan was thinking, and Meng Fanxiao behind him also understood.

Dare to let them come to the military conference at this time, they are watching these beautiful equipment.

"The British have always been dissatisfied with us. If we reach out to them to ask for weapons and equipment, they will definitely not agree, and they will even be accused of destroying the alliance." Dai Anlan said helplessly.

"Master, if the British don't give it to you, you can ask Commander Cun to support some of them. They are now a force directly under the Allied Forces Command. They have so many beautiful weapons that we can't use them all. As long as we allocate a little to us, it will be enough for us." 599th Regiment The group leader Liu Shuren also stood up and spoke.

But Cun Yunsheng's expression remained unchanged, and he had already sensed the strangeness in his words.

But he can also understand the other party.

  After all, they stole the limelight from the 200 Division, so it would be surprising if the other side would give them a good look.

If they were both members of the Central Army, it might not be so obvious. After all, they want to lose face.

 But I am from the Sichuan Army. The reason why I can be so restrained is because of their different status.

 Otherwise, you can let him sit first on the left?

  After all, it has always been about respecting the left.

  A lieutenant colonel overcame a group of colonels and became the second person in the conference room, still a motley crew.

 Can you make them speak calmly?

 So, Dai Anlan put him on the stove to roast him from the beginning.

The most embarrassing thing was Zheng Tingji, because he was the one who invited the other party here. As a result, his two colleagues were acting in all sorts of strange ways, leaving him at a loss as to how to deal with himself.

"Okay, Commander Liu, that was assigned to the Sichuan Army by the Allied Forces Command..." Dai Anlan flatly rejected the other party's proposal.

 The words had reached this point, and it was not good for Cun Yunsheng not to express his position, so he coughed lightly, then looked at Dai Anlan, and then at the others.

"It's all for fighting the Japanese. No matter how many there are, I will send someone a batch of weapons and equipment later."

 Seeing Cun Yunsheng's general knowledge, everyone couldn't help but be a little surprised.

 In their eyes, the Sichuan Army is the kind of army that is searching for information.

 The troops sent to the battlefield in the early stage were all in dilapidated condition, which led to the contempt of the Central Army.

 In fact, they also have elite troops, just to stay behind.

After moving to the mountain city, after some divisions, the Sichuan Army was completely in decline, and the elite troops who stayed behind became a meal for others.

For example, Cun Yunsheng's Sichuan Army Corps is a set-up, and the rest are recruited by themselves, which will definitely not be so generous.

 So the theme of today’s meeting is that Dai Anlan appeases, while others sneer and ridicule, stimulating young people’s rebellious psychology.

As a result, Cun Yunsheng didn't play according to common sense, which made them a little surprised.

Only Meng Fangliao knew that if he underestimated his own group, he would really suffer a big loss.

“However, we all know that this batch of weapons is directly under the Allied Forces Command. In order to ensure the usefulness of this batch of weapons, General Stilwell specially sent military instructors for training.”

"It's said to be training, but actually it's to supervise the use of these weapons. If he knew that I gave away these weapons privately, he would definitely be dissatisfied." How could Cun Yunsheng be willing to be manipulated like this?

When he came up, he took out Stilwell as a shield, because he found that this little old man's sign was really useful.

 With with his nostrils in the air — he could definitely use it this way. He wanted to see if those British soldier who were talking to him dared to talk to him with their nostrils turned upward.

As expected, Cun Yunsheng’s words silenced the conference room again.

 The reason why they didn't dare to rob openly was because they were worried about Stilwell.

Now that I see the other party moving out of Stilwell, I naturally feel a little unhappy.

Had it not been for the support of Stilwell, the commander of a motley army lieutenant colonel would have been captured by them long ago.

 Even if the Cun family has a good influence, it is useless.

“If you have something to say, Captain Cun, you can say it directly.” Dai Anlan also knew that there was no point in going around in circles like this, and said with a slight frown.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng showed a sincere smile on his face. "It's not a big request, as long as Commander Dai supports some high-level arms. Then I will tell the Americans that these weapons are used to thank Commander Dai for his selfless dedication."

“I believe the Yankees will definitely understand. They are not inexperienced gods. Yankees also need to be humane.”

 “I’m sure General Stilwell won’t blame him.”

Everyone in the conference room was stunned, and Dai Anlan understood instantly.

 Hands-for-weapons for advanced arms?

How dare this kid think about it?

 Put an idea on his head?

  Don’t know who the predecessor of the 200th Division was?

Dai Anlan was so angry that he laughed. This guy is really brave.

Behind him, Meng Fan was dumbfounded. He didn't expect his family members to be so brave.

“Commander Dai, don’t be angry. When my Sichuan Army was founded, many people were illiterate soldiers. Some of them were cannon fodder in the eyes of others.”

“So I’ve always had a headache, what should I do with so many beautiful equipment?”

