Chapter 95 Hope of life!

"Li Liansheng asked your people to dig fortifications along the shore. Remember to dig the cat's ear hole. This is an important cave to save your life. Don't fool me. Do you hear me?" On the shore, Cun Yunsheng and his men began to set up a defense line. .

Since Myitkyina is in northern Myanmar and belongs to the rear area, there are no decent fortifications on the shore here.

After the Japanese army occupied Lashio, the British army in Myitkyina was more focused on escaping than on digging fortifications to resist the Japanese army.

Now that the Sichuan Army has taken over Myitkyina, it is natural to build a defense line along the shore.

 “Yes, group seat.” Li Liansheng stood at attention and saluted.

"No, your second battalion is responsible for the defense line on the right. Remember to dig cat's ear holes. The only requirement is to ensure that the shells fall down and won't collapse. I will check it out then." Yunsheng warned again.

“Yes, please rest assured, everyone, and make sure the digging is very strong.” Bula assured.

 Immediately, Cun Yunsheng turned his gaze to Krupp again, looked at him and said.

"The heavy artillery of the artillery battery was also pulled out and pointed at the other side of the river for me. I have only one request. Whenever you see a Japs, shoot them with artillery. Don't worry about the artillery shells. As long as you hold Myitkyina, there will be a steady supply of follow-up weapons and ammunition. 's arrival.

His system still has a lot of weapons and ammunition that have not been taken out, and he has not stopped these days.

It can be said that half a regiment of weapons and ammunition has been accumulated.

Even as the military rank increased, a 105mm howitzer was fired, but he didn't have time to take it out.

 If the situation is stable, a howitzer company must be formed.

"In addition, take the time to train some more artillery troops, and strive to have an artillery battery in each battalion. It's time for your artillery company commander to be promoted. Our Sichuan Army Corps will be benchmarked against the US Army's standard regiment in the future, and we will need artillery battalions. "

"Now we have more artillery, but we are extremely short of artillery. You have to find a way, whether it's recruiting people or bringing in people you know. I have only one request. Expand the force as soon as possible. Don't let the equipment wait for people. Do you understand?" Yunsheng said again.

 In the past, Krupp worried about not having enough artillery and artillery shells every day, but he never worried about not enough artillery.

There are too many guns now, and he doesn't even care about 60mm mortars. If they are not marching all the time, he would suggest that the regiment transfer these mortars to the infantry battalions so that when they attack the fortress by themselves, they can Provide fire support.

 The artillery battery is mainly composed of heavy artillery.

Now hearing what Cun Yunsheng said, Krupp breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time he became nervous.

 The artillery is not a big-headed soldier. It is enough to fire a gun, fire some bullets, practice formation, and then hit the target.

 “Yes, I understand.” Krupp said seriously.

At this time, a burst of gunfire suddenly came from the other side of the river, which immediately alerted the soldiers of the Sichuan Army.

 “The devil is coming.”

"It came quite quickly. If we were a little late, I'm afraid we would be the ones on the other side of the river now." Cun Yunsheng said with some fear.

 In fact, the Japs were not slow. Their vanguard had already arrived, just as they were crossing the river.

 But he didn’t take action.

 Because they are just a detachment, while there are thousands of people on the opposite side.

 As long as you are not a fool, you will not dare to move easily.

Not to mention that this unit was the Sichuan Army Corps. The Sichuan Army Corps defeated two regiments in a row, which made many Japanese troops feel scared.

Especially if they are fully equipped with beautiful weapons and equipment, it would be a waste to fight them with only light weapons.

Originally, I was thinking of a sneak attack, but when I saw a battalion of soldiers from the other side fully armed and responsible for breaking up the rear, I gave up the idea completely and could only wait until the main force arrived.

“That Sichuan Army Corps again?” Colonel Nei Lianshan couldn’t help but twitch when he heard the report from his subordinates.

Since Tonggu defeated a regiment of the 55th Division head-on, it has entered the sight of the Japanese army.

 Subsequently, he defeated the field artillery regiment of the 56th Division in Tangji, which made him even more famous.

Not to mention, they had wiped out a squadron and severely damaged a large group.

  Several officers died in his hands.

  It can be said that the Sichuan Army has become a serious problem for the Japanese army.

“Yes, that’s the Sichuan Army Corps.” The subordinate lowered his head and reported.

"Haga..." After Takeuchi Renshan cursed, he had to face a practical problem, that is, how did he cross the river?

 He suddenly felt that this easy task was not easy.

 Taking Myitkyina?

 Maybe even he, the captain of the company, may not be able to survive.

 After all, there are already two captains in the opponent's hands.

The other one managed to survive, but he would lose all his face when he went back.

 After thinking about it, he felt that with the light weapons in his hand, he was no match for the opponent.

 The only option is to mobilize artillery and fighter planes.

Soon, his plan was approved by Masao Watanabe, and he did not embarrass the Lord Neilian Mountain. After all, he had no heavy weapons and was no match for the Sichuan Army.

Now the Japanese army will no longer look down upon the Sichuan Army and has already placed them as opponents on the same level.

No longer will you be so arrogant that you only send one wing to attack the opponent.

 So he directly asked the reorganized 56th Heavy Artillery Regiment to support the Main Nelian Mountain, and at the same time dispatched a flying group to carry out violent bombings on Myitkyina.

 According to Masao Watanabe's request, that is to blow me up and blow the entire city into ruins.

 Not to mention the preparations on the Japanese side, the Fifth Army of the Expeditionary Force on the other side can be said to be in dire straits.

Especially Du Yuming, who was marching along the Manmi-Milan Railway, was extremely anxious at the moment.

 It was not just because the railway was full of broken soldiers and overseas Chinese with their families.

