The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 84: Aren't anti-aircraft guns used for masturbation?

Chapter 84 Aren’t anti-aircraft artillery planes used for masturbation?

“Isn’t this British guy’s life too luxurious?” Looking at the British-style building in front of him, there are chandeliers, dance floors, etc., all kinds of luxury, and the furniture is all made of huanghuali wood.

 Outside the building are gardens, swimming pools, etc. It can be said that you have everything you need.

"This should be a vacation villa, right?" Lin Yi, a Shanghai young man, has seen the world. Looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Sir Ayi, do you have bad eyesight? It's obviously the headquarters of the British army, why didn't you see the sign hanging outside?" Meng Fan curled his lips and looked carefully at the building in front of him.

“Huanghuali wood, the British really enjoy it.”

Cun Yunsheng didn’t have much expression. To him, it was just a house.

"For the British, this is their colony, and there are coolies everywhere. Let these natives build houses without spending money, so why not enjoy it." Cun Yunsheng said casually.

“That’s why the natives chose to help the Japanese army deal with us?” Meng Fanglia seemed to understand why the natives would pass on information to the Japanese army. They had been oppressed for too long.

"Yes, but what they didn't expect was that the Japanese army was a hundred times more ferocious than the British army."

“In order to drive away the British troops as soon as possible, the Japanese army did not reveal their true nature.”

"When all the British troops are driven away, these natives will cry for their fathers and mothers." Cun Yunsheng looked indifferent. He could even guess the outcome of these natives.

 Don't look at the party leading the way now, they are leading the way cheerfully.

 When it comes to the future, no matter how happy you are now, there will be misery later.

"Tuanzuo, the city has been cleared. Those who took advantage of the fire and looted have all been shot according to your order. There are still some who knelt down and begged for mercy." Li Liansheng hesitated for a moment, but still said bravely.

 “Huh?” Cun Yunsheng was stunned and looked at the other person’s expression.

“We don’t have that many manpower to guard them now, let Sun Yunfei deal with them.”

It’s not that he didn’t want to order the killing of these fishermen, but he had to consider the inner thoughts of the soldiers of the Sichuan Army.

 So the most suitable candidate for this matter is Sun Yunfei.

 He is a local Chinese and has been rooted in Myanmar for three generations.

  It can be said that it is basically integrated with the local area.

 They will not have so much psychological burden when they come forward.

"Yes." Li Liansheng breathed a sigh of relief. He really couldn't bear to attack the unarmed natives.

It is most appropriate to leave it to Sun Yunfei. There are many local Chinese in his volunteer team, and some have deep hatred against the indigenous people. It is best to leave this kind of matter to their own people.

"Have you found the supplies?" Cun Yunsheng is more concerned about the supply of supplies. Now that the airport is occupied by the Japanese army, it is impossible to transport supplies by air.

 The few supplies dropped by air cannot meet the needs of the whole group.

"Sir, this is Tang Ji's defense map. It marks all places in the city, including the warehouse." Lin Yi quickly took out a map, spread it in front of Cun Yunsheng, and said immediately.

"But I have sent people to look at the warehouse, and there is no military supplies in it."

“There is no food?” Cun Yunsheng frowned slightly. He knew that the entire Eastern Front Expeditionary Force would be in a huge crisis next.

 So food reserves must be prepared in advance.

"No, according to the interrogation confessions, we learned that before the British army retreated, they had already transported a large amount of food to the train station. After the Japanese army occupied Tangji, we captured it before they had time to clean it up." Lin Yi explained quickly road.

"So, what do you mean? In fact, these grains are all at the train station now?" Cun Yunsheng immediately understood what the other party meant.

“Yes, they should all be at the train station.” Lin Yi nodded and pointed to the place marked with the train station on the map.

 After listening to Lin Yi’s analysis, Cun Yunsheng nodded and understood it instantly.

 First of all, since the British army lost 140,000 troops in the Malay War, they knew that they were no match for the Japanese army.

 So after the Japanese army landed in Yangon, they began to transport supplies northward bit by bit via railway.

  Needless to say where it was transported to, it was naturally Myitkyina, and then transported to India by car.

 After all, the British army is not a fool. They know that the most important thing in a war is logistics.

 Not to mention that other battlefields also require a large amount of material support.

 So when the British army began to choose to retreat, material transportation was the first thing to do.

As soon as Tangji's British troops transferred the supplies to the train station, they encountered the Japanese army and had no choice but to abandon the supplies and retreat.

The Japanese army that occupied Tangji only had one brigade, and it was already very difficult to defend the city, let alone transport supplies.

 At last, these supplies fell into the hands of the Sichuan Army. At this moment, Cun Yunsheng was very excited.

 He was curious whether it would bring him a surprise.

 When we arrived at the train station, the place had already been taken over by Bu La and people from the Second Battalion.

“Tuanzuo, we have wiped out all the natives who harassed the train station.” Seeing Cun Yunsheng’s arrival, Bula immediately saluted without saying a word.

 “Well done.” Cun Yunsheng patted the other party’s shoulder and said with a smile.

He then led the people to the inside of the train station, looked at the train skins in front of him, and motioned to his subordinates to open them.

I saw only one carriage after another, filled with supplies.


 Rice in season!


 There are also countless ammunition and weapons!

 And a large number of heavy artillery pieces, including a large number of shells.

 Even saw anti-aircraft machine guns and 88mm anti-aircraft guns.     Especially the 88mm anti-aircraft gun made Cun Yunsheng's eyes shine.

 There is a saying called, put down the anti-aircraft guns, military court.

Cun Yunsheng has always hoped to have one or two anti-aircraft guns, but unfortunately, they never exploded.

  I didn’t expect to meet him here.

