Chapter 64 Is this a regiment?

Outside the conference room, Cun Yunshengyun was smoking a cigarette lightly, and even joked with Meng Fanlie.

 In the conference room, there were all kinds of quarrels.

 Some people believe that the other side should hand over these weapons unconditionally. After all, fundamentally speaking, the Sichuan Army is also the Chinese army and is subordinate to the mountain city.

Zheng Tingji and others sneered at the ideas of these people.

Which onion is it?

 If you ask someone to hand it over unconditionally, then hand it over unconditionally?

 Finally, after a quarrel, Dai Anlan agreed to transfer a company of soldiers in exchange for beautiful weapons and equipment.

Of course, the soldiers of this company are promoted to the outside world as helping the Sichuan Army to train, and they never mention that they are in exchange for weapons.

 After all, it wouldn’t sound good if it was spread out.

 “A company?” To be honest, this is really an unexpected surprise.

Originally, he thought it would be good to have dozens of people.

Who knew that a company would be given to him, which really made Cun Yunsheng very satisfied.

“Captain Cun, you are the first person who dares to take the idea of ​​the 200 Division. If we were in China, there would be many heads like yours that wouldn’t be enough to cut off.” On the way back, Zheng Tingji sighed with emotion.

 He didn't expect that the guy in front of him was so brave.

I didn’t realize that Dai Anlan’s face was almost green at that time. If it weren’t for weapons and equipment, he would never have agreed to this condition.

"Hahaha, if we were in China, who would dare to offend your Central Army? After all, your Central Army is a direct descendant. If we offend you, wouldn't we die soon enough?" Cun Yunsheng looked indifferent. Now everyone is fighting in a foreign land, what's their background? does not work.

Who can get the weapons is the last word.

"So you are just living in a foreign land? Don't you want to go back? The war will end one day. Everything that happened today will be recorded. I'm afraid your fate will be the same by then." Zheng Tingji said meaningfully, he I don’t believe that such a smart person can’t see this?

 This is what puzzles him.

"We'll talk about the future later. For now, we'd better drive away the little devils. If we can't win the battle, it will be all empty talk from now on." Cun Yunsheng looked indifferent.

“Commander Zheng, I think what soldiers need to consider is winning the war and protecting their homeland. If you can’t win the war, what’s the use of thinking so much?”

“If I remember correctly, the spirit of Huangpu is patriotism, saving the country, and saving the people, but I see that many officers in Huangpu have abandoned these long ago, and I feel very sad.”

“I wonder if Commander Zheng has ever heard of it?”

At this moment, Zheng Tingji finally understood how sharp-tongued the guy in front of him was. Unexpectedly, he was left speechless.

 “What are you talking about?” Zheng Tingji looked at the other party in confusion.

 “If I don’t poop, I will be choked to death.”

 “Without eating, I can only live for seven or eight days.”

 “You can live five or six days without drinking water.”

 “You can live for four or five days without sleeping.”

 “Trivial things nourish us, but they also cost us our lives.”

“Our country has been destroyed, and we have lived for six or seven years…”

"I want things to be the way they should be." Cun Yunsheng's words were like a bolt from the blue, making the other party stunned, his mouth was dry, his blood was boiling, and he didn't know what to say.

Zheng Tingji had a complicated expression on his face.

 “I have learned the lesson.” After a long time, Zheng Tingji breathed a long sigh of relief.

He also didn’t expect that the person in front of him could have such a profound understanding, which really made him unbelievable.

 The literal meaning is very simple. Drinking water, eating and sleeping are all trivial things in life.

 Such a small thing, if we don’t pay careful attention and support, we will die.

And even now, after the fall of our country, there are still so many people laughing and scolding, but they don't take it to heart.

So Cun Yunsheng was very sad. He hoped that everyone could rise up and fight against the Japanese army without fear of the enemy.

Instead of being like now, soldiers are not like soldiers, generals are not like generals, and everyone is running away for their own future and life.

Even Meng Fangliao behind him was shocked. He didn't expect that his group had such lofty ambitions.

