The War of Resistance

Chapter 887: Miscalculated "little abacus"

The counterattack plan really came down from above. Hundreds of recruits and veterans in the depression watched a group of officers gather together not far away and gestured at the map.

The veterans were smoking and talking nonsense, and occasionally looked at the bears of the recruits with contempt. As for what the recruits looked like, there was no need to describe them.

Only a few minutes later, those officers rushed over to the soldiers. Seeing the serious expressions of the officers, the veteran finally stopped messing around, and the one who was smoking threw his unfinished cigarette on the ground He kicked hard again. .

As for the recruits, they feel that they are no different from the pigs whose hooves are bound and are about to be sent to the slaughterhouse.

Thinking about it carefully, I don't know whether it is ridiculous or sad.

It was originally a war of resistance for the whole people. It is said that every inch of the country is bloody, and that people, regardless of age, regardless of whether they are north or south, have the responsibility to defend the land and resist the war. The war of resistance of the whole people should have formed the consciousness of the whole people from all walks of life, but who would have thought that there would be riots? It has become the current situation of rushing ducks to the shelves.

Still the same sentence, sometimes the reality is always more **** than imagined, and the comments of later generations, even if they are wonderful, are always outsiders rather than the parties involved.

"You people!" There were six or seven officers who came over, but it was Hao Xiazi who finally spoke, and while he was talking, he drew a line from top to bottom at the recruits, "This is my hand." All the faces are out!"

Everyone looked at Hao Xiazi's arm standing in front of his body, and in an instant, the recruits understood that life and death would soon be separated by Hao Xiazi's stroke.

There are sixty or seventy people on the right side of Hao Xiazi's arm, and the majority are on the left side of his arm, so these few people must be going to the battlefield.

The seemingly panic-stricken scene just happened like this.

Can this battle still be fought like this? Such a swipe can determine life and death!

"It's only natural for the Chinese to beat Japan, don't be an asshole! Come here, separate them!" Blind Hao ordered directly when he saw that the legs of the small number of strong men who had been rowed by him were trembling.

"Hurry up, why are you shivering when you hit a little devil?" The veterans under Hao Xiazi went up with their guns in their hands. They would not use bayonets to stab those strong men, but the **** of the gun had already been rotated.

"Hurry up!" At this time, a soldier thought that a certain recruit was slow and directly gave the **** of a gun.

It was impossible for the recruit not to know the situation, and he could only walk out with an old rifle that had just been issued for a while, but he looked at the soldier who smashed the **** of his gun as he walked.

The person who hit him was a soldier and not a veteran, just because the new soldier remembered that the soldier had just joined, but it was said that he brought a gun and killed the Japanese devils at that time, alas, how did he get into the veteran Where did that group go?

"Oh, let's not come in, why don't we go to the battlefield too!" At least it seemed that the recruits who were captured didn't want to go, but someone muttered in a low voice among the recruits.

"Shut up, old fool!" Li Qingfeng said angrily, his voice was equally low but his tone was very severe.

The old man hurriedly shut his mouth, he had listened to Li Qingfeng since he was a child.

Originally, Shang Zhen and the four of them were also sitting on the periphery of the recruits, but when the officers were studying the combat case, Shang Zhen took the three of them into the group of strong men.

Although Shang Zhen didn't say it explicitly, Li Qingfeng didn't ask either.

But at this time, Li Qingfeng saw that Cai Chengwan and his followers followed the veterans to drive away the recruits with gun butts. Only then did he understand what Shang Zhen said, and it was true to let them guard against Cai Chengwan.

That guy has too many eyes, and he even put himself in the ranks of veterans.

It must be the job of the recruits to charge, and the veterans are all behind the scenes to supervise the battle. So who has the higher death rate?

And the reason why Shang Zhen refused to use gun butts to drive the recruits into cannon fodder like Cai Chengwan did is because he couldn't bear it!

It is definitely not wrong to say that Shang Zhen's choice at this time.

Why did Shang Zhen speculate on the words of the blind Hao and the crippled deputy battalion commander from the beginning? He was judging what kind of combat method the Forty Army would adopt against the Japanese army.

What kind of combat method the Forty Army adopted against the Japanese army also determined how they used recruits.

If the Forty Army decides to assign these recruits to

In a new company, everyone has to get to know him again. Who knows who Shang Zhen is, and he can't find out that he has a relationship with those veterans. Then the veterans who have nothing to do with him will regard him as a recruit and drive him away. Let him go to the front as cannon fodder.

But the crippled deputy battalion commander said that he would personally lead the death squads and even the strong men with grenades strapped to their bodies, and then these recruits would use them intensively.

As long as these recruits are used intensively and he is still under Hao Xiazi, then Hao Xiazi will never let himself be cannon fodder first!

It is said that whoever rushes will die on the battlefield, but the soldiers of the anti-Japanese generals still charge upwards against the barrage of bullets from the invaders. This is of course a portrayal of the vast majority of anti-Japanese soldiers, but Shang Zhen is not included!

Whether you say that Shang Zhen is afraid of death or not, whether you say their style of play is bloodless or cunning, anyway, since the September 18th Incident, he and his gang have been walking on the blade like this. There were also casualties, but after all, many survived.

Maybe Wang Mao’s words are the best summary of their gang, “It’s useless to be afraid of death? Those who are not afraid of death will die first! I’m not dead, but I’m still beating devils, and the devils I beat to death will die first More people were killed!"

It's hard to tell who's right and who's wrong in this kind of thing.

To say that Shang Zhen picked up his own little abacus would be a "cracking" sound, but no one is as good as God.

Just when he thought that the recruit cannon fodder had no part in escaping this time, Xia Xiazi suddenly yelled, "Where's that Northeast guy? Where did that naughty Northeast guy hide?"

As for this group of hundreds of strong men, they were captured south of the Huaihe River, and Shang Zhen, a man from the Northeast, is definitely a scorpion bastard—a piece of poison (only)!

When Xia Xiazi yelled like this, of course some recruits who knew that Shang Zhen was a Northeast guy looked at Shang Zhen, but Shang Zhen also stood up and walked out among the young If you hide, you will hide Well, it’s okay if people don’t think of me, but since they’re clearly calling me, it’s not Shang Zhen’s style to be a turtle and not go to the battlefield. So far, it’s better for Shang Zhen to fight alone All recruits together fight more!

As soon as Shang Zhen moved, Qingfeng Li would naturally follow, and Wang Xiaodan's face flushed again. He was worried that fear and excitement would be mixed together, but he followed after all.

"Ma Erpao, you take the Dongbei guys and the others and go up behind these recruits!" Hao Xiazi gave such an order at this time.

"Ah?" Hearing what Hao Xiazi said, the veteran named Ma Erpao behind him was stunned for a moment.

He couldn't understand why his company commander sent him up.

He was listening while the officers studied the battle plan.

The battle plan was that the crippled deputy battalion commander led dozens of veterans strapped with grenades to form a death squad, while the recruits drawn by Hao Xiazi stretched out his hand and made a feint attack.

Feigning an attack is called a feigned attack, but for a feigned attack, one must pretend to be like one, and if one pretends to be like one, one must die.

In a war with hot weapons, the vast majority of feints are not called bait, they are called "abandoned sons". For the overall victory, those sons must be discarded. War has always been so cruel!

But at this time, Xia Xiazi turned his head and waved at the subordinate named Ma Erpao. What really no one knows.

"Don't be chatty, get ready!" At this moment, an officer waved his hand impatiently.

It is useless to say a thousand words and ten thousand, after all, you will see life and death!

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