The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 177 Synthetic Beast

Rebecca quickly realized that it was Victor's team and the group waiting at location C. They came from the other end of the alley while the cult members were blocked by them, and the cult members were still trying to resist.

The hurried footsteps chased them from behind, and Rebecca turned her head alertly, and saw another group of people in her team running towards this side.

"Captain!" The intermediate judge who led the team spoke.

At the same time, the last group of people approached quickly from the opposite side of the village road, and all the people in Rebecca's team arrived at the scene.

"The target is in the alley, surround the alley entrance and outflanke them! Second-class target, demon-devouring bullets!" Rebecca gave a brief order and ran to the alley entrance with her team.

In this narrow alley, with fifteen people in front and twenty-five in the back, it would be difficult for these cult members to escape even if they had wings!

The judges were well-trained to set up a siege line near the alley entrance, aiming their guns at the alley entrance from all directions. Rebecca stood at the entrance of the alley herself, using the corner of the house as a cover to look into the alley.

She saw that in the alley shrouded in darkness, nuns in gray and white robes used their bodies as shields to protect the man dressed as a priest and a nun in black robes, holding guns to resist the inquisitors who tried to chase them.

But in this narrow alley where even carriages could not pass, there was almost no suitable cover. With the exchange of fire, these nuns who served as shields fell one after another, and soon only a few were left.

Rebecca judged that the situation was determined, and just raised her hand to command the team to rush in from this direction, a heart-breaking roar sounded without warning.

In surprise, Rebecca saw that the priest's body suddenly swelled up, almost stretching out his robe.

Then, the priest reached out and grabbed a nun next to him, and threw it at the inquisitors who were chasing him with unimaginable strange force.

The nun's body passed like a cannonball, and several inquisitors were knocked to the ground unexpectedly.

Rebecca subconsciously held her breath. Could this terrifying power and inexplicably swollen body be... a werewolf! ?

"Assault! Shoot!!" Realizing that she couldn't let the other party seize the opportunity to counterattack the pursuit team, Rebecca immediately aimed at the priest and shot.

With a few gunshots, the few remaining nuns who were used as human shields also fell down. At the same time, the priest who was shot in the back also staggered, but did not fall down. Not only that, his body further swelled like a balloon, and quickly transformed into a terrifying monster nearly four meters tall.

His lower body became like a goat, covered with black fur, and his feet turned into hooves. Only the torso remained in human form. But Rebecca saw that a bat-like membrane wing grew on his back, and a bowl-sized tail extended along the monster's spine, with colorful patterns - the monster's tail was actually a python.

The priest turned his head and looked at the alley. His head, like his lower body, had become like a goat, with thick and sharp horns standing on top of his head. Among all his facial features, only his mouth had evolved in a different direction, becoming full of fangs like a cat.

After a moment of staring at each other, Rebecca's blood almost froze. She had a little impression of this... a weird splicing monster that seemed to blaspheme the Creator.

Synthetic beasts use forbidden life alchemy to forcibly fuse animals of different species or even magical beasts together to create a new species.

Many alchemists and witches have tried this experiment. Rebecca has also seen synthetic beasts of various shapes in the alchemist's workshop, but they are basically all corpses. Based on the known level of life alchemy, the probability of forcibly fusing different creatures and successfully surviving is shockingly low.

So even these heretics who violated taboos in pursuit of the pinnacle of knowledge would not easily try to combine humans and other creatures. This would not only have a high cost of crime, but also an unpredictable success rate.

After the local police reported the suspected case of a cyborg corpse, the Inquisition estimated that there were alchemists in the Mother Goddess of Plenty who were good at life refining. But now it seems that their estimate is still too conservative.

The priest who transformed into a synthetic beast reached out and grabbed the black-robed nun who had been following him. With his current huge physique, he could grab the other's waist with just one hand.

Rebecca subconsciously thought that he was going to throw the nun as a weapon again. Just as she was about to respond, the priest grabbed the nun and pressed her against his chest, folding one of his wings to cover her.

"Three types of targets, wipe them out!" An order sounded from the other side of the alley. The superior inquisitor Victor issued an order to give up capturing and killing the target alive.

For the Inquisitor of Heresy, the second type of target is a spellcaster, and the third type of target is a large monster. They had never anticipated the possibility of engaging in combat with three types of targets during this operation, so the equipment they configured was basically all for humans rather than monsters. The caliber of ordinary live ammunition and demon-devouring bullets could not cause fatal injuries to such a huge target. In such an unfavorable situation, they could only kill it.

Rebecca also reacted quickly and issued the same order. The body of the huge synthetic beast transformed by the priest almost occupied the entire alley. It could be hit without much aiming, and there was no need to worry about stray bullets from the volley hitting their own people on the opposite side.

While being showered by bullets, the synthetic beast suddenly spoke and shouted an incomprehensible spell in an inhuman voice: "■▇▇▉▄■■█▃▅"

Instantly, Rebecca felt something forcefully poured into her mind, and her head ached. Everything in her vision suddenly twisted, and she felt nauseous.

Mental pollution!!

She first understood her current situation with her remaining reason, because when she was assigned to capture Precia, she had received special training in dealing with mental spells.

She supported her body against the wall at the entrance of the alley, tried to speak, and recited a spell that could be used to stabilize her mind, and the extreme discomfort was slightly relieved.

At this moment, the huge body of the synthetic beast rushed out of the alley, almost rushing out beside her, and used its horns to directly knock the two judges who were guarding the alley and distracted by mental pollution.

After leaving the narrow alley and getting a wider space, the synthetic beast jumped up with a swift momentum, holding the black-robed nun and spreading its wings widely, and flew up.

Rebecca covered her still aching head with her right hand, and fired several shots at the synthetic beast flying into the sky with her left hand until she ran out of bullets, barely hitting it twice.

But the synthetic beast seemed to be completely unhurt, and quickly flew away into the sky, disappearing into the night.

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