Chapter 85 The abacus is so loud!

“I didn’t expect that the Sichuan Army was so capable of fighting and retaking Tangji in such a short time.” Stilwell said in amazement after receiving the telegram.

At the same time, I am very glad that I defied all opinions and placed the Sichuan Army Corps directly under the Allied Forces Headquarters. Otherwise, I would have missed such a capable unit.

"Sir, your decision was very correct." The adjutant said respectfully.

This time it was a sincere compliment. Before, he felt that giving so many supplies to a motley army was a pure waste.

 Unexpectedly, so many Japanese troops were wiped out before and after.

If all the expeditionary forces could perform like this, then the situation would not be as corrupt as this.

"It's a pity that there are still too few soldiers. If it were a division, the result might be greater." Stilwell said a little greedily.

But he also knew that it would not be that easy for the Sichuan Army to expand its troops.

 Based on what he knew about the man in Shancheng, it was absolutely impossible to give the Sichuan Army a larger organization.

Stilwell really wanted to expand the Sichuan Army, because this was the only thing that made him happy since he was in the Southeast Asian theater.

On one side is the British army, which is bent on ruining the situation, and on the other side is the expeditionary force that seems to be incompatible with each other, making him feel very incompetent.

"Sir, something happened." The communications staff member walked in with a pale face, looked at Stilwell who was in a good mood, and said seriously.

Hearing this, Stilwell was stunned for a moment, and then scolded him with a sullen face.

"What happened."

“Lashio was occupied by the Japanese army ten minutes ago.” The communications staff officer’s words were like a huge stone, causing an uproar in the entire headquarters.

Especially Stilwell's expression, first confused, then in disbelief, and finally with veins popping out as he roared angrily.

"The expeditionary force is incompetent, the expeditionary force is incompetent, bastards..."

 He knew that the loss of Lashio would cause a series of chain reactions, the first of which was the British army, which would inevitably be defeated across the board.

 Originally, he planned to launch a counterattack in the Mandalay area to contain the Japanese offensive.

Now everything is disrupted, and the British army will not agree to his plan at all.

He could imagine that Alexander must have cursed the expeditionary force and ordered all British troops to evacuate at the same time.

  This means that the whole of Myanmar will be surrendered.

Thinking of this, Stilwell could no longer sit still. He came to the map, looked at it, and kept making gestures with the baton in his hand.

 Finally, a look of despair appeared on his face.


 It’s completely finished!

 The 100,000 expeditionary force is gone!

 Myanmar is gone!

 The tasks assigned to him by the headquarters can no longer be completed.

"Tell Alexander and the others that I need to convene a special military meeting." Stilwell took a deep breath, calmed down, looked at the adjutant and said.

"Yes, sir." The adjutant also knew that the matter was very serious, so he immediately sent someone to inform him without any hesitation.

“Damn the Expeditionary Force, **** the newly formed 29th Division, not even one division could hold Lashio.”

 In the conference room, Alexander, who had just sat down, launched an attack.

“The Expeditionary Force is a bunch of stinking shit. They don’t know how to fight. They consume so much of our supplies in vain.”

“Lashio has gathered a large amount of supplies, weapons and ammunition, etc.”

"As a result, the Japanese army is now all advantaged. This is all caused by your expeditionary force."

 “Damn it, I gotta get all the British troops out of Burma.”

Luo Zhuoying and Du Yuming, who were sprayed bloody, wanted to open their mouths to refute, but they didn't know what to say.

 Because what the other person said is true.

The loss of Lashio not only meant the loss of Burma, but also meant the end of the expeditionary force on the eastern front.

 In fact, the British army only lost a little material, and the losses of the expeditionary force were immeasurable.

Especially since the 200th Division is still on the Eastern Front, it is the first mechanized division and contains the seeds of elite and armored divisions.

At this moment, Du Yuming did not want to hold any special military meeting at all. He just wanted to order Dai Anlan to lead the 200 Division back home immediately.

"Lord Alexander, don't get excited. The situation is not that bad now. We still have hope." Stilwell said bravely.

"Hope? What hope are you telling me?" Alexander didn't look down on him at all and asked in a cold tone.

“Can those straw-shoe soldiers defeat the Japanese army?”

"A division was defeated by a regiment of Japanese troops. What do you call elites? Do you know how to fight? I think the guy in Shancheng just deceived us. He was not an elite at all, but let some unknown troops pretend to be elites and enter Myanmar. They just want to defraud us of our supplies.”

“Stilwell, I think the expeditionary force should be asked to hand over all those supplies.”

When Luo Zhuoying and Du Yuming heard this, their veins popped up and they wanted to refute, but they still controlled their emotions.

 This time, it is indeed the expeditionary force’s problem.

The newly formed 29th Division failed to defend Lashio, causing the situation to get out of hand. The expeditionary force indeed needs to be held responsible.

"Lord Alexander, now is not the time to hold people responsible. We should find a way to retake Lashio. I think we can send air force support. In addition, we just received news that the Sichuan Army has retaken Tangji. The situation is not bad." Shi Diwei stepped forward to smooth things over. He also needed the expeditionary force to help contain the British army, so the British army must not be allowed to continue at this time.

"The Sichuan Army recaptured Tangji?" Several other people were stunned. If Stilwell hadn't said it, they wouldn't have known it at all.

