The War of Resistance

Chapter 888: Changed combat style (1)

"What are those people doing with us with guns?" When the recruits started to move northward, the old man asked curiously.

In front of Shang Zhen and the others were dozens of recruits with rifles.

And behind these recruits were Ma Erpao, Shang Zhen, Li Qingfeng, Big Old Stupid and Wang Xiaodan.

Behind Shang Zhen and the others, there were sixty or seventy soldiers with many grenades strapped to their bodies, regardless of whether they were holding long guns or short guns in their hands. The leader who walked with a limp was the crippled deputy long.

"Supervisor team!" Ma Erpao replied angrily.

"What does the supervising team do?" The old man didn't understand.

"It is to supervise us to rush forward and not let us run back." Ma Erpao explained casually.

"Aren't we going to fight the devils? To fight the devils, we have to go forward, why do we have to run back?" the old stupid asked.

Ma Erpao became speechless at the words of "Big Old Stupid".

He really couldn't figure it out, how could there be such a stupid person in front of him in the world? It's just a Japanese name—a heartless one!

But he didn't know that the old stupid was originally a young monk on the mountain who didn't understand world affairs.

He grew up in the mountains with his old monk master.

The old monk was dull and reticent, apart from teaching him to memorize scriptures every day, how could he tell him about these things? In other words, the old monk himself doesn't know much about the world, so how can he teach him?

On the contrary, the young Taoist Li Qingfeng's old Taoist master has a lively and detached personality, so he brought out such a clever and ghostly apprentice as Li Qingfeng.

"They are death squads. Let's charge forward to attract firepower for them. They will charge upwards and try to take back the enemy's position in front." Shang Zhen said at this time.

Shang Zhen just said that, and Ma Erpao looked at Shang Zhen with strange eyes.

No wonder the company commander asked himself and the Northeast guy to follow behind, and told him that the Northeast guy was not easy. This guy knows the Death Squad and knows how to attract firepower. Could it be that he was originally a soldier?

After that, everyone was speechless.

The recruits knew that they were going to die, but they had to do it. At this time, it was beyond their control, and Shang Zhen and the others could only move forward under the urging of the soldiers behind, and only Shang Zhen kept looking at the surrounding terrain while walking.

Ten minutes later, the recruits hid behind a ridge, and according to the soldiers staying here, the village more than 300 meters away was the target of their attack.

At this moment, how dare Shang Zhen pretend to be a new recruit? If he keeps pretending, will he really have to go to the front and charge?

He also just looked at the terrain in front of him behind the ridge, and then looked to his left and right.

At this time, the crippled deputy battalion commander was already ambushing on the left flank with his death squad.

The recruits are feints, and members of the Death Squad will naturally not mix with the recruits.

The reason why the death squad wanted to go to the left wing was that Shang Zhen, a veteran of the army, knew what was going on at a glance.

The terrain on the left front is relatively undulating, and there are also some dense or sparse mounds.

Such terrain is conducive to the veterans of the Death Squad to cross cover and advance, reducing casualties as much as possible.

But in front of Shang Zhen and the others, there was an open field, and Shang Zhen was fine. These dozens of recruits who had never even fired a gun must have rushed to the open field to attract the attention of the Japanese army as a feint attack.

"Stupid boy, aren't you afraid of death?" At this moment, Ma Erpao teased the old man who was holding a rifle and stretching his neck to look at the opposite side.

"It's just a skin." The old man replied disapprovingly.

Ma Erpao really didn't see a trace of fear in the big old stupid's eyes, but was excited.

He really couldn't figure out whether this big man who looked like a black iron tower was really stupid or fake, and he was just a skin—

"It's not worth dying like this." But at this time Shang Zhen said, "We should first move to the dirtbags on the right front to cover these recruits."

There are a few small bumps in the front right, and they can only see a slight ups and downs at their current position, which means they have good eyesight.

"Huh?" Ma Erpao looked at Shang Zhen in surprise again, and at this moment he really saw that Shang must have been a soldier.

Which ordinary people would say "sports"? The "movement" here is not the one that engages in political movements.

The "movement" here refers to the army or soldiers using various tactical actions to reach the designated position, which is a word that ordinary soldiers would not say.

"Old Ma, right? How many bullets do you have?" At this time, Shang Zhen was not polite anymore, but directly called the Ma Erpao an old horse.

"Are you good at marksmanship? From the Northeast Army?" The Second Artillery Ma was also a veteran, and he asked back with surprise.

"It must be better than you." Shang Zhen said disapprovingly and turned his head and glanced behind him, but the implication was already acquiescing, so the people from the Northeast are from the Northeast Army? Who would believe that it was the Cantonese army?

There were still veterans behind Shang Zhenma's Second Artillery, but it was really the supervisor's team, and the machine gun of the supervisor's team was placed 40 to 50 meters away from them.

The firepower arrangement can certainly pose a threat to the Japanese army in the distance and provide fire cover for the death squads on the flanks, but if the recruits in front dare to turn their heads and run away, then who will the machine gun hit?

And the officer in charge of directing the battle just behind the machine gun seemed to be about to order an attack.

Ma Erpao looked at Shang Zhen in shock. Whether the other party was a veteran was just a feeling among veterans.

Veterans have the temperament of veterans, and there are still some commonalities.

For example, if you don’t accept life and death, you can do it. For example, veterans are not polite to each other. For example, if veterans don’t drink too much, few people will talk about their past experiences. For example, when facing life and death, some veterans They will slip away after putting oil on the soles of their But there are also some who don't have any rhetoric and just go up to face death!

And Shang Zhen gave him such a feeling now.

Ma Erpao froze for a moment, then turned his head to take a look, and at this moment he saw that the officer in charge had raised his hand.

"Do as you say!" Such a sentence blurted out from Ma Erpao's mouth.

"Then it's time to serve, how about waiting for the food?" Shang Zhen said anxiously, and after he finished speaking, he got up behind the ridge and ran to the front right with his waist bent.

"Hey?" Ma Erpao didn't expect Shang Zhen to move as soon as he said, so he jumped up instinctively and followed Shang Zhen and ran forward, but at the same time he shouted, "Don't shoot!"

To be honest, he didn't know if the people behind would shoot.

However, when Hao Xiazi arranged for him, the veteran, and Shang Zhen to follow the recruits, the commanding officer was present.

He shouldn't kill himself as a deserter, right?

Probably not, because there was wind in his ears as he ran forward, but Ma Erpao gave himself an answer in his heart.

After all, even if he ran to the right and forward, he was running forward. He didn't run back with his **** off. The officer behind him shouldn't think he was a deserter.

In the rush, there was no gunshot from behind, but Ma Erpao then saw a figure flashing beside him, and it turned out that the big man who started later than him and Shang Zhen actually overtook him!

Ya, run faster than me!

He was in shock, but that little skinny man also passed him like the wind.

He turned his head again, but the last guy was following him closely, but his body was lowered.

No way, these guys run very fast, can't they all be veterans? It doesn't look like it! Ma Erpao was thinking while running.

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