“88mm Bofors anti-aircraft gun.” As soon as Cun Yunsheng finished speaking, Krupp retorted.

“Regiment seat, this should be a British 3.7-inch mk4 anti-aircraft gun with a caliber of 94mm, a rate of fire of 20 rounds per minute, a maximum range of 18,800 meters horizontally, and a maximum height of 9,000 meters vertically.”

"I didn't see it. Krupp, you know so much." Meng Fan was really surprised this time. He always thought that Krupp was bragging, but he didn't expect that Krupp could report many parameters of this anti-aircraft gun. .

“It’s really not an 88mm anti-aircraft gun?” Cun Yunsheng asked a little disappointed.

"No, although it looks a bit like it, it's really not. This anti-aircraft gun is still very powerful. I didn't expect to encounter it here. It seems that the British army wants to establish an anti-aircraft gun position in Tangji." Speaking of his expertise , Krupp could talk about it for three days and three nights.

“Can you use it?” Cun Yunsheng asked again.

"No, we don't have the right personnel, but if you give me some time, it should be fine. In this case, we will have anti-aircraft guns, and we will be able to fight back against Japanese aircraft in the future." Krupp shook his head first. He shook his head, but said that as long as he gave himself a certain amount of time, he could learn it.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng didn't care about the anti-aircraft gun flying, but asked.

"Can it be used flat against tanks? If not, it can also be used against infantry. If this thing is used against infantry, it will be absolutely brutal. One shot can take away a large number of Japanese troops."

 Krupp was directly stunned by Cun Yunsheng's remarks.

Aren’t anti-aircraft guns used to deal with aircraft?

  Why do you think of dealing with tanks?

Is this still normal human thinking?

 Others also looked at Cun Yunsheng in disbelief.

 “Commander, how did you think of leveling the anti-aircraft gun?” Krupp expressed everyone’s doubts.

"Isn't this a consensus?" Cun Yunsheng felt that the question this guy asked was really stupid.

 Hold the anti-aircraft gun flat, its power is definitely much more powerful than the 81mm mortar.

Krupp didn't know what to say for a while, he just said that he would study it to see if it could be settled.

"Tuanzuo, what should we do now? Most of the weapons inside are British-made weapons, which conflict with the caliber of our weapons." Lin Yi looked at the supplies in front of him and asked dryly.

“Rifles and other items were given to Sun Yunfei’s volunteer team, and his volunteer team happened to need weapons.”

“For those fresh rice, let Milong think of a way to fry it, and let each soldier carry some as rations on the road.” Cun Yunsheng looked at the rice in front of him and said.

 “Fried rice?” Many people were stunned at first, and then felt it was a pity.

 It’s a pity that such fresh rice is fried like this.

However, they also knew that they could not move all the rice. Instead of leaving it to the Japanese army, they might as well fry it all and use it as rations on the road.

"Let Milong think of a way to fry it with lard, it will be more fragrant." Cun Yunsheng added.

 “Lard?” Everyone looked at each other in confusion. Everyone knew that Tang Ji’s pig would suffer disaster next.

"Yes, just use lard. Marching on the road consumes a lot of physical strength. Rice fried in lard and soaked in water can quickly replenish the soldiers' physical strength." This was the best way Cun Yunsheng could think of.

As long as air control is now in the hands of the Allied forces, they will not make the soldiers live such a miserable life.

Given the strong logistical capabilities of the US military, it is absolutely possible to air-drop supplies every day.

However, the British army failed to live up to expectations, and the skies over Myanmar were filled with Japanese fighter planes, so he could only find a way to solve the logistics on his own.

"There are also those cans, let everyone get some. You can bring less weapons and ammunition, but you must have more food. If you really can't hold them, let Milong recruit some more porters and give you more money. We are not seizing them. You have a lot of pounds, take it out and spend it," Cun Yunsheng ordered again.

These pounds were collected from the Japanese soldiers while cleaning the battlefield. They were not much money, but they added up to a large sum, which was enough to pay the wages of the porters.

"Yes." Lin Yi immediately recorded all of this.

 Sun Yunfei on the other side was dealing with the surrendered natives, and he also knew the reason why Cun Yunsheng asked him to deal with them.

 So he very cleverly recruited Chinese people in the city who had a blood feud with the natives.

“Is everything resolved?” After the gunfire stopped, Sun Yunfei walked in and asked expressionlessly.

“There is no one left alive. Thank you, Chief Sun. Without you, I will never be able to take revenge in my life. From now on, my life belongs to you.” A Chinese man knelt in front of Sun Yunfei and said solemnly.

His family was invaded by these natives after the Japanese army retreated, and all of them were killed. If he hadn't been out on business, he probably wouldn't have escaped death.

After the Sichuan Army cleared the Tangji riot, he returned home. After seeing his family members being killed, he immediately vowed to kill all the damned natives.

When Sun Yunfei's volunteer team recruited local Chinese, he signed up immediately and was assigned to this task.

 He has no psychological burden on this task.

 After all, these people were the real murderers of his family.

  After his great revenge was avenged, he secretly swore that he would sell his life to the volunteer team from now on.

"Your life is precious, live well. I believe that under the leadership of Commander Cun, we will be able to drive away the Japanese army and rebuild our homeland." Sun Yunfei shook his head, and then said seriously.

“Yes, sir, what kind of person is Sir Cun?” the man asked very curiously.

“He is a very courageous person. Believe me, joining the volunteer team will definitely be the most correct decision you make in your life.” Sun Yunfei said.

“Yes, sir, if I hadn’t met you, my family’s death would have been in vain.” The man nodded heavily.

   Old rules, change first and then change, there will be more later!



 (End of this chapter)

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