 More importantly, after the Japanese army occupied Lashio, they began to sweep through places such as Bhamo.

Even the northernmost troops have reached the edge of the Nu River.

In other words, their journey back home will be longer.

Now they can only move towards Myitkyina. The key is that he does not know the specific situation in Myitkyina now.

 According to the latest battle report, the Japanese army occupied the area of ​​​​Bamo and Jingdong, and then continued northward.

 The target was obviously Myitkyina.

In other words, once the Japanese army captures Myitkyina, the Fifth Army's route back home will be completely cut off.

Then there are only two ways left for him. One is to follow Stilwell into Imphal and complete the reorganization there.

 But whether he can still control the army is not known.

The other way is to continue to go around and move further.

 That is the Putao area, and we can go back to our country by crossing the mountains.

 But given the morale of the defeated troops in front of us, as well as the overseas Chinese who brought their families with them, I'm afraid they won't be able to hold on for that long.

 When he thought that countless people would die on the road, his heart felt like a knife, and he was in so much pain that he couldn't breathe.

"I hope Myitkyina is still in the hands of the British army, otherwise it will be really bad." Du Yuming said with a gloomy expression.

“Military seat, why don’t we let the 200 Division make a detour and find a way to capture Myitkyina to ensure our way back home?” the adjutant suggested.

"I'm afraid the 200 Division can't do it. I just received the telegram. Dai Anlan was seriously injured and has been in coma for several days. The 200 Division should have entered Savage Mountain now." After Du Yuming said this, he closed his eyes in pain.

 He should not have believed in the British army, otherwise, the 200 Division would not have fallen into this situation.

 If he had made a decision earlier, the 200 Division would have returned home long ago.

This elite force can also maintain its vitality.

Now that the division commander has been severely damaged and the morale of the troops is low, the 200 Division will be useless even if it returns to China.

 Letting them attack Myitkyina is no different than sending them to death.

 Hearing this, the adjutant also looked helpless.

 “You son of a bitch, you British guy.” The adjutant finally cursed through gritted teeth.

This time Du Yuming did not stop his subordinates from swearing, but showed approval.

 He still remembered the last military meeting.

With a charitable tone, Alexander said that the expeditionary force could follow the British and Burmese troops to seek refuge in Imphal.

That tone, Du Yuming said he would never forget it in his life.

 At that time, he really wanted to punch the opponent, and the battle ended like this.

Isn’t it caused by your British troops?

Had the British army not left without saying goodbye, would they have been so miserable?

It wasn’t because the British army provided false intelligence that they would go into the virgin forest?

It wasn’t because the British army betrayed their allies that they would suffer heavy losses?

The results of it?

The tone of the British army was just like that of the expeditionary force begging the other party to take them in.

What's even more annoying is that Stilwell, in order to control the expeditionary force, pretended not to hear.

 In the end, Du Yuming couldn't bear it anymore and decided to lead the Fifth Army to withdraw from the country alone.

As for the newly formed 38th Division that separated from the Fifth Army, he didn't bother to ask.

After all, the opponent's predecessor was the Tax Police Corps, and the energy behind it was very strong, so he pretended not to know about the newly formed 38th Division's separation from the team.

 What he has to do now is to bring back the remaining troops of the Fifth Army, as well as the overseas Chinese who followed.

"Military seat, how about abandoning these refugees? If the troops march quickly, they can reach Myitkyina in three days." The adjutant suggested in a low voice.

Hearing this, Du Yuming became furious and pointed at the adjutant and cursed.

"Others believed in us and followed us, but now they are abandoning them. So how are we different from the Japanese army?"

"Besides, they are our compatriots. In order to live alone and abandon their compatriots, how are they any different from animals?"

 The adjutant was ashamed of himself after scolding him.

 In fact, Du Yuming also knew the other party's good intentions. After all, so many refugees followed, which really affected the marching speed.

These are not a few thousand refugees from the Sichuan Army, but tens of thousands, and they are still increasing.

 Once the Japanese army catches up, they may suffer heavy casualties.

At this time, the communications staff hurriedly came to Du Yuming and said with a fearful expression.

“Military seat, I just got the news that the Japanese army has arrived at Myitkyina.”

Hearing the news, Du Yuming was struck by lightning, and his mind went blank.

 “Is the news accurate?”

"It should be true. Our intelligence department just heard a message that the Japanese army has arrived in Myitkyina and is launching an attack. At the same time, it called for air support."

“Another word was mentioned several times.” The communications officer said quickly.

The previous news made Du Yuming stunned for a long time, and he felt even more sad. It seemed that he was really going to make a detour.

 But what happened next made him curious again. What on earth caused the Japanese army to call for air support?

You must know that the Japanese army swept across Burma, and air support was basically not called a few times.

"According to our deciphering, this word is the Sichuan Army Corps." The words of the communications staff made Du Yuming even more confused.

 “Sichuan Legion?”

"Are you sure it's the Sichuan Army?" Du Yuming seemed to have new hope and asked quickly.

“Yes, we are extremely sure that it is the Sichuan Army Corps.” The communications staff officer nodded heavily and said.

“Okay, okay, the Expeditionary Force will never die.” Du Yuming breathed a sigh of relief, then picked up the map and kept drawing.

"If the Sichuan Army occupied Myitkyina, then everything would be over."

  Fourth update! The children want to go out for a walk at night, but there is no other way. The fifth time will be a little later, try to be before twelve o'clock! I also want to make more updates, but the quality must be guaranteed, otherwise I can make a million bucks for a plot, and it won’t be interesting for you to watch, right? In addition, I have read a lot in the military area. These days, it is always 16,000! Finally, please give me a wave of monthly tickets and make a list. I don’t ask for more, just the top ten in the category. Thank you everyone!



 (End of this chapter)

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