The War of Resistance

Chapter 1368: far view

Chapter 1375

Another Japanese army went to the white mist.

They had to pick up the pace, because the wind had changed a little bit now.

At this time, at the northern edge of the white mist, three people were already lying there.

The clothes they wore belonged to the Japanese army, and they were not tall, but there were bloodstains on the clothes, and the more important three were all wearing gas masks.

A gas mask is not a complicated thing to say, it is a mask with glass lenses, a filter tank hanging on the waist, and a tube for connection between the two.

So when these three people lay down there, it felt like Japanese soldiers participating in the battle under the cover of poisonous gas.

But at this moment, someone among the three said, "Look, see if you can see the company commander and the others." The one who spoke was Li Qingfeng.

"I'll give it to you, little Taoist priest. Your eyesight is better than mine." A soldier turned his telescope towards him as soon as he turned his hands. It was Hou Wangshan.

The third soldier didn't make a sound, but he put his rifle on his shoulder and looked east vigilantly. It was Wang Xiaodan.

Hou Wangshan and Li Qingfeng were looking to the northeast, while Wang Xiaodan was in charge of the security task, because now in the east, there were Japanese soldiers wearing gas masks rushing into the poisonous fog.

It was the three of them who launched a sudden attack on the Japanese army in the poisonous gas before, and with the meager power of the three of them, they nearly wiped out dozens of Japanese troops!

The three of them were with Wang Laomao. When the Japanese army fired poison gas bombs at the position, Wang Laomao saw that the situation was not good and led his team to retreat.

But at Hou Kanshan's suggestion, he, Li Qingfeng and Wang Xiaodan stayed.

Old Mao Wang knew about this and did not object.

As for why it had to be the three of them, it was of course because the three of them were all small, and they would look more like Japanese military uniforms, not to mention that their guard company still had three pairs of Japanese gas masks in their hands.

If you have a gas mask, make the best use of it.

If the Japanese army really fired gas bombs, and they had gas masks but didn't take this opportunity to attack the Japanese army, then what are they doing with the gas masks?

This time, it is no wonder that the Japanese army was careless, because in the original poison gas warfare, no Chinese army had ever used gas masks.

Of course, the Japanese army thought that a blow of poison gas would not only knock down all the Chinese officers and soldiers guarding the position, but at least they could also kill them.

This situation is like bringing down a large group of people with Mongolian sweat medicine, but who can know that some of the people who are brought down have the antidote?

At the same time, if you sincerely want to fight the Japanese army's ambush, how can their weapons be weak?

The three of them brought three light machine guns and three rifles, and Hou Kanshan also took down the box cannon belonging to Wang Laomao.

They are the guard company of the 337th brigade. A company has ten light machine guns, that is to say, one squad. This is a normal thing.

It's no wonder that they are prodigal, who told Wang Laomao to give away all the original twenty-ring box cannons?

So after the three people used the light machine gun to ambush the Japanese army, they smashed the light machine gun directly!

They only have three pairs of gas masks, so naturally only three people are left. The weapons are all used up, and everything is used up. What do they keep? It is impossible for a person to carry too many things.

As for the telescope, it was the three of them who seized it while replenishing the guns for the Japanese army.

Hou Kanshan, as an old man who has been following Old Mao Wang, of course he understands Old Mao Wang's thoughts.

Old Mao Wang must have felt guilty for leaving Qin Ziqiang's class at the end to cover all of them.

Hou Wangshan figured out what Wang Laomao was thinking about. He really wanted to see how Qin Ziqiang's class was doing, or it would be good if he could take Shang Zhen from the north back. After all, including Shang Zhen, there are still three teams who have not returned.

After successfully launching an ambush, Hou Wangshan was already very content.

So after the previous battle was over, Hou Wangshan took Li Qingfeng and Wang Xiaodan directly to the north.

"Little Taoist priest, did you see anything?" Wang Xiaodan asked Li Qingfeng while observing the movement of the Japanese army advancing into the poisonous gas.

Usually, when he was with other veterans, Wang Xiaodan didn't talk much, and he seldom initiated a topic, but he was different from Qingfeng Li. After all, he was the first to be with Qingfeng Li, who was very stupid.

As soon as Wang Xiaodan finished asking, they heard a "pop" gunshot from the northeast, followed by a "da da da" machine gun.

Seeing that the Japanese army entering the fog would not pose a threat to them, Wang Xiaodan also turned his gaze to the direction of the gunfire.

This time there was no one guarding the position. Of course the Japanese army would successfully occupy the position, but now the three of them had left the position and hid under the cover of the terrain. Even if the Japanese army reached the northern end of the trench, they would not be able to find the three of them.

So Wang Xiaodan has nothing to worry about.

"I really saw something, I'll tell you slowly." Li Qingfeng said in a low voice while holding a telescope and observing the distance, "The little devil originally went to a forest, but some devil lay down after being shot.

Now the little devil is running to the mountain in front, just that one, did you see it? "

Qingfeng Li moved away the binoculars, stretched out his left hand and pointed to the northeast.

There is a mountain there.

Compared with other mountains, that mountain is still very steep.

Just when the three of them were ambush by the Japanese army, they still heard gunshots from the northeast.

It's just that they didn't have time to look at it at the time. Of course, due to the poisonous gas everywhere, their visibility was not high even if they were affected by the poisonous gas.

Now the wind direction has changed, from the east wind to the north wind, so the poisonous gas has gone to the south, and their vision here has naturally become clearer.

"There seem to be little devils in other directions, or is it disturbing to hear the gunshots?" Qingfeng Li analyzed while watching.

What Qingfeng said is not bad, now it is not only the sound of machine guns, but even the sound of rifle shooting has become chaotic.

While talking, the three of them heard the explosion again, which was louder than the explosion of the grenade. It should be a stray bullet from the Japanese army, and then they saw smoke and dust rising halfway up the mountain.

Needless to ask, the Japanese army must have fired grenades on that mountain.

"Do you mean that our company commander is likely to be on that mountain? Or if it's not our company commander, he must be one of us. UU Reading" Hou Kanshan continued to analyze.

"Almost." Li Qingfeng replied, "I can see so much, and I can't see it even if I look more closely."

"Give me the binoculars, and I'll take a look too." Hou Kanshan asked for the binoculars.

As soon as Hou Wangshan began to observe, Li Qingfeng and Wang Xiaodan stopped talking.

After all, Hou Wangshan is a veteran. In terms of seniority, it can even be said that Hou Wangshan is their predecessor. The two of them have no comparison with Hou Wangshan in terms of experience in fighting devils.

Sure enough, after a while, Hou Wangshan's analysis sounded: "There must be our people on that mountain, and the little devil is besieging that mountain now.

The little devil's current preparatory position is a brick kiln, I think it is a brick kiln. If we want to save our own people, we have to rely on it.

But the terrain on the side where the devil is close to us is fairly flat, and there is no place to hide. We'd better go to the woods in front of the little devil to the right.

But now you have to take some risks by going over, do you two dare to just go over like this with me? "

(end of this chapter)

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