The War of Resistance

Chapter 1367: battle in gas

Chapter 1374 Battle in the poisonous gas

In Chinese folklore, when monsters appear, there will be a monster wind, and there will be monsters with strange shapes inside, maybe tigers, leopards, jackals, or a huge claw of a devil.

And now, at this dusk when there should be a golden sunset, somewhere in the Baishahe position is shrouded in such a "demonic aura", and the so-called evil aura is the smoke from the Japanese army's poison gas bombs.

Because the wind speed was not very fast, the smoke drifted slowly in the direction of Baisha River. At this time, dozens of Japanese invaders wearing gas masks with long elephant-like trunks in the middle moved forward with guns.

The Japanese army used poison gas not once or twice, so these Japanese officers and soldiers walked away with guns. They walked up the hillside, and some of them didn't even bend their waists, but listened carefully to the movement around them.

The Chinese soldiers were familiar with the poisonous gas of the Japanese army, just as the Japanese soldiers in the poisonous gas were familiar with the scene of the poisoned Chinese soldiers. These Japanese soldiers were listening to the coughing of the Chinese soldiers.

And just when they were tens of meters away from the Chinese trench, they finally heard a cough coming from above.

Under the command of the officers, the Japanese soldiers charged forward with guns, and each 38-style rifle had a bayonet installed on it.

To be honest, the Japanese army felt that when they found poisoned Chinese officers and soldiers, they would think it was a waste of bullets if they fired, and they only needed to stab them once.

Japan cannot be said to be a small country with few people, but due to the narrowness of the region and the lack of resources, that kind of thrift goes deep into the bone marrow.

As a philosopher who studies world history said, Japanese culture was born out of Chinese culture. China has Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, but Japan has learned Confucianism and Buddhism, but ultimately cannot learn Taoism.

Why is this?

This is because Chinese culture talks about tolerance and concessions, the so-called "one step back, the sea and the sky", but the small island country of the Japanese archipelago, where can they retreat? If they take a step back, they will fall headlong into the sea!

Therefore, being serious and even becoming stubborn and extreme has become one of the unique cultural characteristics of the Yamato nation.

The Japanese soldiers marched forward upon hearing the sound, they were a little strange, the coughing sound in front was a little less.

They thought, maybe those Chinese people were terrified by the poisonous gas of their Imperial Japanese Army, so most of them ran away when they saw them firing the poisonous gas bombs.

They also quickly gave the reasons for this judgment.

That's because the wind is not strong today, and the wind direction is always changing. They finally waited for such an opportunity from the east wind before shooting out the gas bombs.

Since the wind was not strong, the poisonous gas spread slowly, and those Chinese soldiers could not be trapped in the poisonous gas, so it is conceivable that their results were limited, but it is always good to be able to occupy the position anyway.

But when these Japanese troops were getting closer to the target, the sound of "chug chug" light machine gun firing suddenly sounded on both sides in front of them.

It was a Czech-style light machine gun used by Chinese officers and soldiers.

Many Japanese soldiers were knocked down by the flying bullets before they could react.

Just because although there are not many light machine guns on the opposite side, there are only one on the left and one on the right.

But it happened to form a crossfire, and all the shots turned out to be continuous shots!

The current Chinese army is almost out of planes, tanks and artillery, and mortars are limited, so the firepower that the Chinese infantry relies on is mainly machine guns, the so-called light and heavy machine guns.

I won't mention heavy machine guns, because the short distance has nothing to do with this battle, but there are definitely not many light machine guns firing in bursts, because that would waste bullets and easily expose one's own target.

Because light machine guns are very important, the infantry who control light machine guns are generally veterans. Veterans aim to kill the enemy's vital forces, and generally rarely use bursts of fire.

Generally speaking, within 500 to 600 meters, the light machine gun will only fire seven such long bursts.

Only light machines can fire five rounds within 200 to 400 meters.

When the target being shot is within 200 meters, the light machine gun generally only fires about three short bursts.

And now why do these two light machine guns that popped up suddenly fire in bursts? There is only one reason, that is, they are too close to the Japanese army!

