The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 96: There is definitely a conspiracy!

Chapter 96 There is definitely a conspiracy!

"That makes sense, that makes sense." Du Yuming repeated it twice. For him, Myitkyina was completely different between his own side and the Japanese army.

 Being in the hands of the Sichuan Army Corps means that he can continue to advance along the railway, and those trucks, tanks, and armored vehicles can be brought home.

 This can preserve part of the vitality and lay the foundation for future counterattacks.

 If it is in the hands of the Japanese army, it means they have to take a detour.

Further north of Myitkyina are jungles and mountains, and tanks, trucks, and armored vehicles cannot march at all.

 In the end, the only option is to destroy the car and go into the mountains. In that case, the military assistance that was finally obtained will be gone.

 It may not be that easy to obtain these heavy weapons again.

 The China-Myanmar highway has been cut off, making it basically impossible to transport heavy weapons in.

 The fight against war may become more difficult in the future.

 Hence, Du Yuming’s mood was extremely heavy before this.

 Now the Sichuan Army is like an oasis in the desert, giving him hope.

“Military seat, what’s going on?” the adjutant asked with a puzzled look on his face.

“Did the Japanese army ask for support in the telegram just now? So since the Japanese army landed in Yangon, have they ever asked for support?” Du Yuming explained with a smile.

 “No.” The adjutant said honestly.

“Now that the Japanese army has taken the initiative to ask for support, they are facing the Sichuan Army. Since the Sichuan Army was born, it has never suffered a defeat, and the Japanese army is also deeply afraid of it.”

“So there is only one explanation for why they are seeking support, and that is that the Japanese army is not sure of taking Myitkyina.”

“In other words, they can’t capture Myitkyina at all.” Du Yuming became more and more excited as he spoke.

“As long as Myitkyina is in the hands of the Sichuan Army, we will be safe from now on.”

“Notice down, everyone rushes to Myitkyina at full speed.”

 “Yes.” The adjutant responded quickly.

“Do you want the military commander to send a telegram to the 200th Division and ask them to withdraw to Myitkyina? After all, Yeren Mountain is a primeval forest, and it may be difficult to get out after getting in.” The adjutant hesitated for a moment and then made another suggestion.

Hearing this, Du Yuming also showed a trace of hesitation on his face, and finally thought about it and said.

“Let’s do this, send them a telegram and tell them that Myitkyina is in the hands of the Sichuan Army. They can find a way to evacuate to Myitkyina, join us from there, and then withdraw into the country.”

Du Yuming also knew that Yeren Mountain was very dangerous, but it was the closest route back to China.

 But in the end, they decided to send a telegram to inform them of the latest news. As for whether the 200 Division is willing to withdraw to Myitkyina, it depends on them.

  After all, it has to be based on the actual situation.

“In addition, find a way to send a telegram to the Sichuan Army Corps to tell them that we are about to withdraw to Myitkyina, and tell them that if possible, send a force to respond.” Du Yuming thought for a while and said again.

 “Yes, military seat.” The adjutant responded again.

On the other side, this time the well-behaved Colonel Souji Tomomi was not like the arrogant advance before. Instead, he sent out reconnaissance troops to search and warn along the way.

 Once something is found to be amiss, conduct an immediate fire investigation.

Even encountered some defeated troops and did not even pursue them.

 After all, if you are bitten by a snake once, you will be afraid of the well rope for ten years.

The shadow that the Sichuan Army brought to them last time was really too great.

So that now, Colonel Souji Tomei is still a little scared when he thinks of the last scene.

In this way, we marched fearfully all the way, and finally arrived at the riverside on the third day.

“Higashi Mei-kun, why did it take three days to arrive after a journey of more than 100 kilometers?” Takeuchi Renshan said with some dissatisfaction.

Within these three days, the Sichuan Army Corps across the river built strong fortifications.

Even some fortifications are made of cement.

 This will also lead to the next attack being very unsatisfactory, which makes Takeuchi Renshan very worried.

Not only that, in the past three days, the Takeuchi Regiment has been bombarded by heavy artillery from the Sichuan Army.

The simple fortifications they built were blown up just after they were built.

 The artillery shells on the opposite side are like free of charge, bombing from morning to night.

Even in the middle of the night, just as I was falling asleep, artillery shells hit me.

 Who knows how they spent the past three days in the Takeuchi Mountains.

It was blowing up every day, almost giving him a neurasthenia.

 You can tell by the dark circles under his eyes that he hasn't had a good night's sleep in the past three days.

 Basically, three telegrams were sent every day, urging the field artillery regiment to arrive as soon as possible.

 As a result, Colonel Souji Tomei didn't care about him at all, and continued to march slowly.

“There were too many broken troops on the road to prevent it from being a trap by the Sichuan Army, so the marching speed was slowed down. In addition, many mountain roads cannot pass heavy artillery and require engineers to build them. These will take time.” Colonel Souji Tomi explained casually.

  Just hold it in if you feel unhappy.

 If you have the ability, your infantry regiments can rush forward on your own and engage in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy.

"Donmei-kun, this is the artillery position of the Sichuan Army that we have drawn in the past three days." Takeuchi Renshan asked for help, so he pretended not to see the other party's cold attitude, but took out the artillery positions that were drawn in the past three days. position.

 Looking at the drawings, Colonel Souji Tomei returned them directly.

"It's useless. The Sichuan Army is not a fool. Their artillery positions must be changed every day."

“What do you mean?” Takeuchi Renshan frowned slightly. "I will let the 105mm field artillery fire first to test out the enemy's artillery position, and then use the 150mm cannon to try to destroy the opponent's artillery in one go." Colonel Souji Tomomi said.

