The War of Resistance

Chapter 402: The only one who doesn't know

China is very large and has a large population. There is a book in the market outlook called The Chinese, which says that the Chinese are good at fighting among themselves.

In a small workplace, different people fight among themselves, and when the centralization of power collapses, when China is used as the stage, many warlords, big and small, are produced. Just as a philosopher said, the city is changing. Dawang Banner.

But who would have thought that such a team would appear in Chinese history. At first their power could not catch up with the smallest warlord, but another great man also said that a single spark can start a prairie fire.

So tens of thousands of exhausted troops took the fire all over China, and finally stopped in northern Shaanxi, where the fire began to ignite again, and this army was called the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army.

One day in December of the 25th year of the Republic of China, a female student from Northeast China also appeared in this team. It was Leng Xiaozhi.

It has been more than half a month since Leng Xiaozhi was sent to northern Shaanxi by Shang Zhen, and he returned after Shang Zhen sent her off.

"Today you will be sent to a school to study. Now the revolutionary work urgently needs women cadres." An elder sister said to Leng Xiaozhi.

Leng Xiaozhi nodded solemnly.

Everything is new when she comes to northern Shaanxi, and now she feels that this is the hope of China.

"You don't need to be too nervous. There are many lesbians like you from all corners of the country, as well as female students, as well as you from the Northeast." The eldest sister said kindly.

"Oh." Leng Xiaozhi nodded thoughtfully.

Two days later, Leng Xiaozhi really appeared in the cave dwelling school, and the front of the school was already crowded with people.

But at this moment, Leng Xiaozhi no longer looked at the fresh scene, but kept searching among the crowd.

In the end, she was not disappointed, and suddenly she yelled: "Xiao Juan'er! Li Yajuan! I'm here!"

"Oh, Xiaozhi!" At this time, a young woman in the crowd also jumped up, and that was Li Yajuan!

The two good friends came to the same destination by different routes, and they actually met in northern Shaanxi. They will always remember this place, which is called Baoan.

(Note: It was Baoan, not Yan'an. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China had not entered Yan'an at that time)

Ten minutes later, Li Yajuan had already started talking to Leng Xiaozhi: "At that time, Chuaner and the others shot for you, but then they were blacked out next to us, and suddenly someone started talking!"

"What?" Leng Xiaozhi seemed not to understand, she opened her mouth wide in surprise.

It can't be blamed for Leng Xiaozhi being surprised.

Now that he and Li Yajuan finally got together, she naturally wanted to ask, where did Qian Chuaner's soldiers, Li Yajuan and Zhang Xiaoyan go that night? Why did it disappear without a sound?

And what Li Yajuan is talking about now is undoubtedly the situation that night. Just imagine, in the darkness, six soldiers and four students are thinking about how to help their companions out of danger, but at this moment someone else is talking next to them. In this case, it cannot be said that he suddenly encountered a ghost, but it is really surprising!

"What? Listen to me!

The voice of the person who spoke was familiar to me, but at this time our family Chuaner said, "Oh, why are you here, platoon leader?" " Li Yajuan went on to tell.

"Platoon leader?" Leng Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment, then he reacted and asked, "Old Uncle Wang? Old Hat Wang? Why did he come?"

This time Shang Zhen sent a total of five students of them to northern Shaanxi and brought only six soldiers, while Old Mao Wang took the others and stayed in the special training team.

"Listen to me!" Li Yajuan continued, "We are also surprised. But at this time, old uncle Wang said, don't fight, our instructors have brought a team, hurry up and follow us."

"Ah?" Leng Xiaozhi was completely stunned.

She had heard that Shang Zhen and the others had been training with a unit, but who would have thought that the special training team would also follow after hearing the gunshots.

"Later, the instructor asked us to come to northern Shaanxi by ourselves, and brought back old Uncle Wang and our family, and we don't know what happened to them." Li Yajuan said helplessly.

Leng Xiaozhi was silent for a while, he was digesting what Li Yajuan told her, and then she said: "What is the name of the instructor? Is he from the Northeast? He doesn't care if the military commander bullies our Northeast students?"

"It seems that the surname is Hao. After we were taken there, I heard that old Uncle Wang had a quarrel with that instructor.

Old Uncle Wang also said the same thing as you, but the instructor said, I know they are students from our Northeast, but that doesn't work, because my brother was beaten to death by the Red Army some time ago! "Li Yajuan explained.

At this point, Leng Xiaozhi finally knew the mystery of Li Yajuan and the others' disappearance. She was thinking a lot but didn't know what to say.

People would die in a war. Originally, there was no conflict between the Northeast Army and the Red Army, but when the two sides fought, there would be a conflict. Who would have thought that instructor Hao would have a brother?

It's just that Leng Xiaozhi knows that now he understands what's going on, but Shang Zhen doesn't understand, Shang Zhen should return to Xi'an now, right?

I also lost his photo, and maybe it was taken away by the military commander, so will the hemp pole in my house be in danger?

At this time, in the military camp on the outskirts of Xi'an, Wang Laomao and the others were training. Although it was almost mid-December, they were sweating profusely from the training.

Finally, a group of training was over, and Old Mao Wang didn't care about the snow on the ground, he just sat down on the ground and said in a low voice, "I don't know what's going on with this kid, Ma Gan'er? You **** Hao Zhenglong!"

The little dustpan who was sitting with Wang Laomao hurriedly looked left and right. Fortunately, they were all on their own. The instructor Hao Zhenglong just returned to the room and did not supervise them.

It's impossible for Old Mao Wang not to scold Hao Zhenglong. Shang Zhen hasn't come back yet, and he doesn't know what's going on with Shang Zhen.

At this time, Hao Zhenglong was facing a person in the room.

The person on the opposite side was also wearing a military uniform, and he was also wearing an officer's But his outfit was much more stylish than Hao Zhenglong's military officer's uniform.

That person is Chai Hongze.

"Is this person your subordinate?" Chai Hongze held a photo in his hand.

"It looks familiar." Hao Zhenglong narrowed his eyes, just looking at your photo.

But after only looking at it for a while, he shook his head and said, "I've got the wrong person, I don't know this person!"

"How could you not know him? It is said that he is here with you, and he has quite a few subordinates." Chai Hongzhe said in a nonchalant manner.

"It's said? It's said to be some kind of shit?" Hao Zhenglong said disapprovingly, "You have to have evidence."

"Does our military command need evidence to handle the case?" Chai Hongze asked back.

"That's in the Central Army, and this is the Northeast Army." Hao Zhenglong said word by word.

"Okay, let's wait and see!" Chai Hongze put away the photo. It was only when he turned around that he threw a "farewell".

But when he turned around, he didn't notice that Hao Zhenglong's face had changed.

"Hurry up and call me Wang Laomao." Hao Zhenglong followed and walked out. He watched the back of Chai Hongze walking out of the barracks and ordered.

How could Hao Zhenglong fail to recognize the person in that photo? That's obviously Shang Zhen, how did Shang Zhen's photo get into the hands of the military commander, this time it's a big trouble!

Hao Zhenglong couldn't let Chai Hongze find Shang Zhen anyway, otherwise he would be in trouble. The city of Xi'an today is not what it used to be!

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