 Thinking of the muddled life I once had, a sense of shame surged into my heart.

 The officers and soldiers of the 200 Division who followed them back to the airport were also shocked by Cun Yunsheng's words.

 They are somewhat literate and can naturally understand other meanings in the words.

 When he looked at Cun Yunsheng again, his eyes were full of respect.

 An officer with such knowledge will definitely not be any worse.

 After that, Zheng Tingji said nothing and never mentioned any other topics.

 Perhaps Cun Yunsheng's words allowed the opponent to break his defense, or he thought of something.

 Either way, the mood is not right.

“Tuanzuo, your mouth is really capable of telling people to death. You punished Captain Zheng and he hasn’t spoken a word yet.” On the way, Meng Fanliao said quietly.

"Well, I think you are still heartless? Don't you feel anything at all?" Cun Yunsheng turned to him and asked him.

 One sentence immediately choked up Meng Fangliao.

 Don’t you feel it?

how can that be possible.

"Okay, let's work together and try to get things back to the way they were." Cun Yunsheng patted the other party's shoulder and said softly.

 “Yes, Tuanzuo.” Meng Fan nodded heavily.

When we returned to the airport, the originally dilapidated runway was barely repaired and a road could be used to take off and land fighter planes.

 At this time, there was a buzzing sound in the sky.

Suddenly there was quite a commotion. When they saw it was a US military fighter plane, they got together and pointed.

“Spread out and stay alert.” Cun Yunsheng looked at the soldiers gathered together in twos and threes and couldn’t help but scolded them.

 Seeing that it was their own regimental seat, the soldiers jumped up in fright and returned to their respective positions.

 Not long after, eight transport planes began to land one after another.

 As all the transport planes landed, the hatches opened, and the leader, a captain officer, came out with a platoon of military instructors.

“Sir, Captain Steve is reporting to you.” Captain Steve glanced at him and found that Zheng Tingji had the highest rank. He trotted over quickly and saluted loudly.

"Ah? I'm not your commander." Zheng Tingji looked embarrassed and quickly shook his head to express that he was not. Captain Steve was a little confused now. Isn’t he their commander?

“Ahem, I am Lieutenant Colonel Cun Yunsheng, the commander of the Sichuan Army.” Cun Yunsheng was not embarrassed. He came to Steve with a smile on his face, stretched out his hand and said.

 Cun Yunsheng didn't care at all about this oolong.

 It is normal to admit a mistake. Who makes Zheng Tingji have the highest military rank?

“Sir, Captain Steve is reporting to you.” Although Cun Yunsheng looked very young, Steve really didn’t dare to look down on him.

 Before coming, he had learned about it through telegrams, and the man in front of him was still very capable.

 A miscellaneous army can defeat a Japanese brigade head-on with less than a hundred casualties. This record is absolutely very powerful.

Especially since the opponent is still a mixed force.

He also has a certain understanding of the Chinese army. A miscellaneous army is synonymous with poor weapons and weak combat effectiveness.

 Such a unit can achieve astonishing results, indicating that the opposing commander must be very strong.

 Soldiers are strong-willed and have great respect for capable people.

"Welcome, this is Major Lin Yi, the regiment's combat staff, and this is Captain Meng Fangliao of the communications company." Cun Yunsheng introduced Steve to the important officers of the Sichuan Army one by one.

 After all, we all have to live together in the future, so naturally we have to become familiar with each other.

 After the introduction, Steve took out the weapons list, which was all the weapons and equipment prepared for him by Stilwell.

Looking at the list of weapons in front of him, Cun Yunsheng's hands began to shake unconsciously.

 It can be said that except that there are no tanks, tanks, jeeps, etc., all the necessary weapons are available.

Of course, there are no large-caliber heavy artillery, because they cannot be transported.

“Do these eight planes have the weapons of a regiment?” Cun Yunsheng asked doubtfully after reading the list.

“No, there is only one infantry battalion with weapons and equipment for more than 800 people.” Steve shook his head and said.

