The War of Resistance

Chapter 401: rely

"Why do I feel my face is burning?" When it was dark again, Leng Xiaozhi, who was already lying on a hot kang, said to Shang Zhen pitifully.

Shang Zhen touched Leng Xiaozhi's forehead with the back of his hand, and he felt hot.

"I'm freezing and have a cold. There's no medicine here. I'll get you some ginger." Shang Zhen said.

Leng Xiaozhi pouted and fell silent.

Shang Zhen and the others were very lucky. They finally came across a mountain village when it was dark, and they were warmly taken in by a family of villagers. They even found an old lady who could set bones in the village.

After the old lady came, she rubbed Leng Xiaozhi's ankle.

It was also amazing to say that after rubbing, Leng Xiaozhi felt that her ankle was not very painful, and she dared to walk vigorously.

And Leng Xiaozhi was very unfortunate, after a lot of tossing last night, he caught a cold and caught a cold.

The room is a wing room, although the room is a bit leaky, but the kang is scalding hot by the owner's house, for Leng Xiaozhi who is sleeping in the open air these days, this place is no different from heaven.

About half an hour later, Shang Zhen came back with a steaming thick porcelain bowl in his hand.

"There's no **** here, but garlic and green onions. Drink boiling water. You've chewed all the onions and garlic. I'll get you a bed and sleep all night and sweat it out." Shang Zhen said.

"Where did you get the quilt? I feel that this family is quite poor." Leng Xiaozhi asked.

"Don't worry about it, I have a solution." Shang Zhen replied.

So Leng Xiaozhi waited in the room with the kerosene lamp on, and after a while, Shang Zhen really came back.

But what was he holding?

In fact, it was a rag bag stuffed with hay.

But even though he was so cold and childish, he was still moved.

Nowadays, the rural people only have this condition. If a family has one or two quilts, how can they have more money? There are even poor families who only have one quilt, and five or six members of the family sleep in that quilt. You can't use other people's quilts!

And it is said that this is not the poorest, but the poorest is that the whole family only has one pair of pants, and whoever goes out wears them!

"I'm sorry, I lost that coat and the photo." Leng Xiaozhi said apologetically.

Shang Zhen glanced at Leng Xiaozhi under the kerosene lamp, and the kerosene lamp added a blush to Leng Xiaozhi's handsome face.

For some reason, Shang Zhen felt a desire to protect.

"I let you eat onions, garlic and boiled water, have you eaten?" Shang Zhen asked.

"No, I can't eat it. If I lose your photo, it will bring you big trouble." Leng Xiaozhi was still apologizing.

"You're thinking too far, drink the water first." Shang Zhen sat on the edge of the kang and helped Leng Xiaozhi sit up, reached out for the rice bowl and fed Leng Xiaozhi water.

Leng Xiaozhi was not pretentious, she chewed a few cloves of garlic, ate half a green onion, drank the bowl of water before saying to Shang Zhen: "Turn around, I have to take off my coat."

Shang Zhen hurriedly turned around when he heard the words, and at this moment he felt his heart beating again.

When he turned around, Leng Xiaozhi had already got under the cloth bag filled with grass, but only one head was exposed.

"You should also take off your clothes on the kang." Leng Xiaozhi said.

Shang Zhen actually carried Leng Xiaozhi behind his back all the way, even though Shang Zhen was physically strong, he was also sweating profusely.

"Then why don't you turn around when I undress?" Shang Zhen asked.

"You are a man, and you are not naked inside." Leng Xiaozhi said disapprovingly.

Shang Zhen really started to take off his cotton-padded jacket and trousers, but his cotton trouser legs are still hard now, because the trouser legs are still frozen after being wet with sweat.

Shang Zhen didn't take it seriously when he took off his coat in front of Leng Xiaozhi.

He is a veteran, so how can he be so hypocritical, besides, just like what Wang Xiaozhi said, he is not naked, he has shirts and underwear.

