The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 176: Experts in dealing with heretics

Accompanied by the gunshot, the nun in gray robes fell backwards as if she was pushed hard from the front.

Rebecca was sure that she had hit the opponent's vital point, but there was nothing she could do. If she didn't shoot first, she would be the one to fall down.

It was cloudy today, and there were no street lights on the village road, but the nun had obviously seen her just now - either the other party had a special physique, or the other party had used similar black magic or taken some kind of magic potion like them.

Other lower-level judges also keenly captured the nun's actions and the murder weapon in their hands, and immediately raised their guns to fight back, while looking for cover.

At the moment when Rebecca's first shot hit, the man who looked like a priest suddenly grabbed the nun who was lying on her back with a strength and reaction speed that was completely disproportionate to his age, and dragged her in front of him to use as a human shield. So the four shots that followed all hit the nun, and then the man pushed the nun away and dodged into the alley he had just come out of.

"Inquisition! Come out! Don't resist in vain!" Rebecca hid near a low wall and pointed her gun at the alley.

Her words were routine. From the nun's behavior just now, she could feel that the other party was unlikely to surrender.

However, the encirclement had been tightened. These fleeing members of the cult should be chased by the group of people in Victor's team and Rebecca's team who were squatting at location C. Now Rebecca successfully blocked them in this alley. It was only a matter of time before the other party was surrounded from front and back.

Now Rebecca was a little glad that the population of this village was not dense, and they had evacuated some villagers near the squatting location in advance, otherwise they would not be able to fight freely.

At this time, she vaguely heard a woman's voice coming from the opposite side: "[May you continue to walk in this world, just as you did in your life.]"

Rebecca immediately recognized this sentence. This is... a spell, a necromancy spell!

The nun who was just beaten to death suddenly twitched and began to get up from the ground. Rebecca immediately changed the gun in her hand and shot the corpse again.

The corpse controlled by necromancy suddenly fell down like a puppet with its strings cut. She struggled on the ground for a few times, but still couldn't get up.

"The enemy has a necromancer, change to magic-devouring bullets!" Rebecca commanded.

The standard equipment of the Inquisitor is usually two sidearms, one loaded with ordinary bullets, and the other loaded with magic-devouring bullets known as "magic killers".

The magic-devouring bullet can directly interrupt the spellcaster and seal the opponent's magic power when used on the caster. It can also achieve a certain degree of effect when used on the caster's target. Although shooting at the corpse cannot completely block the effect of necromancy, it can also prevent the opponent from continuing to manipulate the corpse.

The Inquisitors calmly changed their guns, and the lookout and sniper holding a long-range shotgun quickly changed bullets. It was completely within their expectations that the target would use black magic - it was better to say that it was better, because they were experts in dealing with such opponents.

In terms of objective combat power, the Inquisitors are actually no match for those witches or blood princes who can fight one hundred at a time.

A witch like Daly, who is an S-level wanted criminal, can easily slaughter a militia of 100 people by using black magic, while the senior Inquisitors, even the best like Aiden Garrod, find it difficult to compete with such a number of armed personnel.

But the fully armed senior Inquisitors have the opportunity to seize the weakness of black magic and defeat the witch. Their skills and equipment are specialized to deal with such opponents. Rebecca can force Precia to use her trump card.

There is often no absolute strength or weakness in the mortal realm. By using wisdom and seizing weaknesses, this strength and weakness can often be overturned.

From the necromancy that the opponent just performed, the Inquisitors also extracted an additional information, that is, although the opponent can use necromancy, he is not an expert in this area. Driving corpses is a very basic necromancy. If a necromancer is decent and has some skills, he should be able to come up with more efficient attack methods such as "evil spirit roar" and "corpse explosion".

However, when the Inquisitors changed their guns, the opponent also changed their strategy.

Suddenly, seven nuns came out of the alley one after another, four wearing white robes and three wearing gray robes. They rushed straight to where Rebecca and the others were, and seemed to want to break through before more people came to block them.

Rebecca took a breath and shouted: "Fire! Fire!"

The Inquisitors immediately opened fire, and several white-robed nuns in the front fell down immediately. Rebecca remembered that the report of the infiltrated investigators was that these white-robed nuns were responsible for maintaining the usual "preaching activities" of the cult, not combatants.

After being surrounded by the Inquisition, these unarmed nuns volunteered to act as human shields, with a posture of being ready to die.

Thanks to the sacrifice of their companions, the gray-robed nuns behind them were able to close the distance and launch a counterattack with flintlocks and crossbows in the gaps between their shooting.

Rebecca used the low wall as a cover to avoid the shooting, but another junior inquisitor was hit by a bullet and uttered a curse.

Rebecca leaned forward again and fired, knocking down a gray-robed nun, but watching them close the distance, she realized that they still underestimated their opponents.

Before the operation, they estimated that the number of people who maintained the operation of this cult base should be ten to twenty-five, and the number of combatants should be within fifteen, so the team of forty led by two senior inquisitors should be more than enough.

However, judging from the current action mode, the combatants within 15 people... seem to be all fearless warriors. Under the same conditions, the combat effectiveness of fearless soldiers and fearful soldiers is very different.

In a hurry, Rebecca drew a few strokes on the low wall used as a shelter with her fingers, and then cast the black magic of "fogging". She was quite skilled in this spell, and the gray-white fog quickly spread around.

This magic will reduce the vision of both the enemy and us at the same time, but Rebecca and her teammates can still vaguely identify the outlines of people and buildings in the fog, while the two nuns who are enemies can only see a vast expanse of white. The nuns who were deprived of their vision shot randomly in the fog, but could not find the target at all.

Learning advanced black magic not only requires talent, but also requires a considerable amount of effort. The Inquisition itself does not advocate the use of black magic, so most of the inquisitors like them will only learn some simple and convenient black magic as a combat tool, and will not learn powerful offensive magic like witches and necromancers to bombard the opponent.

In order to avoid the gunshots exposing her position in the fog, Rebecca bent over and came out of the bunker, quickly drew her sword with the lightest possible movements, approached a nun lightly, and then neatly cut the opponent's throat with a sword, killing the enemy and making the opponent unable to make a sound. Another inquisitor took the opportunity to kill the remaining nun with a shotgun.

But before they had time to breathe a sigh of relief for blocking the opponent's breakout, gunshots and screams suddenly came from the alley.

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