“Although General Stilwell sent a platoon of military instructors, it was far from enough. My Sichuan Army Corps has more than 2,000 people.”

“You can’t teach people like this at all. It would be great if Commander Dai could support a group of technical troops.”

“I know that the 200th Division is the first mechanized division with a high literacy rate. The soldiers are proficient in various weapons and can memorize detailed weapon parameters.”

"Commander Dai has no shortage of such soldiers, but our Sichuan Army Corps is in short supply. I believe that with their addition, the Sichuan Army Corps' combat effectiveness will increase day by day."

“General Stilwell would be happy to see it happen.”

“As for whether you are worried about insulting their reputation, don’t worry, our Sichuan Army does not know anything but fighting.”

“According to General Stilwell’s wishes, the Sichuan Army Corps will be built into a standard art regiment.”

“Everyone here should know the Standard Art Regiment, which has more than 3,000 people, and even battalion-level units are equipped with heavy artillery.”

“Tanks are standard equipment, and you can even call for air support, etc.”

Cun Yunsheng’s mouth moved many people’s hearts.


  Although the 200th Division is famous, it is still a little less interesting than the Artillery Regiment.

 If nothing else, can they call in air force support?


The British guy directly rejected their request without looking at them.

 Since they entered Tonggu, they haven’t seen even a single airplane hair.

 Don’t mention anything else.

Hearing this, Dai Anlan took a deep breath, then looked at Cun Yunsheng and said.

“Captain Cun, I need to think about what you said. Now I ask you to go out first and let’s discuss it.”

 To be honest, Dai Anlan was indeed tempted.

 According to the information from Shancheng, the support provided by the old boy Stilwell can be said to be very strong.

 Mainly because I was **** off by the British army, I decided to build a standard art regiment.

If it is built according to the standard art regiment of more than 3,000 people, the weapons and equipment it has will be very scary, first of all, the heavy artillery.

 Even the 200th Division is very greedy.

 Let alone American tanks.

 Seeing that he was invited out, Cun Yunsheng was not angry, but Meng Fanglia behind him secretly gave him a thumbs up when no one was around.

“Tuanzuo, you are so courageous. You have poached the 200th Division, and you are not afraid that others will kill you?” Meng Fanlai took a deep breath and said.

 It was so exciting just now!

He was afraid that the other party would be angry, so he dragged them out and killed them.

"Don't you see? People are asking for help from us now, not to mention buying more weapons and equipment now without suffering a loss." Cun Yunsheng looked very calm, and even lit a cigarette and started smoking.

 “Why do you say that?” Meng Fangliao asked in confusion.

“The Japanese 56th Division and the 18th Division are about to arrive, and the situation in the ancient city is very critical.”

"Not only that, the British fighter planes will not come. They are even considering giving up the entire Burma." Cun Yunsheng took a puff of cigarette and said calmly.

 This is the advantage of relying on Stilwell, the information is much more timely than others.

"What? The British army is so unreliable? Just give up the whole of Myanmar?" Meng Fangliao said in shock.

"Forgot what I said to Yu Xiaoqing when we were in Zenda? Since the 140,000 British troops were wiped out, the British army has begun to think about preserving its strength and giving up all the territory east of India." Cun Yunsheng said indifferently.

 “Then why are we going to Myanmar?” Meng Fan was even more puzzled.

“Save yourself. Myanmar is gone, which means that the construction of the Burma Highway will be in vain. Military aid cannot come in, and the mountain cities will soon be unable to support themselves. The situation will become worse by then.”

“Didn’t you see that even the 200th Division needs weapons and equipment? They are directly under the mountain city.” Cun Yunshang sighed.

Isn’t the reason why I hugged Stilwell’s lap just for the countless U.S. aid?

 With the lessons learned from the past, he naturally knew what to choose.

The reason why the newly formed Thirty-Eighth Division is so famous is that it relied on beautiful weapons and equipment and strong logistical supplies to make the Japanese army miserable.

At this time, the Chinese army is considered to be the pinnacle of half-infantry. With powerful weapons and equipment and logistical supplies, it can definitely defeat the little devils.

  With the few weapons and equipment provided by Goldfinger, when can we build an art regiment?

 Even if it is built, it will be easily taken away by others in the end.

Although the Cun family has some strength, it is not enough.

 So he had to find another way, otherwise he would end up like the one who spent so much effort to build up an army that was finally taken away.

"Is the situation so critical?" Meng Fangyang swallowed subconsciously.

 “More or less, it’s pretty bad anyway.”

“Regiment leader, will the 200th Division agree to your terms?”

 “Of course, they have no choice.”

There’s more to come! Don't panic! If you have any questions, I’ll take a look! The author of "Military Zone" is too salty, so let me start with you! Authors with less than 10,000 updates are all salty fish!



 (End of this chapter)

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