 As for mortars and other things, they are not on the table at all.

 This time is a heavy artillery duel.

 Small-caliber mortars can only be used for theater purposes.

Of course, the 150mm mortar can also be used.

 However, compared to the 150mm cannon, the power is still a bit weaker.

"Youxi, Dongmei-kun is very thoughtful. This time he can definitely completely destroy the heavy artillery of the Sichuan Army. Without the artillery, my men can easily cross the river and occupy Myitkyina." Takeuchi Renshan said.

Although they were bombed to ashes in the past three days, they were not idle. They had people make bamboo rafts to use when crossing the river.

In other words, as long as the artillery of the Sichuan Army is killed, they can cross the river.

On the Sichuan Legion position, the soldiers of the 1st and 2nd Battalions looked at the scenery opposite in boredom.

  There used to be dense trees on the other side of the river, but in the past two days there have been fewer visible to the naked eye.

Either turned into firewood, rafts, or camp wood.

In any case, the infantry on both sides did not fight, but the trees on both sides were damaged.

"The little devil has been passively beaten these days and has not fought back. It's not like their style. Isn't he holding back something bad?" Ma Dazhi put down the telescope and said worriedly.

“Could they be waiting for their heavy artillery? After all, without heavy artillery, it would be basically impossible to cross the river.” Li Liansheng guessed.

"It's possible, but we don't rule out that they crossed the river from other places. After all, the river is quite long." Ma Dazhi nodded and said.

"Forget it, let's go ahead and let the brothers be more vigilant. If something goes wrong, get into the cat's ear hole immediately." Due to limited intelligence, although they knew that the Japanese army was waiting for the heavy artillery to arrive, they didn't know when it would arrive, so they could only guess. .

At this moment, a sharp whistling sound suddenly came from the sky.

 “No, shelling, get into the hole quickly.” Li Liansheng’s expression changed and he shouted loudly.




As soon as they finished shouting, the shells fell. Fortunately, many of the soldiers were veterans. When they heard the sharp whistling sound, they immediately got into the cat's ear hole.

Of course, there were some unlucky ones who were thrown several meters away by the shock wave of the shell explosion, and then fell heavily.

"This is 105. It looks like the Japs' heavy artillery has arrived." Li Liansheng had just hid in the Mao'er Cave, listening to the sound of shells falling from the sky, and couldn't help but sigh.

“Well, it looks like there’s going to be a big war next.” Ma Dazhi also nodded.




 Fortunately, the fortifications built in the past three days are relatively strong, and some places are still reinforced with cement. The 105mm artillery shells fell but did not destroy the fortifications.

 But the violent shaking still made the soldiers very uncomfortable.

 “What are Krupp waiting for? Why don’t you fight back?” Li Liansheng couldn’t help complaining.

 At this moment, in the artillery battery position, Krupp frowned.

 The moment the shelling sounded, he judged that this was the arrival of the Japanese heavy artillery regiment.

 According to his understanding, the Japanese heavy artillery wing should be equipped with 150mm cannons, but after five minutes of fighting, they were all 105mm field guns, which made him a little suspicious.

 Don't wonder why he thinks that.

 From learning artillery before the war to now, he has been working as an artilleryman for several years, and his intuition is much more sensitive than that of ordinary people.

 So he judged that this should be a conspiracy.

The Japanese army wanted to fish out the artillery positions of the Sichuan Army Corps.

 He can guarantee that the 150mm cannon will always be ready.

 Once an artillery position is discovered, fire the artillery immediately.

 With the power of the 150mm cannon, it is impossible to evacuate in a short time.

  After all, it is not that easy to retreat with heavy artillery.

Unlike a 60mm mortar, one person can carry it and run across the mountains and plains.

Thinking of this, Krupp couldn't help but feel a little worried.

 He has no artillery that can reach the range of a 150mm cannon.

The 120mm heavy mortar can only bully the Takeuchi regiment. Now that the real heavy artillery has arrived, it will not be so easy.

"It seems like we have to find a solution to the problem." Krupp thought for a while and decided to go to Cun Yunsheng first to see if he could solve the current dilemma.

When he arrived at the Myitkyina headquarters, after Krupp told him the difficulties, Cun Yunsheng frowned and looked at the other party.

“Are you sure? The Japanese army deployed a 150mm cannon?”

“I can swear on my integrity that there is definitely a 150mm cannon.” Krupp assured.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng frowned deeper and then spoke.

“There are two ways now. The first is to let the Japanese bomb. They certainly don’t carry much ammunition for long distances, so their ammunition cannot withstand long-term consumption.”

"But this will cause a huge blow to our morale, not to mention that it is not the style of our Sichuan Army to just take a beating without fighting back."

Krupp couldn't help but nodded in agreement. He just couldn't stand the feeling of being beaten without fighting back, so he went to the city to find a solution.

“The second thing is that after several days of inventory, we found several heavy artillery, including two US-made 105mm howitzers and a BL-type 140mm howitzer.”

“I don’t need to explain the former. I think you should know its performance about the howitzer behind.”

"The range is naturally not as good as the Japanese 150mm cannon, but as long as it is used properly, there is still a chance to destroy the opponent's heavy artillery. It depends on how you perform."

“Of course, I will also send a telegram to the Allied Command and ask them to find a way to support us with some heavy artillery.”

"Or directly send fighter planes to destroy the opponent's heavy artillery positions." Cun Yunsheng finished speaking and looked at Krupp.

 Okay, I’ll come back after ten o’clock and I’ve finally finished writing! Change first and then change! Finally, thank you all for your votes. There are still more than a dozen votes left to reach the top ten in the category. Thank you all!



 (End of this chapter)

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