If these Japanese troops cannot be brought down in time, the remaining distance will be enough for the Japanese troops to charge with bayonets!

However, this sudden firepower completely blinded the unscrupulous Japanese army.

In any of the poison gas warfare conducted by the Japanese army against the Chinese army in the past, there has never been a situation where the Chinese army was able to fight back.

Seeing the comrades in front of and behind them fall to the ground at that moment, the remaining Japanese soldiers instinctively lay down to find a place to hide, and then they saw a slightly higher dirt bag in front of the position.

A Japanese soldier wearing the gas mask let out a strange cry, and the rest of the Japanese soldiers hid behind the dirt bag.

But just after the first Japanese soldier hid in that soil bag, no one knew what he touched, and suddenly there was a "boom" sound, which was the sound of a cluster grenade exploding.

Although some Japanese soldiers were overturned in the explosion, the air wave of the explosion also blows away the thick poisonous gas, so the blue sky was exposed above the head.

The situation was very strange, just like when a typhoon comes, there is always an eye of the storm, and the wind and clouds are churning and strange elsewhere, but there is a blue sky there.

The firepower of the Chinese army was so intense but the battle was so short. Several Japanese soldiers started to run back, but it was really too late to run back now.

The sound of the light machine gun in front rang again "sudden, sudden, sudden", and one of them was shot and fell to the ground.

In fact, fighting is sometimes like a team game. If everyone competes for the first place, the game will be fierce and beautiful, but if one party loses fighting spirit, the collapse will only happen in an instant.

Now the Japanese army that was attacking upwards has collapsed, and those who are still alive are retreating one after another.

A Japanese soldier then ran back, and the bullets from the light machine gun swept across him from left to right.

Maybe it's his personality exploded, of course, if he also has personality.

The machine gun bullet missed him, and he continued to run downhill.

But amidst the sound of his running, there was a "snap" sound of rifle shooting, which was more accurate than that of the light machine gun firing in bursts. The Japanese soldier fell down and never got up again.

However, there were some lucky ones in the Japanese army. After all, a Japanese soldier hid behind the soil bag.

It should be said that his brain reacted quite quickly. When the explosion occurred just behind the earth bag, he was already in front of the earth bag, and the earth bag still covered him from the debris produced by the explosion.

And although he was in front of the soil bag at that time, the machine gun fire just now did not hit him, so there is no doubt that he was the lucky one among their Japanese army.

Now he is holding his 38-type rifle in his hand, leaning on the soil bag to observe the surrounding situation.

He raised his eyes and touched the body of his companion who had just been shot, and the blood had already stained the ground red.

The most unlucky companion was seriously injured, but the problem was that the bullet pierced through the tube of the gas mask.

So he could only watch helplessly as his companion hysterically tore off the gas mask on his face, and under the double blow of poisonous gas and serious injuries, he let out an inhuman roar.

The sound of gunfire was still ringing, but this time it was no longer the sound of light machine gun firing, but the "pop" and "pop" of rifles and box guns.

And every time a gunshot was fired, the Japanese soldier UU Reading saw his comrades who had fallen in a pool of blood around him and pulled out his body. It was another shot, which should have been replaced.

It seemed that there were not many Chinese soldiers ambushing them. At this moment, the Japanese soldier suddenly realized.

At the beginning, it was just shooting with two or three light machine guns, but now it has turned into the shooting of rifles and pistols one by one. Could it be that the battle has failed this time? Could it be that the majestic Japanese imperial army was defeated by a few Chinese soldiers like this?

The Japanese soldier felt unwilling, so he instinctively pushed the bolt of the gun and came out from behind the dirt bag.

At this time, he saw a Chinese soldier who was also wearing a gas mask squatting in front of him and facing them with a rifle on his shoulder.

He saw his opponent, and the rifle was naturally pointed at him, and he only needed to pull the trigger.

But he was still slow after all.

At this time there was another gunshot, and the Japanese soldier felt his chest shake and the rifle fell to the ground.

He subconsciously looked to the left, and there was also a Chinese soldier there, also wearing the gas mask of their Imperial Japanese Army, but holding a German Mauser pistol in his hand.

(end of this chapter)

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