 The standard infantry battalion of the US military has about 870 people, which is equivalent to a regiment of a motley army.

What Stilwell was thinking at the time was that a regiment-level unit of a miscellaneous army could support thousands of people to death.

 One battalion is enough to complete the early reorganization.

"There is only one battalion? What about the remaining people?" Cun Yunsheng said with some distress.


Steve was a little confused. How many people were there on the other side?

“Sir, how many people are there in your group?” Steve thought for a while and asked cautiously.

“Not many, just over 2,000 people. There are also supplementary battalions still marching in the rear. If fully staffed, there will be about 3,000 people, a standard US infantry regiment.” Cun Yunsheng said proudly.

 At that time, he recruited troops according to the standard infantry regiment of the US military. Later, considering that many of them were new recruits, he formed a supplementary battalion with about a thousand people and stayed in Zenda for training.

 As long as you send a telegram, you can bring them here.

 So when Steve asked, he naturally said more than 3,000 people.

 Only in this way can we need more equipment.

As expected, Steve was completely confused.

 An infantry regiment of more than 3,000 people?

Is this still a mixed bag of troops?

Zheng Tingji next to him was also startled. He did not expect that there were more than 3,000 Sichuan regiments. Is this still a regiment?

They have all caught up with the establishment of a Type B brigade.

This guy is very courageous.

Dare to overwrite?

 That’s not right either!

His official designation is the Sichuan Army Independent Regiment, and there is no limit to how many people there can be.

 In other words, when Shangfeng gave him this number, he never thought that this guy would recruit thousands of people.

  No wonder they dared to dig into the head of the 200 Division. It turns out that they have always been so courageous.

“More than three thousand people?” Steve stuttered.

"Yes, there are more than three thousand people. Is there a problem? Or is it that General Stilwell cannot provide so many weapons and equipment?" Cun Yunsheng frowned slightly, seeming to doubt the strength of the US military.

Hearing this, Steve jumped up.

 You can doubt the U.S. military’s combat capabilities, but you must not doubt its industrial capabilities.

Isn’t there just over 3,000 people?

 They can supply even 30,000 people.

“Don’t worry, it’s just weapons and equipment for more than 3,000 people. At most, let the transport plane fly a few more times. I will send a telegram to General Stilwell right away.” Steve assured, patting his chest.

The corners of Cun Yunsheng's mouth were slightly raised, as if his conspiracy had succeeded, and he was very happy.

 It’s still easy for Americans to fool you!

If it were Zheng Tingji, he would definitely check the roster and then make a big discount. It would be good if he could give hundreds of people weapons and equipment.

“Three thousand people?” Stilwell was a little confused when he received the telegram. Was his estimate wrong?


 It was his fixed thinking that caused him to misjudge the strength of the Sichuan Army.

 The Sichuan Legion has never said how many people it has from the beginning to the end.

  It was purely because of his own subconscious belief that a single regiment of miscellaneous troops could support a thousand people.

  Defeating the Japanese army at the airport would definitely result in the loss of a few people, so it was enough for him to deploy the equipment of a standard US infantry battalion.

Who knew there were so many people on the other side.

 Knowing that there were so many people, Stilwell was not only not angry, but also very happy. There were so many people.

  means that he can mobilize more troops.

“Let the transport plane fly back, transport another batch of weapons and equipment, and assemble the equipment of a standard infantry regiment.”

 “Send a few more military doctors over to set up a field hospital.” Stilwell was very considerate and sent warmth to Cun Yunsheng.

 A standard infantry regiment must have its own field hospital so that injured soldiers can be treated as quickly as possible.

“Sir, is this too much?” Tom hesitated and said.

"You don't understand. There is an old saying in China: If you don't want to let go of your children, you won't be able to catch the wolf." Stilwell shook his head, with a happy smile on his face.

   Ten thousand updates are coming! Don’t panic! There’s still more! If you want others to roll it up, roll it up yourself first, roll it first and then roll it up!



 (End of this chapter)

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