It's just that when Shang Zhen took off his clothes, he subconsciously turned his head and saw Leng Xiaozhi's shining eyes under the kerosene lamp.

In this way, Shang Zhen was a little embarrassed after all, he said "blowing the lamp and pulling the wax", blew out the kerosene lamp and jumped onto the kang.

Both he and Leng Xiaozhi have not slept all day and night, and he also needs to rest.

But as soon as Shang Zhen lay down on the kang, Leng Xiaozhi said: "When I first saw you, you were as thin as a stick, but now you look much better than before."

"You've got a cold and you haven't slept honestly, why are you still chattering?" Shang Zhen said to her.

"That person just wants to talk." Leng Xiaozhi replied.

"Oh, then tell me, I'll fall asleep in a while." Shang Zhen got up again while talking, and pressed his cotton coat and trousers onto the straw bag covered by Leng Xiaozhi.

"Thank you, I'm feeling cold." Leng Xiaozhi was moved by Shang Zhen's behavior.

"Everyone is cold when they have a fever, so why are you still cold now that you are lying on the hot kang?" Shang Zhen asked again.

"The two heavens are ice and fire, it's terribly hot below, and terribly cold above!" Leng Xiaozhi replied.

Shang Zhen let out an "oh" and lay down again, and then said, "I'm really going to sleep this time, so you can say whatever you like."

"Just talk to me for a while." Leng Xiaozhi said pitifully.

"You are really lazy, I carried you for a whole day, am I not tired?" Shang Zhen replied.

"Oh, I forgot, then let me tell you to listen." Only then did Leng Xiao realize that Shang Zhen had walked behind his back for a day.

Shang Zhen said "oh", this time he stopped answering the conversation, but Leng Xiaozhi really continued talking on his own.

"You said you went back to Gaha? I promised to be with you for three lives and three lives. If you are not with me in this life, then I will owe you three lives?"

"I don't know what happened to Qian Chuan'er and Xiao Juan'er? Why did they suddenly lose their trust?"

"Xiaojuan liked you at the beginning, he didn't tell me clearly, but I could see it too, but how could she like Qian Chuan'er?

Every time she was with Qian Chuan'er, when she got back, she would say that she deliberately **** me off by being with you, and it **** me off! "

"Qian Chuaner, Xiaojuan and the others should be fine, if they have something to do, they should have shot, but they didn't shoot, why did they disappear?"

"You don't know how much I like you.

It turns out that you saved my life, I just feel that I owe you a life, but this life is owed so much, I feel that I have to be yours for the rest of my life.

Even if I meet a man I like more, I will definitely marry you first. If I like more, it will be my fourth life, because I gave you the first three lives. "

"But after we meet again this time, I feel that you are much more handsome than before, and your skills have also grown. When I think of you, my heart will Is this love? ?

You don't even know how sad I was when Xiaojuan lied about being with you! "

"When I was at home, I was in charge of many things. When I was with Xiaojuan, I was in charge of everything, but they didn't know it. In fact, I really hope that there is someone who can take care of me. I don't have to twist every day. Thinking all over your head."

Leng Xiaozhi talked wildly like this, saying whatever came to her mind, like a little old lady rambling, or like she had a bad fever and started talking nonsense.

At this time, due to the fever, she felt that her forehead became hot, and even his consciousness was a little unconscious.

I don't know how long it took, but when Leng Xiaozhi was about to fall asleep, a man's big hand reached under the straw bag and held her little hand.

That big hand was so warm and powerful that the nagging Leng Xiaozhi felt a sense of security, and finally she said: "I'll stamp you, you're mine, you won't be allowed to Find another woman.

But you said that if I don't get married, you won't marry me. If you dare to lie to me, see if I don't kill you when the time comes! "

After saying this, Leng Xiaozhi finally fell into a drowsy sleep.

The night outside the house was peaceful, maybe in this cold winter night, many people were still starving and freezing outside for some reason, but Leng Xiaozhi was finally able to sleep on this hot kang.

Perhaps this is the simplest happiness that everyone expects in the war-torn era.

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