"Yes, just now, the Sichuan Army not only severely damaged a heavy artillery regiment of the Japanese army, but also recaptured Tangji. However, they also suffered heavy casualties as a result. I hope we can send a support force to garrison Tangji." Stilwell said this. What I mean is that although the expeditionary force did not perform well.

 But the performance of the Sichuan Legion that I discovered is still very good.

As expected, when the other people heard about the Sichuan Legion’s achievements, the expressions on their faces were naturally extremely complicated. Counting the previous regiment, two regiments have been defeated.

The expression on Alexander's face was more complicated. He did not expect that the Sichuan Army would win another victory.

Is this still the same troop wearing straw sandals?

Only Du Yuming had a flash of regret on his face. He knew he should not have agreed to Stilwell's suggestion.

 But there is no use regretting it now. The expeditionary force lost Lashio, so he now has no right to speak at all.

"General Stilwell, with all due respect, in the current situation, recapturing Tangji is not of much use." Luo Zhuoying thought for a while and said.

“I think the Sichuan Army can be sent to attack Lashio. If Lashio is recaptured, the situation will not be so bad.”

 Hearing this, Alexander's eyes lit up and he thought this was a good idea.

 After all, the Sichuan Legion's record has proven that they are very capable of fighting.

Since Tangji can be recaptured, it is not a problem to capture Lashio.

What's more, Lashio was lost by the expeditionary force, so the Sichuan Army should naturally recapture Lashio and save the face of the expeditionary force.

 It can be said that Alexander’s words are impeccable.

Even Du Yuming nodded in agreement.

 But Stilwell could naturally see Alexander's little ninety-nine.

 Isn’t it just that he wants to completely consume the Sichuan Army and leave him with no soldiers at his disposal?

 In the end, they had no choice but to obey his arrangements and transfer the supplies to aid the mountain cities to North Africa.

 So it is impossible for him to agree to this request.

"The Sichuan Army suffered heavy losses and is temporarily unable to continue the attack unless the British army is willing to provide air support." Stilwell's words shut up Alexander.

 It is simply impossible for the proud British pilots to support this group of straw-shoe soldiers.

Not to mention, he has already given up on Myanmar.

“In this case, can the expeditionary force mobilize other troops to recapture Lashio?” Stilwell looked at Stilwell again.

"I'm sorry, General Stilwell, the expeditionary force is currently exhausted and unable to mobilize more troops." Luo Zhuoying shook his head and rejected the other party's proposal.

Hearing this, the headquarters suddenly became quiet. Everyone realized that if Lashio could not be recaptured in time, it would be a matter of time before Myanmar fell.

“If this is the case, then the entire expeditionary force can only be withdrawn to India, reorganized there, and wait for the opportunity to recapture Burma.” Stilwell put forward his own opinion.

 Hearing this, Alexander's first reaction was to refuse.

He will never allow the expeditionary force to enter India. Letting them enter Myanmar to fight is already the limit, and India will not even think about it.

 The second person who refused was Du Yuming. According to Shancheng's instructions, the troops must be brought back and must not be handed over to the old boy Stilwell.

 On the other hand, Luo Zhuoying was hesitant.

Seeing this, Stilwell's face didn't look very good and he said directly to Alexander.

“Lord Alexander, I hope you can understand that my mission is to defend Southeast Asia and strive to end the Pacific War as soon as possible. Only in this way can the US military mobilize more resources and open up a second battlefield.”

“If the situation remains so corrupt, we will not be able to open up the Pacific battlefield, which means that the time for us to open the second battlefield will be greatly delayed.”

“The same will be very detrimental to the British army.”

"If the British army wants to defeat the German army as soon as possible, then they can only cooperate with us and defeat the Japanese army first. Otherwise, the British army will bear all the consequences."

Stilwell was really angry this time. He had always been held back by the British army, which led to the situation getting worse and worse.

 So he decided not to talk to this guy anymore.

If he does not agree to his request, he will directly submit his resignation to the White House and quit.

 It’s really too frustrating.

Seeing that Stilwell was really angry, Alexander also knew that he had gone too far.

 After thinking about it for a while, I agreed to the other party’s request.

However, we still made a request that we could only evacuate to Imphal and were not allowed to enter other places.

Seeing that the British army relented, Stilwell looked at Luo Zhuoying and Du Yuming again.

 As a result, Du Yuming directly stated that he had no right to make the decision and needed to ask Shancheng for instructions.

On the contrary, Luo Zhuoying thought that it would be a good idea to retreat to Imphal to reorganize and re-equip.

"Luo Zhuoying, this is not something you or I can decide." Du Yuming called the other party's name angrily.

“Don’t forget Shancheng’s instructions, we must bring back all the expeditionary force.”

As a result, Luo Zhuoying said that he believed that the risk of retreating from Yeren Mountain was too great if Lashio was lost, so it was better to retreat to Imphal first.

 In fact, Luo Zhuoying was like that to the guy in Shancheng. After all, he was not a direct descendant.

“Humph, I will report everything that happens here to Shancheng.” Du Yuming said these words and left directly.

Stilwell watched all this with a cold expression, and then began to send telegrams to various departments of the expeditionary force.

At this time, the communications staff came in again, holding a telegram and saying with a complicated expression.

 “Sir, here is a clearly coded telegram regarding the British Army.”

 (End of this chapter)

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